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pDraw - pChart core class

Version     : 2.1.4
Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
Last Update : 19/01/2014

This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :

You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
/* The GD extension is mandatory */

if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2')) {
        echo "GD extension must be loaded. \r\n";

/* Image map handling */
define("IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE", 680001);
define("IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION", 680002);
/* Last generated chart layout */
define("CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR", 680011);
define("CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED", 680012);
/* ImageMap string delimiter */
define("IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER", chr(1));

class pImage extends pDraw
        /* Image settings, size, quality, .. */
        var $XSize = NULL; // Width of the picture
        var $YSize = NULL; // Height of the picture
        var $Picture = NULL; // GD picture object
        var $Antialias = TRUE; // Turn antialias on or off
        var $AntialiasQuality = 0; // Quality of the antialiasing implementation (0-1)

        // var $Mask            = "";                           // Already drawn pixels mask (Filled circle implementation) # UNUSED

        var $TransparentBackground = FALSE; // Just to know if we need to flush the alpha channels when rendering
        /* Graph area settings */
        var $GraphAreaX1 = NULL; // Graph area X origin
        var $GraphAreaY1 = NULL; // Graph area Y origin
        var $GraphAreaX2 = NULL; // Graph area bottom right X position
        var $GraphAreaY2 = NULL; // Graph area bottom right Y position
        /* Scale settings */
        var $ScaleMinDivHeight = 20; // Minimum height for scame divs
        /* Font properties */
        var $FontName = "fonts/GeosansLight.ttf"; // Default font file
        var $FontSize = 12; // Default font size
        var $FontBox = NULL; // Return the bounding box of the last written string
        var $FontColorR = 0; // Default color settings
        var $FontColorG = 0; // Default color settings
        var $FontColorB = 0; // Default color settings
        var $FontColorA = 100; // Default transparency
        /* Shadow properties */
        var $Shadow = FALSE; // Turn shadows on or off
        var $ShadowX = NULL; // X Offset of the shadow
        var $ShadowY = NULL; // Y Offset of the shadow
        var $ShadowR = NULL; // R component of the shadow
        var $ShadowG = NULL; // G component of the shadow
        var $ShadowB = NULL; // B component of the shadow
        var $Shadowa = NULL; // Alpha level of the shadow
        /* Image map */
        var $ImageMap = NULL; // Aray containing the image map
        var $ImageMapIndex = "pChart"; // Name of the session array
        var $ImageMapStorageMode = NULL; // Save the current imagemap storage mode
        var $ImageMapAutoDelete = TRUE; // Automatic deletion of the image map temp files
        /* Data Set */
        var $DataSet = NULL; // Attached dataset
        /* Last generated chart info */
        var $LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR; // Last layout : regular or stacked
        /* Class constructor */
        function __construct($XSize, $YSize, $DataSet = NULL, $TransparentBackground = FALSE)
                $this->TransparentBackground = $TransparentBackground;
                if ($DataSet != NULL) {
                        $this->DataSet = $DataSet;

                $this->XSize = $XSize;
                $this->YSize = $YSize;
                $this->Picture = imagecreatetruecolor($XSize, $YSize);
                if ($this->TransparentBackground) {
                        imagealphablending($this->Picture, FALSE);
                        imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture, 0, 0, $XSize, $YSize, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->Picture, 255, 255, 255, 127));
                        imagealphablending($this->Picture, TRUE);
                        imagesavealpha($this->Picture, true);
                } else {
                        imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture, 0, 0, $XSize, $YSize, $this->AllocateColor(255, 255, 255));
        function __destruct(){

        /* Enable / Disable and set shadow properties */
        function setShadow($Enabled = TRUE, array $Format = [])
                $X = 2;
                $Y = 2;
                $R = 0;
                $G = 0;
                $B = 0;
                $Alpha = 10;
                /* Override defaults */
                $this->Shadow = $Enabled;
                $this->ShadowX = $X;
                $this->ShadowY = $Y;
                $this->ShadowR = $R;
                $this->ShadowG = $G;
                $this->ShadowB = $B;
                $this->Shadowa = $Alpha;
                if ($this->ShadowX == 0 || $this->ShadowY == 0){
                        die("Invalid shadow specs");

        /* Set the graph area position */
        function setGraphArea($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2)
                if ($X2 < $X1 || $X1 == $X2 || $Y2 < $Y1 || $Y1 == $Y2) {
                        return -1;

                $this->GraphAreaX1 = $X1;
                $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $X1;
                $this->GraphAreaY1 = $Y1;
                $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $Y1;
                $this->GraphAreaX2 = $X2;
                $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $X2;
                $this->GraphAreaY2 = $Y2;
                $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $Y2;

