Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@core @core_calendar
Feature: Perform basic calendar functionality
In order to ensure the calendar works as expected
As an admin
I need to create calendar data
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
| student2 | Student | 2 | |
| student3 | Student | 3 | |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
And the following "categories" exist:
| name | category | idnumber |
| CatA | 0 | cata |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | topics | cata |
| Course 2 | C2 | topics | cata |
| Course 3 | C3 | topics | cata |
| Course 4 | C4 | topics | cata |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student3 | C1 | student |
| teacher1 | C1 | teacher |
| admin | C1 | editingteacher |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber |
| Group 1 | C1 | G1 |
And the following "group members" exist:
| user | group |
| student1 | G1 |
| teacher1 | G1 |
And the following "blocks" exist:
| blockname | contextlevel | reference | pagetypepattern | defaultregion |
| calendar_month | Course | C1 | course-view-* | side-pre |
| calendar_upcoming | Course | C4 | course-view-* | side-pre |
Scenario: Create a site event
Given I log in as "admin"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | site |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event, sucka! |
And I log out
When I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I should see "Really awesome event!"
And I log out
And I log in as "student2"
And I follow "Full calendar"
Then I should see "Really awesome event!"
Scenario: Create a course event
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | course |
| Course | Course 1 |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event, sucka! |
And I log out
When I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "Really awesome event!" "link"
And "Course 1" "link" should exist in the "Really awesome event!" "dialogue"
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "Really awesome event!" "dialogue"
And I log out
And I log in as "student2"
And I follow "Full calendar"
Then I should not see "Really awesome event!"
Scenario: Create a group event
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Full calendar"
And I set the field "course" to "C1"
And I create a calendar event:
| Type of event | group |
| Group | Group 1 |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event |
And I log out
When I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
And I follow "Course calendar"
Then I follow "Really awesome event!"
Scenario: Create a user event
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | user |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event, sucka! |
And I log out
When I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
And I follow "Course calendar"
Then I should not see "Really awesome event!"
Scenario: Create an event containing URL as location
Given I log in as "admin"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | site |
| Event title | Important webinar |
| Location | |
When I click on "Important webinar" "link"
Then "" "link" should exist in the "Important webinar" "dialogue"
Scenario: Delete an event
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | user |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event, sucka! |
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
When I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "Really awesome event!" "link"
And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Really awesome event!" "dialogue"
And I click on "Delete event" "button"
And I wait to be redirected
Then I should not see "Really awesome event!"
Scenario: Edit an event
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I create a calendar event with form data:
| Type of event | user |
| Event title | Really awesome event! |
| Description | Come join this awesome event, sucka! |
| Location | Cube office |
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
When I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "Really awesome event!" "link"
And ".location-content" "css_element" should exist
And I should see "Cube office"
And I click on "Edit" "button"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Mediocre event :( |
| Description | Wait, this event isn't that great. |
| Location | |
And I press "Save"
And I should see "Mediocre event"
And I click on "Mediocre event :(" "link"
Then I should see "Mediocre event"
And ".location-content" "css_element" should not exist
@javascript @editor_tiny
Scenario: Edit a newly created event using TinyMCE editor
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Dashboard"
And I click on "New event" "button"
And I set the field "Event title" to "Newly created event"
When I press "Save"
Then I should see "Newly created event"
And I click on "Newly created event" "link"
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "Newly created event" "dialogue"
And I click on "Show more..." "link"
And I click on the "Link" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
And I set the field "Text to display" to "Read more..."
And I set the field "Enter a URL" to ""
And I click on "Create link" "button" in the "Create link" "dialogue"
And I press "Save"
And I click on "Newly created event" "link"
And I should see "Read more..."
Scenario: Module events editing
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name | intro | timeopen | timeclose |
| choice | C1 | choice1 | Test choice | Test choice description | ##today## | ##today## |
When I follow "Course calendar"
Then I should see "Test choice opens"
And I should see "Test choice closes"
When I click on "Test choice opens" "link"
Then "Delete" "button" should not exist in the "Test choice opens" "dialogue"
And "Edit" "button" should not exist in the "Test choice opens" "dialogue"
And I should see "Course event"
When I click on "Go to activity" "link"
And I wait to be redirected
Then I should see "Test choice"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Course calendar"
When I click on "Test choice closes" "link"
Then "Delete" "button" should not exist in the "Test choice closes" "dialogue"
And "Edit" "button" should not exist in the "Test choice closes" "dialogue"
And I should see "Course event"
When I click on "Go to activity" "link"
And I wait to be redirected
Then I should see "Test choice"
Scenario: Attempt to create event without fill required fields should display validation errors
Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "New event" "button"
When I click on "Save" "button"
Then I should see "Required" in the "Event title" "form_row"
And I am on homepage
And I follow "Full calendar"
And I click on "New event" "button"
And I set the field "Event title" to "Really awesome event!"
And I set the field "Type of event" to "Course"
And I click on "Save" "button"
And I should see "Select a course" in the "Course" "form_row"
Scenario: Default event type selection in the event form
Given I log in as "teacher1"
When I am viewing site calendar
And I click on "New event" "button"
Then the field "Type of event" matches value "User"
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "New event" "dialogue"
And I set the field "course" to "C1"
When I click on "New event" "button"
Then the field "Type of event" matches value "Course"
Scenario: Admin can only see all courses if calendar_adminseesall setting is enabled.
Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as admin
And I am viewing site calendar
And I click on "New event" "button"
And I set the field "Type of event" to "Course"
When I expand the "Course" autocomplete
Then "Course 1" "autocomplete_suggestions" should exist
And "Course 2" "autocomplete_suggestions" should not exist
And "Course 3" "autocomplete_suggestions" should not exist
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "New event" "dialogue"
And I am on site homepage
And I navigate to "Appearance > Calendar" in site administration
And I set the field "Admins see all" to "1"
And I press "Save changes"
And I am viewing site calendar
And I click on "New event" "button"
And I set the field "Type of event" to "Course"
When I expand the "Course" autocomplete
Then "Course 1" "autocomplete_suggestions" should exist
And "Course 2" "autocomplete_suggestions" should exist
And "Course 3" "autocomplete_suggestions" should exist
Scenario: Students can not see event type field by default.
Given I log in as "student1"
And I am viewing site calendar
When I click on "New event" "button"
# Only "user" event type is available, so "Type of event" field should not be displayed.
Then "Type of event" "select" should not exist
Scenario: "Student 2" has "manageentries" capability assigned but it's not enrolled in any course.
Given the following "permission overrides" exist:
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
| moodle/calendar:manageentries | Allow | student | System | |
And I log in as "student2"
And I am viewing site calendar
When I click on "New event" "button"
# Only "user" event type is available, so "Type of event" field should not be displayed.
Then "Type of event" "select" should not exist
Scenario: "Student 1" has "manageentries" capability assigned and it's enrolled in a course.
Given the following "permission overrides" exist:
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
| moodle/calendar:manageentries | Allow | student | System | |
And I log in as "student1"
And I am viewing site calendar
When I click on "New event" "button"
# Student 1 is enrolled in a course and have the capability assigned.
# Then, the "Type of event" select box should be visible.
Then "Type of event" "select" should exist
And I should see "User" in the "Type of event" "select"
And I should see "Course" in the "Type of event" "select"
@javascript @accessibility
Scenario: The calendar page must be accessible
Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
When I follow "Course calendar"
Then the page should meet accessibility standards
And the page should meet "wcag131, wcag143, wcag412" accessibility standards
And the page should meet accessibility standards with "wcag131, wcag143, wcag412" extra tests
Scenario: The calendar page should be responsive
Given I log in as "admin"
And I am viewing site calendar
And I create a calendar event:
| Type of event | site |
| Event title | Event 1:1 |
| timestart[day] | 1 |
When I change viewport size to "1200x1000"
Then I should see "Event 1:1"
And I change viewport size to "600x1000"
# We need to give the browser a couple seconds to re-render the page after the screen has been resized.
And I wait "1" seconds
And I should not see "Event 1:1"
And I hover over day "1" of this month in the full calendar page responsive view
And I should see "Event 1:1"
Scenario: Admin can create and edit course events if calendar_adminseesall setting is disabled
Given I log in as "admin"
And the following config values are set as admin:
| calendar_adminseesall | 0 |
And I am on "Course 4" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Go to calendar..." "link" in the "Upcoming events" "block"
And I click on "New event" "button"
And I should see "Course" in the "Type of event" "select"
And "Course 4" "autocomplete_selection" should exist
And I set the field "Event title" to "Test course event"
And I click on "Save" "button"
And I should see "Test course event"
When I click on "Edit" "link" in the "region-main" "region"
Then the field "Event title" matches value "Test course event"
And the field "Type of event" matches value "Course"
And "Course 4" "autocomplete_selection" should exist
Scenario: Changing the event type should clear previous data
Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as admin
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I press "New event"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Group 1 event |
| Type of event | Group |
And I press "Save"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "Group 1 event" "link"
And I should see "Group event"
And I should see "Group 1"
When I click on "Edit" "button" in the "Group 1 event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | My own user event |
| Type of event | user |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "My own user event" "link"
Then I should see "User event"
And I should not see "Group 1"
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "My own user event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Site event |
| Type of event | site |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "Site event" "link"
And I should see "Site event"
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "Site event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Course 1 event |
| Type of event | course |
And I expand the "Course" autocomplete
And I click on "Course 1" item in the autocomplete list
And I press "Save"
And I click on "Course 1 event" "link"
And I should see "Course event"
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "Course 1 event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Category event |
| Type of event | category |
| Category | CatA |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "Category event" "link"
And I should see "Category event"
Scenario: Changing the event type from user to anything else should work
Given I log in as "teacher1"
# We need this so we can see the groups.
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| teacher1 | manager | Category | cata |
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I press "New event"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | User |
And I press "Save"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "User event"
When I click on "Edit" "button"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | Course |
And I expand the "Course" autocomplete
And I click on "Course 1" item in the autocomplete list
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
Then I should see "Course event"
# Reset to user event
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "type change test event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | User |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "User event"
# Now test changing from user to group event.
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Course calendar"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I click on "Edit" "button"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | Group |
And I click on "#fitem_id_groupcourseid .form-autocomplete-downarrow" "css_element"
And I click on "Course 1" item in the autocomplete list
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Group | Group 1 |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "Group event"
# Reset to user event
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "type change test event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | User |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "User event"
# Now test changing from user to course event.
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "type change test event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | Course 1 event |
| Type of event | Course |
And I expand the "Course" autocomplete
And I click on "Course 1" item in the autocomplete list
And I press "Save"
And I click on "Course 1 event" "link"
And I should see "Course event"
# Reset to user event
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "Course 1 event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | User |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "User event"
# Now test changing from user to category event.
And I click on "Edit" "button" in the "type change test event" "dialogue"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Event title | type change test event |
| Type of event | Category |
And I press "Save"
And I click on "type change test event" "link"
And I should see "Category event"