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@tool @tool_uploadcourse @_file_upload
Feature: An admin can update courses using a CSV file
In order to update courses using a CSV file
As an admin
I need to be able to upload a CSV file and navigate through the import process
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Some random name | C1 | 0 |
| Another course | CF1 | 0 |
And I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Courses > Upload courses" in site administration
Scenario: Updating a course fullname
Given I upload "admin/tool/uploadcourse/tests/fixtures/courses.csv" file to "File" filemanager
And I set the field "Upload mode" to "Only update existing courses"
And I set the field "Update mode" to "Update with CSV data only"
And I click on "Preview" "button"
When I click on "Upload courses" "button"
Then I should see "Course updated"
And I should see "The course does not exist and creating course is not allowed"
And I should see "Courses total: 3"
And I should see "Courses updated: 1"
And I should see "Courses created: 0"
And I should see "Courses errors: 2"
And I am on site homepage
And I should see "Course 1"
And I should not see "Course 2"
And I should not see "Course 3"
Scenario: Updating a course with custom fields
Given the following "custom field categories" exist:
| name | component | area | itemid |
| Other | core_course | course | 0 |
And the following "custom fields" exist:
| name | category | type | shortname | configdata |
| Field 1 | Other | checkbox | checkbox | |
| Field 2 | Other | date | date | |
| Field 3 | Other | select | select | {"options":"a\nb\nc"} |
| Field 4 | Other | text | text | |
| Field 5 | Other | textarea | textarea | |
When I upload "admin/tool/uploadcourse/tests/fixtures/courses_custom_fields.csv" file to "File" filemanager
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Upload mode | Only update existing courses |
| Update mode | Update with CSV data only |
And I click on "Preview" "button"
And I click on "Upload courses" "button"
Then I should see "Course updated"
And I should see "Courses updated: 1"
And I am on site homepage
And I should see "Course fields 1"
And I should see "Field 1: Yes"
And I should see "Field 2: Tuesday, 1 October 2019, 2:00"
And I should see "Field 3: b"
And I should see "Field 4: Hello"
And I should see "Field 5: Goodbye"
Scenario: Unsupported enrol methods are not updated
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| enrol_plugins_enabled | manual,lti |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 2 | C2 | 0 |
And I am on the "C2" "enrolment methods" page
When I select "Publish as LTI tool" from the "Add method" singleselect
And the following fields match these values:
| LTI version | LTI Advantage |
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Custom instance name | Published course |
| Tool to be published | Course |
And I press "Add method"
And I should see "Published course"
And I navigate to "Courses > Upload courses" in site administration
And I set the field "Upload mode" to "Create new courses, or update existing ones"
And I set the field "Update mode" to "Update with CSV data only"
And I upload "admin/tool/uploadcourse/tests/fixtures/unsupported_enrol_method.csv" file to "File" filemanager
And I click on "Preview" "button"
And I click on "Upload courses" "button"
Then I should see "Enrolment method 'enrol_lti_plugin' is not supported in csv upload"
And I should see "Courses errors: 1"
And I am on the "C2" "enrolment methods" page
And I should see "manualtest"
And I should not see "Manual enrolments"
And I should see "Published course"
And I should not see "ltitest"
Scenario: Manager can use upload course tool to update courses in course category
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| user1 | User | 1 | |
And the following "categories" exist:
| name | category | idnumber |
| Cat 1 | 0 | CAT1 |
| Cat 2 | 0 | CAT2 |
| Cat 3 | CAT1 | CAT3 |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C01 | CAT1 |
| Course 2 | C02 | CAT2 |
| Course 3 | C03 | CAT3 |
| Course 4 | C04 | CAT3 |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| user1 | manager | Category | CAT1 |
When I log in as "user1"
And I am on course index
And I follow "Cat 1"
And I navigate to "Upload courses" in current page administration
And I upload "admin/tool/uploadcourse/tests/fixtures/courses_manager2.csv" file to "File" filemanager
And I set the field "Upload mode" to "Only update existing courses"
And I set the field "Update mode" to "Update with CSV data only"
And I click on "Preview" "button"
# Course C01 is in "our" category but can not be moved to Cat 2 because current user can not manage it.
Then I should see "No permission to upload courses in category: Cat 2" in the "C01" "table_row"
# Course C02 can not be updated (no capability in "Cat 2" context).
And I should see "A course with this short name exists but you don't have permission to use the upload courses functionality to update it." in the "C02" "table_row"
# Course with short name "C05" does not exist.
And I should see "The course does not exist and creating course is not allowed" in the "C05" "table_row"
And I click on "Upload courses" "button"
And I should see "Course updated"
And I should see "Courses total: 5"
And I should see "Courses updated: 2"
And I should see "Courses errors: 3"
And I am on course index
And I follow "Cat 1"
# Course C04 was moved from Cat 3 to Cat 1.
And I should see "Course 4"
And I should see "Course 1"
And I follow "Cat 3"
And I should see "Course 3"
And I log out