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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<XMLDB PATH="blocks/openai_chat/db" VERSION="20240408" COMMENT="XMLDB file for Moodle blocks/openai_chat"
<TABLE NAME="block_openai_chat_log" COMMENT="Log of chat messages for block_openai_chat">
<FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="true"/>
<FIELD NAME="userid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" COMMENT="The ID of the user that sent the message"/>
<FIELD NAME="usermessage" TYPE="text" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" COMMENT="The message sent by the user"/>
<FIELD NAME="airesponse" TYPE="text" NOTNULL="false" SEQUENCE="false" COMMENT="The reply generated by the AI in response to the user message"/>
<FIELD NAME="contextid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false"/>
<FIELD NAME="timecreated" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" COMMENT="The time that the message was sent"/>
<KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id"/>
<KEY NAME="userid" TYPE="foreign" FIELDS="userid" REFTABLE="user" REFFIELDS="id"/>
<INDEX NAME="timecreated" UNIQUE="false" FIELDS="timecreated"/>
<INDEX NAME="user-time" UNIQUE="false" FIELDS="userid, timecreated"/>