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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* restore user interface stages
* This file contains the classes required to manage the stages that make up the
* restore user interface.
* These will be primarily operated a {@link restore_ui} instance.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Abstract stage class
* This class should be extended by all restore stages (a requirement of many restore ui functions).
* Each stage must then define two abstract methods
* - process : To process the stage
* - initialise_stage_form : To get a restore_moodleform instance for the stage
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class restore_ui_stage extends base_ui_stage {
* Constructor
* @param restore_ui $ui
* @param array $params
public function __construct(restore_ui $ui, array $params = null) {
$this->ui = $ui;
$this->params = $params;
* The restore id from the restore controller
* @return string
final public function get_restoreid() {
return $this->get_uniqueid();
* This is an independent stage
* @return int
final public function is_independent() {
return false;
* No sub stages for this stage
* @return false
public function has_sub_stages() {
return false;
* The name of this stage
* @return string
final public function get_name() {
return get_string('restorestage'.$this->stage, 'backup');
* Returns true if this is the settings stage
* @return bool
final public function is_first_stage() {
return $this->stage == restore_ui::STAGE_SETTINGS;
* Abstract class used to represent a restore stage that is indenependent.
* An independent stage is a judged to be so because it doesn't require, and has
* no use for the restore controller.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class restore_ui_independent_stage {
* @var \core\progress\base Optional progress reporter
private $progressreporter;
* Constructs the restore stage.
* @param int $contextid
abstract public function __construct($contextid);
* Processes the current restore stage.
* @return mixed
abstract public function process();
* Displays this restore stage.
* @param core_backup_renderer $renderer
* @return mixed
abstract public function display(core_backup_renderer $renderer);
* Returns the current restore stage.
* @return int
abstract public function get_stage();
* Gets the progress reporter object in use for this restore UI stage.
* IMPORTANT: This progress reporter is used only for UI progress that is
* outside the restore controller. The restore controller has its own
* progress reporter which is used for progress during the main restore.
* Use the restore controller's progress reporter to report progress during
* a restore operation, not this one.
* This extra reporter is necessary because on some restore UI screens,
* there are long-running tasks even though there is no restore controller
* in use. There is a similar function in restore_ui. but that class is not
* used on some stages.
* @return \core\progress\none
public function get_progress_reporter() {
if (!$this->progressreporter) {
$this->progressreporter = new \core\progress\none();
return $this->progressreporter;
* Sets the progress reporter that will be returned by get_progress_reporter.
* @param \core\progress\base $progressreporter Progress reporter
public function set_progress_reporter(\core\progress\base $progressreporter) {
$this->progressreporter = $progressreporter;
* Gets an array of progress bar items that can be displayed through the restore renderer.
* @return array Array of items for the progress bar
public function get_progress_bar() {
global $PAGE;
$stage = restore_ui::STAGE_COMPLETE;
$currentstage = $this->get_stage();
$items = array();
while ($stage > 0) {
$classes = array('backup_stage');
if (floor($stage / 2) == $currentstage) {
$classes[] = 'backup_stage_next';
} else if ($stage == $currentstage) {
$classes[] = 'backup_stage_current';
} else if ($stage < $currentstage) {
$classes[] = 'backup_stage_complete';
$item = array('text' => strlen(decbin($stage)).'. '.get_string('restorestage'.$stage, 'backup'), 'class' => join(' ', $classes));
if ($stage < $currentstage && $currentstage < restore_ui::STAGE_COMPLETE) {
// By default you can't go back to independent stages, if that changes in the future uncomment the next line.
// $item['link'] = new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('restore' => $this->get_restoreid(), 'stage' => $stage));
array_unshift($items, $item);
$stage = floor($stage / 2);
return $items;
* Returns the restore stage name.
* @return string
abstract public function get_stage_name();
* Obviously true
* @return true
final public function is_independent() {
return true;
* Handles the destruction of this object.
public function destroy() {
// Nothing to destroy here!.
* The confirmation stage.
* This is the first stage, it is independent.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_confirm extends restore_ui_independent_stage implements file_progress {
* The context ID.
* @var int
protected $contextid;
* The file name.
* @var string
protected $filename = null;
* The file path.
