Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@block @block_myoverview @javascript
Feature: The my overview block allows users to group courses by custom fields
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber |
| student1 | Student | X | | S1 |
And the following "custom field categories" exist:
| name | component | area | itemid |
| Course fields | core_course | course | 0 |
And the following "custom fields" exist:
| name | category | type | shortname | configdata |
| Checkbox field | Course fields | checkbox | checkboxfield | |
| Date field | Course fields | date | datefield | {"mindate":0, "maxdate":0} |
| Select field | Course fields | select | selectfield | {"options":"Option 1\nOption 2\nOption 3\nOption 4"} |
| Text field | Course fields | text | textfield | {"visibility":"2"} |
| Text field 2 | Course fields | text | textfield2 | {"visibility":"2"} |
| Hidden field | Course fields | text | hiddenfield | {"visibility":"0"} |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category | customfield_checkboxfield | customfield_datefield | customfield_selectfield | customfield_textfield | customfield_textfield2 |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 | 981028800 | 1 | fish | penguin |
| Course 2 | C2 | 0 | 0 | 334324800 | | | |
| Course 3 | C3 | 0 | 0 | 981028800 | 2 | dog | |
| Course 4 | C4 | 0 | 1 | | 3 | cat | |
| Course 5 | C5 | 0 | | 334411200 | 2 | fish | penguin |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student1 | C2 | student |
| student1 | C3 | student |
| student1 | C4 | student |
| student1 | C5 | student |
Scenario: Group courses by checkbox: Yes
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | checkboxfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "Checkbox field: Yes" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by checkbox: No
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | checkboxfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "Checkbox field: No" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by date: 1 February 2001
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | datefield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "1 February 2001" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by date: 6 August 1980
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | datefield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "6 August 1980" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by date: No Date field
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | datefield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "No Date field" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by select: Option 1
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | selectfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Option 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "Option 1" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by select: Option 2
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | selectfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "Option 2" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by select: No Select field
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | selectfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "No Select field" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by text: fish
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | textfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "fish" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by text: dog
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | textfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "dog" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Group courses by text: No Text field
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | textfield | block_myoverview |
And I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
When I click on "No Text field" "link" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "Course 1" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should see "Course 2" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 3" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 4" in the "Course overview" "block"
And I should not see "Course 5" in the "Course overview" "block"
Scenario: Hidden fields not displayed when configuring the custom field filters
Given I log in as "admin"
When I navigate to "Plugins > Blocks > Course overview" in site administration
And I set the field "Custom field" to "1"
Then the "Field to use" select box should not contain "Hidden field"
Scenario: Hidden fields not displayed in the filter
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| displaygroupingcustomfield | 1 | block_myoverview |
| customfiltergrouping | textfield2 | block_myoverview |
And I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Courses > Default settings > Course custom fields" in site administration
And I click on "Edit" "link" in the "Text field 2" "table_row"
And I set the field "Visible to" to "Nobody"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
When I am on the "My courses" page logged in as "student1"
And I click on "All" "button" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "penguin" in the "Course overview" "block"
Then I should not see "No text field" in the "Course overview" "block"