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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Cache display administration helper.
* This file is part of Moodle's cache API, affectionately called MUC.
* It contains the components that are requried in order to use caching.
* @package core
* @category cache
* @author Peter Burnett <>
* @copyright 2020 Catalyst IT
* @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_cache\local;
use cache_store, cache_factory, cache_config_writer, cache_helper;
use core\output\notification;
* A cache helper for administration tasks
* @package core
* @category cache
* @copyright 2020 Peter Burnett <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class administration_display_helper extends \core_cache\administration_helper {
* Please do not call constructor directly. Use cache_factory::get_administration_display_helper() instead.
public function __construct() {
// Nothing to do here.
* Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a definition.
* @param context $context the system context.
* @param array $definitionsummary information about this cache, from the array returned by
* core_cache\administration_helper::get_definition_summaries(). Currently only 'sharingoptions'
* element is used.
* @return array of actions. Each action is an action_url.
public function get_definition_actions(\context $context, array $definitionsummary): array {
global $OUTPUT;
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', $context)) {
$actions = array();
// Edit mappings.
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'editdefinitionmapping',
'definition' => $definitionsummary['id'])),
get_string('editmappings', 'cache')
// Edit sharing.
if (count($definitionsummary['sharingoptions']) > 1) {
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'editdefinitionsharing',
'definition' => $definitionsummary['id'])),
get_string('editsharing', 'cache')
// Purge.
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'purgedefinition',
'definition' => $definitionsummary['id'], 'sesskey' => sesskey())),
get_string('purge', 'cache')
return $actions;
return array();
* Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a store.
* @param string $name The name of the store
* @param array $storedetails information about this store, from the array returned by
* core_cache\administration_helper::get_store_instance_summaries().
* @return array of actions. Each action is an action_url.
public function get_store_instance_actions(string $name, array $storedetails): array {
global $OUTPUT;
$actions = array();
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', \context_system::instance())) {
$baseurl = new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('store' => $name));
if (empty($storedetails['default'])) {
// Edit store.
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url($baseurl, array('action' => 'editstore', 'plugin' => $storedetails['plugin'])),
get_string('editstore', 'cache')
// Delete store.
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url($baseurl, array('action' => 'deletestore')),
get_string('deletestore', 'cache')
// Purge store.
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
new \moodle_url($baseurl, array('action' => 'purgestore', 'sesskey' => sesskey())),
get_string('purge', 'cache')
return $actions;
* Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a plugin.
* @param string $name The name of the plugin
* @param array $plugindetails information about this store, from the array returned by
* core_cache\administration_helper::get_store_plugin_summaries().
* @return array of actions. Each action is an action_url.
public function get_store_plugin_actions(string $name, array $plugindetails): array {
global $OUTPUT;
$actions = array();
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', \context_system::instance())) {
if (!empty($plugindetails['canaddinstance'])) {
$url = new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php',
array('action' => 'addstore', 'plugin' => $name));
$actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_link(
get_string('addinstance', 'cache')
return $actions;
* Returns a form that can be used to add a store instance.
* @param string $plugin The plugin to add an instance of
* @return cachestore_addinstance_form
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_add_store_form(string $plugin): \cachestore_addinstance_form {
global $CFG; // Needed for includes.
$plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list('cachestore');
if (!array_key_exists($plugin, $plugins)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin used when trying to create an edit form.');
$plugindir = $plugins[$plugin];
$class = 'cachestore_addinstance_form';
if (file_exists($plugindir.'/addinstanceform.php')) {
if (class_exists('cachestore_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form')) {
$class = 'cachestore_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form';
if (!array_key_exists('cachestore_addinstance_form', class_parents($class))) {
throw new \coding_exception('Cache plugin add instance forms must extend cachestore_addinstance_form');
$locks = $this->get_possible_locks_for_stores($plugindir, $plugin);
$url = new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'addstore'));
return new $class($url, array('plugin' => $plugin, 'store' => null, 'locks' => $locks));
* Returns a form that can be used to edit a store instance.
