Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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 * Language strings
 * @package    block_openai_chat
 * @copyright  2024 Bryce Yoder <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

$string['pluginname'] = 'OpenAI Chat Block';
$string['openai_chat'] = 'OpenAI Chat';
$string['openai_chat_logs'] = 'OpenAI Chat Logs';
$string['openai_chat:addinstance'] = 'Add a new OpenAI Chat block';
$string['openai_chat:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new OpenAI Chat block to the My Moodle page';
$string['openai_chat:viewreport'] = 'View OpenAI Chat log report';
$string['privacy:metadata:openai_chat_log'] = 'Logged user messages sent to OpenAI. This includes the user ID of the user that sent the message, the content of the message, the response from OpenAI, and the time that the message was sent.';
$string['privacy:metadata:openai_chat_log:userid'] = 'The ID of the user that sent the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:openai_chat_log:usermessage'] = 'The content of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:openai_chat_log:airesponse'] = 'The response from OpenAI.';
$string['privacy:metadata:openai_chat_log:timecreated'] = 'The time the message was sent.';
$string['privacy:chatmessagespath'] = 'Sent AI chat messages';
$string['downloadfilename'] = 'block_openai_chat_logs';

$string['blocktitle'] = 'Block title';

$string['restrictusage'] = 'Restrict usage to logged-in users';
$string['restrictusagedesc'] = 'If this box is checked, only logged-in users will be able to use the chat box.';
$string['apikey'] = 'API Key';
$string['apikeydesc'] = 'The API Key for your OpenAI account or Azure API key';
$string['type'] = 'API Type';
$string['typedesc'] = 'The API type that the plugin should use';
$string['logging'] = 'Enable logging';
$string['loggingdesc'] = 'If this setting is active, all user messages and AI responses will be logged.';

$string['assistantheading'] = 'Assistant API Settings';
$string['assistantheadingdesc'] = 'These settings only apply to the Assistant API type.';
$string['assistant'] = 'Assistant';
$string['assistantdesc'] = 'The default assistant attached to your OpenAI account that you would like to use for the response';
$string['noassistants'] = 'You haven\'t created any assistants yet. You need to create one <a target="_blank" href="">in your OpenAI account</a> before you can select it here.';
$string['persistconvo'] = 'Persist conversations';
$string['persistconvodesc'] = 'If this box is checked, the assistant will remember the conversation between page loads. However, separate block instances will maintain separate conversations. For example, a user\'s conversation will be retained between page loads within the same course, but chatting with an assistant in a different course will not carry on the same conversation.';

$string['azureheading'] = 'Azure API Settings';
$string['azureheadingdesc'] = 'These settings only apply to the Azure API type.';
$string['resourcename'] = 'Resource name';
$string['resourcenamedesc'] = 'The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.';
$string['deploymentid'] = 'Deployment ID';
$string['deploymentiddesc'] = 'The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.';
$string['apiversion'] = 'API Version';
$string['apiversiondesc'] = 'The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.';
$string['chatheading'] = 'Chat API Settings';
$string['chatheadingdesc'] = 'These settings only apply to the Chat API and Azure API types.';
$string['prompt'] = 'Completion prompt';
$string['promptdesc'] = 'The prompt the AI will be given before the conversation transcript';
$string['assistantname'] = 'Assistant name';
$string['assistantnamedesc'] = 'The name that the AI will use for itself internally. It is also used for the UI headings in the chat window.';
$string['username'] = 'User name';
$string['usernamedesc'] = 'The name that the AI will use for the user internally. It is also used for the UI headings in the chat window.';
$string['sourceoftruth'] = 'Source of truth';
$string['sourceoftruthdesc'] = 'Although the AI is very capable out-of-the-box, if it doesn\'t know the answer to a question, it is more likely to give incorrect information confidently than to refuse to answer. In this textbox, you can add common questions and their answers for the AI to pull from. Please put questions and answers in the following format: <pre>Q: Question 1<br />A: Answer 1<br /><br />Q: Question 2<br />A: Answer 2</pre>';
$string['showlabels'] = 'Show labels';
$string['advanced'] = 'Advanced';
$string['advanceddesc'] = 'Advanced arguments sent to OpenAI. Don\'t touch unless you know what you\'re doing!';
$string['allowinstancesettings'] = 'Instance-level settings';
$string['allowinstancesettingsdesc'] = 'This setting will allow teachers, or anyone with the capability to add a block in a context, to adjust settings at a per-block level. Enabling this could incur additional charges by allowing non-admins to choose higher-cost models or other settings.';
$string['model'] = 'Model';
$string['modeldesc'] = 'The model which will  generate the completion. Some models are suitable for natural language tasks, others specialize in code.';
$string['temperature'] = 'Temperature';
$string['temperaturedesc'] = 'Controls randomness: Lowering results in less random completions. As the temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and repetitive.';
$string['maxlength'] = 'Maximum length';
$string['maxlengthdesc'] = 'The maximum number of token to generate. Requests can use up to 2,048 or 4,000 tokens shared between prompt and completion. The exact limit varies by model. (One token is roughly 4 characters for normal English text)';
$string['topp'] = 'Top P';
$string['toppdesc'] = 'Controls diversity via nucleus sampling: 0.5 means half of all likelihood-weighted options are considered.';
$string['frequency'] = 'Frequency penalty';
$string['frequencydesc'] = 'How much to penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far. Decreases the model\'s likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.';
$string['presence'] = 'Presence penalty';
$string['presencedesc'] = 'How much to penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far. Increases the model\'s likelihood to talk about new topics.';

