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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Redis Cache Store - Main library
 * @package   cachestore_redis
 * @copyright 2013 Adam Durana
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Redis Cache Store
 * To allow separation of definitions in Moodle and faster purging, each cache
 * is implemented as a Redis hash.  That is a trade-off between having functionality of TTL
 * and being able to manage many caches in a single redis instance.  Given the recommendation
 * not to use TTL if at all possible and the benefits of having many stores in Redis using the
 * hash configuration, the hash implementation has been used.
 * @copyright   2013 Adam Durana
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class cachestore_redis extends cache_store implements cache_is_key_aware, cache_is_lockable,
        cache_is_configurable, cache_is_searchable {
     * Compressor: none.
    const COMPRESSOR_NONE = 0;

     * Compressor: PHP GZip.
    const COMPRESSOR_PHP_GZIP = 1;

     * Compressor: PHP Zstandard.
    const COMPRESSOR_PHP_ZSTD = 2;

     * @var string Suffix used on key name (for hash) to store the TTL sorted list
    const TTL_SUFFIX = '_ttl';

     * @var int Number of items to delete from cache in one batch when expiring old TTL data.
    const TTL_EXPIRE_BATCH = 10000;

     * Name of this store.
     * @var string
    protected $name;

     * The definition hash, used for hash key
     * @var string
    protected $hash;

     * Flag for readiness!
     * @var boolean
    protected $isready = false;

     * Cache definition for this store.
     * @var cache_definition
    protected $definition = null;

     * Connection to Redis for this store.
     * @var Redis|RedisCluster
    protected $redis;

     * Serializer for this store.
     * @var int
    protected $serializer = Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP;

     * Compressor for this store.
     * @var int
    protected $compressor = self::COMPRESSOR_NONE;

     * Bytes read or written by last call to set()/get() or set_many()/get_many().
     * @var int
    protected $lastiobytes = 0;

    /** @var int Maximum number of seconds to wait for a lock before giving up. */
    protected $lockwait = 60;

    /** @var int Timeout before lock is automatically released (in case of crashes) */
    protected $locktimeout = 600;

    /** @var ?array Array of current locks, or null if we haven't registered shutdown function */
    protected $currentlocks = null;

     * Determines if the requirements for this type of store are met.
     * @return bool
    public static function are_requirements_met() {
        return class_exists('Redis');

     * Determines if this type of store supports a given mode.
     * @param int $mode
     * @return bool
    public static function is_supported_mode($mode) {
        return ($mode === self::MODE_APPLICATION || $mode === self::MODE_SESSION);

     * Get the features of this type of cache store.
     * @param array $configuration
     * @return int
    public static function get_supported_features(array $configuration = array()) {
        // Although this plugin now supports TTL I did not add SUPPORTS_NATIVE_TTL here, because
        // doing so would cause Moodle to stop adding a 'TTL wrapper' to data items which enforces
        // the precise specified TTL. Unless the scheduled task is set to run rather frequently,
        // this could cause change in behaviour. Maybe later this should be reconsidered...

     * Get the supported modes of this type of cache store.
     * @param array $configuration
     * @return int
    public static function get_supported_modes(array $configuration = array()) {
        return self::MODE_APPLICATION + self::MODE_SESSION;

     * Constructs an instance of this type of store.
     * @param string $name
     * @param array $configuration
    public function __construct(
        array $configuration = [],
    ) {
        $this->name = $name;

        if (!array_key_exists('server', $configuration) || empty($configuration['server'])) {
        if (array_key_exists('serializer', $configuration)) {
            $this->serializer = (int)$configuration['serializer'];
        if (array_key_exists('compressor', $configuration)) {
            $this->compressor = (int)$configuration['compressor'];
        if (array_key_exists('lockwait', $configuration)) {
            $this->lockwait = (int)$configuration['lockwait'];
        if (array_key_exists('locktimeout', $configuration)) {
            $this->locktimeout = (int)$configuration['locktimeout'];
        $this->redis = $this->new_redis($configuration);

