Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * @package    moodlecore
 * @subpackage backup-helper
 * @copyright  2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

 * Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing various operations
 * TODO: Finish phpdocs
abstract class backup_helper {

     * Given one backupid, create all the needed dirs to have one backup temp dir available
    public static function check_and_create_backup_dir($backupid) {
        $backupiddir = make_backup_temp_directory($backupid, false);
        if (empty($backupiddir)) {
            throw new backup_helper_exception('cannot_create_backup_temp_dir');

     * Given one backupid, ensure its temp dir is completely empty
     * If supplied, progress object should be ready to receive indeterminate
     * progress reports.
     * @param string $backupid Backup id
     * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress reporting object
    public static function clear_backup_dir($backupid, \core\progress\base $progress = null) {
        $backupiddir = make_backup_temp_directory($backupid, false);
        if (!self::delete_dir_contents($backupiddir, '', $progress)) {
            throw new backup_helper_exception('cannot_empty_backup_temp_dir');
        return true;

     * Given one backupid, delete completely its temp dir
     * If supplied, progress object should be ready to receive indeterminate
     * progress reports.
     * @param string $backupid Backup id
     * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress reporting object
     public static function delete_backup_dir($backupid, \core\progress\base $progress = null) {
         $backupiddir = make_backup_temp_directory($backupid, false);
         self::clear_backup_dir($backupid, $progress);
         return rmdir($backupiddir);

     * Given one fullpath to directory, delete its contents recursively
     * Copied originally from somewhere in the net.
     * TODO: Modernise this
     * If supplied, progress object should be ready to receive indeterminate
     * progress reports.
     * @param string $dir Directory to delete
     * @param string $excludedir Exclude this directory
     * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress reporting object
    public static function delete_dir_contents($dir, $excludeddir='', \core\progress\base $progress = null) {
        global $CFG;

        if ($progress) {

        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            // if we've been given a directory that doesn't exist yet, return true.
            // this happens when we're trying to clear out a course that has only just
            // been created.
            return true;
        $slash = "/";

        // Create arrays to store files and directories
        $dir_files      = array();
        $dir_subdirs    = array();

        // Make sure we can delete it
        chmod($dir, $CFG->directorypermissions);

        if ((($handle = opendir($dir))) == false) {
            // The directory could not be opened
            return false;

        // Loop through all directory entries, and construct two temporary arrays containing files and sub directories
        while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
            if (is_dir($dir. $slash .$entry) && $entry != ".." && $entry != "." && $entry != $excludeddir) {
                $dir_subdirs[] = $dir. $slash .$entry;

            } else if ($entry != ".." && $entry != "." && $entry != $excludeddir) {
                $dir_files[] = $dir. $slash .$entry;

        // Delete all files in the curent directory return false and halt if a file cannot be removed
        for ($i=0; $i<count($dir_files); $i++) {
            chmod($dir_files[$i], $CFG->directorypermissions);
            if (((unlink($dir_files[$i]))) == false) {
                return false;

        // Empty sub directories and then remove the directory
        for ($i=0; $i<count($dir_subdirs); $i++) {
            chmod($dir_subdirs[$i], $CFG->directorypermissions);
            if (self::delete_dir_contents($dir_subdirs[$i], '', $progress) == false) {
                return false;
            } else {
                if (remove_dir($dir_subdirs[$i]) == false) {
                    return false;

        // Close directory

        // Success, every thing is gone return true
        return true;

     * Delete all the temp dirs older than the time specified.
     * If supplied, progress object should be ready to receive indeterminate
     * progress reports.
     * @param int $deletebefore Delete files and directories older than this time
     * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress reporting object
    public static function delete_old_backup_dirs($deletebefore, \core\progress\base $progress = null) {
        $status = true;
        // Get files and directories in the backup temp dir.
        $backuptempdir = make_backup_temp_directory('');
        $items = new DirectoryIterator($backuptempdir);
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            if ($item->isDot()) {
            if ($item->getMTime() < $deletebefore) {
                if ($item->isDir()) {
                    // The item is a directory for some backup.
                    if (!self::delete_backup_dir($item->getFilename(), $progress)) {
                        // Something went wrong. Finish the list of items and then throw an exception.
                        $status = false;
                } else if ($item->isFile()) {
        if (!$status) {
            throw new backup_helper_exception('problem_deleting_old_backup_temp_dirs');

