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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package backup-convert
* @subpackage cc-library
* @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Version 1 class of Common Cartridge
class cc_version1 extends cc_version_base {
const webcontent = 'webcontent';
const questionbank = 'imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/question-bank';
const assessment = 'imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/assessment';
const associatedcontent = 'associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p0/learning-application-resource';
const discussiontopic = 'imsdt_xmlv1p0';
const weblink = 'imswl_xmlv1p0';
/** @var array CC URL profiles. */
protected $ccnsnames = [];
public static $checker = array(self::webcontent,
* Validate if the type are valid or not
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public function valid($type) {
return in_array($type, self::$checker);
public function __construct() {
$this->ccnamespaces = array('imscc' => '',
'lomimscc' => '',
'lom' => '',
'voc' => '',
'xsi' => ''
$this->ccnsnames = array(
'imscc' => '',
'lom' => '',
'lomimscc' => '',
'voc' => ''
$this->ccversion = '1.0.0';
$this->camversion = '1.0.0';
$this->_generator = 'Moodle 2 Common Cartridge generator';
protected function on_create(DOMDocument &$doc, $rootmanifestnode = null, $nmanifestID = null) {
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$this->manifestID = is_null($nmanifestID) ? cc_helpers::uuidgen('M_') : $nmanifestID;
$mUUID = $doc->createAttribute('identifier');
$mUUID->nodeValue = $this->manifestID;
if (is_null($rootmanifestnode)) {
if (!empty($this->_generator)) {
$comment = $doc->createComment($this->_generator);
$rootel = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'manifest');
// Add all namespaces.
foreach ($this->ccnamespaces as $key => $value) {
$dummy_attr = $key.":dummy";
$doc->createAttributeNS($value, $dummy_attr);
// Add location of schemas.
$schemaLocation = '';
foreach ($this->ccnsnames as $key => $value) {
$vt = empty($schemaLocation) ? '' : ' ';
$schemaLocation .= $vt.$this->ccnamespaces[$key].' '.$value;
$aSchemaLoc = $doc->createAttributeNS($this->ccnamespaces['xsi'], 'xsi:schemaLocation');
$aSchemaLoc->nodeValue = $schemaLocation;
} else {
$rootel = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'imscc:manifest');
$metadata = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'metadata');
$schema = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'schema', 'IMS Common Cartridge');
$schemaversion = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'schemaversion', $this->ccversion);
if (!is_null($rootmanifestnode)) {
$organizations = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'organizations');
$resources = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'resources');
return true;
protected function update_attribute(DOMDocument &$doc, $attrname, $attrvalue, DOMElement &$node) {
$busenew = (is_object($node) && $node->hasAttribute($attrname));
$nResult = null;
if (!$busenew && is_null($attrvalue)) {
} else {
$nResult = $busenew ? $node->getAttributeNode($attrname) : $doc->createAttribute($attrname);
$nResult->nodeValue = $attrvalue;
if (!$busenew) {
return $nResult;
protected function update_attribute_ns(DOMDocument &$doc, $attrname, $attrnamespace,$attrvalue, DOMElement &$node) {
$busenew = (is_object($node) && $node->hasAttributeNS($attrnamespace, $attrname));
$nResult = null;
if (!$busenew && is_null($attrvalue)) {
$node->removeAttributeNS($attrnamespace, $attrname);
} else {
$nResult = $busenew ? $node->getAttributeNodeNS($attrnamespace, $attrname) :
$doc->createAttributeNS($attrnamespace, $attrname);
$nResult->nodeValue = $attrvalue;
if (!$busenew) {
return $nResult;
protected function get_child_node(DOMDocument &$doc, $itemname, DOMElement &$node) {
$nlist = $node->getElementsByTagName($itemname);
$item = is_object($nlist) && ($nlist->length > 0) ? $nlist->item(0) : null;
return $item;
protected function update_child_item(DOMDocument &$doc, $itemname, $itemvalue, DOMElement &$node, $attrtostore=null) {
$tnode = $this->get_child_node($doc, 'title', $node);
$usenew = is_null($tnode);
$tnode = $usenew ? $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], $itemname) : $tnode;
if (!is_null($attrtostore)) {
foreach ($attrtostore as $key => $value) {
$this->update_attribute($doc, $key, $value, $tnode);
$tnode->nodeValue = $itemvalue;
if ($usenew) {
protected function update_items($items, DOMDocument &$doc, DOMElement &$xmlnode) {
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$itemnode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'item');
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'identifier' , $key , $itemnode);
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'identifierref', $item->identifierref, $itemnode);
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'parameters' , $item->parameters , $itemnode);
if (!empty($item->title)) {
$titlenode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'],
if ($item->has_child_items()) {
$this->update_items($item->childitems, $doc, $itemnode);
* Create a Resource (How to)
* @param cc_i_resource $res
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_resource(cc_i_resource &$res, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode=null) {
$usenew = is_object($xmlnode);
$dnode = $usenew ? $xmlnode : $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], "resource");
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'identifier', $res->identifier, $dnode);
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'type', $res->type, $dnode);
!is_null($res->href) ? $this->update_attribute($doc, 'href', $res->href, $dnode) : null;
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'base', $res->base, $dnode);
foreach ($res->files as $file) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'file');
$ndatt = $doc->createAttribute('href');
$ndatt->nodeValue = $file;
$this->resources[$res->identifier] = $res;
$this->resources_ind[$res->files[0]] = $res->identifier;
foreach ($res->dependency as $dependency) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'dependency');
$ndatt = $doc->createAttribute('identifierref');
$ndatt->nodeValue = $dependency;
return $dnode;
* Create an Item Folder (How To)
* @param cc_i_organization $org
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param DOMElement $xmlnode
protected function create_item_folder(cc_i_organization &$org, DOMDocument &$doc, DOMElement &$xmlnode = null) {
$itemfoldernode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], 'item');