     * Create a new Redis or RedisCluster instance and connect to the server.
     * @param array $configuration The redis instance configuration.
     * @return Redis|RedisCluster|null
    protected function new_redis(array $configuration): Redis|RedisCluster|null {
        $encrypt = (bool) ($configuration['encryption'] ?? false);
        $clustermode = (bool) ($configuration['clustermode'] ?? false);
        $password = !empty($configuration['password']) ? $configuration['password'] : '';

        // Set Redis server(s).
        $servers = explode("\n", $configuration['server']);
        $trimmedservers = [];
        foreach ($servers as $server) {
            $server = strtolower(trim($server));
            if (!empty($server)) {
                if ($server[0] === '/' || str_starts_with($server, 'unix://')) {
                    $port = 0;
                    $trimmedservers[] = $server;
                } else {
                    $port = 6379; // No Unix socket so set default port.
                    if (strpos($server, ':')) { // Check for custom port.
                        list($server, $port) = explode(':', $server);
                    if (!$clustermode && $encrypt) {
                        $server = 'tls://' . $server;
                    $trimmedservers[] = $server.':'.$port;

                // We only need the first record for the single redis.
                if (!$clustermode) {
                    // Handle the case when the server is not a Unix domain socket.
                    if ($port !== 0) {
                        // We only need the first record for the single redis.
                        $serverchunks = explode(':', $trimmedservers[0]);
                        // Get the last chunk as the port.
                        $port = array_pop($serverchunks);
                        // Combine the rest of the chunks back into a string as the server.
                        $server = implode(':', $serverchunks);

        // TLS/SSL Configuration.
        $exceptionclass = $clustermode ? 'RedisClusterException' : 'RedisException';
        $opts = [];
        if ($encrypt) {
            $opts = empty($configuration['cafile']) ?
                ['verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false] :
                ['cafile' => $configuration['cafile']];

            // For a single (non-cluster) Redis, the TLS/SSL config must be added to the 'stream' key.
            if (!$clustermode) {
                $opts['stream'] = $opts;
        // Connect to redis.
        $redis = null;
        try {
            // Create a $redis object of a RedisCluster or Redis class.
            if ($clustermode) {
                $redis = new RedisCluster(null, $trimmedservers, 1, 1, true, $password, !empty($opts) ? $opts : null);
            } else {
                $redis = new Redis();
                $redis->connect($server, $port, 1, null, 100, 1, $opts);
                if (!empty($password)) {

            // In case of a TLS connection,
            // if phpredis client does not communicate immediately with the server the connection hangs.
            // See
            if ($encrypt && !$redis->ping('Ping')) {
                throw new $exceptionclass("Ping failed");

            // If using compressor, serialisation will be done at cachestore level, not php-redis.
            if ($this->compressor === self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
                $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $this->serializer);

            // Set the prefix.
            $prefix = !empty($configuration['prefix']) ? $configuration['prefix'] : '';
            if (!empty($prefix)) {
                $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $prefix);
            $this->isready = true;
        } catch (RedisException | RedisClusterException $e) {
            $server = $clustermode ? implode(',', $trimmedservers) : $server.':'.$port;
            debugging("Failed to connect to Redis at {$server}, the error returned was: {$e->getMessage()}");
            $this->isready = false;

        return $redis;

     * See if we can ping Redis server
     * @param RedisCluster|Redis $redis
     * @return bool
    protected function ping(RedisCluster|Redis $redis): bool {
        try {
            if ($redis->ping() === false) {
                return false;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Get the name of the store.
     * @return string
    public function my_name() {
        return $this->name;

     * Initialize the store.
     * @param cache_definition $definition
     * @return bool
    public function initialise(cache_definition $definition) {
        $this->definition = $definition;
        $this->hash       = $definition->generate_definition_hash();
        return true;

     * Determine if the store is initialized.
     * @return bool
    public function is_initialised() {
        return ($this->definition !== null);

     * Determine if the store is ready for use.
     * @return bool
    public function is_ready() {
        return $this->isready;

     * Get the value associated with a given key.
     * @param string $key The key to get the value of.
     * @return mixed The value of the key, or false if there is no value associated with the key.
    public function get($key) {
        $value = $this->redis->hGet($this->hash, $key);

        if ($this->compressor == self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
            return $value;

