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@core @core_contentbank @core_h5p @contentbank_h5p @_switch_iframe @javascript
Feature: Confirm content bank events are triggered
In order to log content bank actions
As an admin
I need to be able to check triggered events
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "contentbank content" exist:
| contextlevel | reference | contenttype | user | contentname | filepath |
| Course | C1 | contenttype_h5p | admin | Existing | /h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
And the following "user private file" exists:
| user | admin |
| filepath | h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p |
And the following config values are set as admin:
| unaddableblocks | | theme_boost|
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
And I add the "Navigation" block if not present
Scenario: Content created and uploaded events when uploading a content file
Given I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
And I should not see "Content uploaded"
And I should not see "Content created"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I expand "Site pages" node
And I click on "Content bank" "link"
When I click on "Upload" "link"
And I click on "Choose a file..." "button"
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
And I click on "filltheblanks.h5p" "link"
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
And I click on "Save changes" "button"
And I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
Then I should see "Content uploaded"
And I should see "Content created"
Scenario: Content viewed event
Given I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
And I should not see "Content viewed"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I expand "Site pages" node
And I click on "Content bank" "link"
When I click on "Existing" "link"
And I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
Then I should see "Content viewed"
Scenario: Content deleted event
Given I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
And I should not see "Content deleted"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I expand "Site pages" node
And I click on "Content bank" "link"
And I click on "Existing" "link"
And I click on "More" "button"
When I click on "Delete" "link"
And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Delete content" "dialogue"
And I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
Then I should see "Content deleted"
Scenario: Content updated event when renaming
Given I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
And I should not see "Content updated"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I expand "Site pages" node
And I click on "Content bank" "link"
And I click on "Existing" "link"
And I click on "More" "button"
When I click on "Rename" "link"
And I set the field "Content name" to "New name"
And I click on "Rename" "button"
And I navigate to "Reports > Live logs" in site administration
Then I should see "Content updated"