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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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* Contain the logic for the quick add or update event modal.
* @module core_calendar/modal_event_form
* @copyright 2017 Ryan Wyllie <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
import $ from 'jquery';
import * as CustomEvents from 'core/custom_interaction_events';
import Modal from 'core/modal';
import * as FormEvents from 'core_form/events';
import CalendarEvents from './events';
import * as Str from 'core/str';
import * as Notification from 'core/notification';
import * as Fragment from 'core/fragment';
import * as Repository from 'core_calendar/repository';
const SELECTORS = {
SAVE_BUTTON: '[data-action="save"]',
LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER: '[data-region="loading-icon-container"]',
export default class ModalEventForm extends Modal {
static TYPE = 'core_calendar-modal_event_form';
static TEMPLATE = 'calendar/modal_event_form';
* Constructor for the Modal.
* @param {object} root The root jQuery element for the modal
constructor(root) {
this.eventId = null;
this.startTime = null;
this.courseId = null;
this.categoryId = null;
this.contextId = null;
this.reloadingBody = false;
this.reloadingTitle = false;
this.saveButton = this.getFooter().find(SELECTORS.SAVE_BUTTON);
configure(modalConfig) {
modalConfig.large = true;
* Set the context id to the given value.
* @method setContextId
* @param {Number} id The event id
setContextId(id) {
this.contextId = id;
* Retrieve the current context id, if any.
* @method getContextId
* @return {Number|null} The event id
getContextId() {
return this.contextId;
* Set the course id to the given value.
* @method setCourseId
* @param {Number} id The event id
setCourseId(id) {
this.courseId = id;
* Retrieve the current course id, if any.
* @method getCourseId
* @return {Number|null} The event id
getCourseId() {
return this.courseId;
* Set the category id to the given value.
* @method setCategoryId
* @param {Number} id The event id
setCategoryId(id) {
this.categoryId = id;
* Retrieve the current category id, if any.
* @method getCategoryId
* @return {Number|null} The event id
getCategoryId() {
return this.categoryId;
* Check if the modal has an course id.
* @method hasCourseId
* @return {bool}
hasCourseId() {
return this.courseId !== null;
* Check if the modal has an category id.
* @method hasCategoryId
* @return {bool}
hasCategoryId() {
return this.categoryId !== null;
* Set the event id to the given value.
* @method setEventId
* @param {Number} id The event id
setEventId(id) {
this.eventId = id;
* Retrieve the current event id, if any.
* @method getEventId
* @return {Number|null} The event id
getEventId() {
return this.eventId;
* Check if the modal has an event id.
* @method hasEventId
* @return {bool}
hasEventId() {
return this.eventId !== null;
* Set the start time to the given value.
* @method setStartTime
* @param {Number} time The start time
setStartTime(time) {
this.startTime = time;
* Retrieve the current start time, if any.
* @method getStartTime
* @return {Number|null} The start time
getStartTime() {
return this.startTime;
* Check if the modal has start time.
* @method hasStartTime
* @return {bool}
hasStartTime() {
return this.startTime !== null;
* Get the form element from the modal.
* @method getForm
* @return {object}
getForm() {
return this.getBody().find('form');
* Disable the buttons in the footer.
* @method disableButtons
disableButtons() {
this.saveButton.prop('disabled', true);
* Enable the buttons in the footer.
* @method enableButtons
enableButtons() {
this.saveButton.prop('disabled', false);
* Reload the title for the modal to the appropriate value
* depending on whether we are creating a new event or
* editing an existing event.
* @method reloadTitleContent
* @return {object} A promise resolved with the new title text
reloadTitleContent() {
if (this.reloadingTitle) {
return this.titlePromise;
this.reloadingTitle = true;
if (this.hasEventId()) {
this.titlePromise = Str.get_string('editevent', 'calendar');
} else {
this.titlePromise = Str.get_string('newevent', 'calendar');
this.titlePromise.then((string) => {
return string;
.always(() => {
this.reloadingTitle = false;
return this.titlePromise;
* Send a request to the server to get the event_form in a fragment
* and render the result in the body of the modal.