        // When using compression, values are always strings, so strlen will work.
        $this->lastiobytes = strlen($value);

        return $this->uncompress($value);

     * Get the values associated with a list of keys.
     * @param array $keys The keys to get the values of.
     * @return array An array of the values of the given keys.
    public function get_many($keys) {
        $values = $this->redis->hMGet($this->hash, $keys) ?: [];

        if ($this->compressor == self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
            return $values;

        $this->lastiobytes = 0;
        foreach ($values as &$value) {
            $this->lastiobytes += strlen($value);
            $value = $this->uncompress($value);

        return $values;

     * Gets the number of bytes read from or written to cache as a result of the last action.
     * If compression is not enabled, this function always returns IO_BYTES_NOT_SUPPORTED. The reason is that
     * when compression is not enabled, data sent to the cache is not serialized, and we would
     * need to serialize it to compute the size, which would have a significant performance cost.
     * @return int Bytes read or written
     * @since Moodle 4.0
    public function get_last_io_bytes(): int {
        if ($this->compressor != self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
            return $this->lastiobytes;
        } else {
            // Not supported unless compression is on.
            return parent::get_last_io_bytes();

     * Set the value of a key.
     * @param string $key The key to set the value of.
     * @param mixed $value The value.
     * @return bool True if the operation succeeded, false otherwise.
    public function set($key, $value) {
        if ($this->compressor != self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
            $value = $this->compress($value);
            $this->lastiobytes = strlen($value);

        if ($this->redis->hSet($this->hash, $key, $value) === false) {
            return false;
        if ($this->definition->get_ttl()) {
            // When TTL is enabled, we also store the key name in a list sorted by the current time.
            $this->redis->zAdd($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX, [], self::get_time(), $key);
            // The return value to the zAdd function never indicates whether the operation succeeded
            // (it returns zero when there was no error if the item is already in the list) so we
            // ignore it.
        return true;

     * Set the values of many keys.
     * @param array $keyvaluearray An array of key/value pairs. Each item in the array is an associative array
     *      with two keys, 'key' and 'value'.
     * @return int The number of key/value pairs successfuly set.
    public function set_many(array $keyvaluearray) {
        $pairs = [];
        $usettl = false;
        if ($this->definition->get_ttl()) {
            $usettl = true;
            $ttlparams = [];
            $now = self::get_time();

        $this->lastiobytes = 0;
        foreach ($keyvaluearray as $pair) {
            $key = $pair['key'];
            if ($this->compressor != self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
                $pairs[$key] = $this->compress($pair['value']);
                $this->lastiobytes += strlen($pairs[$key]);
            } else {
                $pairs[$key] = $pair['value'];
            if ($usettl) {
                // When TTL is enabled, we also store the key names in a list sorted by the current
                // time.
                $ttlparams[] = $now;
                $ttlparams[] = $key;
        if ($usettl && count($ttlparams) > 0) {
            // Store all the key values with current time.
            $this->redis->zAdd($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX, [], ...$ttlparams);
            // The return value to the zAdd function never indicates whether the operation succeeded
            // (it returns zero when there was no error if the item is already in the list) so we
            // ignore it.
        if ($this->redis->hMSet($this->hash, $pairs)) {
            return count($pairs);
        return 0;

     * Delete the given key.
     * @param string $key The key to delete.
     * @return bool True if the delete operation succeeds, false otherwise.
    public function delete($key) {
        $ok = true;
        if (!$this->redis->hDel($this->hash, $key)) {
            $ok = false;
        if ($this->definition->get_ttl()) {
            // When TTL is enabled, also remove the key from the TTL list.
            $this->redis->zRem($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX, $key);
        return $ok;

     * Delete many keys.
     * @param array $keys The keys to delete.
     * @return int The number of keys successfully deleted.
    public function delete_many(array $keys) {
        // If there are no keys to delete, do nothing.
        if (!$keys) {
            return 0;
        $count = $this->redis->hDel($this->hash, ...$keys);
        if ($this->definition->get_ttl()) {
            // When TTL is enabled, also remove the keys from the TTL list.
            $this->redis->zRem($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX, ...$keys);
        return $count;

