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@core @core_contentbank @core_h5p @contentbank_h5p @_file_upload @javascript
Feature: Navigate to different contexts in the content bank
In order to navigate easily in the content bank
I need to be able to view dropdown with all allowed contexts in the content bank
Given I log in as "admin"
And the following "categories" exist:
| name | category | idnumber |
| Cat 1 | 0 | CAT1 |
| Cat 2 | 0 | CAT2 |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 0 | C0 | |
| Course 1 | C1 | CAT1 |
| Course 2 | C2 | CAT2 |
And I navigate to "H5P > Manage H5P content types" in site administration
And I upload "h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p" file to "H5P content type" filemanager
And I click on "Upload H5P content types" "button" in the "#fitem_id_uploadlibraries" "css_element"
And the following "contentbank content" exist:
| contextlevel | reference | contenttype | user | contentname | filepath |
| System | | contenttype_h5p | admin | santjordi.h5p | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
| Category | CAT1 | contenttype_h5p | admin | santjordi_rose.h5p | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
| Category | CAT2 | contenttype_h5p | admin | SantJordi_book | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
| Course | C0 | contenttype_h5p | admin | Dragon.h5p | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
| Course | C1 | contenttype_h5p | admin | princess.h5p | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
| Course | C2 | contenttype_h5p | admin | mathsbook.h5p | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
Scenario: Admins can view and navigate to all the contexts in the content bank
Given I am on site homepage
And I turn editing mode on
And the following config values are set as admin:
| unaddableblocks | | theme_boost|
And I add the "Navigation" block if not present
And I expand "Site pages" node
When I click on "Content bank" "link"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "System"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Cat 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Cat 2"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 0"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 2"
And I should see "santjordi.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi_rose.h5p"
And I should not see "Dragon.h5p"
And I set the field "Choose course or category" to "Cat 1"
Then I should not see "santjordi.h5p"
And I should see "santjordi_rose.h5p"
And I should not see "Dragon.h5p"
And I set the field "Choose course or category" to "Course 0"
And I should not see "santjordi.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi_rose.h5p"
And I should see "Dragon.h5p"
Scenario: Teachers can view and navigate to contexts in the content bank based on their permissions
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname |
| teacher | Joseba | Cilarte |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher | C0 | editingteacher |
| teacher | C1 | editingteacher |
And I log out
And I am on the "C0" "Course" page logged in as "teacher"
And I turn editing mode on
And the following config values are set as admin:
| unaddableblocks | | theme_boost|
And I add the "Navigation" block if not present
And I expand "Site pages" node
When I click on "Content bank" "link"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 0"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "System"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "Cat 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "Cat 2"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "Course 2"
And I should see "Dragon.h5p"
And I should not see "princess.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi_rose.h5p"
And I set the field "Choose course or category" to "Course 1"
Then I should not see "Dragon.h5p"
And I should see "princess.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi.h5p"
And I should not see "santjordi_rose.h5p"
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| teacher | manager | Category | CAT1 |
And I am on the "C0" "Course" page logged in as "teacher"
And I expand "Site pages" node
When I click on "Content bank" "link"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 0"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Course 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should contain "Cat 1"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "System"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "Cat 2"
And the "Choose course or category" select box should not contain "Course 2"
And I should see "Dragon.h5p"
And I set the field "Choose course or category" to "Cat 1"
And I should not see "Dragon.h5p"
And I should see "santjordi_rose.h5p"