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@core @core_availability @javascript
Feature: Private rule sets
In order to prevent private data being leaked in restriction sets
As a teacher
I want to have restrictions hidden when a private condition is selected
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format | enablecompletion | numsections |
| Course 1 | C1 | topics | 1 | 3 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username |
| teacher1 |
| student1 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber | visibility |
| Group A | C1 | GA | 0 |
| Group B | C1 | GB | 1 |
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I add a page activity to course "Course 1" section "1"
And I expand all fieldsets
Scenario: Add restriction with visible condition (must match), display option should be active
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
And the "title" attribute of ".availability-eye" "css_element" should contain "Click to hide"
Scenario: Add restriction with private condition (must match), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
And the "title" attribute of ".availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should contain "Cannot be changed as ruleset includes a rule containing private data."
Scenario: Add restrictions with a visible and a private condition (must match all), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
Scenario: Remove private condition (must match), display option should be active
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
# Should pick the first one (Group B)
When I click on ".availability-item .availability-delete img" "css_element"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
Scenario: Set a private condition to a visible value (must match), display option should be active
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
# Should pick the first one (Group B)
When I set the field "Group" to "Group A"
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
Scenario: Add restrictions with a visible and a private condition (must match any), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Required restrictions" to "any"
# "Hidden" icon should be shown in header.
And ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
Scenario: Add restriction with private condition (must not match), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I set the field "Restriction type" to "must not"
# "Hidden" icon should be shown in header.
And ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
Scenario: Add restrictions with a visible and a private condition (must not match all), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Restriction type" to "must not"
# "Hidden" icon should be shown in header.
And ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
Scenario: Add restrictions with a visible and a private condition (must not match any), display option should be disabled
When I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Date" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Restriction type" to "must not"
And I set the field "Required restrictions" to "any"
# "Hidden" icon should be shown in conditions, but not in the header.
And ".availability-header .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-header .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible
Scenario: Private conditions should not show to unprivileged users
Given I set the field "Name" to "Test page"
And I set the field "Page content" to "test"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
When I am on "Course 1" course homepage
Then I should not see "Test page"
And I should not see "Not available unless: You belong to Group B"
Scenario: Loading a rule set containing private conditions should disable display option
Given I set the field "Name" to "Test page"
And I set the field "Page content" to "test"
And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
And I set the field "Group" to "Group B"
And I press "Save and display"
When I follow "Settings"
And I expand all fieldsets
Then ".availability-children .availability-eye" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".availability-children .availability-eye-disabled" "css_element" should be visible