     * Purges all keys from the store.
     * @return bool
    public function purge() {
        if ($this->definition->get_ttl()) {
            // Purge the TTL list as well.
            $this->redis->del($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX);
            // According to documentation, there is no error return for the 'del' command (it
            // only returns the number of keys deleted, which could be 0 or 1 in this case) so we
            // do not need to check the return value.
        return ($this->redis->del($this->hash) !== false);

     * Cleans up after an instance of the store.
    public function instance_deleted() {

     * Determines if the store has a given key.
     * @see cache_is_key_aware
     * @param string $key The key to check for.
     * @return bool True if the key exists, false if it does not.
    public function has($key) {
        return !empty($this->redis->hExists($this->hash, $key));

     * Determines if the store has any of the keys in a list.
     * @see cache_is_key_aware
     * @param array $keys The keys to check for.
     * @return bool True if any of the keys are found, false none of the keys are found.
    public function has_any(array $keys) {
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if ($this->has($key)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Determines if the store has all of the keys in a list.
     * @see cache_is_key_aware
     * @param array $keys The keys to check for.
     * @return bool True if all of the keys are found, false otherwise.
    public function has_all(array $keys) {
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (!$this->has($key)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Tries to acquire a lock with a given name.
     * @see cache_is_lockable
     * @param string $key Name of the lock to acquire.
     * @param string $ownerid Information to identify owner of lock if acquired.
     * @return bool True if the lock was acquired, false if it was not.
    public function acquire_lock($key, $ownerid) {
        $timelimit = time() + $this->lockwait;
        do {
            // If the key doesn't already exist, grab it and return true.
            if ($this->redis->setnx($key, $ownerid)) {
                // Ensure Redis deletes the key after a bit in case something goes wrong.
                $this->redis->expire($key, $this->locktimeout);
                // If we haven't got it already, better register a shutdown function.
                if ($this->currentlocks === null) {
                    core_shutdown_manager::register_function([$this, 'shutdown_release_locks']);
                    $this->currentlocks = [];
                $this->currentlocks[$key] = $ownerid;
                return true;
            // Wait 1 second then retry.
        } while (time() < $timelimit);
        return false;

     * Releases any locks when the system shuts down, in case there is a crash or somebody forgets
     * to use 'try-finally'.
     * Do not call this function manually (except from unit test).
    public function shutdown_release_locks() {
        foreach ($this->currentlocks as $key => $ownerid) {
            debugging('Automatically releasing Redis cache lock: ' . $key . ' (' . $ownerid .
                    ') - did somebody forget to call release_lock()?', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
            $this->release_lock($key, $ownerid);

     * Checks a lock with a given name and owner information.
     * @see cache_is_lockable
     * @param string $key Name of the lock to check.
     * @param string $ownerid Owner information to check existing lock against.
     * @return mixed True if the lock exists and the owner information matches, null if the lock does not
     *      exist, and false otherwise.
    public function check_lock_state($key, $ownerid) {
        $result = $this->redis->get($key);
        if ($result === (string)$ownerid) {
            return true;
        if ($result === false) {
            return null;
        return false;

     * Finds all of the keys being used by this cache store instance.
     * @return array of all keys in the hash as a numbered array.
    public function find_all() {
        return $this->redis->hKeys($this->hash);

     * Finds all of the keys whose keys start with the given prefix.
     * @param string $prefix
     * @return array List of keys that match this prefix.
    public function find_by_prefix($prefix) {
        $return = [];
        foreach ($this->find_all() as $key) {
            if (strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) {
                $return[] = $key;
        return $return;

     * Releases a given lock if the owner information matches.
     * @see cache_is_lockable
     * @param string $key Name of the lock to release.
     * @param string $ownerid Owner information to use.
     * @return bool True if the lock is released, false if it is not.
    public function release_lock($key, $ownerid) {
        if ($this->check_lock_state($key, $ownerid)) {
            return ($this->redis->del($key) !== false);
        return false;