* @param string $plugin
* @param string $store
* @return cachestore_addinstance_form
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_edit_store_form(string $plugin, string $store): \cachestore_addinstance_form {
global $CFG; // Needed for includes.
$plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list('cachestore');
if (!array_key_exists($plugin, $plugins)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin used when trying to create an edit form.');
$factory = \cache_factory::instance();
$config = $factory->create_config_instance();
$stores = $config->get_all_stores();
if (!array_key_exists($store, $stores)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid store name given when trying to create an edit form.');
$plugindir = $plugins[$plugin];
$class = 'cachestore_addinstance_form';
if (file_exists($plugindir.'/addinstanceform.php')) {
if (class_exists('cachestore_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form')) {
$class = 'cachestore_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form';
if (!array_key_exists('cachestore_addinstance_form', class_parents($class))) {
throw new \coding_exception('Cache plugin add instance forms must extend cachestore_addinstance_form');
$locks = $this->get_possible_locks_for_stores($plugindir, $plugin);
$url = new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'editstore', 'plugin' => $plugin, 'store' => $store));
$editform = new $class($url, array('plugin' => $plugin, 'store' => $store, 'locks' => $locks));
if (isset($stores[$store]['lock'])) {
$editform->set_data(array('lock' => $stores[$store]['lock']));
// See if the cachestore is going to want to load data for the form.
// If it has a customised add instance form then it is going to want to.
$storeclass = 'cachestore_'.$plugin;
$storedata = $stores[$store];
if (array_key_exists('configuration', $storedata) &&
array_key_exists('cache_is_configurable', class_implements($storeclass))) {
$storeclass::config_set_edit_form_data($editform, $storedata['configuration']);
return $editform;
* Returns an array of suitable lock instances for use with this plugin, or false if the plugin handles locking itself.
* @param string $plugindir
* @param string $plugin
* @return array|false
protected function get_possible_locks_for_stores(string $plugindir, string $plugin) {
global $CFG; // Needed for includes.
$supportsnativelocking = false;
if (file_exists($plugindir.'/lib.php')) {
$pluginclass = 'cachestore_'.$plugin;
if (class_exists($pluginclass)) {
$supportsnativelocking = array_key_exists('cache_is_lockable', class_implements($pluginclass));
if (!$supportsnativelocking) {
$config = \cache_config::instance();
$locks = array();
foreach ($config->get_locks() as $lock => $conf) {
if (!empty($conf['default'])) {
$name = get_string($lock, 'cache');
} else {
$name = $lock;
$locks[$lock] = $name;
} else {
$locks = false;
return $locks;
* Processes the results of the add/edit instance form data for a plugin returning an array of config information suitable to
* store in configuration.
* @param stdClass $data The mform data.
* @return array
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_store_configuration_from_data(\stdClass $data): array {
global $CFG;
$file = $CFG->dirroot.'/cache/stores/'.$data->plugin.'/lib.php';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin provided. '.$file);
$class = 'cachestore_'.$data->plugin;
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin provided.');
if (array_key_exists('cache_is_configurable', class_implements($class))) {
return $class::config_get_configuration_array($data);
return array();
* Returns an array of lock plugins for which we can add an instance.
* Suitable for use within an mform select element.
* @return array
public function get_addable_lock_options(): array {
$plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class('cachelock', '', 'lib.php');
$options = array();
$len = strlen('cachelock_');
foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $class) {
$method = "$class::can_add_instance";
if (is_callable($method) && !call_user_func($method)) {
// Can't add an instance of this plugin.
$options[substr($plugin, $len)] = get_string('pluginname', $plugin);
return $options;
* Gets the form to use when adding a lock instance.
* @param string $plugin
* @param array $lockplugin
* @return cache_lock_form
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_add_lock_form(string $plugin, array $lockplugin = null): \cache_lock_form {
global $CFG; // Needed for includes.
$plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list('cachelock');
if (!array_key_exists($plugin, $plugins)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache lock plugin requested when trying to create a form.');
$plugindir = $plugins[$plugin];
$class = 'cache_lock_form';
if (file_exists($plugindir.'/addinstanceform.php') && in_array('cache_is_configurable', class_implements($class))) {
if (class_exists('cachelock_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form')) {
$class = 'cachelock_'.$plugin.'_addinstance_form';
if (!array_key_exists('cache_lock_form', class_parents($class))) {
throw new \coding_exception('Cache lock plugin add instance forms must extend cache_lock_form');
return new $class(null, array('lock' => $plugin));
* Gets configuration data from a new lock instance form.
* @param string $plugin
* @param stdClass $data
* @return array
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_lock_configuration_from_data(string $plugin, \stdClass $data): array {
global $CFG;
$file = $CFG->dirroot.'/cache/locks/'.$plugin.'/lib.php';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin provided. '.$file);
$class = 'cachelock_'.$plugin;
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new \coding_exception('Invalid cache plugin provided.');
if (array_key_exists('cache_is_configurable', class_implements($class))) {
return $class::config_get_configuration_array($data);
return array();
* Handles the page actions, based on the parameter.
* @param string $action the action to handle.
* @param array $forminfo an empty array to be overridden and set.
* @return array the empty or overridden forminfo array.
public function perform_cache_actions(string $action, array $forminfo): array {
switch ($action) {
case 'rescandefinitions' : // Rescan definitions.
case 'addstore' : // Add the requested store.
$forminfo = $this->action_addstore();
case 'editstore' : // Edit the requested store.
$forminfo = $this->action_editstore();
case 'deletestore' : // Delete a given store.
case 'editdefinitionmapping' : // Edit definition mappings.
$forminfo = $this->action_editdefinitionmapping();
case 'editdefinitionsharing' : // Edit definition sharing.
$forminfo = $this->action_editdefinitionsharing();
case 'editmodemappings': // Edit default mode mappings.
$forminfo = $this->action_editmodemappings();
case 'purgedefinition': // Purge a specific definition.
case 'purgestore':
case 'purge': // Purge a store cache.
case 'newlockinstance':
$forminfo = $this->action_newlockinstance();
case 'deletelock':
// Deletes a lock instance.
return $forminfo;
* Performs the rescan definition action.
* @return void
public function action_rescan_definition() {
global $PAGE;
* Performs the add store action.
* @return array an array of the form to display to the user, and the page title.
public function action_addstore(): array {
global $PAGE;
$storepluginsummaries = $this->get_store_plugin_summaries();
$plugin = required_param('plugin', PARAM_PLUGIN);
if (!$storepluginsummaries[$plugin]['canaddinstance']) {
throw new \moodle_exception('ex_unmetstorerequirements', 'cache');
$mform = $this->get_add_store_form($plugin);
$title = get_string('addstore', 'cache', $storepluginsummaries[$plugin]['name']);
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$config = $this->get_store_configuration_from_data($data);
$writer = \cache_config_writer::instance();
foreach ($writer->get_locks() as $lock => $lockconfig) {
if ($lock == $data->lock) {
$config['lock'] = $data->lock;
$writer->add_store_instance($data->name, $data->plugin, $config);
redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('addstoresuccess', 'cache', $storepluginsummaries[$plugin]['name']), 5);
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('addstore', 'cache', 'cache'), $PAGE->url);
return array('form' => $mform, 'title' => $title);
* Performs the edit store action.
* @return array an array of the form to display, and the page title.
public function action_editstore(): array {
global $PAGE;
$storepluginsummaries = $this->get_store_plugin_summaries();
$plugin = required_param('plugin', PARAM_PLUGIN);
$store = required_param('store', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform = $this->get_edit_store_form($plugin, $store);
$title = get_string('addstore', 'cache', $storepluginsummaries[$plugin]['name']);
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$config = $this->get_store_configuration_from_data($data);
$writer = \cache_config_writer::instance();
foreach ($writer->get_locks() as $lock => $lockconfig) {
if ($lock == $data->lock) {
$config['lock'] = $data->lock;
$writer->edit_store_instance($data->name, $data->plugin, $config);
redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('editstoresuccess', 'cache', $storepluginsummaries[$plugin]['name']), 5);
return array('form' => $mform, 'title' => $title);
* Performs the deletestore action.