* @var string
protected $filepath = null;
* @var string Content hash of archive file to restore (if specified by hash)
protected $contenthash = null;
* @var string Pathname hash of stored_file object to restore
protected $pathnamehash = null;
* @var array
protected $details;
* @var bool True if we have started reporting progress
protected $startedprogress = false;
* Constructor
* @param int $contextid
* @throws coding_exception
public function __construct($contextid) {
$this->contextid = $contextid;
$this->filename = optional_param('filename', null, PARAM_FILE);
if ($this->filename === null) {
// Identify file object by its pathname hash.
$this->pathnamehash = required_param('pathnamehash', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
// The file content hash is also passed for security; users
// cannot guess the content hash (unless they know the file contents),
// so this guarantees that either the system generated this link or
// else the user has access to the restore archive anyhow.
$this->contenthash = required_param('contenthash', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
* Processes this restore stage
* @return bool
* @throws restore_ui_exception
public function process() {
$backuptempdir = make_backup_temp_directory('');
if ($this->filename) {
$archivepath = $backuptempdir . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($archivepath)) {
throw new restore_ui_exception('invalidrestorefile');
$outcome = $this->extract_file_to_dir($archivepath);
if ($outcome) {
} else {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$storedfile = $fs->get_file_by_hash($this->pathnamehash);
if (!$storedfile || $storedfile->get_contenthash() !== $this->contenthash) {
throw new restore_ui_exception('invalidrestorefile');
$outcome = $this->extract_file_to_dir($storedfile);
return $outcome;
* Extracts the file.
* @param string|stored_file $source Archive file to extract
* @return bool
protected function extract_file_to_dir($source) {
global $USER;
$this->filepath = restore_controller::get_tempdir_name($this->contextid, $USER->id);
$backuptempdir = make_backup_temp_directory('', false);
$fb = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
$result = $fb->extract_to_pathname($source,
$backuptempdir . '/' . $this->filepath . '/', null, $this);
// If any progress happened, end it.
if ($this->startedprogress) {
return $result;
* Implementation for file_progress interface to display unzip progress.
* @param int $progress Current progress
* @param int $max Max value
public function progress($progress = file_progress::INDETERMINATE, $max = file_progress::INDETERMINATE) {
$reporter = $this->get_progress_reporter();
// Start tracking progress if necessary.
if (!$this->startedprogress) {
($max == file_progress::INDETERMINATE) ? \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE : $max);
$this->startedprogress = true;
// Pass progress through to whatever handles it.
($progress == file_progress::INDETERMINATE) ? \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE : $progress);
* Renders the confirmation stage screen
* @param core_backup_renderer $renderer renderer instance to use
* @return string HTML code
public function display(core_backup_renderer $renderer) {
$prevstageurl = new moodle_url('/backup/restorefile.php', array('contextid' => $this->contextid));
$nextstageurl = new moodle_url('/backup/restore.php', array(
'contextid' => $this->contextid,
'filepath' => $this->filepath,
'stage' => restore_ui::STAGE_DESTINATION));
$format = backup_general_helper::detect_backup_format($this->filepath);
if ($format === backup::FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
// Unknown format - we can't do anything here.
return $renderer->backup_details_unknown($prevstageurl);
} else if ($format !== backup::FORMAT_MOODLE) {
// Non-standard format to be converted.
$details = array('format' => $format, 'type' => backup::TYPE_1COURSE); // todo type to be returned by a converter
return $renderer->backup_details_nonstandard($nextstageurl, $details);
} else {
// Standard MBZ backup, let us get information from it and display.
$this->details = backup_general_helper::get_backup_information($this->filepath);
return $renderer->backup_details($this->details, $nextstageurl);
* The restore stage name.
* @return string
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_stage_name() {
return get_string('restorestage'.restore_ui::STAGE_CONFIRM, 'backup');
* The restore stage this class is for.
* @return int
public function get_stage() {
return restore_ui::STAGE_CONFIRM;
* This is the destination stage.
* This stage is the second stage and is also independent
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_destination extends restore_ui_independent_stage {
* The context ID.
* @var int
protected $contextid;
* The backup file path.
* @var mixed|null
protected $filepath = null;
* The course ID.
* @var null
protected $courseid = null;
* The restore target. One of backup::TARGET_NEW
* @var int
protected $target = backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE;
* The course search component.
* @var null|restore_course_search
protected $coursesearch = null;
* The category search component.
* @var null|restore_category_search
protected $categorysearch = null;
* Constructs the destination stage.
