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pStock - class to draw stock charts

Version     : 2.1.4
Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
Last Update : 19/01/2014

This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :

You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.

define("STOCK_MISSING_SERIE", 180001);

/* pStock class definition */
class pStock
        var $pChartObject;
        var $pDataObject;
        /* Class creator */
        function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject)
                $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
                $this->pDataObject = $pDataObject;

        /* Draw a stock chart */
        function drawStockChart(array $Format = [])
                $SerieOpen = "Open";
                $SerieClose = "Close";
                $SerieMin = "Min";
                $SerieMax = "Max";
                $SerieMedian = NULL;
                $LineWidth = 1;
                $LineR = 0;
                $LineG = 0;
                $LineB = 0;
                $LineAlpha = 100;
                $ExtremityWidth = 1;
                $ExtremityLength = 3;
                $ExtremityR = 0;
                $ExtremityG = 0;
                $ExtremityB = 0;
                $ExtremityAlpha = 100;
                $BoxWidth = 8;
                $BoxUpR = isset($Format["BoxUpR"]) ? $Format["BoxUpR"] : 188;
                $BoxUpG = isset($Format["BoxUpG"]) ? $Format["BoxUpG"] : 224;
                $BoxUpB = isset($Format["BoxUpB"]) ? $Format["BoxUpB"] : 46;
                $BoxUpAlpha = 100;
                $BoxUpSurrounding = NULL;
                $BoxUpBorderR = $BoxUpR - 20;
                $BoxUpBorderG = $BoxUpG - 20;
                $BoxUpBorderB = $BoxUpB - 20;
                $BoxUpBorderAlpha = 100;
                $BoxDownR = isset($Format["BoxDownR"]) ? $Format["BoxDownR"] : 224;
                $BoxDownG = isset($Format["BoxDownG"]) ? $Format["BoxDownG"] : 100;
                $BoxDownB = isset($Format["BoxDownB"]) ? $Format["BoxDownB"] : 46;
                $BoxDownAlpha = 100;
                $BoxDownSurrounding = NULL;
                $BoxDownBorderR = $BoxDownR - 20;
                $BoxDownBorderG = $BoxDownG - 20;
                $BoxDownBorderB = $BoxDownB - 20;
                $BoxDownBorderAlpha = 100;
                $ShadowOnBoxesOnly = TRUE;
                $MedianR = 255;
                $MedianG = 0;
                $MedianB = 0;
                $MedianAlpha = 100;
                $RecordImageMap = FALSE;
                $ImageMapTitle = "Stock Chart";
                /* Override defaults */
                /* Data Processing */
                $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
                $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
                if ($BoxUpSurrounding != NULL) {
                        $BoxUpBorderR = $BoxUpR + $BoxUpSurrounding;
                        $BoxUpBorderG = $BoxUpG + $BoxUpSurrounding;
                        $BoxUpBorderB = $BoxUpB + $BoxUpSurrounding;

                if ($BoxDownSurrounding != NULL) {
                        $BoxDownBorderR = $BoxDownR + $BoxDownSurrounding;
                        $BoxDownBorderG = $BoxDownG + $BoxDownSurrounding;
                        $BoxDownBorderB = $BoxDownB + $BoxDownSurrounding;

                if ($LineWidth != 1) {
                        $LineOffset = $LineWidth / 2;

                $BoxOffset = $BoxWidth / 2;
                $Data = $this->pChartObject->DataSet->getData();
                list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->pChartObject->scaleGetXSettings();
                if (!isset($Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]) || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieClose]) || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMin]) || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMax])) {
                        return STOCK_MISSING_SERIE;

                $Plots = [];
                foreach($Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
                        $Point = [];
                        if (isset($Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key]) || isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key]) || isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key])) {
                                $Point = array($Value,$Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key],$Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key],$Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key]);

                        if ($SerieMedian != NULL && isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key])) {
                                $Point[] = $Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key];

                        $Plots[] = $Point;

                $AxisID = $Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Axis"];
                $Mode = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
                $Format = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
                $Unit = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
                $YZero = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY(0, ["AxisID" => $AxisID]);
                $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 - $XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
                $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
                $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
                $LineSettings = ["R" => $LineR,"G" => $LineG,"B" => $LineB,"Alpha" => $LineAlpha];
                $ExtremitySettings = ["R" => $ExtremityR,"G" => $ExtremityG,"B" => $ExtremityB, "Alpha" => $ExtremityAlpha];
                $BoxUpSettings = ["R" => $BoxUpR,"G" => $BoxUpG,"B" => $BoxUpB,"Alpha" => $BoxUpAlpha,"BorderR" => $BoxUpBorderR,"BorderG" => $BoxUpBorderG,"BorderB" => $BoxUpBorderB,"BorderAlpha" => $BoxUpBorderAlpha];
                $BoxDownSettings = ["R" => $BoxDownR,"G" => $BoxDownG,"B" => $BoxDownB,"Alpha" => $BoxDownAlpha,"BorderR" => $BoxDownBorderR,"BorderG" => $BoxDownBorderG,"BorderB" => $BoxDownBorderB,"BorderAlpha" => $BoxDownBorderAlpha];
                $MedianSettings = ["R" => $MedianR,"G" => $MedianG,"B" => $MedianB,"Alpha" => $MedianAlpha];
                foreach($Plots as $Key => $Points) {
                        $PosArray = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY($Points, ["AxisID" => $AxisID]);
                        $Values = "Open :" . $Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Data"][$Key] . "<br />Close : " . $Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key] . "<br />Min : " . $Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key] . "<br />Max : " . $Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key] . "<br />";
                        if ($SerieMedian != NULL) {
                                $Values = $Values . "Median : " . $Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key] . "<br />";