* @param string $action the action calling to this function.
public function action_deletestore(string $action): void {
global $OUTPUT, $PAGE, $SITE;
$notifysuccess = true;
$storeinstancesummaries = $this->get_store_instance_summaries();
$store = required_param('store', PARAM_TEXT);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', false, PARAM_BOOL);
if (!array_key_exists($store, $storeinstancesummaries)) {
$notifysuccess = false;
$notification = get_string('invalidstore', 'cache');
} else if ($storeinstancesummaries[$store]['mappings'] > 0) {
$notifysuccess = false;
$notification = get_string('deletestorehasmappings', 'cache');
if ($notifysuccess) {
if (!$confirm) {
$title = get_string('confirmstoredeletion', 'cache');
$params = array('store' => $store, 'confirm' => 1, 'action' => $action, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
$url = new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, $params);
$button = new \single_button($url, get_string('deletestore', 'cache'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($title);
$confirmation = get_string('deletestoreconfirmation', 'cache', $storeinstancesummaries[$store]['name']);
echo $OUTPUT->confirm($confirmation, $button, $PAGE->url);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} else {
$writer = \cache_config_writer::instance();
redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('deletestoresuccess', 'cache'), 5);
} else {
redirect($PAGE->url, $notification, null, notification::NOTIFY_ERROR);
* Performs the edit definition mapping action.
* @return array an array of the form to display, and the page title.
* @throws cache_exception
public function action_editdefinitionmapping(): array {
global $PAGE;
$definitionsummaries = $this->get_definition_summaries();
$definition = required_param('definition', PARAM_SAFEPATH);
if (!array_key_exists($definition, $definitionsummaries)) {
throw new \cache_exception('Invalid cache definition requested');
$title = get_string('editdefinitionmappings', 'cache', $definition);
$mform = new \cache_definition_mappings_form($PAGE->url, array('definition' => $definition));
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$writer = \cache_config_writer::instance();
$mappings = array();
foreach ($data->mappings as $mapping) {
if (!empty($mapping)) {
$mappings[] = $mapping;
$writer->set_definition_mappings($definition, $mappings);
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('updatedefinitionmapping', 'cache'), $PAGE->url);
return array('form' => $mform, 'title' => $title);
* Performs the edit definition sharing action.
* @return array an array of the edit definition sharing form, and the page title.
public function action_editdefinitionsharing(): array {
global $PAGE;
$definitionsummaries = $this->get_definition_summaries();
$definition = required_param('definition', PARAM_SAFEPATH);
if (!array_key_exists($definition, $definitionsummaries)) {
throw new \cache_exception('Invalid cache definition requested');
$title = get_string('editdefinitionsharing', 'cache', $definition);
$sharingoptions = $definitionsummaries[$definition]['sharingoptions'];
$customdata = array('definition' => $definition, 'sharingoptions' => $sharingoptions);
$mform = new \cache_definition_sharing_form($PAGE->url, $customdata);
'sharing' => $definitionsummaries[$definition]['selectedsharingoption'],
'userinputsharingkey' => $definitionsummaries[$definition]['userinputsharingkey']
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$component = $definitionsummaries[$definition]['component'];
$area = $definitionsummaries[$definition]['area'];
// Purge the stores removing stale data before we alter the sharing option.
\cache_helper::purge_stores_used_by_definition($component, $area);
$writer = \cache_config_writer::instance();
$sharing = array_sum(array_keys($data->sharing));
$userinputsharingkey = $data->userinputsharingkey;
$writer->set_definition_sharing($definition, $sharing, $userinputsharingkey);
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('updatedefinitionsharing', 'cache'), $PAGE->url);
return array('form' => $mform, 'title' => $title);
* Performs the edit mode mappings action.