        /* Return the width of the picture */
        function getWidth()
                return $this->XSize;

        /* Return the heigth of the picture */
        function getHeight()
                return $this->YSize;

        /* Render the picture to a file */
        function render($FileName)
                if ($this->TransparentBackground) {
                        imagealphablending($this->Picture, false);
                        imagesavealpha($this->Picture, true);

                imagepng($this->Picture, $FileName);

        /* Render the picture to a web browser stream */
        function stroke($BrowserExpire = FALSE)
                if ($this->TransparentBackground) {
                        imagealphablending($this->Picture, false);
                        imagesavealpha($this->Picture, true);

                if ($BrowserExpire) {
                        header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
                        header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
                        header("Pragma: no-cache");

                header('Content-type: image/png');

        /* Automatic output method based on the calling interface */
        function autoOutput($FileName = "output.png")
                if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
                } else {

        /* Return the length between two points */
        function getLength($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2)
                return (sqrt(pow(max($X1, $X2) - min($X1, $X2), 2) + pow(max($Y1, $Y2) - min($Y1, $Y2), 2)));

        /* Return the orientation of a line */
        function getAngle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2)
                $Opposite = $Y2 - $Y1;
                $Adjacent = $X2 - $X1;
                $Angle = rad2deg(atan2($Opposite, $Adjacent));
                return (($Angle > 0) ? $Angle : (360 - abs($Angle)));

        /* Return the surrounding box of text area */
        function getTextBox_deprecated($X, $Y, $FontName, $FontSize, $Angle, $Text)
                $Size = imagettfbbox($FontSize, $Angle, realpath($FontName), $Text);
                $Width = $this->getLength($Size[0], $Size[1], $Size[2], $Size[3]) + 1;
                $Height = $this->getLength($Size[2], $Size[3], $Size[4], $Size[5]) + 1;
                $RealPos[0]["X"] = $X;
                $RealPos[0]["Y"] = $Y;
                $RealPos[1]["X"] = cos((360 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Width + $RealPos[0]["X"];
                $RealPos[1]["Y"] = sin((360 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Width + $RealPos[0]["Y"];
                $RealPos[2]["X"] = cos((270 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Height + $RealPos[1]["X"];
                $RealPos[2]["Y"] = sin((270 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Height + $RealPos[1]["Y"];
                $RealPos[3]["X"] = cos((180 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Width + $RealPos[2]["X"];
                $RealPos[3]["Y"] = sin((180 - $Angle) * PI / 180) * $Width + $RealPos[2]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["X"] = $RealPos[0]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["Y"] = $RealPos[0]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["X"] = $RealPos[1]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["Y"] = $RealPos[1]["Y"];
                return $RealPos;

        /* Return the surrounding box of text area */
        function getTextBox($X, $Y, $FontName, $FontSize, $Angle, $Text)
                $coords = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, realpath($FontName), $Text);
                $a = deg2rad($Angle);
                $ca = cos($a);
                $sa = sin($a);
                $RealPos = [];
                for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i+= 2) {
                        $RealPos[$i / 2]["X"] = $X + round($coords[$i] * $ca + $coords[$i + 1] * $sa);
                        $RealPos[$i / 2]["Y"] = $Y + round($coords[$i + 1] * $ca - $coords[$i] * $sa);

                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["X"] = $RealPos[0]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["Y"] = $RealPos[0]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["X"] = $RealPos[1]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["Y"] = $RealPos[1]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT]["X"] = $RealPos[3]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT]["Y"] = $RealPos[3]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT]["X"] = $RealPos[2]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT]["Y"] = $RealPos[2]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE]["X"] = ($RealPos[1]["X"] - $RealPos[0]["X"]) / 2 + $RealPos[0]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE]["Y"] = ($RealPos[0]["Y"] - $RealPos[1]["Y"]) / 2 + $RealPos[1]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE]["X"] = ($RealPos[2]["X"] - $RealPos[3]["X"]) / 2 + $RealPos[3]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE]["Y"] = ($RealPos[3]["Y"] - $RealPos[2]["Y"]) / 2 + $RealPos[2]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT]["X"] = ($RealPos[0]["X"] - $RealPos[3]["X"]) / 2 + $RealPos[3]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT]["Y"] = ($RealPos[0]["Y"] - $RealPos[3]["Y"]) / 2 + $RealPos[3]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT]["X"] = ($RealPos[1]["X"] - $RealPos[2]["X"]) / 2 + $RealPos[2]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT]["Y"] = ($RealPos[1]["Y"] - $RealPos[2]["Y"]) / 2 + $RealPos[2]["Y"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE]["X"] = ($RealPos[1]["X"] - $RealPos[3]["X"]) / 2 + $RealPos[3]["X"];
                $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE]["Y"] = ($RealPos[0]["Y"] - $RealPos[2]["Y"]) / 2 + $RealPos[2]["Y"];
                return $RealPos;

