Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Manage the timeline courses view for the timeline block.
 * @copyright  2018 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

) {

    var SELECTORS = {
        MORE_COURSES_BUTTON: '[data-action="more-courses"]',
        MORE_COURSES_BUTTON_CONTAINER: '[data-region="more-courses-button-container"]',
        NO_COURSES_EMPTY_MESSAGE: '[data-region="no-courses-empty-message"]',
        NO_COURSES_WITH_EVENTS_MESSAGE: '[data-region="no-events-empty-message"]',
        COURSES_LIST: '[data-region="courses-list"]',
        COURSE_ITEMS_LOADING_PLACEHOLDER: '[data-region="course-items-loading-placeholder"]',
        COURSE_EVENTS_CONTAINER: '[data-region="course-events-container"]',
        COURSE_NAME: '[data-region="course-name"]',
        LOADING_ICON: '.loading-icon',
        TIMELINE_BLOCK: '[data-region="timeline"]',
        TIMELINE_SEARCH: '[data-action="search"]'

    var TEMPLATES = {
        COURSE_ITEMS: 'block_timeline/course-items',
        LOADING_ICON: 'core/loading'

    var COURSE_SORT = 'fullname asc';
    var COURSE_LIMIT = 2;
    var SECONDS_IN_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24;

    const additionalConfig = {courseview: true};

     * Hide the loading placeholder elements.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    var hideLoadingPlaceholder = function(root) {

     * Show the loading placeholder elements.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    const showLoadingPlaceholder = function(root) {

     * Hide the "more courses" button.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    var hideMoreCoursesButton = function(root) {

     * Show the "more courses" button.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    var showMoreCoursesButton = function(root) {

     * Disable the "more courses" button and show the loading spinner.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    var enableMoreCoursesButtonLoading = function(root) {
        var button = root.find(SELECTORS.MORE_COURSES_BUTTON);
        button.prop('disabled', true);
        Templates.render(TEMPLATES.LOADING_ICON, {})
            .then(function(html) {
                return html;
            .catch(function() {
                // It's not important if this false so just do so silently.
                return false;

     * Enable the "more courses" button and remove the loading spinner.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    var disableMoreCoursesButtonLoading = function(root) {
        var button = root.find(SELECTORS.MORE_COURSES_BUTTON);
        button.prop('disabled', false);

     * Display the message for when courses have no events available (within the current filtering).
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    const showNoCoursesWithEventsMessage = function(root) {
        // Remove any course list contents, since we will display the no events message.
        const container = root.find(SELECTORS.COURSES_LIST);
        Templates.replaceNodeContents(container, '', '');

     * Hide the message for when courses have no events available (within the current filtering).
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
    const hideNoCoursesWithEventsMessage = function(root) {

     * Render the course items HTML to the page.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @param {string} html The course items HTML to render.
     * @param {boolean} append Whether the HTML should be appended (eg pressed "show more courses").
     *                         Defaults to false - replaces the existing content (eg when modifying filter values).
    var renderCourseItemsHTML = function(root, html, append = false) {
        var container = root.find(SELECTORS.COURSES_LIST);

        if (append) {
            Templates.appendNodeContents(container, html, '');
        } else {
            Templates.replaceNodeContents(container, html, '');

     * Return the offset value for fetching courses.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getOffset = function(root) {
        return parseInt(root.attr('data-offset'), 10);

     * Set the offset value for fetching courses.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @param {Number} offset Offset value.
    var setOffset = function(root, offset) {
        root.attr('data-offset', offset);

     * Return the limit value for fetching courses.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getLimit = function(root) {
        return parseInt(root.attr('data-limit'), 10);

     * Return the days offset value for fetching events.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getDaysOffset = function(root) {
        return parseInt(root.attr('data-days-offset'), 10);

     * Return the days limit value for fetching events. The days
     * limit is optional so undefined will be returned if it isn't
     * set.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {int|undefined}
    var getDaysLimit = function(root) {
        var daysLimit = root.attr('data-days-limit');
        return daysLimit != undefined ? parseInt(daysLimit, 10) : undefined;

     * Return the timestamp for the user's midnight.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getMidnight = function(root) {
        return parseInt(root.attr('data-midnight'), 10);