     * Runs TTL expiry process for this cache.
     * This is not part of the standard cache API and is intended for use by the scheduled task
     * \cachestore_redis\ttl.
     * @return array Various keys with information about how the expiry went
    public function expire_ttl(): array {
        $ttl = $this->definition->get_ttl();
        if (!$ttl) {
            throw new \coding_exception('Cache definition ' . $this->definition->get_id() . ' does not use TTL');
        $limit = self::get_time() - $ttl;
        $count = 0;
        $batches = 0;
        $timebefore = microtime(true);
        $memorybefore = $this->store_total_size();
        do {
            $keys = $this->redis->zRangeByScore($this->hash . self::TTL_SUFFIX, 0, $limit,
                    ['limit' => [0, self::TTL_EXPIRE_BATCH]]);
            $count += count($keys);
        } while (count($keys) === self::TTL_EXPIRE_BATCH);
        $memoryafter = $this->store_total_size();
        $timeafter = microtime(true);

        $result = ['keys' => $count, 'batches' => $batches, 'time' => $timeafter - $timebefore];
        if ($memorybefore !== null) {
            $result['memory'] = $memorybefore - $memoryafter;
        return $result;

     * Gets the current time for TTL functionality. This wrapper makes it easier to unit-test
     * the TTL behaviour.
     * @return int Current time
    protected static function get_time(): int {
        global $CFG;
        if (PHPUNIT_TEST && !empty($CFG->phpunit_cachestore_redis_time)) {
            return $CFG->phpunit_cachestore_redis_time;
        return time();

     * Sets the current time (within unit test) for TTL functionality.
     * This setting is stored in $CFG so will be automatically reset if you use resetAfterTest.
     * @param int $time Current time (set 0 to start using real time).
    public static function set_phpunit_time(int $time = 0): void {
        global $CFG;
        if (!PHPUNIT_TEST) {
            throw new \coding_exception('Function only available during unit test');
        if ($time) {
            $CFG->phpunit_cachestore_redis_time = $time;
        } else {

     * Estimates the stored size, taking into account whether compression is turned on.
     * @param mixed $key Key name
     * @param mixed $value Value
     * @return int Approximate stored size
    public function estimate_stored_size($key, $value): int {
        if ($this->compressor == self::COMPRESSOR_NONE) {
            // If uncompressed, use default estimate.
            return parent::estimate_stored_size($key, $value);
        } else {
            // If compressed, compress value.
            return strlen($this->serialize($key)) + strlen($this->compress($value));

     * Gets Redis reported memory usage.
     * @return int|null Memory used by Redis or null if we don't know
    public function store_total_size(): ?int {
        try {
            $details = $this->redis->info('MEMORY');
        } catch (RedisException $e) {
            return null;
        if (empty($details['used_memory'])) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return (int)$details['used_memory'];

     * Creates a configuration array from given 'add instance' form data.
     * @see cache_is_configurable
     * @param stdClass $data
     * @return array
    public static function config_get_configuration_array($data) {
        return array(
            'server' => $data->server,
            'prefix' => $data->prefix,
            'password' => $data->password,
            'serializer' => $data->serializer,
            'compressor' => $data->compressor,
            'encryption' => $data->encryption,
            'cafile' => $data->cafile,
            'clustermode' => $data->clustermode,

     * Sets form data from a configuration array.
     * @see cache_is_configurable
     * @param moodleform $editform
     * @param array $config
    public static function config_set_edit_form_data(moodleform $editform, array $config) {
        $data = array();
        $data['server'] = $config['server'];
        $data['prefix'] = !empty($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : '';
        $data['password'] = !empty($config['password']) ? $config['password'] : '';
        if (!empty($config['serializer'])) {
            $data['serializer'] = $config['serializer'];
        if (!empty($config['compressor'])) {
            $data['compressor'] = $config['compressor'];
        if (!empty($config['encryption'])) {
            $data['encryption'] = $config['encryption'];
        if (!empty($config['cafile'])) {
            $data['cafile'] = $config['cafile'];
        if (!empty($config['clustermode'])) {
            $data['clustermode'] = $config['clustermode'];