* @param int $contextid
* @throws coding_exception
public function __construct($contextid) {
global $PAGE;
$this->contextid = $contextid;
$this->filepath = required_param('filepath', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$url = new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array(
'filepath' => $this->filepath,
'contextid' => $this->contextid,
'stage' => restore_ui::STAGE_DESTINATION));
// The context level can be course category, course or module. We need to make sure that we always use correct one.
$context = context::instance_by_id($contextid);
if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_COURSE && $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false)) {
$context = $coursecontext;
$this->coursesearch = new restore_course_search(array('url' => $url), $context->instanceid);
$this->categorysearch = new restore_category_search(array('url' => $url));
* Processes the destination stage.
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws restore_ui_exception
public function process() {
global $DB;
$filepathdir = make_backup_temp_directory($this->filepath, false);
if (!file_exists($filepathdir) || !is_dir($filepathdir)) {
throw new restore_ui_exception('invalidrestorepath');
if (optional_param('searchcourses', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
return false;
$this->target = optional_param('target', backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE, PARAM_INT);
$targetid = optional_param('targetid', null, PARAM_INT);
if (!is_null($this->target) && !is_null($targetid) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if ($this->target == backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE) {
list($fullname, $shortname) = restore_dbops::calculate_course_names(0, get_string('restoringcourse', 'backup'), get_string('restoringcourseshortname', 'backup'));
$this->courseid = restore_dbops::create_new_course($fullname, $shortname, $targetid);
} else {
$this->courseid = $targetid;
return ($DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => $this->courseid)));
return false;
* Renders the destination stage screen
* @param core_backup_renderer $renderer renderer instance to use
* @return string HTML code
public function display(core_backup_renderer $renderer) {
$format = backup_general_helper::detect_backup_format($this->filepath);
if ($format === backup::FORMAT_MOODLE) {
// Standard Moodle 2 format, let use get the type of the backup.
$details = backup_general_helper::get_backup_information($this->filepath);
if ($details->type === backup::TYPE_1COURSE) {
$wholecourse = true;
} else {
$wholecourse = false;
} else {
// Non-standard format to be converted. We assume it contains the
// whole course for now. However, in the future there might be a callback
// to the installed converters.
$wholecourse = true;
$nextstageurl = new moodle_url('/backup/restore.php', array(
'contextid' => $this->contextid,
'filepath' => $this->filepath,
'stage' => restore_ui::STAGE_SETTINGS));
$context = context::instance_by_id($this->contextid);
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE and has_capability('moodle/restore:restorecourse', $context)) {
$currentcourse = $context->instanceid;
} else {
$currentcourse = false;
return $renderer->course_selector($nextstageurl, $wholecourse, $this->categorysearch, $this->coursesearch, $currentcourse);
* Returns the stage name.
* @return string
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_stage_name() {
return get_string('restorestage'.restore_ui::STAGE_DESTINATION, 'backup');
* Returns the backup file path
* @return mixed|null
public function get_filepath() {
return $this->filepath;
* Returns the course id.
* @return null
public function get_course_id() {
return $this->courseid;
* Returns the current restore stage
* @return int
public function get_stage() {
return restore_ui::STAGE_DESTINATION;
* Returns the target for this restore.
* One of backup::TARGET_*
* @return int
public function get_target() {
return $this->target;
* This stage is the settings stage.
* This stage is the third stage, it is dependent on a restore controller and
* is the first stage as such.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_settings extends restore_ui_stage {
* Initial restore stage constructor
* @param restore_ui $ui
* @param array $params
public function __construct(restore_ui $ui, array $params = null) {
$this->stage = restore_ui::STAGE_SETTINGS;
parent::__construct($ui, $params);
* Process the settings stage.
* @param base_moodleform $form
* @return bool|int
public function process(base_moodleform $form = null) {
$form = $this->initialise_stage_form();
if ($form->is_cancelled()) {
$data = $form->get_data();
if ($data && confirm_sesskey()) {
$tasks = $this->ui->get_tasks();
$changes = 0;
foreach ($tasks as &$task) {
// We are only interesting in the backup root task for this stage.
if ($task instanceof restore_root_task || $task instanceof restore_course_task) {
// Get all settings into a var so we can iterate by reference.
$settings = $task->get_settings();
foreach ($settings as &$setting) {
$name = $setting->get_ui_name();
if (isset($data->$name) && $data->$name != $setting->get_value()) {
} else if (!isset($data->$name) && $setting->get_ui_type() == backup_setting::UI_HTML_CHECKBOX && $setting->get_value()) {
// Return the number of changes the user made.
return $changes;
} else {
return false;
* Initialise the stage form.