     * Return the start time for fetching events. This is calculated
     * based on the user's midnight value so that timezones are
     * preserved.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getStartTime = function(root) {
        var midnight = getMidnight(root);
        var daysOffset = getDaysOffset(root);
        return midnight + (daysOffset * SECONDS_IN_DAY);

     * Return the end time for fetching events. This is calculated
     * based on the user's midnight value so that timezones are
     * preserved, unless filtering by overdue, where the current UNIX timestamp is used.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getEndTime = function(root) {
        let endTime = null;

        if (root.attr('data-filter-overdue')) {
            // If filtering by overdue, end time will be the current timestamp in seconds.
            endTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
        } else {
            const midnight = getMidnight(root);
            const daysLimit = getDaysLimit(root);

            if (daysLimit != undefined) {
                endTime = midnight + (daysLimit * SECONDS_IN_DAY);

        return endTime;

     * Get a list of events for the given course ids. Returns a promise that will
     * be resolved with the events.
     * @param {array} courseIds The list of course ids to fetch events for.
     * @param {Number} startTime Timestamp to fetch events from.
     * @param {Number} limit Limit to the number of events (this applies per course, not total)
     * @param {Number} endTime Timestamp to fetch events to.
     * @param {string|undefined} searchValue Search value
     * @return {object} jQuery promise.
    var getEventsForCourseIds = function(courseIds, startTime, limit, endTime, searchValue) {
        var args = {
            courseids: courseIds,
            starttime: startTime,
            limit: limit

        if (endTime) {
            args.endtime = endTime;

        if (searchValue) {
            args.searchvalue = searchValue;

        return EventsRepository.queryByCourses(args);

     * Get the last time the events were reloaded.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @return {Number}
    var getEventReloadTime = function(root) {

     * Set the last time the events were reloaded.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @param {Number} time Timestamp in milliseconds.
    var setEventReloadTime = function(root, time) {'last-event-load-time', time);

     * Check if events have begun reloading since the given
     * time.
     * @param {object} root The rool element.
     * @param {Number} time Timestamp in milliseconds.
     * @return {bool}
    var hasReloadedEventsSince = function(root, time) {
        return getEventReloadTime(root) > time;

     * Send a request to the server to load the events for the courses.
     * @param {array} courses List of course objects.
     * @param {Number} startTime Timestamp to load events after.
     * @param {int|undefined} endTime Timestamp to load events up until.
     * @param {string|undefined} searchValue Search value
     * @return {object} jQuery promise resolved with the events.
    var loadEventsForCourses = function(courses, startTime, endTime, searchValue) {
        var courseIds = {

        return getEventsForCourseIds(courseIds, startTime, COURSE_EVENT_LIMIT + 1, endTime, searchValue);

     * Render the courses in the DOM once the server has returned the courses.
     * @param {array} courses List of course objects.
     * @param {object} root The root element
     * @param {Number} midnight The midnight timestamp in the user's timezone.
     * @param {Number} daysOffset Number of days from today to offset the events.
     * @param {Number} daysLimit Number of days from today to limit the events to.
     * @param {boolean} append Whether new content should be appended instead of replaced (eg "show more courses").
     * @return {object} jQuery promise resolved after rendering is complete.
    var updateDisplayFromCourses = function(courses, root, midnight, daysOffset, daysLimit, append) {
        // Render the courses template.
        return Templates.render(TEMPLATES.COURSE_ITEMS, {
            courses: courses,
            midnight: midnight,
            hasdaysoffset: true,
            hasdayslimit: daysLimit != undefined,
            daysoffset: daysOffset,
            dayslimit: daysLimit,
            nodayslimit: daysLimit == undefined,
            courseview: true,
            hascourses: true
        }).then(function(html) {

            if (html) {
                // Template rendering is complete and we have the HTML so we can
                // add it to the DOM.
                renderCourseItemsHTML(root, html, append);

            return html;
        .then(function(html) {
            if (courses.length < COURSE_LIMIT) {
                // We know there aren't any more courses because we got back less
                // than we asked for so hide the button to request more.
            } else {
                // Make sure the button is visible if there are more courses to load.

