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@block @block_html
Feature: Adding and configuring multiple Text blocks
In order to have one or multiple Text blocks on a page
As admin
I need to be able to create, configure and change Text blocks
Given I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
When I turn editing mode on
And I add the "Text" block
Scenario: Other users can not see Text block that has not been configured
Then "(new text block)" "block" should exist
And I log out
And "(new text block)" "block" should not exist
And "block_html" "block" should not exist
Scenario: Other users can see Text block that has been configured even when it has no header
And I configure the "(new text block)" block
And I set the field "Content" to "Static text without a header"
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should not see "(new text block)"
And I log out
And I am on homepage
And "block_html" "block" should exist
And I should see "Static text without a header" in the "block_html" "block"
And I should not see "(new text block)"
Scenario: Adding multiple instances of Text block on a page
And I configure the "block_html" block
And I set the field "Text block title" to "The Text block header"
And I set the field "Content" to "Static text with a header"
And I press "Save changes"
And I add the "Text" block
And I configure the "(new text block)" block
And I set the field "Text block title" to "The second Text block header"
And I set the field "Content" to "Second block contents"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
Then I should see "Static text with a header" in the "The Text block header" "block"
And I should see "Second block contents" in the "The second Text block header" "block"