* @return backup_moodleform|base_moodleform|restore_settings_form
* @throws coding_exception
protected function initialise_stage_form() {
global $PAGE;
if ($this->stageform === null) {
$form = new restore_settings_form($this, $PAGE->url);
// Store as a variable so we can iterate by reference.
$tasks = $this->ui->get_tasks();
$headingprinted = false;
// Iterate all tasks by reference.
foreach ($tasks as &$task) {
// For the initial stage we are only interested in the root settings.
if ($task instanceof restore_root_task) {
if (!$headingprinted) {
$form->add_heading('rootsettings', get_string('restorerootsettings', 'backup'));
$headingprinted = true;
$settings = $task->get_settings();
// First add all settings except the filename setting.
foreach ($settings as &$setting) {
if ($setting->get_name() == 'filename') {
$form->add_setting($setting, $task);
// Then add all dependencies.
foreach ($settings as &$setting) {
if ($setting->get_name() == 'filename') {
$this->stageform = $form;
// Return the form.
return $this->stageform;
* Schema stage of backup process
* During the schema stage the user is required to set the settings that relate
* to the area that they are backing up as well as its children.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_schema extends restore_ui_stage {
* @var int Maximum number of settings to add to form at once
const MAX_SETTINGS_BATCH = 1000;
* Schema stage constructor
* @param restore_ui $ui
* @param array $params
public function __construct(restore_ui $ui, array $params = null) {
$this->stage = restore_ui::STAGE_SCHEMA;
parent::__construct($ui, $params);
* Processes the schema stage
* @param base_moodleform $form
* @return int The number of changes the user made
public function process(base_moodleform $form = null) {
$form = $this->initialise_stage_form();
// Check it wasn't cancelled.
if ($form->is_cancelled()) {
// Check it has been submit.
$data = $form->get_data();
if ($data && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Get the tasks into a var so we can iterate by reference.
$tasks = $this->ui->get_tasks();
$changes = 0;
// Iterate all tasks by reference.
foreach ($tasks as &$task) {
// We are only interested in schema settings.
if (!($task instanceof restore_root_task)) {
// Store as a variable so we can iterate by reference.
$settings = $task->get_settings();
// Iterate by reference.
foreach ($settings as &$setting) {
$name = $setting->get_ui_name();
if (isset($data->$name) && $data->$name != $setting->get_value()) {
} else if (!isset($data->$name) && $setting->get_ui_type() == backup_setting::UI_HTML_CHECKBOX && $setting->get_value()) {
// Return the number of changes the user made.
return $changes;
} else {
return false;
* Creates the backup_schema_form instance for this stage
* @return backup_schema_form
protected function initialise_stage_form() {
global $PAGE;
if ($this->stageform === null) {
$form = new restore_schema_form($this, $PAGE->url);
$tasks = $this->ui->get_tasks();
$courseheading = false;
// Track progress through each stage.
$progress = $this->ui->get_progress_reporter();
$progress->start_progress('Initialise schema stage form', 3);
$progress->start_progress('', count($tasks));
$done = 1;
$allsettings = array();
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if (!($task instanceof restore_root_task)) {
if (!$courseheading) {
// If we haven't already display a course heading to group nicely.
$form->add_heading('coursesettings', get_string('coursesettings', 'backup'));
$courseheading = true;
// Put each setting into an array of settings to add. Adding
// a setting individually is a very slow operation, so we add.
// them all in a batch later on.
foreach ($task->get_settings() as $setting) {
$allsettings[] = array($setting, $task);
} else if ($this->ui->enforce_changed_dependencies()) {
// Only show these settings if dependencies changed them.
// Add a root settings heading to group nicely.
$form->add_heading('rootsettings', get_string('rootsettings', 'backup'));
// Iterate all settings and add them to the form as a fixed
// setting. We only want schema settings to be editable.
foreach ($task->get_settings() as $setting) {
if ($setting->get_name() != 'filename') {
$form->add_fixed_setting($setting, $task);
// Update progress.
// Add settings for tasks in batches of up to 1000. Adding settings
// in larger batches improves performance, but if it takes too long,
// we won't be able to update the progress bar so the backup might.
// time out. 1000 is chosen to balance this.