            return html;
        .catch(function() {

     * Find all of the visible course blocks and initialise the event
     * list module to being loading the events for the course block.
     * @param {object} root The root element for the timeline courses view.
     * @param {boolean} append Whether content should be appended instead of replaced (eg "show more courses"). False by default.
     * @return {object} jQuery promise resolved with courses and events.
    var loadMoreCourses = function(root, append = false) {
        const pendingPromise = new Pending('block/timeline:load-more-courses');
        var offset = getOffset(root);
        var limit = getLimit(root);
        const startTime = getStartTime(root);
        const endTime = getEndTime(root);
        const searchValue = root.closest(SELECTORS.TIMELINE_BLOCK).find(SELECTORS.TIMELINE_SEARCH).val();

        // Start loading the next set of courses.
        // Fetch up to limit number of courses with at least one action event in the time filtering specified.
        // Courses without events will also be fetched, but hidden in case they have events in other timespans.
        return CourseRepository.getEnrolledCoursesWithEventsByTimelineClassification(
        ).then(function(result) {
            var startEventLoadingTime =;
            var courses =;
            var nextOffset = result.nextoffset;
            var daysOffset = getDaysOffset(root);
            var daysLimit = getDaysLimit(root);
            var midnight = getMidnight(root);
            const moreCoursesAvailable = result.morecoursesavailable;

            // Record the next offset if we want to request more courses.
            setOffset(root, nextOffset);
            // Load the events for these courses.
            var eventsPromise = loadEventsForCourses(courses, startTime, endTime, searchValue);
            // Render the courses in the DOM.
            var renderPromise = updateDisplayFromCourses(courses, root, midnight, daysOffset, daysLimit, append);

            return $.when(eventsPromise, renderPromise)
                .then(function(eventsByCourse) {
                    if (hasReloadedEventsSince(root, startEventLoadingTime)) {
                        // All of the events are being reloaded so ignore our results.
                        return eventsByCourse;

                    if (courses.length > 0) {
                        // Render the events in the correct course event list.
                        courses.forEach(function(course) {
                            const courseId =;
                            const containerSelector = '[data-region="course-events-container"][data-course-id="' + courseId + '"]';
                            const courseEventsContainer = root.find(containerSelector);
                            const eventListRoot = courseEventsContainer.find(EventList.rootSelector);

                            EventList.init(eventListRoot, additionalConfig);

                        if (!moreCoursesAvailable) {
                            // If no more courses with events matching the current filtering exist, hide the more courses button.
                        } else {
                            // If more courses exist with events matching the current filtering, show the more courses button.
                    } else {
                        // No more courses to load, hide the more courses button.

                        // A zero offset means this was not loading "more courses", so we need to display the no results message.
                        if (offset == 0) {

                    return eventsByCourse;
        }).then(() => {
            return pendingPromise.resolve();

     * Add event listeners to load more courses for the courses view.
     * @param {object} root The root element for the timeline courses view.
    var registerEventListeners = function(root) {
        CustomEvents.define(root, []);
        // Show more courses and load their events when the user clicks the "more courses" button.
        root.on(, SELECTORS.MORE_COURSES_BUTTON, function(e, data) {
            loadMoreCourses(root, true)
                .then(function() {
                .catch(function() {

            if (data) {

     * Initialise the timeline courses view. Begin loading the events
     * if this view is active. Add the relevant event listeners.
     * This function should only be called once per page load because it
     * is adding event listeners to the page.
     * @param {object} root The root element for the timeline courses view.
    var init = function(root) {
        root = $(root);

        // Only need to handle course loading if the user is actively enrolled in a course.
        if (!root.find(SELECTORS.NO_COURSES_EMPTY_MESSAGE).length) {

            if (root.hasClass('active')) {
                // Only load if this is active otherwise it will be lazy loaded later.
                root.attr('data-seen', true);


     * Reset the element back to it's initial state. Begin loading the events again
     * if this view is active.
     * @param {object} root The root element for the timeline courses view.
    var reset = function(root) {

        setOffset(root, 0);

        if (root.hasClass('active')) {

     * Begin loading the events unless we know there are no actively enrolled courses.
     * @param {object} root The root element for the timeline courses view.
    var shown = function(root) {
        if (!root.attr('data-seen') && !root.find(SELECTORS.NO_COURSES_EMPTY_MESSAGE).length) {
            root.attr('data-seen', true);

    return {
        init: init,
        reset: reset,
        shown: shown