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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Completion Progress block renderer.
* @package block_completion_progress
* @copyright 2016 Michael de Raadt
* @copyright 2020 Jonathon Fowler <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace block_completion_progress\output;
use block_completion_progress\completion_progress;
use block_completion_progress\defaults;
use plugin_renderer_base;
use html_writer;
* Completion Progress block renderer.
* @package block_completion_progress
* @copyright 2020 Jonathon Fowler <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* Generate a progress bar.
* @param completion_progress $progress
* @return string HTML
public function render_completion_progress(completion_progress $progress) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$activities = $progress->get_visible_activities();
$completions = $progress->get_completions();
$config = $progress->get_block_config();
$userid = $progress->get_user()->id;
$courseid = $progress->get_course()->id;
$instance = $progress->get_block_instance()->id;
$simple = $progress->is_simple_bar();
$content = '';
$now = time();
$usingrtl = right_to_left();
$numactivities = count($activities);
if ($simple && $numactivities == 0) {
return get_string('no_visible_activities_message', 'block_completion_progress');
$alternatelinks = array(
'assign' => array(
'url' => '/mod/assign/view.php?id=:cmid&action=grade&userid=:userid',
'capability' => 'mod/assign:grade',
'feedback' => array(
// Breaks if anonymous feedback is collected.
'url' => '/mod/feedback/show_entries.php?id=:cmid&do_show=showoneentry&userid=:userid',
'capability' => 'mod/feedback:viewreports',
'lesson' => array(
'url' => '/mod/lesson/report.php?id=:cmid&action=reportdetail&userid=:userid',
'capability' => 'mod/lesson:viewreports',
'quiz' => array(
'url' => '/mod/quiz/report.php?id=:cmid&mode=overview',
'capability' => 'mod/quiz:viewreports',
// Get relevant block instance settings or use defaults.
if (get_config('block_completion_progress', 'forceiconsinbar') == 0) {
$useicons = $config->progressBarIcons ?? defaults::PROGRESSBARICONS;
} else {
$useicons = true;
if (($defaultlongbars = get_config('block_completion_progress', 'defaultlongbars')) === false) {
$defaultlongbars = defaults::LONGBARS;
$orderby = $config->orderby ?? defaults::ORDERBY;
$longbars = $config->longbars ?? $defaultlongbars;
$displaynow = $orderby == completion_progress::ORDERBY_TIME;
$showpercentage = $config->showpercentage ?? defaults::SHOWPERCENTAGE;
$rowoptions = array('style' => '');
$cellsoptions = array('style' => '');
$barclasses = array('barRow');
$content .= html_writer::start_div('barContainer', ['data-instanceid' => $instance]);
// Determine the segment width.
$wrapafter = get_config('block_completion_progress', 'wrapafter') ?: defaults::WRAPAFTER;
if ($wrapafter <= 1) {
$wrapafter = 1;
if ($longbars == 'wrap' && $numactivities <= $wrapafter) {
$longbars = 'squeeze';
if ($longbars == 'wrap') {
$rows = ceil($numactivities / $wrapafter);
if ($rows <= 1) {
$rows = 1;
$cellsoptions['style'] = 'flex-basis: calc(100% / ' . ceil($numactivities / $rows) . ');';
$displaynow = false;
if ($longbars == 'scroll') {
$leftpoly = html_writer::tag('polygon', '', array('points' => '30,0 0,15 30,30', 'class' => 'triangle-polygon'));
$rightpoly = html_writer::tag('polygon', '', array('points' => '0,0 30,15 0,30', 'class' => 'triangle-polygon'));
$content .= html_writer::tag('svg', $leftpoly, array('class' => 'left-arrow-svg', 'height' => '30', 'width' => '30'));
$content .= html_writer::tag('svg', $rightpoly, array('class' => 'right-arrow-svg', 'height' => '30', 'width' => '30'));
$barclasses[] = 'barMode' . ucfirst($longbars);
if ($useicons) {
$barclasses[] = 'barWithIcons';
// Determine where to put the NOW indicator.
$nowpos = -1;
if ($orderby == 'orderbytime' && $longbars != 'wrap' && $displaynow && !$simple) {
$barclasses[] = 'barWithNow';
// Find where to put now arrow.
$nowpos = 0;
while ($nowpos < $numactivities && $now > $activities[$nowpos]->expected && $activities[$nowpos]->expected != 0) {
$nowstring = get_string('now_indicator', 'block_completion_progress');
$leftarrowimg = $this->pix_icon('left', $nowstring, 'block_completion_progress', array('class' => 'nowicon'));
$rightarrowimg = $this->pix_icon('right', $nowstring, 'block_completion_progress', array('class' => 'nowicon'));
// Determine links to activities.
for ($i = 0; $i < $numactivities; $i++) {
if ($userid != $USER->id &&
array_key_exists($activities[$i]->type, $alternatelinks) &&
has_capability($alternatelinks[$activities[$i]->type]['capability'], $activities[$i]->context)
) {
$substitutions = array(
'/:courseid/' => $courseid,
'/:eventid/' => $activities[$i]->instance,
'/:cmid/' => $activities[$i]->id,
'/:userid/' => $userid,
$link = $alternatelinks[$activities[$i]->type]['url'];
$link = preg_replace(array_keys($substitutions), array_values($substitutions), $link);
$activities[$i]->link = $CFG->wwwroot.$link;
} else {
$activities[$i]->link = $activities[$i]->url;
// Start progress bar.
