Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |


 * Provides Common Cartridge v1 converter class
 * @package    core
 * @subpackage backup-convert
 * @copyright  2011 Darko Miletic <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later


class imscc1_converter extends base_converter {

     * Log a message
     * @see parent::log()
     * @param string $message message text
     * @param int $level message level {@example backup::LOG_WARNING}
     * @param null|mixed $a additional information
     * @param null|int $depth the message depth
     * @param bool $display whether the message should be sent to the output, too
    public function log($message, $level, $a = null, $depth = null, $display = false) {
        parent::log('(imscc1) '.$message, $level, $a, $depth, $display);

     * Detects the Common Cartridge 1.0 format of the backup directory
     * @param string $tempdir the name of the backup directory
     * @return null|string backup::FORMAT_IMSCC1 if the Common Cartridge 1.0 is detected, null otherwise
    public static function detect_format($tempdir) {
        $filepath = make_backup_temp_directory($tempdir, false);
        if (!is_dir($filepath)) {
            throw new convert_helper_exception('tmp_backup_directory_not_found', $filepath);
        $manifest = cc2moodle::get_manifest($filepath);
        if (!empty($manifest)) {
            // Looks promising, lets load some information.
            $handle = fopen($manifest, 'r');
            $xml_snippet = fread($handle, 1024);

            // Check if it has the required strings.

            $xml_snippet = strtolower($xml_snippet);
            $xml_snippet = preg_replace('/\s*/m', '', $xml_snippet);
            $xml_snippet = str_replace("'", '', $xml_snippet);
            $xml_snippet = str_replace('"', '', $xml_snippet);

            $search_string = "xmlns=";
            if (strpos($xml_snippet, $search_string) !== false) {
                return backup::FORMAT_IMSCC1;

        return null;

     * Returns the basic information about the converter
     * The returned array must contain the following keys:
     * 'from' - the supported source format, eg. backup::FORMAT_MOODLE1
     * 'to'   - the supported target format, eg. backup::FORMAT_MOODLE
     * 'cost' - the cost of the conversion, non-negative non-zero integer
    public static function description() {

        return array(
                'from'  => backup::FORMAT_IMSCC1,
                'to'    => backup::FORMAT_MOODLE1,
                'cost'  => 10

    protected function execute() {
        global $CFG;

        $manifest = cc2moodle::get_manifest($this->get_tempdir_path());
        if (empty($manifest)) {
            throw new imscc1_convert_exception('No Manifest detected!');

        $this->log('validating manifest', backup::LOG_DEBUG, null, 1);
        $validator = new manifest10_validator($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/schemas');
        if (!$validator->validate($manifest)) {
            $this->log('validation error(s): '.PHP_EOL.error_messages::instance(), backup::LOG_DEBUG, null, 2);
            throw new imscc1_convert_exception(error_messages::instance()->to_string(true));

        $manifestdir = dirname($manifest);
        $cc2moodle = new cc2moodle($manifest);
        if ($cc2moodle->is_auth()) {
            throw new imscc1_convert_exception('protected_cc_not_supported');
        $status = $cc2moodle->generate_moodle_xml();
        // Final cleanup.
        $xml_error = new libxml_errors_mgr(true);
        $mdoc = new DOMDocument();
        $mdoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
        $mdoc->formatOutput = true;
        $mdoc->validateOnParse = false;
        $mdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
        if ($mdoc->load($manifestdir.'/moodle.xml', LIBXML_NONET)) {
            $mdoc->save($this->get_workdir_path().'/moodle.xml', LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG);
        } else {
            $this->log('validation error(s): '.PHP_EOL.error_messages::instance(), backup::LOG_DEBUG, null, 2);
            throw new imscc1_convert_exception(error_messages::instance()->to_string(true));
        // Move the files to the workdir.
        rename($manifestdir.'/course_files', $this->get_workdir_path().'/course_files');


 * Exception thrown by this converter
class imscc1_convert_exception extends convert_exception {