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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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* Point of View block configuration form definition.
* @package block_point_view
* @copyright 2020 Quentin Fombaron, 2021 Astor Bizard
* @author Quentin Fombaron <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/locallib.php');
* block_point_view_edit_form Class
* @package block_point_view
* @copyright 2020 Quentin Fombaron
* @author Quentin Fombaron <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class block_point_view_edit_form extends block_edit_form {
* Configuration page
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
protected function specific_definition($mform) {
global $COURSE, $OUTPUT, $DB;
if (get_config('block_point_view', 'enable_point_views_admin')) {
// Add block_point_view class to form element for styling,
// as it is not done for the body element on block edition page.
$mform->updateAttributes([ 'class' => $mform->getAttribute('class') . ' block_point_view' ]);
$mform->addElement('header', 'general_header', get_string('blocksettings', 'block'));
// Block content.
$editoroptions = [ 'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'noclean' => true, 'context' => $this->block->context ];
get_string('contentinputlabel', 'block_point_view'),
$mform->setType('config_text', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addHelpButton('config_text', 'contentinputlabel', 'block_point_view');
// Reaction activation.
$mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_enable_point_views',
get_string('enablepoint_views', 'block_point_view'));
$this->add_checkbox_with_help($mform, 'config_enable_point_views_new_modules', 'enableforfuturemodules', 1);
$mform->disabledIf('config_enable_point_views_new_modules', 'config_enable_point_views', 'eq', 0);
$this->add_checkbox_with_help($mform, 'config_show_other_users_reactions', 'showotherreactions', 1);
$mform->disabledIf('config_show_other_users_reactions', 'config_enable_point_views', 'eq', 0);
$this->add_checkbox_with_help($mform, 'config_highlight_activity_rows', 'highlightactivityrows', 1);
$mform->disabledIf('config_highlight_activity_rows', 'config_enable_point_views', 'eq', 0);
// Difficulty tracks activation.
$mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_enable_difficultytracks',
get_string('enabledifficulties', 'block_point_view'));
// Reactions and difficulty tracks configuration by activity.
$mform->addElement('header', 'activities_header', get_string('header_activities', 'block_point_view'));
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE->id, -1);
$cms = $modinfo->cms;
$modtypes = array_keys($modinfo->instances);
if (empty($cms)) {
$this->add_warning_message($mform, get_string('noactivity', 'block_point_view'));
// Enable/Disable by activity module type.
foreach ($modtypes as $type) {
$this->add_enable_disable_buttons($mform, '',
'enable_type', 'disable_type',
get_string('modulenameplural', $type),
'data-type="' . $type . '"',
[ 'class' => 'reactions' ]);
$oldsection = '';
$sectionid = 0;
// Enable/Disable by activity or section.
foreach ($cms as $cm) {
if ($cm->sectionnum != $oldsection) {
$sectionname = get_section_name($COURSE, $cm->sectionnum);
$this->add_enable_disable_buttons($mform, '<h4>' . $sectionname . '</h4>',
'sec' . $sectionid,
'enableall', 'disableall',
'data-section="sec' . $sectionid . '"',
[ 'class' => 'pt-3' ]);
$oldsection = $cm->sectionnum;
$icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('icon', $cm->get_module_type_name(), $cm->modname,
[ 'class' => 'iconlarge activityicon' ]);
$this->add_activity_config($mform, $cm->id, $sectionid, $cm->modname, $icon . $cm->get_formatted_name());
// Emoji configuration.
// Reaction reinitialisation.
$mform->addElement('header', 'reset_header', get_string('resetreactionsheader', 'block_point_view'));
$buttons = $this->get_action_button('cleanup_reactions', 'warning',
'cleanupcoursereactions', format_string($COURSE->fullname));
$buttons .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('cleanupreactions', 'block_point_view');
$buttons .= $this->get_action_button('reset_reactions', 'danger',
'resetcoursereactions', format_string($COURSE->fullname));
$buttons .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('resetreactions', 'block_point_view');
$mform->addElement('html', html_writer::div($buttons, 'mt-2 mb-3'));
$cms = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE->id, -1)->cms;
$cmshtml = '';
if (count($cms)) {
$sectionid = -1;
foreach ($cms as $cm) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('block_point_view', [ 'courseid' => $COURSE->id, 'cmid' => $cm->id ])) {
if ($cm->section != $sectionid) {
if ($sectionid != -1) {
$cmshtml .= '</div>'; // Close section.
