Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * @package   moodlecore
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

 * Generic abstract dependency class
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class setting_dependency {

     * Used to define the type of a dependency.
     * Note with these that checked and true, and not checked and false are equal.
     * This is because the terminology differs but the resulting action is the same.
     * Reduces code!
    const DISABLED_VALUE = 0;
    const DISABLED_NOT_VALUE = 1;
    const DISABLED_TRUE = 2;
    const DISABLED_FALSE = 3;
    const DISABLED_CHECKED = 4;
    const DISABLED_EMPTY = 6;
    const DISABLED_NOT_EMPTY = 7;

     * The parent setting (primary)
     * @var base_setting
    protected $setting;
     * The dependent setting (secondary)
     * @var base_setting
    protected $dependentsetting;
     * The default setting
     * @var mixed
    protected $defaultvalue;
     * The last value the dependent setting had
     * @var mixed
    protected $lastvalue;
     * Creates the dependency object
     * @param base_setting $setting The parent setting or the primary setting if you prefer
     * @param base_setting $dependentsetting The dependent setting
     * @param mixed $defaultvalue The default value to assign if the dependency is unmet
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue = false) {
        $this->setting = $setting;
        $this->dependentsetting = $dependentsetting;
        $this->defaultvalue = $defaultvalue;
        $this->lastvalue = $dependentsetting->get_value();

     * Destroy all circular references. It helps PHP 5.2 a lot!
    public function destroy() {
        // No need to destroy anything recursively here, direct reset.
        $this->setting = null;
        $this->dependentsetting = null;

     * Processes a change is setting called by the primary setting
     * @param int $changetype
     * @param mixed $oldvalue
     * @return bool
    final public function process_change($changetype, $oldvalue) {
        // Check the type of change requested.
        switch ($changetype) {
            // Process a status change.
            case base_setting::CHANGED_STATUS:
                return $this->process_status_change($oldvalue);
            // Process a visibility change.
            case base_setting::CHANGED_VISIBILITY:
                return $this->process_visibility_change($oldvalue);
            // Process a value change.
            case base_setting::CHANGED_VALUE:
                return $this->process_value_change($oldvalue);
        // Throw an exception if we get this far.
        throw new backup_ui_exception('unknownchangetype');
     * Processes a visibility change
     * @param bool $oldvisibility
     * @return bool
    protected function process_visibility_change($oldvisibility) {
        // Store the current dependent settings visibility for comparison.
        $prevalue = $this->dependentsetting->get_visibility();
        // Set it regardless of whether we need to.
        // Return true if it changed.
        return ($prevalue != $this->dependentsetting->get_visibility());
     * All dependencies must define how they would like to deal with a status change
     * @param int $oldstatus
    abstract protected function process_status_change($oldstatus);
     * All dependencies must define how they would like to process a value change
    abstract protected function process_value_change($oldvalue);
     * Gets the primary setting
     * @return backup_setting
    public function get_setting() {
        return $this->setting;
     * Gets the dependent setting
     * @return backup_setting
    public function get_dependent_setting() {
        return $this->dependentsetting;
     * This function enforces the dependency
    abstract public function enforce();
     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    abstract public function get_moodleform_properties();
     * Returns true if the dependent setting is locked by this setting_dependency.
     * @return bool
    abstract public function is_locked();

 * A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is
 * equal to the provided value
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_equals extends setting_dependency {
     * The value to compare to
     * @var mixed
    protected $value;
     * Creates the dependency
     * @param base_setting $setting
     * @param base_setting $dependentsetting
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $defaultvalue
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $value, $defaultvalue = false) {
        parent::__construct($setting, $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue);
        $this->value = ($value) ? (string)$value : 0;
     * Returns true if the dependent setting is locked by this setting_dependency.
     * @return bool
    public function is_locked() {
        // If the setting is locked or the dependent setting should be locked then return true.
        if ($this->setting->get_status() !== base_setting::NOT_LOCKED ||
                $this->evaluate_disabled_condition($this->setting->get_value())) {
            return true;
        // Else the dependent setting is not locked by this setting_dependency.
        return false;
     * Processes a value change in the primary setting
     * @param mixed $oldvalue
     * @return bool
    protected function process_value_change($oldvalue) {
        if ($this->dependentsetting->get_status() == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION ||
                $this->dependentsetting->get_status() == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_CONFIG) {
            // When setting is locked by permission or config do not apply dependencies.
            return false;
        $prevalue = $this->dependentsetting->get_value();
        // If the setting is the desired value enact the dependency.
        $settingvalue = $this->setting->get_value();
        if ($this->evaluate_disabled_condition($settingvalue)) {
            // The dependent setting needs to be locked by hierachy and set to the
            // default value.

