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* Groups widget class contains the layout information and generate the data for widget.
* @package block_dash
* @copyright 2022 bdecent gmbh <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace block_dash\local\widget\groups;
use block_dash\local\widget\abstract_widget;
use context_block;
use moodle_url;
use html_writer;
* Groups widget contains list of available contacts.
class groups_widget extends abstract_widget {
* Max Memebers count in group will displayed as images.
public const MEMBERSCOUNT = 10;
* Get the name of widget.
* @return void
public function get_name() {
return get_string('widget:mygroups', 'block_dash');
* Check the widget support uses the query method to build the widget.
* @return bool
public function supports_query() {
return false;
* Layout class widget will use to render the widget content.
* @return \abstract_layout
public function layout() {
return new groups_layout($this);
* Pre defined preferences that widget uses.
* @return array
public function widget_preferences() {
$preferences = [
'datasource' => 'groups',
'layout' => 'groups',
return $preferences;
* Add the create groups option next to header.
* @param array $data
* @return void
public function update_data_before_render(&$data) {
global $OUTPUT;
$context = $this->get_block_instance()->context;
$option = [
'headermenu' => 'true',
'creategroup' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_creategroup', $context),
$data['blockmenu'] = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('block_dash/widget_groups', $option);
* Build widget data and send to layout thene the layout will render the widget.
* @return void
public function build_widget() {
global $USER, $CFG, $PAGE;
static $jsincluded = false;
$userid = $USER->id;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/selector/lib.php');
$context = $this->get_block_instance()->context;
$creategroup = has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_creategroup', $context);
$mygroups = groups_get_my_groups();
array_walk($mygroups, function($group) use ($context) {
$newgroup = groups_get_group($group->id);
global $USER;
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($group->courseid, IGNORE_MISSING);
if (empty($coursecontext)) {
return null;
$conversation = (method_exists('\core_message\api', 'get_conversation_by_area'))
? \core_message\api::get_conversation_by_area(
'core_group', 'groups', $group->id, $coursecontext->id
) : '';
$group->name = format_string($group->name);
$group->chaturl = ($conversation && $conversation->enabled)
? new \moodle_url('/message/index.php', ['convid' => $conversation->id]) : '';
$group->course = format_string(get_course($group->courseid)->fullname);
$members = groups_get_members($group->id);
if (count($members) > self::MEMBERSCOUNT) {
$group->membercount = "+".(count($members) - self::MEMBERSCOUNT);
$members = array_slice($members, 0, self::MEMBERSCOUNT);
$group->members = array_values($members);
array_walk($group->members, function($member) {
global $PAGE;
// Set the user picture data.
$userpicture = new \user_picture($member);
$userpicture->size = 100; // Size f2.
$member->profileimage = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
$member->fullname = fullname($member);
$member->profileurl = new \moodle_url('/user/profile.php', ['id' => $member->id]);
$this->data = (!empty($mygroups)) ? [
'groups' => array_values($mygroups),
'contextid' => $context->id,
'viewgroups' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_view', $context),
'adduser' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_addusers', $context),
'leavegroup' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_leavegroup', $context),
'viewmembers' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_viewmembers', $context),
'creategroup' => has_capability('block/dash:mygroups_creategroup', $context),
] : [];
if (!$jsincluded) {
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('block_dash/groups', 'init', ['contextid' => $context->id]);
$jsincluded = true;
return $this->data;
* Load groups that the contact user and the loggedin user in same group.
* @param context_block $context
* @param stdclass $args
* @return string $table html
public function viewmembers($context, $args) {
global $CFG;
$groupid = (int) $args->group;
if (block_dash_is_totara()) {
$table = new \block_dash\table\members_totara($context->instanceid);
} else {
$filterset = new \block_dash\table\members_filterset('dash-groups-'.$context->id);
$group = new \core_table\local\filter\integer_filter('group');
$table = new \block_dash\table\members($context->instanceid);
echo html_writer::start_div('dash-widget-table');
$table->out(10, true);
echo html_writer::end_div();
$tablehtml = ob_get_contents();
return $tablehtml;
* Returns the moodle form that helps to add memebers in the group.
* @param \context_block $context
* @param \stdclass $args
* @return \moodleform
public function addmembers($context, $args) {
$group = groups_get_group($args->group);
$memberform = new \block_dash\local\widget\groups\add_members(null, [
'groupid' => $args->group, 'courseid' => $group->courseid,
return $memberform->render();
* Moodle form to create groups in any of the selected course.
* @param \context_block $context
* @param \stdclass $args
* @return void
public function creategroup($context, $args) {
global $CFG;
$group = new \create_group();
return $group->render();