$sectionid = $cm->section;
// Open section.
$cmshtml .= '<div class="pl-3"><h3>' . get_section_name($COURSE->id, $cm->sectionnum) . '</h3>';
$icon = $OUTPUT->image_icon('icon', $cm->modfullname, $cm->modname, [ 'class' => 'activityicon' ]);
$resetbutton = $this->get_action_button('', 'danger', 'resetreactions', null,
'data-cmid="' . $cm->id . '" data-role="reset_module"');
$cmshtml .= html_writer::div($icon . $cm->get_formatted_name() . $resetbutton, 'mb-1');
if (empty($cmshtml)) {
$cmshtml = get_string('noreactionsyet', 'block_point_view');
} else {
$cmshtml .= '</div>'; // Close section.
$mform->addElement('html', html_writer::div(
html_writer::tag('legend', get_string('resetreactionsbymodule', 'block_point_view')) . $cmshtml, 'ml-3 mb-2'));
// Call javascript from a static function in locallib, because Moodle linter won't let us call global $PAGE from here
// (and $this->page actually contains the course page, not the edit form page).
} else {
$this->add_warning_message($mform, get_string('blockdisabled', 'block_point_view'));
* Helper function to add an advcheckbox element with a help button to a form.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $name Checkbox element name.
* @param string $str String identifier for label and help button (in block_point_view component).
* @param mixed $default Default value for the checkbox.
protected function add_checkbox_with_help(&$mform, $name, $str, $default = 0) {
$mform->addElement('advcheckbox', $name, get_string($str, 'block_point_view'));
$mform->addHelpButton($name, $str, 'block_point_view');
$mform->setDefault($name, $default);
* Helper function to add two buttons (enable/disable) to a form.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $grouplabel The label to put before the two buttons.
* @param string $name The name of the buttons (their "id" will be "enableall<$name>" and "disableall<$name>").
* @param string $enablestr String identifier for enable button label (in block_point_view component).
* @param string $disablestr String identifier for disable button label (in block_point_view component).
* @param string $a Additional data to pass to get_string for enable and disable button labels.
* @param string $helpstr String identifier for help button (in block_point_view component).
* @param string $dataattr Data attributes for both buttons.
* @param array $attributes Attributes to be added to the form element containing both buttons.
protected function add_enable_disable_buttons(&$mform, $grouplabel, $name,
$enablestr, $disablestr, $a, $helpstr, $dataattr = '', $attributes = []) {
global $OUTPUT;
$templatecontext = new stdClass();
$templatecontext->helpbutton = $OUTPUT->help_icon($helpstr, 'block_point_view');
$templatecontext->enablename = 'enableall' . $name;
$templatecontext->enablelabel = get_string($enablestr, 'block_point_view', $a);
$templatecontext->disablename = 'disableall' . $name;
$templatecontext->disablelabel = get_string($disablestr, 'block_point_view', $a);
$templatecontext->dataattr = $dataattr;
$element = &$mform->addElement('static', '', $grouplabel,
$OUTPUT->render_from_template('block_point_view/enabledisable', $templatecontext));
if (!empty($attributes)) {
* Helper function to create settings for one course module in the form (reactions checkbox and difficulty track select).
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param int $cmid Course module id.
* @param int $sectionid Section id this module belongs to.
* @param string $type Course module type name.
* @param string $label Label for form elements (likely, course module name and icon).
protected function add_activity_config(&$mform, $cmid, $sectionid, $type, $label) {
$group = [];
// Checkbox for reactions.