* @return array an array of the edit mode mappings form.
public function action_editmodemappings(): array {
global $PAGE;
$storeinstancesummaries = $this->get_store_instance_summaries();
$defaultmodestores = $this->get_default_mode_stores();
$mform = new \cache_mode_mappings_form(null, $storeinstancesummaries);
'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION => key($defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION]),
'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_SESSION => key($defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_SESSION]),
'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_REQUEST => key($defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_REQUEST]),
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$mappings = array(
cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION => array($data->{'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION}),
cache_store::MODE_SESSION => array($data->{'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_SESSION}),
cache_store::MODE_REQUEST => array($data->{'mode_'.cache_store::MODE_REQUEST}),
$writer = cache_config_writer::instance();
return array('form' => $mform);
* Performs the purge definition action.
* @return void
public function action_purgedefinition() {
global $PAGE;
$id = required_param('definition', PARAM_SAFEPATH);
list($component, $area) = explode('/', $id, 2);
$factory = cache_factory::instance();
$definition = $factory->create_definition($component, $area);
if ($definition->has_required_identifiers()) {
// We will have to purge the stores used by this definition.
cache_helper::purge_stores_used_by_definition($component, $area);
} else {
// Alrighty we can purge just the data belonging to this definition.
cache_helper::purge_by_definition($component, $area);
$message = get_string('purgexdefinitionsuccess', 'cache', [
'name' => $definition->get_name(),
'component' => $component,
'area' => $area,
$purgeagainlink = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', [
'action' => 'purgedefinition', 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'definition' => $id]),
get_string('purgeagain', 'cache'));
redirect($PAGE->url, $message . ' ' . $purgeagainlink, 5);
* Performs the purge action.
* @return void
public function action_purge() {
global $PAGE;
$store = required_param('store', PARAM_TEXT);
$message = get_string('purgexstoresuccess', 'cache', ['store' => $store]);
$purgeagainlink = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', [
'action' => 'purgestore', 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'store' => $store]),
get_string('purgeagain', 'cache'));
redirect($PAGE->url, $message . ' ' . $purgeagainlink, 5);
* Performs the new lock instance action.
* @return array An array containing the new lock instance form.
public function action_newlockinstance(): array {
global $PAGE;
// Adds a new lock instance.
$lock = required_param('lock', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
$mform = $this->get_add_lock_form($lock);
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$factory = cache_factory::instance();
$config = $factory->create_config_instance(true);
$name = $data->name;
$data = $this->get_lock_configuration_from_data($lock, $data);
$config->add_lock_instance($name, $lock, $data);
redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('addlocksuccess', 'cache', $name), 5);
return array('form' => $mform);
* Performs the delete lock action.
* @param string $action the action calling this function.
public function action_deletelock(string $action): void {
global $OUTPUT, $PAGE, $SITE;
$notifysuccess = true;
$locks = $this->get_lock_summaries();
$lock = required_param('lock', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', false, PARAM_BOOL);
if (!array_key_exists($lock, $locks)) {
$notifysuccess = false;
$notification = get_string('invalidlock', 'cache');
} else if ($locks[$lock]['uses'] > 0) {
$notifysuccess = false;
$notification = get_string('deletelockhasuses', 'cache');
if ($notifysuccess) {
if (!$confirm) {
$title = get_string('confirmlockdeletion', 'cache');
$params = array('lock' => $lock, 'confirm' => 1, 'action' => $action, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
$url = new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, $params);
$button = new \single_button($url, get_string('deletelock', 'cache'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($title);
$confirmation = get_string('deletelockconfirmation', 'cache', $lock);
echo $OUTPUT->confirm($confirmation, $button, $PAGE->url);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} else {
$writer = cache_config_writer::instance();
redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('deletelocksuccess', 'cache'), 5);
} else {
redirect($PAGE->url, $notification, null, notification::NOTIFY_ERROR);
* Outputs the main admin page by generating it through the renderer.