     * This function will be invoked by any log() method in backup/restore, acting
     * as a simple forwarder to the standard loggers but also, if the $display
     * parameter is true, supporting translation via get_string() and sending to
     * standard output.
    public static function log($message, $level, $a, $depth, $display, $logger) {
        // Send to standard loggers
        $logmessage = $message;
        $options = empty($depth) ? array() : array('depth' => $depth);
        if (!empty($a)) {
            $logmessage = $logmessage . ' ' . implode(', ', (array)$a);
        $logger->process($logmessage, $level, $options);

        // If $display specified, send translated string to output_controller
        if ($display) {
            output_controller::get_instance()->output($message, 'backup', $a, $depth);

     * Given one backupid and the (FS) final generated file, perform its final storage
     * into Moodle file storage. For stored files it returns the complete file_info object
     * Note: the $filepath is deleted if the backup file is created successfully
     * If you specify the progress monitor, this will start a new progress section
     * to track progress in processing (in case this task takes a long time).
     * @param int $backupid
     * @param string $filepath zip file containing the backup
     * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress monitor
     * @return stored_file if created, null otherwise
     * @throws moodle_exception in case of any problems
    public static function store_backup_file($backupid, $filepath, \core\progress\base $progress = null) {
        global $CFG;

        // First of all, get some information from the backup_controller to help us decide
        list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information(
                $backupid, $progress);

        // Extract useful information to decide
        $hasusers  = (bool)$sinfo['users']->value;     // Backup has users
        $isannon   = (bool)$sinfo['anonymize']->value; // Backup is anonymised
        $filename  = $sinfo['filename']->value;        // Backup filename
        $backupmode= $dinfo[0]->mode;                  // Backup mode backup::MODE_GENERAL/IMPORT/HUB
        $backuptype= $dinfo[0]->type;                  // Backup type backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY/SECTION/COURSE
        $userid    = $dinfo[0]->userid;                // User->id executing the backup
        $id        = $dinfo[0]->id;                    // Id of activity/section/course (depends of type)
        $courseid  = $dinfo[0]->courseid;              // Id of the course
        $format    = $dinfo[0]->format;                // Type of backup file

        // Quick hack. If for any reason, filename is blank, fix it here.
        // TODO: This hack will be out once MDL-22142 - P26 gets fixed
        if (empty($filename)) {
            $filename = backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename('moodle2', $backuptype, $id, $hasusers, $isannon);

        // Backups of type IMPORT aren't stored ever
        if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_IMPORT) {
            return null;

        if (!is_readable($filepath)) {
            // we have a problem if zip file does not exist
            throw new coding_exception('backup_helper::store_backup_file() expects valid $filepath parameter');


        // Calculate file storage options of id being backup
        $ctxid     = 0;
        $filearea  = '';
        $component = '';
        $itemid    = 0;
        switch ($backuptype) {
            case backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY:
                $ctxid     = context_module::instance($id)->id;
                $component = 'backup';
                $filearea  = 'activity';
                $itemid    = 0;
            case backup::TYPE_1SECTION:
                $ctxid     = context_course::instance($courseid)->id;
                $component = 'backup';
                $filearea  = 'section';
                $itemid    = $id;
            case backup::TYPE_1COURSE:
                $ctxid     = context_course::instance($courseid)->id;
                $component = 'backup';
                $filearea  = 'course';
                $itemid    = 0;

        if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_AUTOMATED) {
            // Automated backups have there own special area!
            $filearea  = 'automated';

            // If we're keeping the backup only in a chosen path, just move it there now
            // this saves copying from filepool to here later and filling trashdir.
            $config = get_config('backup');
            $dir = $config->backup_auto_destination;
            if ($config->backup_auto_storage == 1 and $dir and is_dir($dir) and is_writable($dir)) {
                $filedest = $dir.'/'
                // first try to move the file, if it is not possible copy and delete instead
                if (@rename($filepath, $filedest)) {
                    return null;
                if (copy($filepath, $filedest)) {
                    @chmod($filedest, $CFG->filepermissions); // may fail because the permissions may not make sense outside of dataroot
                    return null;
                } else {
                    $bc = backup_controller::load_controller($backupid);
                    $bc->log('Attempt to copy backup file to the specified directory using filesystem failed - ',
                            backup::LOG_WARNING, $dir);
                // bad luck, try to deal with the file the old way - keep backup in file area if we can not copy to ext system

