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{"version":3,"file":"script_config_point_view.min.js","sources":["../src/script_config_point_view.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * Defines the behavior of the configuration page of a Point of View block.\n * @copyright 2020 Quentin Fombaron, 2021 Astor Bizard\n * @license GNU GPL v3
or later\n */\ndefine(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification'], function($, ajax, notification) {\n\n /**\n * Manage updating of visibility state of elements related to Reactions and Difficulty tracks,\n * depending on whether they are enabled or not.\n */\n function manageElementsVisibility() {\n var $enableReactions = $('[name=\"config_enable_point_views\"]');\n var $enableDifficultyTracks = $('[name=\"config_enable_difficultytracks\"]');\n\n var updateElementsVisibility = function() {\n var reactionsEnabled = $enableReactions.val() > 0;\n var difficultyTracksEnabled = $enableDifficultyTracks.val() > 0;\n\n $('fieldset[id^=id_activities_header]').toggle(reactionsEnabled || difficultyTracksEnabled);\n\n $('.reactions, fieldset[id^=id_images_header]').toggle(reactionsEnabled);\n $('.difficultytracks').toggle(difficultyTracksEnabled);\n };\n\n updateElementsVisibility();\n\n $enableReactions
.change(updateElementsVisibility);\n $enableDifficultyTracks.change(updateElementsVisibility);\n }\n\n /**\n * Manage Enable/Disable buttons for sections and module types.\n */\n function manageEnableDisableButtons() {\n\n // Update of Enable/Disable buttons state for a section or module type,\n // depending on checkboxes state for that section or module type.\n var updateEnableDisableButtonsFor = function(sectionOrType) {\n var $checkboxes = $('.cb' + sectionOrType + ':checkbox');\n var nBoxesChecked = $checkboxes.filter(':checked').length;\n $('#enableall' + sectionOrType).toggleClass('active', nBoxesChecked === $checkboxes.length);\n $('#disableall' + sectionOrType).toggleClass('active', nBoxesChecked === 0);\n };\n\n $('.enablemodulereactions').change(function() {\n updateEnableDisableButtonsFor($(this).data('type')); // Update Enable/Disable buttons state for module type.\n update
EnableDisableButtonsFor($(this).data('section')); // Update Enable/Disable buttons state for section.\n }).click(function() {\n $('.enablemodulereactions.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted');\n });\n\n $('.enable-disable button').each(function() {\n var sectionOrType = $(this).data('type') || $(this).data('section');\n\n updateEnableDisableButtonsFor(sectionOrType); // Update Enable/Disable buttons state on page load.\n\n $(this).click(function() {\n $('.enablemodulereactions.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted');\n $('.cb' + sectionOrType + ':checkbox')\n .prop('checked', $(this).data('enable')) // Update all corresponding checkboxes.\n .addClass('highlighted')\n .change(); // Trigger a change to update Enable/Disable buttons state accordingly.\n });\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a listener to a button click with a confirm dialog and ajax
call.\n * @param {jQuery} $button The button to add the listener to.\n * @param {String} message Confirmation message, a string component of block_point_view.\n * @param {String} ajaxmethod Ajax method to be called.\n * @param {Object} ajaxargs Arguments to be passed to the ajax call.\n * @param {Function} callback A function called after ajax call completed successfully.\n */\n function buttonWithAjaxCall($button, message, ajaxmethod, ajaxargs, callback) {\n $ {\n M.util.show_confirm_dialog(e, {\n message: M.util.get_string(message, 'block_point_view'),\n callback: function() {\n[\n {\n methodname: 'block_point_view_' + ajaxmethod,\n args: ajaxargs,\n done: callback,\n fail: notification.exception\n }\n ]);\n
}\n });\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Setup change listener to update track color responsively when it is changed from select.\n * @param {Object} trackcolors Mapping of trackname => CSS color.\n */\n function setupDifficultyTrackChange(trackcolors) {\n // Difficulty track change.\n $('.moduletrackselect select').change(function() {\n $('#track_' + $(this).data('id')).css({\n 'background-color': trackcolors[$(this).val()] // Change track color.\n });\n }).change(); // Update track colors once on page load.\n }\n\n return {\n init: function(envconf, trackcolors) {\n\n manageElementsVisibility();\n\n manageEnableDisableButtons();\n\n setupDifficultyTrackChange(trackcolors);\n\n // Custom emoji deletion.\n buttonWithAjaxCall(\n $('#delete_custom_pix'),\n 'deleteemojiconfirmation',\n 'de
lete_custom_pix',\n {\n contextid: envconf.contextid,\n courseid: envconf.courseid,\n draftitemid: $('input[name=\"config_point_views_pix\"]').val()\n },\n function() {\n $('.pix-preview[data-source=\"custom\"], #delete_custom_pix').remove(); // Remove emoji preview and button.\n // Refresh draft area files.\n // # For an unknown reason, the following instruction with jQuery does not work\n // # (or at least does not trigger the expected listener).\n document.querySelector('[id^=fitem_id_config_point_views_pix] .fp-path-folder-name').click();\n }\n );\n\n // Update current emoji on emoji change.\n $('[name=config_pixselect]').change(function() {\n var newsource = $(this).val();\n $('img.curr
entpix').each(function() {\n var $img = $('img[data-source=\"' + newsource + '\"][data-reaction=\"' + $(this).data('reaction') + '\"]');\n if ($img.length == 1 && $img.attr('src') > '') {\n $(this).attr('src', $img.attr('src'));\n }\n });\n });\n\n // Course reactions cleanup.\n buttonWithAjaxCall(\n $('#cleanup_reactions'),\n 'cleanupreactionsconfirmation',\n 'update_db',\n {\n func: 'cleanup',\n courseid: envconf.courseid\n },\n function() {\n notification.alert(M.util.get_string('info', 'moodle'),\n M.util.get_string('reactionscleanedupsuccessfully', 'block_point_view'),\n M.util.get_string('ok', 'moodle'));\n }\n
);\n\n // Course reactions reset.\n buttonWithAjaxCall(\n $('#reset_reactions'),\n 'resetreactionsconfirmation',\n 'update_db',\n {\n func: 'reset',\n courseid: envconf.courseid\n },\n function() {\n notification.alert(M.util.get_string('info', 'moodle'),\n M.util.get_string('reactionsresetsuccessfully', 'block_point_view'),\n M.util.get_string('ok', 'moodle'));\n }\n );\n\n // Module reactions reset.\n $('[data-role=reset_module').each(function() {\n var cmid = $(this).data('cmid');\n buttonWithAjaxCall(\n $(this),\n 'resetreactionsonmoduleconfirmation',\n 'update_db',\n
{\n func: 'reset',\n courseid: envconf.courseid,\n cmid: cmid\n },\n function() {\n notification.alert(M.util.get_string('info', 'moodle'),\n M.util.get_string('reactionsresetsuccessfully', 'block_point_view'),\n M.util.get_string('ok', 'moodle'));\n }\n );\n });\n },\n\n setupDifficultyTrackChange: setupDifficultyTrackChange\n };\n});"],"names":["define","$","ajax","notification","buttonWithAjaxCall","$button","message","ajaxmethod","ajaxargs","callback","click","e","M","util","show_confirm_dialog","get_string","call","methodname","args","done","fail","exception","setupDifficultyTrackChange","trackcolors","change","this","data","css","val","init","envconf","$enableReactions","$enableDifficultyTracks","updateElementsVisib