* @param \core_cache\output\renderer $renderer the renderer to use to generate the page.
* @return string the HTML for the admin page.
public function generate_admin_page(\core_cache\output\renderer $renderer): string {
$context = \context_system::instance();
$html = '';
$storepluginsummaries = $this->get_store_plugin_summaries();
$storeinstancesummaries = $this->get_store_instance_summaries();
$definitionsummaries = $this->get_definition_summaries();
$defaultmodestores = $this->get_default_mode_stores();
$locks = $this->get_lock_summaries();
$html .= $renderer->store_plugin_summaries($storepluginsummaries);
$html .= $renderer->store_instance_summariers($storeinstancesummaries, $storepluginsummaries);
$html .= $renderer->definition_summaries($definitionsummaries, $context);
$html .= $renderer->lock_summaries($locks);
$html .= $renderer->additional_lock_actions();
$applicationstore = join(', ', $defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION]);
$sessionstore = join(', ', $defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_SESSION]);
$requeststore = join(', ', $defaultmodestores[cache_store::MODE_REQUEST]);
$editurl = new \moodle_url('/cache/admin.php', array('action' => 'editmodemappings'));
$html .= $renderer->mode_mappings($applicationstore, $sessionstore, $requeststore, $editurl);
return $html;
* Gets usage information about the whole cache system.
* This is a slow function and should only be used on an admin information page.
* The returned array lists all cache definitions with fields 'cacheid' and 'stores'. For
* each store, the following fields are available:
* - name (store name)
* - class (e.g. cachestore_redis)
* - supported (true if we have any information)
* - items (number of items stored)
* - mean (mean size of item)
* - sd (standard deviation for item sizes)
* - margin (margin of error for mean at 95% confidence)
* - storetotal (total usage for store if known, otherwise null)
* The storetotal field will be the same for every cache that uses the same store.
* @param int $samplekeys Number of keys to sample when checking size of large caches
* @return array Details of cache usage
public function get_usage(int $samplekeys): array {
$results = [];
$factory = cache_factory::instance();
// Check the caches we already have an instance of, so we don't make another one...
$got = $factory->get_caches_in_use();
$gotid = [];
foreach ($got as $longid => $unused) {
// The IDs here can be of the form cacheid/morestuff if there are parameters in the
// cache. Any entry for a cacheid is good enough to consider that we don't need to make
// another entry ourselves, so we remove the extra bits and track the basic cache id.
$gotid[preg_replace('~^([^/]+/[^/]+)/.*$~', '$1', $longid)] = true;
$storetotals = [];
$config = $factory->create_config_instance();
foreach ($config->get_definitions() as $configdetails) {
if (!array_key_exists($configdetails['component'] . '/' . $configdetails['area'], $gotid)) {
// Where possible (if it doesn't need identifiers), make an instance of the cache, otherwise
// we can't get the store instances for it (and it won't show up in the list).
if (empty($configdetails['requireidentifiers'])) {
\cache::make($configdetails['component'], $configdetails['area']);
$definition = $factory->create_definition($configdetails['component'], $configdetails['area']);
$stores = $factory->get_store_instances_in_use($definition);
// Create object for results about this cache definition.
$currentresult = (object)['cacheid' => $definition->get_id(), 'stores' => []];
$results[$currentresult->cacheid] = $currentresult;
/** @var cache_store $store */
foreach ($stores as $store) {
// Skip static cache.
if ($store instanceof \cachestore_static) {
// Get cache size details from store.
$currentstore = $store->cache_size_details($samplekeys);
// Add in basic information about store.
$currentstore->name = $store->my_name();
$currentstore->class = get_class($store);
// Add in store total.
if (!array_key_exists($currentstore->name, $storetotals)) {
$storetotals[$currentstore->name] = $store->store_total_size();
$currentstore->storetotal = $storetotals[$currentstore->name];
$currentresult->stores[] = $currentstore;
return $results;