     * Creates an instance of the store for testing.
     * @param cache_definition $definition
     * @return mixed An instance of the store, or false if an instance cannot be created.
    public static function initialise_test_instance(cache_definition $definition) {
        if (!self::are_requirements_met()) {
            return false;
        $config = get_config('cachestore_redis');
        if (empty($config->test_server)) {
            return false;
        $configuration = array('server' => $config->test_server);
        if (!empty($config->test_serializer)) {
            $configuration['serializer'] = $config->test_serializer;
        if (!empty($config->test_password)) {
            $configuration['password'] = $config->test_password;
        if (!empty($config->test_encryption)) {
            $configuration['encryption'] = $config->test_encryption;
        if (!empty($config->test_cafile)) {
            $configuration['cafile'] = $config->test_cafile;
        if (!empty($config->test_clustermode)) {
            $configuration['clustermode'] = $config->test_clustermode;
        // Make it possible to test TTL performance by hacking a copy of the cache definition.
        if (!empty($config->test_ttl)) {
            $definition = clone $definition;
            $property = (new ReflectionClass($definition))->getProperty('ttl');
            $property->setValue($definition, 999);
        $cache = new cachestore_redis('Redis test', $configuration);

        return $cache;

     * Return configuration to use when unit testing.
     * @return array
    public static function unit_test_configuration() {
        global $DB;

        if (!self::are_requirements_met() || !self::ready_to_be_used_for_testing()) {
            throw new moodle_exception('TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_TESTSERVERS not configured, unable to create test configuration');

        return ['server' => TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_TESTSERVERS,
                'prefix' => $DB->get_prefix(),
                'encryption' => defined('TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_ENCRYPT') && TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_ENCRYPT,

     * Returns true if this cache store instance is both suitable for testing, and ready for testing.
     * When TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_TESTSERVERS is set, then we are ready to be use d for testing.
     * @return bool
    public static function ready_to_be_used_for_testing() {
        return defined('TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_TESTSERVERS');

     * Gets an array of options to use as the serialiser.
     * @return array
    public static function config_get_serializer_options() {
        $options = array(
            Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP => get_string('serializer_php', 'cachestore_redis')

        if (defined('Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY')) {
            $options[Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY] = get_string('serializer_igbinary', 'cachestore_redis');
        return $options;

     * Gets an array of options to use as the compressor.
     * @return array
    public static function config_get_compressor_options() {
        $arr = [
            self::COMPRESSOR_NONE     => get_string('compressor_none', 'cachestore_redis'),
            self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_GZIP => get_string('compressor_php_gzip', 'cachestore_redis'),

        // Check if the Zstandard PHP extension is installed.
        if (extension_loaded('zstd')) {
            $arr[self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_ZSTD] = get_string('compressor_php_zstd', 'cachestore_redis');

        return $arr;

     * Compress the given value, serializing it first.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return string
    private function compress($value) {
        $value = $this->serialize($value);

        switch ($this->compressor) {
            case self::COMPRESSOR_NONE:
                return $value;

            case self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_GZIP:
                return gzencode($value);

            case self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_ZSTD:
                return zstd_compress($value);

                debugging("Invalid compressor: {$this->compressor}");
                return $value;

     * Uncompresses (deflates) the data, unserialising it afterwards.
     * @param string $value
     * @return mixed
    private function uncompress($value) {
        if ($value === false) {
            return false;

        switch ($this->compressor) {
            case self::COMPRESSOR_NONE:
            case self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_GZIP:
                $value = gzdecode($value);
            case self::COMPRESSOR_PHP_ZSTD:
                $value = zstd_uncompress($value);
                debugging("Invalid compressor: {$this->compressor}");

        return $this->unserialize($value);

     * Serializes the data according to the configured serializer.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return string
    private function serialize($value) {
        switch ($this->serializer) {
            case Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE:
                return $value;
            case Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP:
                return serialize($value);
            case defined('Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY') && Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY:
                return igbinary_serialize($value);
                debugging("Invalid serializer: {$this->serializer}");
                return $value;

     * Unserializes the data according to the configured serializer
     * @param string $value
     * @return mixed
    private function unserialize($value) {
        switch ($this->serializer) {
            case Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE:
                return $value;
            case Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP:
                return unserialize($value);
            case defined('Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY') && Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY:
                return igbinary_unserialize($value);
                debugging("Invalid serializer: {$this->serializer}");
                return $value;