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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage backup-helper
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Non instantiable helper class providing support for restore prechecks
* This class contains various prechecks to be performed before executing
* the restore plan. Its entry point is execute_prechecks() that will
* call various stuff. At the end, it will return one array(), if empty
* all the prechecks have passed ok. If not empty, you'll find 1/2 elements
* in the array, warnings and errors, each one containing one description
* of the problem. Warnings aren't stoppers so the restore execution can
* continue after displaying them. In the other side, if errors are returned
* then restore execution cannot continue
* TODO: Finish phpdocs
abstract class restore_prechecks_helper {
* Entry point for all the prechecks to be performed before restore
* Returns empty array or warnings/errors array
public static function execute_prechecks(restore_controller $controller, $droptemptablesafter = false) {
global $CFG;
$errors = array();
$warnings = array();
// Some handy vars to be used along the prechecks
$samesite = $controller->is_samesite();
$restoreusers = $controller->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->get_value();
$hasmnetusers = (int)$controller->get_info()->mnet_remoteusers;
$restoreid = $controller->get_restoreid();
$courseid = $controller->get_courseid();
$userid = $controller->get_userid();
$rolemappings = $controller->get_info()->role_mappings;
$progress = $controller->get_progress();
// Start tracking progress. There are currently 8 major steps, corresponding
// to $majorstep++ lines in this code; we keep track of the total so as to
// verify that it's still correct. If you add a major step, you need to change
// the total here.
$majorstep = 1;
$majorsteps = 8;
$progress->start_progress('Carrying out pre-restore checks', $majorsteps);
// Load all the included tasks to look for inforef.xml files
$inforeffiles = array();
$tasks = restore_dbops::get_included_tasks($restoreid);
$progress->start_progress('Listing inforef files', count($tasks));
$minorstep = 1;
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
// Add the inforef.xml file if exists
$inforefpath = $task->get_taskbasepath() . '/inforef.xml';
if (file_exists($inforefpath)) {
$inforeffiles[] = $inforefpath;
// Create temp tables
// Check we are restoring one backup >= $min20version (very first ok ever)
$min20version = 2010072300;
if ($controller->get_info()->backup_version < $min20version) {
$message = new stdclass();
$message->backup = $controller->get_info()->backup_version;
$message->min = $min20version;
$errors[] = get_string('errorminbackup20version', 'backup', $message);
// Compare Moodle's versions
if ($CFG->version < $controller->get_info()->moodle_version) {
$message = new stdclass();
$message->serverversion = $CFG->version;
$message->serverrelease = $CFG->release;
$message->backupversion = $controller->get_info()->moodle_version;
$message->backuprelease = $controller->get_info()->moodle_release;
$warnings[] = get_string('noticenewerbackup','',$message);
// The original_course_format var was introduced in Moodle 2.9.
$originalcourseformat = null;
if (!empty($controller->get_info()->original_course_format)) {
$originalcourseformat = $controller->get_info()->original_course_format;
// We can't restore other course's backups on the front page.
if ($controller->get_courseid() == SITEID &&
$originalcourseformat != 'site' &&
$controller->get_type() == backup::TYPE_1COURSE) {
$errors[] = get_string('errorrestorefrontpagebackup', 'backup');
// We can't restore front pages over other courses.
if ($controller->get_courseid() != SITEID &&
$originalcourseformat == 'site' &&
$controller->get_type() == backup::TYPE_1COURSE) {
$errors[] = get_string('errorrestorefrontpagebackup', 'backup');
// If restoring to different site and restoring users and backup has mnet users warn/error
if (!$samesite && $restoreusers && $hasmnetusers) {
// User is admin (can create users at sysctx), warn
if (has_capability('moodle/user:create', context_system::instance(), $controller->get_userid())) {
$warnings[] = get_string('mnetrestore_extusers_admin', 'admin');
// User not admin
} else {
$errors[] = get_string('mnetrestore_extusers_noadmin', 'admin');
// Load all the inforef files, we are going to need them
$progress->start_progress('Loading temporary IDs', count($inforeffiles));
$minorstep = 1;
foreach ($inforeffiles as $inforeffile) {
// Load each inforef file to temp_ids.
restore_dbops::load_inforef_to_tempids($restoreid, $inforeffile, $progress);
// If restoring users, check we are able to create all them
if ($restoreusers) {
$file = $controller->get_plan()->get_basepath() . '/users.xml';
// Load needed users to temp_ids.
restore_dbops::load_users_to_tempids($restoreid, $file, $progress);
if ($problems = restore_dbops::precheck_included_users($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $progress)) {
$errors = array_merge($errors, $problems);
} else {
// To ensure consistent number of steps in progress tracking,
// mark progress even though we didn't do anything.
// Note: restore won't create roles at all. Only mapping/skip!
$file = $controller->get_plan()->get_basepath() . '/roles.xml';
restore_dbops::load_roles_to_tempids($restoreid, $file); // Load needed roles to temp_ids
if ($problems = restore_dbops::precheck_included_roles($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $rolemappings)) {
$errors = array_key_exists('errors', $problems) ? array_merge($errors, $problems['errors']) : $errors;
$warnings = array_key_exists('warnings', $problems) ? array_merge($warnings, $problems['warnings']) : $warnings;
// Check we are able to restore and the categories and questions
$file = $controller->get_plan()->get_basepath() . '/questions.xml';
restore_dbops::load_categories_and_questions_to_tempids($restoreid, $file);
if ($problems = restore_dbops::precheck_categories_and_questions($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite)) {
$errors = array_key_exists('errors', $problems) ? array_merge($errors, $problems['errors']) : $errors;
$warnings = array_key_exists('warnings', $problems) ? array_merge($warnings, $problems['warnings']) : $warnings;
// Prepare results.
$results = array();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$results['errors'] = $errors;
if (!empty($warnings)) {
$results['warnings'] = $warnings;
// Warnings/errors detected or want to do so explicitly, drop temp tables
if (!empty($results) || $droptemptablesafter) {
// Finish progress and check we got the initial number of steps right.
if ($majorstep != $majorsteps) {
throw new coding_exception('Progress step count wrong: ' . $majorstep);
return $results;
* Exception class used by all the @restore_prechecks_helper stuff
class restore_prechecks_helper_exception extends backup_exception {
public function __construct($errorcode, $a=NULL, $debuginfo=null) {
parent::__construct($errorcode, $a, $debuginfo);