$numsettings = count($allsettings);
$progress->start_progress('', ceil($numsettings / self::MAX_SETTINGS_BATCH));
$start = 0;
$done = 1;
while ($start < $numsettings) {
$length = min(self::MAX_SETTINGS_BATCH, $numsettings - $start);
$form->add_settings(array_slice($allsettings, $start, $length));
$start += $length;
// Add the dependencies for all the settings.
$progress->start_progress('', count($allsettings));
$done = 1;
foreach ($allsettings as $settingtask) {
$this->stageform = $form;
return $this->stageform;
* Confirmation stage
* On this stage the user reviews the setting for the backup and can change the filename
* of the file that will be generated.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_review extends restore_ui_stage {
* Constructs the stage
* @param restore_ui $ui
* @param array $params
public function __construct($ui, array $params = null) {
$this->stage = restore_ui::STAGE_REVIEW;
parent::__construct($ui, $params);
* Processes the confirmation stage
* @param base_moodleform $form
* @return int The number of changes the user made
public function process(base_moodleform $form = null) {
$form = $this->initialise_stage_form();
// Check it hasn't been cancelled.
if ($form->is_cancelled()) {
$data = $form->get_data();
if ($data && confirm_sesskey()) {
return 0;
} else {
return false;
* Creates the backup_confirmation_form instance this stage requires
* @return backup_confirmation_form
protected function initialise_stage_form() {
global $PAGE;
if ($this->stageform === null) {
// Get the form.
$form = new restore_review_form($this, $PAGE->url);
$content = '';
$courseheading = false;
$progress = $this->ui->get_progress_reporter();
$tasks = $this->ui->get_tasks();
$progress->start_progress('initialise_stage_form', count($tasks));
$done = 1;
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if ($task instanceof restore_root_task) {
// If its a backup root add a root settings heading to group nicely.
$form->add_heading('rootsettings', get_string('restorerootsettings', 'backup'));
} else if (!$courseheading) {
// We haven't already add a course heading.
$form->add_heading('coursesettings', get_string('coursesettings', 'backup'));
$courseheading = true;
// Iterate all settings, doesnt need to happen by reference.
foreach ($task->get_settings() as $setting) {
$form->add_fixed_setting($setting, $task);
// Update progress.
$this->stageform = $form;
return $this->stageform;
* Final stage of backup
* This stage is special in that it is does not make use of a form. The reason for
* this is the order of procession of backup at this stage.
* The processesion is:
* 1. The final stage will be intialise.
* 2. The confirmation stage will be processed.
* 3. The backup will be executed
* 4. The complete stage will be loaded by execution
* 5. The complete stage will be displayed
* This highlights that we neither need a form nor a display method for this stage
* we simply need to process.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_process extends restore_ui_stage {
* There is no substage required.
const SUBSTAGE_NONE = 0;
* The prechecks substage is required/the current substage.
* The current substage.
* @var int
protected $substage = 0;
* Constructs the final stage
* @param base_ui $ui
* @param array $params
public function __construct(base_ui $ui, array $params = null) {
$this->stage = restore_ui::STAGE_PROCESS;
parent::__construct($ui, $params);
* Processes the final stage.
* In this case it checks to see if there is a sub stage that we need to display
* before execution, if there is we gear up to display the subpage, otherwise
* we return true which will lead to execution of the restore and the loading
* of the completed stage.
* @param base_moodleform $form
public function process(base_moodleform $form = null) {
if (optional_param('cancel', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
redirect(new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $this->get_ui()->get_controller()->get_courseid())));
// First decide whether a substage is needed.
$rc = $this->ui->get_controller();
if ($rc->get_status() == backup::STATUS_SETTING_UI) {
if ($rc->get_status() == backup::STATUS_NEED_PRECHECK) {
if (!$rc->precheck_executed()) {
$results = $rc->get_precheck_results();
if (!empty($results)) {
$this->substage = self::SUBSTAGE_PRECHECKS;
$substage = optional_param('substage', null, PARAM_INT);
if (empty($this->substage) && !empty($substage)) {
$this->substage = $substage;
// Now check whether that substage has already been submit.
if ($this->substage == self::SUBSTAGE_PRECHECKS && optional_param('sesskey', null, PARAM_RAW) == sesskey()) {
$info = $rc->get_info();
if (!empty($info->role_mappings->mappings)) {
foreach ($info->role_mappings->mappings as $key => &$mapping) {
$mapping->targetroleid = optional_param('mapping'.$key, $mapping->targetroleid, PARAM_INT);
$info->role_mappings->modified = true;
// We've processed the substage now setting it back to none so we
// can move to the next stage.