$group[] =& $mform->createElement( 'advcheckbox', 'config_moduleselectm' . $cmid,
get_string('reactions', 'block_point_view'), null,
'class' => 'reactions enablemodulereactions cbsec' . $sectionid . ' cb' . $type,
'data-section' => 'sec' . $sectionid,
'data-type' => $type,
[ 0, $cmid ]
// Difficulty track.
$group[] =& $mform->createElement( 'html',
'<span id="track_' . $cmid . '" class="block_point_view track selecttrack difficultytracks"></span>' );
// Difficulty track select.
$group[] =& $mform->createElement( 'select', 'config_difficulty_' . $cmid, '',
get_string('nonetrack', 'block_point_view'),
get_string('greentrack', 'block_point_view'),
get_string('bluetrack', 'block_point_view'),
get_string('redtrack', 'block_point_view'),
get_string('blacktrack', 'block_point_view'),
[ 'class' => 'difficultytracks moduletrackselect', 'data-id' => $cmid ]
$mform->addGroup( $group, 'config_activity_' . $cmid, $label, '', false );
* Helper function to add a warning to a form.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $message
protected function add_warning_message(&$mform, $message) {
$warning = html_writer::tag( 'div', $message, ['class' => 'warning'] );
$mform->addElement('static', '', '', $warning);
* Add all form controls for emoji selection to the form.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
protected function add_emoji_selection(&$mform) {
global $CFG;
$mform->addElement('header', 'images_header', get_string('header_images', 'block_point_view'));
$pixfiles = [ 'easy', 'better', 'hard' ];
$adminpixenabled = get_config('block_point_view', 'enable_pix_admin');
$custompixexist = false;
// List existing pix. Three options:
// - default pix (in blocks/point_view/pix),
// - admin pix (in block administration settings),
// - custom pix (in block configuration).
$pix = [ 'default' => [], 'admin' => [], 'custom' => [] ];
foreach ($pixfiles as $file) {
$defaultsrc = $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/point_view/pix/' . $file . '.png';
$pix['default'][$file] = $defaultsrc;
if ($adminpixenabled) {
$adminsrc = block_point_view_pix_url(1, 'point_views_pix_admin', $file);
if (!$adminsrc) {
$adminsrc = $defaultsrc;
$pix['admin'][$file] = $adminsrc;
$customsrc = block_point_view_pix_url($this->block->context->id, 'point_views_pix', $file);
if ($customsrc) {
$custompixexist = true;
} else {
$customsrc = isset($adminsrc) ? $adminsrc : $defaultsrc;
$pix['custom'][$file] = $customsrc;
if ($custompixexist) {
$deletecustombutton = $this->get_action_button('delete_custom_pix', 'warning', 'delete_custom_pix');
} else {
$pix['custom'] = [];
$deletecustombutton = null;
// Create select for the three options.
$pixselect = [];
$pixselect[] = &$mform->createElement('html', '<div class="pixselectgroup">');
$this->create_emoji_radioselect($mform, $pixselect, 'default', $pix);
if ($adminpixenabled) {
$this->create_emoji_radioselect($mform, $pixselect, 'admin', $pix);
$this->create_emoji_radioselect($mform, $pixselect, 'custom', $pix, $deletecustombutton);
$pixselect[] = &$mform->createElement('html', '</div>');
$mform->addGroup($pixselect, 'pixselectgroup', get_string('emojitouse', 'block_point_view'), '', false);
$mform->setDefault('config_pixselect', $adminpixenabled ? 'admin' : 'default');
$mform->addHelpButton('pixselectgroup', 'emojitouse', 'block_point_view');
// Create file manager for custom emoji.
get_string('customemoji', 'block_point_view'),
[ 'subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 11, 'accepted_types' => '.png' ]
$mform->addHelpButton('config_point_views_pix', 'customemoji', 'block_point_view');
$mform->disabledIf('config_point_views_pix', 'config_pixselect', 'neq', 'custom');
// Create fields for custom reaction text.