            // For checkboxes the default value is false, but when the setting is
            // locked, the value should inherit from the parent setting.
            if ($this->defaultvalue === false) {
            } else {
        } else if ($this->dependentsetting->get_status() == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY) {
            // We can unlock the dependent setting.
        // Return true if the value has changed for the dependent setting.
        return ($prevalue != $this->dependentsetting->get_value());
     * Processes a status change in the primary setting
     * @param mixed $oldstatus
     * @return bool
    protected function process_status_change($oldstatus) {
        // Store the dependent status.
        $prevalue = $this->dependentsetting->get_status();
        // Store the current status.
        $currentstatus = $this->setting->get_status();
        if ($currentstatus == base_setting::NOT_LOCKED) {
            if ($prevalue == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY &&
                    !$this->evaluate_disabled_condition($this->setting->get_value())) {
                // Dependency has changes, is not fine, unlock the dependent setting.
        } else {
            // Make sure the dependent setting is also locked, in this case by hierarchy.
        // Return true if the dependent setting has changed.
        return ($prevalue != $this->dependentsetting->get_status());
     * Enforces the dependency if required.
     * @return bool True if there were changes
    public function enforce() {
        // This will be set to true if ANYTHING changes.
        $changes = false;
        // First process any value changes.
        if ($this->process_value_change($this->setting->get_value())) {
            $changes = true;
        // Second process any status changes.
        if ($this->process_status_change($this->setting->get_status())) {
            $changes = true;
        // Finally process visibility changes.
        if ($this->process_visibility_change($this->setting->get_visibility())) {
            $changes = true;
        return $changes;
     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'eq',
            'value' => $this->value

     * Evaluate the current value of the setting and return true if the dependent setting should be locked or false.
     * This function should be abstract, but there will probably be existing sub-classes so we must provide a default
     * implementation.
     * @param mixed $value The value of the parent setting.
     * @return bool
    protected function evaluate_disabled_condition($value) {
        return $value == $this->value;

 * A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is
 * not equal to the provided value
 * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_not_equals extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {

     * Evaluate the current value of the setting and return true if the dependent setting should be locked or false.
     * @param mixed $value The value of the parent setting.
     * @return bool
    protected function evaluate_disabled_condition($value) {
        return $value != $this->value;

     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
                'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
                'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
                'condition' => 'notequal',
                'value' => $this->value

 * Disable if a value is in a list.
class setting_dependency_disabledif_in_array extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {

     * Evaluate the current value of the setting and return true if the dependent setting should be locked or false.
     * @param mixed $value The value of the parent setting.
     * @return bool
    protected function evaluate_disabled_condition($value) {
        return in_array($value, $this->value);

     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'eq',
            'value' => $this->value

 * This class is here for backwards compatibility (terrible name).
class setting_dependency_disabledif_equals2 extends setting_dependency_disabledif_in_array {

 * A dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is
 * true or checked
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_checked extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue = false) {
        parent::__construct($setting, $dependentsetting, true, $defaultvalue);
        $this->value = true;
     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'checked'

 * A dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is
 * false or not checked
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_not_checked extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue = false) {
        parent::__construct($setting, $dependentsetting, false, $defaultvalue);
        $this->value = false;
     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'notchecked'

 * A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting
 * is not empty.
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_not_empty extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue = false) {
        parent::__construct($setting, $dependentsetting, false, $defaultvalue);
        $this->value = false;

     * Evaluate the current value of the setting and return true if the dependent setting should be locked or false.
     * @param mixed $value The value of the parent setting.
     * @return bool
    protected function evaluate_disabled_condition($value) {
        return !empty($value);

     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'notequal',
            'value' => ''

 * A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting
 * is empty.
 * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class setting_dependency_disabledif_empty extends setting_dependency_disabledif_equals {
    public function __construct(base_setting $setting, base_setting $dependentsetting, $defaultvalue = false) {
        parent::__construct($setting, $dependentsetting, false, $defaultvalue);
        $this->value = false;

     * Evaluate the current value of the setting and return true if the dependent setting should be locked or false.
     * @param mixed $value The value of the parent setting.
     * @return bool
    protected function evaluate_disabled_condition($value) {
        return empty($value);

     * Returns an array of properties suitable to be used to define a moodleforms
     * disabled command
     * @return array
    public function get_moodleform_properties() {
        return array(
            'setting' => $this->dependentsetting->get_ui_name(),
            'dependenton' => $this->setting->get_ui_name(),
            'condition' => 'notequal',
            'value' => ''