        /* Set current font properties */
        function setFontProperties(array $Format = [])
                $R = -1;
                $G = -1;
                $B = -1;
                $Alpha = 100;
                $FontName = NULL;
                $FontSize = NULL;
                /* Override defaults */
                ($R != - 1) AND $this->FontColorR = $R;
                ($G != - 1) AND $this->FontColorG = $G;
                ($B != - 1) AND $this->FontColorB = $B;
                ($Alpha != NULL) AND $this->FontColorA = $Alpha;
                ($FontName != NULL) AND $this->FontName = $FontName;
                ($FontSize != NULL) AND $this->FontSize = $FontSize;

        /* Returns the 1st decimal values (used to correct AA bugs) */
        function getFirstDecimal($Value)
                $Values = explode(".", $Value);
                return (isset($Values[1])) ? substr($Values[1], 0, 1) : 0;

        /* Attach a dataset to your pChart Object */
        function setDataSet(&$DataSet)
                $this->DataSet = $DataSet;

        /* Print attached dataset contents to STDOUT */
        function printDataSet()

        /* Initialise the image map methods */
        function initialiseImageMap($Name = "pChart", $StorageMode = IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION, $UniqueID = "imageMap", $StorageFolder = "tmp")
                $this->ImageMapIndex = $Name;
                $this->ImageMapStorageMode = $StorageMode;
                if ($StorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
                        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {

                        $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] = NULL;
                } elseif ($StorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
                        $this->ImageMapFileName = $UniqueID;
                        $this->ImageMapStorageFolder = $StorageFolder;
                        if (file_exists($StorageFolder . "/" . $UniqueID . ".map")) {
                                unlink($StorageFolder . "/" . $UniqueID . ".map");

        /* Add a zone to the image map */
        function addToImageMap($Type, $Plots, $Color = NULL, $Title = NULL, $Message = NULL, $HTMLEncode = FALSE)
                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == NULL) {

                /* Encode the characters in the imagemap in HTML standards */
                $Title = str_replace("&#8364;", "\u20AC", $Title); # Momchil TODO TEST THIS
                $Title = htmlentities($Title, ENT_QUOTES); #, "ISO-8859-15"); # As of PHP 5.6 The default value for the encoding parameter = the default_charset config option.
                if ($HTMLEncode) {
                        $Message = htmlentities($Message, ENT_QUOTES); #, "ISO-8859-15");
                        #$Message = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $Message); # Seems covered Example #1 A htmlentities() example
                        #$Message = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $Message); #

                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
                        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
                        $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][] = [$Type,$Plots,$Color,$Title,$Message];
                } elseif ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
                        $Handle = fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder . "/" . $this->ImageMapFileName . ".map", 'a');
                        fwrite($Handle, $Type . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Plots . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Color . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Title . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Message . "\r\n");

        /* Remove VOID values from an imagemap custom values array */
        function removeVOIDFromArray($SerieName, array $Values)
                if (!isset($this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName])) {
                        return -1;

                $Result = [];
                foreach($this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
                        if ($Value != VOID && isset($Values[$Key])) {
                                $Result[] = $Values[$Key];

                return $Result;

        /* Replace the title of one image map serie */
        function replaceImageMapTitle($OldTitle, $NewTitle)
                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == NULL) {
                        return -1;

                if (is_array($NewTitle)) {
                        $NewTitle = $this->removeVOIDFromArray($OldTitle, $NewTitle);

                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
                        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
                                return -1;

                        if (is_array($NewTitle)) {
                                $ID = 0;
                                foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) {
                                        if ($Settings[3] == $OldTitle && isset($NewTitle[$ID])) {
                                                $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][3] = $NewTitle[$ID];
                        } else {
                                foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) {
                                        if ($Settings[3] == $OldTitle) {
                                                $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][3] = $NewTitle;
                } elseif ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
                        $TempArray = [];
                        $Handle = fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder . "/" . $this->ImageMapFileName . ".map", "r");
                        if ($Handle) {
                                while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) {
                                        $Fields = preg_split("/" . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . "/", str_replace([chr(10), chr(13)], "", $Buffer));
                                        $TempArray[] = [$Fields[0], $Fields[1], $Fields[2], $Fields[3], $Fields[4]];