$content .= html_writer::start_div(implode(' ', $barclasses), $rowoptions);
$content .= html_writer::start_div('barRowCells', $cellsoptions);
$counter = 1;
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
$complete = $completions[$activity->id] ?? null;
// A cell in the progress bar.
$cellcontent = '';
$celloptions = array(
'class' => 'progressBarCell',
'data-info-ref' => 'progressBarInfo'.$instance.'-'.$userid.'-'.$activity->id,
if ($complete === 'submitted') {
$celloptions['class'] .= ' submittedNotComplete';
} else if ($complete == COMPLETION_COMPLETE || $complete == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS) {
$celloptions['class'] .= ' completed';
} else if (
(!isset($config->orderby) || $config->orderby == 'orderbytime') &&
(isset($activity->expected) && $activity->expected > 0 && $activity->expected < $now)
) {
$celloptions['class'] .= ' notCompleted';
} else {
$celloptions['class'] .= ' futureNotCompleted';
if (empty($activity->link)) {
$celloptions['data-haslink'] = 'false';
} else if (!empty($activity->available) || $simple) {
$celloptions['data-haslink'] = 'true';
} else if (!empty($activity->link)) {
$celloptions['data-haslink'] = 'not-allowed';
// Place the NOW indicator.
if ($nowpos >= 0) {
if ($nowpos == 0 && $counter == 1) {
$nowcontent = $usingrtl ? $rightarrowimg.$nowstring : $leftarrowimg.$nowstring;
$cellcontent .= html_writer::div($nowcontent, 'nowDiv firstNow');
} else if ($nowpos == $counter) {
if ($nowpos < $numactivities / 2) {
$nowcontent = $usingrtl ? $rightarrowimg.$nowstring : $leftarrowimg.$nowstring;
$cellcontent .= html_writer::div($nowcontent, 'nowDiv firstHalfNow');
} else {
$nowcontent = $usingrtl ? $nowstring.$leftarrowimg : $nowstring.$rightarrowimg;
$cellcontent .= html_writer::div($nowcontent, 'nowDiv lastHalfNow');
$content .= html_writer::div($cellcontent, null, $celloptions);
$content .= html_writer::end_div(); // ... barRowCells
$content .= html_writer::end_div(); // ... $barclasses
$content .= html_writer::end_div(); // ... barContainer
// Add the percentage below the progress bar.
if ($showpercentage && !$simple) {
$progress = $progress->get_percentage();
$percentagecontent = get_string('progress', 'block_completion_progress').': '.$progress.'%';
$percentageoptions = array('class' => 'progressPercentage');
$content .= html_writer::tag('div', $percentagecontent, $percentageoptions);
// Add the info box below the table.
$divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo',
'id' => 'progressBarInfo'.$instance.'-'.$userid.'-info');
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
if (!$simple) {
$content .= get_string('mouse_over_prompt', 'block_completion_progress');
$content .= ' ';
$attributes = array (
'class' => 'accesshide progressShowAllInfo',
$content .= html_writer::link('#', get_string('showallinfo', 'block_completion_progress'), $attributes);
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
// Add hidden divs for activity information.
$strincomplete = get_string('completion-n', 'completion');
$strcomplete = get_string('completed', 'completion');
$strpassed = get_string('completion-pass', 'completion');
$strfailed = get_string('completion-fail', 'completion');
$strsubmitted = get_string('submitted', 'block_completion_progress');
$strdateformat = get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig');
$strtimeexpected = get_string('time_expected', 'block_completion_progress');
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
$completed = $completions[$activity->id] ?? null;
$divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo',
'id' => 'progressBarInfo'.$instance.'-'.$userid.'-'.$activity->id,
'style' => 'display: none;');
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
$text = '';
$text .= html_writer::empty_tag('img',
array('src' => $activity->icon, 'class' => 'moduleIcon', 'alt' => '', 'role' => 'presentation'));
$text .= $activity->name;
if (!empty($activity->link) && (!empty($activity->available) || $simple)) {
$attrs = ['class' => 'action_link'];
if (!empty($activity->onclick)) {
$attrs['onclick'] = $activity->onclick;
$content .= $this->action_link($activity->link, $text, null, $attrs);
} else {
$content .= $text;
$content .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
$altattribute = '';
if ($completed == COMPLETION_COMPLETE) {
$content .= $strcomplete.' ';
$icon = 'tick';
$altattribute = $strcomplete;
} else if ($completed == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS) {
$content .= $strpassed.' ';
$icon = 'tick';
$altattribute = $strpassed;
} else if ($completed == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL) {
$content .= $strfailed.' ';
$icon = 'cross';
$altattribute = $strfailed;
} else {
$content .= $strincomplete .' ';
$icon = 'cross';
$altattribute = $strincomplete;
if ($completed === 'submitted') {
$content .= '(' . $strsubmitted . ') ';
$altattribute .= '(' . $strsubmitted . ')';
$content .= $this->pix_icon($icon, $altattribute, 'block_completion_progress', array('class' => 'iconInInfo'));
$content .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
if ($activity->expected != 0) {
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'expectedBy'));
$content .= $strtimeexpected.': ';
$content .= userdate($activity->expected, $strdateformat, $CFG->timezone);
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return $content;