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'identifier', "root", $itemfoldernode);
if ($org->has_items()) {
$this->update_items($org->itemlist, $doc, $itemfoldernode);
if (is_null($this->organizations)) {
$this->organizations = array();
$this->organizations[$org->identifier] = $org;
* Create an Organization (How To)
* @param cc_i_organization $org
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_organization(cc_i_organization &$org, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode = null) {
$usenew = is_object($xmlnode);
$dnode = $usenew ? $xmlnode : $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['imscc'], "organization");
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'identifier', $org->identifier, $dnode);
$this->update_attribute($doc, 'structure', $org->structure, $dnode);
$this->create_item_folder($org, $doc, $dnode);
return $dnode;
* Create Metadata For Manifest (How To)
* @param cc_i_metadata_manifest $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_manifest(cc_i_metadata_manifest $met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode = null) {
$dnode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], "lom");
if (!empty($xmlnode)) {
$dnodegeneral = empty($met->arraygeneral) ? null : $this->create_metadata_general($met, $doc, $xmlnode);
$dnodetechnical = empty($met->arraytech) ? null : $this->create_metadata_technical($met, $doc, $xmlnode);
$dnoderights = empty($met->arrayrights) ? null : $this->create_metadata_rights($met, $doc, $xmlnode);
$dnodelifecycle = empty($met->arraylifecycle) ? null : $this->create_metadata_lifecycle($met, $doc, $xmlnode);
!is_null($dnodegeneral) ? $dnode->appendChild($dnodegeneral) : null;
!is_null($dnodetechnical) ? $dnode->appendChild($dnodetechnical) : null;
!is_null($dnoderights) ? $dnode->appendChild($dnoderights) : null;
!is_null($dnodelifecycle) ? $dnode->appendChild($dnodelifecycle) : null;
return $dnode;
* Create Metadata For Resource (How To)
* @param cc_i_metadata_resource $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_resource(cc_i_metadata_resource $met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode = null) {
$dnode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lom'], "lom");
!empty($xmlnode) ? $xmlnode->appendChild($dnode) : null;
!empty($met->arrayeducational) ? $this->create_metadata_educational($met, $doc, $dnode) : null;
return $dnode;
* Create Metadata For File (How To)
* @param cc_i_metadata_file $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param Object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_file(cc_i_metadata_file $met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode = null) {
$dnode = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lom'], "lom");
!empty($xmlnode) ? $xmlnode->appendChild($dnode) : null;
!empty($met->arrayeducational) ? $this->create_metadata_educational($met, $doc, $dnode) : null;
return $dnode;
* Create General Metadata (How To)
* @param object $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_general($met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'general');
foreach ($met->arraygeneral as $name => $value) {
!is_array($value) ? $value = array($value) : null;
foreach ($value as $v) {
if ($name != 'language' && $name != 'catalog' && $name != 'entry') {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name);
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'string', $v[1]);
$ndatt = $doc->createAttribute('language');
$ndatt->nodeValue = $v[0];
} else {
if ($name == 'language') {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name, $v[0]);
if (!empty($met->arraygeneral['catalog']) || !empty($met->arraygeneral['entry'])) {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'identifier');
if (!empty($met->arraygeneral['catalog'])) {
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'catalog', $met->arraygeneral['catalog'][0][0]);
if (!empty($met->arraygeneral['entry'])) {
$nd4 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'entry', $met->arraygeneral['entry'][0][0]);
return $nd;
* Create Technical Metadata (How To)
* @param object $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_technical($met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'technical');
foreach ($met->arraytech as $name => $value) {
!is_array($value) ? $value = array($value) : null;
foreach ($value as $v) {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name, $v[0]);
return $nd;
* Create Rights Metadata (How To)
* @param object $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_rights($met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'rights');
foreach ($met->arrayrights as $name => $value) {
!is_array($value) ? $value = array($value) : null;
foreach ($value as $v) {
if ($name == 'description') {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name);
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'string', $v[1]);
$ndatt = $doc->createAttribute('language');
$ndatt->nodeValue = $v[0];
} else if ($name == 'copyrightAndOtherRestrictions' || $name == 'cost') {
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name);
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'value', $v[0]);
return $nd;
* Create Lifecycle Metadata (How To)
* @param object $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
protected function create_metadata_lifecycle($met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'lifeCycle');
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'contribute');
foreach ($met->arraylifecycle as $name => $value) {
!is_array($value) ? $value = array($value) : null;
foreach ($value as $v) {
if ($name == 'role') {
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name);
$nd4 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'value', $v[0]);
} else {
if ($name == 'date') {
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name);
$nd4 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], 'dateTime', $v[0]);
} else {
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lomimscc'], $name, $v[0]);
return $nd;
* Create Education Metadata (How To)
* @param object $met
* @param DOMDocument $doc
* @param object $xmlnode
* @return DOMNode
public function create_metadata_educational($met, DOMDocument &$doc, $xmlnode) {
$nd = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lom'], 'educational');
$nd2 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['lom'], 'intendedEndUserRole');
$nd3 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['voc'], 'vocabulary');
foreach ($met->arrayeducational as $name => $value) {
!is_array($value) ? $value = array($value) : null;
foreach ($value as $v) {
$nd4 = $doc->createElementNS($this->ccnamespaces['voc'], $name, $v[0]);
return $nd;