                                if (is_array($NewTitle)) {
                                        $ID = 0;
                                        foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) {
                                                if ($Settings[3] == $OldTitle && isset($NewTitle[$ID])) {
                                                        $TempArray[$Key][3] = $NewTitle[$ID];
                                } else {
                                        foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) {
                                                if ($Settings[3] == $OldTitle) {
                                                        $TempArray[$Key][3] = $NewTitle;

                                $Handle = fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder . "/" . $this->ImageMapFileName . ".map", 'w');
                                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) {
                                        fwrite($Handle, $Settings[0] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[1] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[2] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[3] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[4] . "\r\n");


        /* Replace the values of the image map contents */
        function replaceImageMapValues($Title, array $Values)
                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == NULL) {
                        return -1;

                $Values = $this->removeVOIDFromArray($Title, $Values);
                $ID = 0;
                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
                        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
                                return -1;

                        foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) {
                                if ($Settings[3] == $Title) {
                                        if (isset($Values[$ID])) {
                                                $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][4] = $Values[$ID];
                } elseif ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
                        $TempArray = [];
                        $Handle = fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder . "/" . $this->ImageMapFileName . ".map", "r");
                        if ($Handle) {
                                while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) {
                                        $Fields = preg_split("/" . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . "/", str_replace([chr(10), chr(13)], "", $Buffer));
                                        $TempArray[] = [$Fields[0], $Fields[1], $Fields[2], $Fields[3], $Fields[4]];

                                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) {
                                        if ($Settings[3] == $Title) {
                                                if (isset($Values[$ID])) {
                                                        $TempArray[$Key][4] = $Values[$ID];

                                $Handle = fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder . "/" . $this->ImageMapFileName . ".map", 'w');
                                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) {
                                        fwrite($Handle, $Settings[0] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[1] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[2] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[3] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Settings[4] . "\r\n");


        /* Dump the image map */
        function dumpImageMap($Name = "pChart", $StorageMode = IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION, $UniqueID = "imageMap", $StorageFolder = "tmp")
                $this->ImageMapIndex = $Name;
                $this->ImageMapStorageMode = $StorageMode;
                if ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
                        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {

                        if ($_SESSION[$Name] != NULL) {
                                foreach($_SESSION[$Name] as $Key => $Params) {
                                        echo $Params[0] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Params[1] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Params[2] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Params[3] . IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER . $Params[4] . "\r\n";
                } elseif ($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
                        if (file_exists($StorageFolder . "/" . $UniqueID . ".map")) {
                                $Handle = fopen($StorageFolder . "/" . $UniqueID . ".map", "r");
                                if ($Handle) {
                                        while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) {
                                                echo $Buffer;

                                if ($this->ImageMapAutoDelete) {
                                        unlink($StorageFolder . "/" . $UniqueID . ".map");

                /* When the image map is returned to the client, the script ends */

        /* Return the HTML converted color from the RGB composite values */
        function toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B) # Momchil: Not worth caching
                $R = dechex(max(min(255, $R), 0));
                $G = dechex(max(min(255, $G), 0));
                $B = dechex(max(min(255, $B), 0));
                $Color = "#" . (strlen($R) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $R;
                $Color.= (strlen($G) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $G;
                $Color.= (strlen($B) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $B;
                return $Color;

        /* Reverse an array of points */
        function reversePlots($Plots)
                $Result = [];
                for ($i = count($Plots) - 2; $i >= 0; $i = $i - 2) {
                        $Result[] = $Plots[$i];
                        $Result[] = $Plots[$i + 1];

                return $Result;

        /* Mirror Effect */
        function drawAreaMirror($X, $Y, $Width, $Height, array $Format = [])
                $StartAlpha = isset($Format["StartAlpha"]) ? $Format["StartAlpha"] : 80;
                $EndAlpha = isset($Format["EndAlpha"]) ? $Format["EndAlpha"] : 0;
                $AlphaStep = ($StartAlpha - $EndAlpha) / $Height;
                $Picture = imagecreatetruecolor($this->XSize, $this->YSize);
                imagecopy($Picture, $this->Picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->XSize, $this->YSize);
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $Height; $i++) {
                        if ($Y + ($i - 1) < $this->YSize && $Y - $i > 0) {
                                imagecopymerge($Picture, $this->Picture, $X, $Y + ($i - 1), $X, $Y - $i, $Width, 1, $StartAlpha - $AlphaStep * $i);

                imagecopy($this->Picture, $Picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->XSize, $this->YSize);
