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@core @core_blog
Feature: Blogs can be set to be only visible by the author.
In order to make blogs personal only
As a user
I need to set the blog level to Users can only see their own blogs.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| testuser | Test | User | |
| testuser2 | Test2 | User2 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| testuser | C1 | student |
| testuser2 | C1 | student |
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
And I navigate to "Appearance > Blog" in site administration
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Blog visibility | Users can only see their own blog |
And I press "Save changes"
Scenario: A student can not see another student's blog entries.
Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as testuser
And I navigate to course participants
When I follow "Test2 User2"
And I should see "Miscellaneous"
Then I should not see "Blog entries"
And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
And I follow "Blog entries"
And I should see "User blog: Test User"