$current = block_point_view_get_current_pix($this->block, $pixfiles);
foreach ($pixfiles as $file) {
$elementname = 'config_pix_text_' . $file;
$defaulttext = get_string('defaulttext' . $file, 'block_point_view');
html_writer::empty_tag('img', [
'src' => $current[$file],
'class' => 'pix-preview currentpix my-1',
'alt' => $defaulttext,
'data-reaction' => $file,
]) .
get_string('emojidesc', 'block_point_view')
$mform->setDefault($elementname, $defaulttext);
$mform->setType($elementname, PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addHelpButton($elementname, 'emojidesc', 'block_point_view');
* Helper function to create a radio select element for emoji and add it to a form.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param Html_Common[] $group Array to which the element should be added.
* @param string $value
* @param string[][] $pix Array of pix sources.
* @param string|null $additionallegend Optional html to add after the emoji.
protected function create_emoji_radioselect(&$mform, &$group, $value, $pix, $additionallegend = null) {
$group[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'config_pixselect', '',
get_string($value . 'pix', 'block_point_view'), $value, [ 'class' => 'pr-2 mr-0 w-100 justify-content-start' ]);
$legend = '<label for="id_config_pixselect_' . $value . '" class="d-inline-block">';
foreach ($pix[$value] as $file => $src) {
$legend .= html_writer::empty_tag('img', [
'src' => $src,
'class' => 'pix-preview my-1',
'data-reaction' => $file,
'data-source' => $value,
$legend .= '</label>';
if ($additionallegend !== null) {
$legend = '<span>' . $legend . $additionallegend . '</span>';
$group[] = $mform->createElement('html', $legend);
* Helper function to create an action button.
* @param string $id Button id.
* @param string $type Button outline type (e.g. 'warning', 'danger'...).
* @param string $str String identifier for the button label (in block_point_view component).
* @param string|null $a Additional data to pass to get_string for button label.
* @param string $dataattributes HTML data attributes.
* @return string HTML fragment for the button.
protected function get_action_button($id, $type, $str, $a = null, $dataattributes = '') {
return '<button ' . ($id ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : '') . 'class="btn btn-outline-' . $type . ' ml-3 mr-1"
type="button" ' . $dataattributes . '>' .
get_string($str, 'block_point_view', $a) .
* Validation of filemanager files
* @param array $data
* @param array $files
* @return array
public function validation($data, $files) {
global $USER;
$errors = [];
if (isset($data['config_pixselect']) && $data['config_pixselect'] == 'custom') {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$usercontext = context_user::instance($USER->id);
$expected = [
$draftfiles = $fs->get_area_files(
if (empty($draftfiles)) {
$errors['config_point_views_pix'] = get_string('errorfilemanagerempty', 'block_point_view');
foreach ($draftfiles as $file) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file->get_filename());
if (!in_array($pathinfo['filename'], $expected, true)) {
if (!isset($errors['config_point_views_pix'])) {
$errors['config_point_views_pix'] = '';
$errors['config_point_views_pix'] .= get_string(
) . '<br />';
return $errors;
* File manager and Editor data
* @param array $defaults
public function set_data($defaults) {
$text = '';
if (!empty($this->block->config) && is_object($this->block->config)) {
$text = $this->block->config->text;
$draftideditor = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('config_text');
if (empty($text)) {
$currenttext = '';
} else {
$currenttext = $text;
$defaults->config_text['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area(
[ 'subdirs' => true ],
$defaults->config_text['itemid'] = $draftideditor;
$defaults->config_text['format'] = $this->block->config->format;
$draftidpix = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('config_point_views_pix');
'subdirs' => 0,
'maxfiles' => 20,
'accepted_types' => [ '.png' ],
$defaults->config_point_views_pix = $draftidpix;
$this->block->config->point_views_pix = $draftidpix;
if (!get_config('block_point_view', 'enable_pix_admin')
&& isset($this->block->config->pixselect)
&& $this->block->config->pixselect == 'admin') {
$this->block->config->pixselect = 'default';
if (!isset($this->block->config)) {
$this->block->config = new stdClass();
$this->block->config->text = $text;