* If serialised form data is provided then it will be sent in the
* request to the server to have the form rendered with the data. This
* is used when the form had a server side error and we need the server
* to re-render it for us to display the error to the user.
* @method reloadBodyContent
* @param {string} formData The serialised form data
* @return {object} A promise resolved with the fragment html and js from
reloadBodyContent(formData) {
if (this.reloadingBody) {
return this.bodyPromise;
this.reloadingBody = true;
const args = {};
if (this.hasEventId()) {
args.eventid = this.getEventId();
if (this.hasStartTime()) {
args.starttime = this.getStartTime();
if (this.hasCourseId()) {
args.courseid = this.getCourseId();
if (this.hasCategoryId()) {
args.categoryid = this.getCategoryId();
if (typeof formData !== 'undefined') {
args.formdata = formData;
this.bodyPromise = Fragment.loadFragment('calendar', 'event_form', this.getContextId(), args);
this.bodyPromise.then(() => {
.always(() => {
this.reloadingBody = false;
return this.bodyPromise;
* Reload both the title and body content.
* @method reloadAllContent
* @return {object} promise
reloadAllContent() {
return $.when(this.reloadTitleContent(), this.reloadBodyContent());
* Kick off a reload the modal content before showing it. This
* is to allow us to re-use the same modal for creating and
* editing different events within the page.
* We do the reload when showing the modal rather than hiding it
* to save a request to the server if the user closes the modal
* and never re-opens it.
* @method show
show() {
* Clear the event id from the modal when it's closed so
* that it is loaded fresh next time it's displayed.
* The event id will be set by the calling code if it wants
* to edit a specific event.
* @method hide
hide() {
* Get the serialised form data.
* @method getFormData
* @return {string} serialised form data
getFormData() {
return this.getForm().serialize();
* Send the form data to the server to create or update
* an event.
* If there is a server side validation error then we re-request the
* rendered form (with the data) from the server in order to get the
* server side errors to display.
* On success the modal is hidden and the page is reloaded so that the
* new event will display.
* @method save
* @return {object} A promise
save() {
const loadingContainer = this.saveButton.find(SELECTORS.LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER);
// Now the change events have run, see if there are any "invalid" form fields.
const invalid = this.getForm().find('[aria-invalid="true"]');
// If we found invalid fields, focus on the first one and do not submit via ajax.
if (invalid.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
const formData = this.getFormData();
// Send the form data to the server for processing.
return Repository.submitCreateUpdateForm(formData)
.then((response) => {
if (response.validationerror) {
// If there was a server side validation error then
// we need to re-request the rendered form from the server
// in order to display the error for the user.
} else {
// Check whether this was a new event or not.
// The hide function unsets the form data so grab this before the hide.
const isExisting = this.hasEventId();
// No problemo! Our work here is done.
// Trigger the appropriate calendar event so that the view can be updated.
if (isExisting) {
$('body').trigger(CalendarEvents.updated, [response.event]);
} else {
$('body').trigger(CalendarEvents.created, [response.event]);
.always(() => {
// Regardless of success or error we should always stop
// the loading icon and re-enable the buttons.
* Set up all of the event handling for the modal.
* @method registerEventListeners
* @fires event:uploadStarted
* @fires event:formSubmittedByJavascript
registerEventListeners() {
// Apply parent event listeners.
// When the user clicks the save button we trigger the form submission. We need to
// trigger an actual submission because there is some JS code in the form that is
// listening for this event and doing some stuff (e.g. saving draft areas etc).
this.getModal().on(, SELECTORS.SAVE_BUTTON, (e, data) => {
// Catch the submit event before it is actually processed by the browser and
// prevent the submission. We'll take it from here.
this.getModal().on('submit', (e) => {
// Stop the form from actually submitting and prevent it's
// propagation because we have already handled the event.