$this->substage = self::SUBSTAGE_NONE;
return empty($this->substage);
* should NEVER be called... throws an exception
protected function initialise_stage_form() {
throw new backup_ui_exception('backup_ui_must_execute_first');
* Renders the process stage screen
* @throws restore_ui_exception
* @param core_backup_renderer $renderer renderer instance to use
* @return string HTML code
public function display(core_backup_renderer $renderer) {
global $PAGE;
$html = '';
$haserrors = false;
$url = new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array(
'restore' => $this->get_uniqueid(),
'stage' => restore_ui::STAGE_PROCESS,
'substage' => $this->substage,
'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('form', array(
'action' => $url->out_omit_querystring(),
'class' => 'backup-restore',
'enctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', // Enforce compatibility with our max_input_vars hack.
'method' => 'post'));
foreach ($url->params() as $name => $value) {
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value));
switch ($this->substage) {
$results = $this->ui->get_controller()->get_precheck_results();
$info = $this->ui->get_controller()->get_info();
$haserrors = (!empty($results['errors']));
$html .= $renderer->precheck_notices($results);
if (!empty($info->role_mappings->mappings)) {
$context = context_course::instance($this->ui->get_controller()->get_courseid());
$assignableroles = get_assignable_roles($context, ROLENAME_ALIAS, false);
// Get current role mappings.
$currentroles = role_fix_names(get_all_roles(), $context);
// Get backup role mappings.
$rolemappings = $info->role_mappings->mappings;
array_map(function($rolemapping) use ($currentroles) {
foreach ($currentroles as $role) {
// Find matching archetype to determine the backup's shortname for label display.
if ($rolemapping->archetype == $role->archetype) {
$rolemapping->name = $rolemapping->shortname;
if ($rolemapping->name == null) {
$rolemapping->name = get_string('undefinedrolemapping', 'backup', $rolemapping->archetype);
}, $rolemappings);
$html .= $renderer->role_mappings($rolemappings, $assignableroles);
throw new restore_ui_exception('backup_ui_must_execute_first');
$html .= $renderer->substage_buttons($haserrors);
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('form');
return $html;
* Returns true if this stage can have sub-stages.
* @return bool|false
public function has_sub_stages() {
return true;
* This is the completed stage.
* Once this is displayed there is nothing more to do.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_ui_stage_complete extends restore_ui_stage_process {
* The results of the backup execution
* @var array
protected $results;
* Constructs the complete backup stage
* @param restore_ui $ui
* @param array $params
* @param array $results
public function __construct(restore_ui $ui, array $params = null, array $results = null) {
$this->results = $results;
parent::__construct($ui, $params);
$this->stage = restore_ui::STAGE_COMPLETE;
* Displays the completed backup stage.
* Currently this just envolves redirecting to the file browser with an
* appropriate message.
* @param core_backup_renderer $renderer
* @return string HTML code to echo
public function display(core_backup_renderer $renderer) {
$html = '';
if (!empty($this->results['file_aliases_restore_failures'])) {
$html .= $renderer->box_start('generalbox filealiasesfailures');
$html .= $renderer->heading_with_help(get_string('filealiasesrestorefailures', 'core_backup'),
'filealiasesrestorefailures', 'core_backup');
$html .= $renderer->container(get_string('filealiasesrestorefailuresinfo', 'core_backup'));
$html .= $renderer->container_start('aliaseslist');
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('ul');
foreach ($this->results['file_aliases_restore_failures'] as $alias) {
$html .= html_writer::tag('li', s($alias));
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
$html .= $renderer->container_end();
$html .= $renderer->box_end();
$html .= $renderer->box_start();
if (array_key_exists('file_missing_in_backup', $this->results)) {
$html .= $renderer->notification(get_string('restorefileweremissing', 'backup'), 'notifyproblem');
$html .= $renderer->notification(get_string('restoreexecutionsuccess', 'backup'), 'notifysuccess');
$courseurl = course_get_url($this->get_ui()->get_controller()->get_courseid());
$html .= $renderer->continue_button($courseurl, 'get');
$html .= $renderer->box_end();
return $html;