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* Completion Progress block English language translation
* @package block_completion_progress
* @copyright 2016 Michael de Raadt
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['completed_colour'] = '#73A839';
$string['completed_colour_descr'] = 'HTML Colour code for elements that have been completed';
$string['completed_colour_title'] = 'Completed colour';
$string['completion_not_enabled'] = 'Completion tracking is not enabled on this site.';
$string['completion_not_enabled_course'] = 'Completion tracking is not enabled in this course.';
$string['completion_progress:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Completion Progress block';
$string['completion_progress:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a Completion Progress block to My home page';
$string['completion_progress:overview'] = 'View course overview of Completion Progress for all students';
$string['completion_progress:showbar'] = 'Show the bar in the Completion Progress block';
$string['config_activitiesincluded'] = 'Activities included';
$string['config_activitycompletion'] = 'All activities with completion set';
$string['config_default_title'] = 'Completion Progress';
$string['config_group'] = 'Visible only to group or grouping';
$string['config_header_monitored'] = 'Monitored';
$string['config_icons'] = 'Use icons in bar';
$string['config_longbars'] = 'How to present long bars';
$string['config_orderby'] = 'Order bar by';
$string['config_orderby_course_order'] = 'Ordering in course';
$string['config_orderby_due_time'] = 'Time using "{$a}" date';
$string['config_percentage'] = 'Show percentage to students';
$string['config_scroll'] = 'Scroll';
$string['config_selectactivities'] = 'Select activities';
$string['config_selectedactivities'] = 'Selected activities';
$string['config_squeeze'] = 'Squeeze';
$string['config_title'] = 'Alternate title';
$string['config_wrap'] = 'Wrap';
$string['coursenametoshow'] = 'Course name to show on Dashboard';
$string['defaultlongbars'] = 'Default presentation for long bars';
$string['forceiconsinbar'] = 'Force icons in the progress bar';
$string['fullname'] = 'Full course name';
$string['futureNotCompleted_colour'] = '#025187';
$string['futureNotCompleted_colour_descr'] = 'HTML colour code for future elements that have not yet been completed';
$string['futureNotCompleted_colour_title'] = 'Future not-completed colour';
$string['how_activitiesincluded_works'] = 'How including activities works';
$string['how_activitiesincluded_works_help'] = '<p>By default, all activities with Activity completion settings set are included in the bar.</p><p>You can also manually select activities to be included.</p>';
$string['how_group_works'] = 'How visible group works';
$string['how_group_works_help'] = '<p>Selecting a group or grouping will limit the display of the this block to that group or grouping only.</p>';
$string['how_longbars_works'] = 'How long bars are presented';
$string['how_longbars_works_help'] = '<p>When bars exceed a set length, how they can be presented in one of the following ways.</p><ul><li>Squeezed into one horizontal bar</li><li>Scrolling sideways to show overflowing bar segments</li><li>Wrapping to show all bar segments on multiple lines</li></ul><p>Note that when the bar is wrapped, the NOW indicator will not be shown.</p>';
$string['how_ordering_works'] = 'How ordering works';
$string['how_ordering_works_help'] = '<p>There are two ways to order activities in the Completion Progress block.</p><ul><li><em>Time using "Expect completion on" date</em> (default)<br />The expected completion dates of activities/resources are used to order the bar. Where activities/resources don\'t have an expected completion date, ordering in the course is used instead. When this option is used, the NOW indicator is shown.</li><li><em>Ordering in course</em><br />Activities/resources are presented in the same order as they are on the course page. When this option is used, expected completion dates are ignored. When this option is used, the NOW indicator is not shown.</li></ul>';
$string['how_selectactivities_works'] = 'How including activities works';
$string['how_selectactivities_works_help'] = '<p>To manually select activities to be include in the bar, ensure that "Activities included" is set to "selected activities".</p><p>Only activities with activity completion settings set can be included.</p><p>Hold the CTRL key to select multiple activities.</p>';
$string['indeterminate'] = '?';
$string['lastonline'] = 'Last in course';
$string['mouse_over_prompt'] = 'Mouse over or touch bar for info.';
$string['no_activities_config_message'] = 'There are no activities or resources with activity completion set or no activities or resources have been selected. Set activity completion on activities and resources then configure this block.';
$string['no_activities_message'] = 'No activities or resources are being monitored. Use config to set up monitoring.';
$string['no_blocks'] = 'No Completion Progress blocks are set up for your courses.';
$string['no_courses'] = "You are not enrolled in any courses. Only bars from enrolled courses will be shown.";
$string['no_visible_activities_message'] = 'None of the monitored activities are currently visible.';
$string['not_all_expected_set'] = 'Not all activities with completion have an "{$a}" date set.';
$string['notCompleted_colour'] = '#C71C22';
$string['notCompleted_colour_descr'] = 'HTML colour code for current elements that have not yet been completed';
$string['notCompleted_colour_title'] = 'Not-completed colour';
$string['now_indicator'] = 'NOW';
$string['overview'] = 'Overview of students';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Completion Progress';
$string['progress'] = 'Progress';
$string['progressbar'] = 'Completion Progress';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Completion Progress block only displays existing completion data.';
$string['selectitem'] = 'Select \'{$a}\'';
$string['shortname'] = 'Short course name';
$string['showallinfo'] = 'Show all info';
$string['showinactive'] = 'Show inactive students in Overview';
$string['showlastincourse'] = 'Show student\'s Last in course time in Overview';
$string['submitted'] = 'Submitted';
$string['submittednotcomplete_colour'] = '#FFCC00';
$string['submittednotcomplete_colour_descr'] = 'HTML colour code for elements that have been submitted, but are not yet complete';
$string['submittednotcomplete_colour_title'] = 'Submitted but not complete colour';
$string['time_expected'] = 'Expected';
$string['why_set_the_title'] = 'Why you might want to set the block instance title?';
$string['why_set_the_title_help'] = '<p>There can be multiple instances of the Completion Progress block. You may use different Completion Progress blocks to monitor different sets of activities or resources. For instance you could track progress in assignments in one block and quizzes in another. For this reason you can override the default title and set a more appropriate block title for each instance.</p>';
$string['why_show_precentage'] = 'Why show a progress percentage to students?';
$string['why_show_precentage_help'] = '<p>It is possible to show an overall percentage of progress to students.</p><p>This is calculated as the number of activities completed divided by the total number of activities in the bar.</p><p>The progress percentage appears until the student mouses over an item in the bar.</p>';
$string['why_use_icons'] = 'Why you might want to use icons?';
$string['why_use_icons_help'] = '<p>You may wish to add tick and cross icons in the Completion Progress to make this block more visually accessible for students with colour-blindness.</p><p>It may also make the meaning of the block clearer if you believe colours are not intuitive, either for cultural or personal reasons.</p>';
$string['wrapafter'] = 'When wrapping, limit rows to';