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@block @core_block @javascript @addablocklink
Feature: Add a block when main feature is enabled
In order to add a block to my course
As a teacher
Some blocks should be only added to courses if the main feature they are based on is enabled.
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format |
| Course 1 | C1 | topics |
And I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as "admin"
Scenario Outline: The block can be added when main feature is enabled
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| <settingname1> | 1 | <settingplugin1> |
| <settingname2> | 1 | |
And I turn editing mode on
When I click on "Add a block" "link"
Then I should see "<blockname>"
| blockname | settingname1 | settingname2 | settingplugin1 |
| Accessibility review | enableaccessibilitytools | | |
| Blog menu | enableblogs | | |
| Recent blog entries | enableblogs | | |
| Blog tags | enableblogs | usetags | |
| Comments | usecomments | | |
| Course completion status | enablecompletion | | |
| Global search | enableglobalsearch | | |
| Latest badges | enablebadges | | |
| Tags | usetags | | |
| Learning plans | enabled | | core_competency |
Scenario Outline: The block cannot be added when main feature is disabled
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| <settingname1> | 0 | <settingplugin1> |
| <settingname2> | 0 | |
And I turn editing mode on
When I click on "Add a block" "link"
Then I should not see "<blockname>"
| blockname | settingname1 | settingname2 | settingplugin1 |
| Accessibility review | enableaccessibilitytools | | |
| Blog menu | enableblogs | | |
| Recent blog entries | enableblogs | | |
| Blog tags | enableblogs | usetags | |
| Comments | usecomments | | |
| Course completion status | enablecompletion | | |
| Global search | enableglobalsearch | | |
| Latest badges | enablebadges | | |
| Tags | usetags | | |
| Learning plans | enabled | | core_competency |