                        if ($PosArray[0] > $PosArray[1]) {
                                $ImageMapColor = $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($BoxUpR, $BoxUpG, $BoxUpB);
                        } else {
                                $ImageMapColor = $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($BoxDownR, $BoxDownG, $BoxDownB);

                        if ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) {
                                if ($YZero > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - 1) {
                                        $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - 1;

                                if ($YZero < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
                                        $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + 1;

                                if ($XDivs == 0) {
                                        $XStep = 0;
                                } else {
                                        $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 - $XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;

                                if ($ShadowOnBoxesOnly) {
                                        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
                                        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;

                                if ($LineWidth == 1) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X, $PosArray[2], $X, $PosArray[3], $LineSettings);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X - $LineOffset, $PosArray[2], $X + $LineOffset, $PosArray[3], $LineSettings);

                                if ($ExtremityWidth == 1) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2], $X + $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2], $ExtremitySettings);
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3], $X + $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3], $ExtremitySettings);
                                        if ($RecordImageMap) {
                                                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X - $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[2]) . "," . floor($X + $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[3]) , $ImageMapColor, $ImageMapTitle, $Values);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2], $X + $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2] - $ExtremityWidth, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3], $X + $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3] + $ExtremityWidth, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        if ($RecordImageMap) {
                                                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X - $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[2] - $ExtremityWidth) . "," . floor($X + $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[3] + $ExtremityWidth) , $ImageMapColor, $ImageMapTitle, $Values);

                                if ($ShadowOnBoxesOnly) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                                if ($PosArray[0] > $PosArray[1]) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X - $BoxOffset, $PosArray[0], $X + $BoxOffset, $PosArray[1], $BoxUpSettings);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X - $BoxOffset, $PosArray[0], $X + $BoxOffset, $PosArray[1], $BoxDownSettings);

                                if (isset($PosArray[4])) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[4], $X + $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[4], $MedianSettings);

                                $X = $X + $XStep;
                        } elseif ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) {
                                if ($YZero > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - 1) {
                                        $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - 1;

                                if ($YZero < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
                                        $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + 1;

                                if ($XDivs == 0) {
                                        $XStep = 0;
                                } else {
                                        $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 - $XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;

                                if ($LineWidth == 1) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($PosArray[2], $Y, $PosArray[3], $Y, $LineSettings);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($PosArray[2], $Y - $LineOffset, $PosArray[3], $Y + $LineOffset, $LineSettings);

                                if ($ShadowOnBoxesOnly) {
                                        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
                                        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;

                                if ($ExtremityWidth == 1) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($PosArray[2], $Y - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2], $Y + $ExtremityLength, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($PosArray[3], $Y - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3], $Y + $ExtremityLength, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        if ($RecordImageMap) {
                                                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($PosArray[2]) . "," . floor($Y - $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[3]) . "," . floor($Y + $ExtremityLength) , $ImageMapColor, $ImageMapTitle, $Values);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($PosArray[2], $Y - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[2] - $ExtremityWidth, $Y + $ExtremityLength, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($PosArray[3], $Y - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[3] + $ExtremityWidth, $Y + $ExtremityLength, $ExtremitySettings);
                                        if ($RecordImageMap) {
                                                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($PosArray[2] - $ExtremityWidth) . "," . floor($Y - $ExtremityLength) . "," . floor($PosArray[3] + $ExtremityWidth) . "," . floor($Y + $ExtremityLength) , $ImageMapColor, $ImageMapTitle, $Values);

                                if ($ShadowOnBoxesOnly) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                                if ($PosArray[0] < $PosArray[1]) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($PosArray[0], $Y - $BoxOffset, $PosArray[1], $Y + $BoxOffset, $BoxUpSettings);
                                } else {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($PosArray[0], $Y - $BoxOffset, $PosArray[1], $Y + $BoxOffset, $BoxDownSettings);

                                if (isset($PosArray[4])) {
                                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($PosArray[4], $Y - $ExtremityLength, $PosArray[4], $Y + $ExtremityLength, $MedianSettings);

                                $Y = $Y + $XStep;