        // Backups of type HUB (by definition never have user info)
        // are sent to user's "user_tohub" file area. The upload process
        // will be responsible for cleaning that filearea once finished
        if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_HUB) {
            $ctxid     = context_user::instance($userid)->id;
            $component = 'user';
            $filearea  = 'tohub';
            $itemid    = 0;

        // Backups without user info or with the anonymise functionality
        // enabled are sent to user's "user_backup"
        // file area. Maintenance of such area is responsibility of
        // the user via corresponding file manager frontend
        if (($backupmode == backup::MODE_GENERAL  || $backupmode == backup::MODE_ASYNC) && (!$hasusers || $isannon)) {
            $ctxid     = context_user::instance($userid)->id;
            $component = 'user';
            $filearea  = 'backup';
            $itemid    = 0;

        // Let's send the file to file storage, everything already defined
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $fr = array(
            'contextid'   => $ctxid,
            'component'   => $component,
            'filearea'    => $filearea,
            'itemid'      => $itemid,
            'filepath'    => '/',
            'filename'    => $filename,
            'userid'      => $userid,
            'timecreated' => time(),
            'timemodified'=> time());
        // If file already exists, delete if before
        // creating it again. This is BC behaviour - copy()
        // overwrites by default
        if ($fs->file_exists($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename'])) {
            $pathnamehash = $fs->get_pathname_hash($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename']);
            $sf = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
        $file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($fr, $filepath);
        return $file;

     * This function simply marks one param to be considered as straight sql
     * param, so it won't be searched in the structure tree nor converted at
     * all. Useful for better integration of definition of sources in structure
     * and DB stuff
    public static function is_sqlparam($value) {
        return array('sqlparam' => $value);

     * This function returns one array of itemnames that are being handled by
     * inforef.xml files. Used both by backup and restore
    public static function get_inforef_itemnames() {
        return array('user', 'grouping', 'group', 'role', 'file', 'scale', 'outcome', 'grade_item', 'question_category');

     * Print the course reuse dropdown.
     * @param string $current The current course reuse option where the header is modified
    public static function print_coursereuse_selector(string $current): void {
        global $OUTPUT, $PAGE;

        if ($coursereusenode = $PAGE->settingsnav->find('coursereuse', \navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER)) {

            $menuarray = \core\navigation\views\secondary::create_menu_element([$coursereusenode]);
            if (empty($menuarray)) {

            $coursereuse = get_string('coursereuse');
            $activeurl = '';
            if (isset($menuarray[0])) {
                // Remove the "Course reuse" entry.
                $result = array_search($coursereuse, $menuarray[0][$coursereuse]);

                // Find the active node.
                foreach ($menuarray[0] as $key => $value) {
                    $check = array_search($current, $value);
                    if ($check !== false) {
                        $activeurl = $check;
            } else {
                $result = array_search($coursereuse, $menuarray);

                $check = array_search(get_string($current), $menuarray);
                if ($check !== false) {
                    $activeurl = $check;


            $selectmenu = new \core\output\select_menu('coursereusetype', $menuarray, $activeurl);
            $selectmenu->set_label(get_string('coursereusenavigationmenu'), ['class' => 'sr-only']);
            $options = \html_writer::tag(
                $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core/tertiary_navigation_selector', $selectmenu->export_for_template($OUTPUT)),
                ['class' => 'row pb-3']
            echo \html_writer::tag(
                ['class' => 'container-fluid tertiary-navigation full-width-bottom-border', 'id' => 'tertiary-navigation']);
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string($current), 2, 'mb-3');

 * Exception class used by all the @helper stuff
class backup_helper_exception extends backup_exception {

    public function __construct($errorcode, $a=NULL, $debuginfo=null) {
        parent::__construct($errorcode, $a, $debuginfo);