$string['config_assistant'] = "Assistant";
$string['config_assistant_help'] = "Choose the assistant you would like to use for this block. More assistants can be created in the OpenAI account that this block is configured to use.";
$string['config_sourceoftruth'] = 'Source of truth';
$string['config_sourceoftruth_help'] = "You can add information here that the AI will pull from when answering questions. The information should be in question and answer format exactly like the following:\n\nQ: When is section 3 due?<br />A: Thursday, March 16.\n\nQ: When are office hours?<br />A: You can find Professor Shown in her office between 2:00 and 4:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.";
$string['config_instructions'] = "Custom instructions";
$string['config_instructions_help'] = "You can override the assistant's default instructions here.";
$string['config_prompt'] = "Completion prompt";
$string['config_prompt_help'] = "This is the prompt the AI will be given before the conversation transcript. You can influence the AI's personality by altering this description. By default, the prompt is \n\n\"Below is a conversation between a user and a support assistant for a Moodle site, where users go for online learning.\"\n\nIf blank, the site-wide prompt will be used.";
$string['config_username'] = "User name";
$string['config_username_help'] = "This is the name that the AI will use for the user. If blank, the site-wide user name will be used. It is also used for the UI headings in the chat window.";
$string['config_assistantname'] = "Assistant name";
$string['config_assistantname_help'] = "This is the name that the AI will use for the assistant. If blank, the site-wide assistant name will be used. It is also used for the UI headings in the chat window.";
$string['config_persistconvo'] = 'Persist conversation';
$string['config_persistconvo_help'] = 'If this box is checked, the assistant will remember conversations in this block between page loads';
$string['config_apikey'] = "API Key";
$string['config_apikey_help'] = "You can specify an API key to use with this block here. If blank, the site-wide key will be used. If you are using the Assistants API, the list of available assistants will be pulled from this key. Make sure to return to these settings after changing the API key in order to select the desired assistant.";
$string['config_model'] = "Model";
$string['config_model_help'] = "The model which will  generate the completion";
$string['config_temperature'] = "Temperature";
$string['config_temperature_help'] = "Controls randomness: Lowering results in less random completions. As the temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and repetitive.";
$string['config_maxlength'] = "Maximum length";
$string['config_maxlength_help'] = "The maximum number of token to generate. Requests can use up to 2,048 or 4,000 tokens shared between prompt and completion. The exact limit varies by model. (One token is roughly 4 characters for normal English text)";
$string['config_topp'] = "Top P";
$string['config_topp_help'] = "Controls diversity via nucleus sampling: 0.5 means half of all likelihood-weighted options are considered.";
$string['config_frequency'] = "Frequency penalty";
$string['config_frequency_help'] = "How much to penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far. Decreases the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.";
$string['config_presence'] = "Presence penalty";
$string['config_presence_help'] = "How much to penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far. Increases the model's likelihood to talk about new topics.";

$string['defaultprompt'] = "Below is a conversation between a user and a support assistant for a Moodle site, where users go for online learning:";
$string['defaultassistantname'] = 'Assistant';
$string['defaultusername'] = 'User';
$string['askaquestion'] = 'Ask a question...';
$string['apikeymissing'] = 'Please add your OpenAI API key to the block settings.';
$string['erroroccurred'] = 'An error occurred! Please try again later.';
$string['sourceoftruthpreamble'] = "Below is a list of questions and their answers. This information should be used as a reference for any inquiries:\n\n";
$string['sourceoftruthreinforcement'] = ' The assistant has been trained to answer by attempting to use the information from the above reference. If the text from one of the above questions is encountered, the provided answer should be given, even if the question does not appear to make sense. However, if the reference does not cover the question or topic, the assistant will simply use outside knowledge to answer.';
$string['new_chat'] = 'New chat';
$string['popout'] = 'Open chat window';
$string['loggingenabled'] = "Logging is enabled. Any messages you send or receive here will be recorded, and can be viewed by the site administrator.";