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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Output rendering for the plugin.
* @package tool_task
* @copyright 2014 Damyon Wiese
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use core\task\scheduled_task;
* Implements the plugin renderer
* @copyright 2014 Damyon Wiese
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class tool_task_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* This function will render a table with the summary of all adhoc tasks.
* @param array $summary
* @return string HTML to output.
public function adhoc_tasks_summary_table(array $summary): string {
$adhocurl = '/admin/tool/task/adhoctasks.php';
$adhocrunurl = '/admin/tool/task/run_adhoctasks.php';
// Main tasks table.
$table = new html_table();
$table->caption = get_string('adhoctasks', 'tool_task');
$table->head = [
get_string('component', 'tool_task') . ' / ' . get_string('classname', 'tool_task'),
get_string('adhoctasksrunning', 'tool_task'),
get_string('adhoctasksdue', 'tool_task'),
get_string('adhoctasksfuture', 'tool_task'),
get_string('adhoctasksfailed', 'tool_task'),
get_string('nextruntime', 'tool_task'),
$table->attributes['class'] = 'admintable generaltable';
$table->colclasses = [];
// For each task entry (row) show action buttons/logs link depending on the user permissions.
$data = [];
$canruntasks = \core\task\manager::is_runnable() && get_config('tool_task', 'enablerunnow');
foreach ($summary as $component => $classes) {
// Component cell.
$componentcell = new html_table_cell($component);
$componentcell->header = true;
$componentcell->id = "tasks-$component";
$componentcell->colspan = 6;
$data[] = new html_table_row([$componentcell]);
foreach ($classes as $classname => $stats) {
// Task class cell.
$classbits = explode('\\', $classname);
$classcontent = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url($adhocurl, ['classname' => $classname]),
$classcell = new html_table_cell($classcontent);
$classcell->header = true;
$classcell->attributes['class'] = "task-class-summary text-ltr";
$duecontent = $stats['due'];
if ($canruntasks && ($stats['due'] > 0 || $stats['failed'] > 0)) {
$duecontent .= html_writer::div(
new moodle_url(
['classname' => $classname]
get_string('runclassname', 'tool_task')
// Mark cell if has failed tasks.
$failed = $stats['failed'];
if ($canruntasks && $failed > 0) {
$failed .= html_writer::div(
new moodle_url(
['classname' => $classname, 'failedonly' => 1]
get_string('runclassnamefailedonly', 'tool_task')
$failedcell = new html_table_cell($failed);
if ($failed > 0) {
$failedcell->attributes['class'] = 'table-danger';
// Prepares the next run time cell contents.
$nextrun = '';
if ($stats['stop']) {
$nextrun = get_string('never', 'admin');
} else if ($stats['due'] > 0) {
$nextrun = get_string('asap', 'tool_task');
} else if ($stats['nextruntime']) {
$nextrun = userdate($stats['nextruntime']);
$data[] = new html_table_row([
new html_table_cell($stats['running']),
new html_table_cell($duecontent),
new html_table_cell($stats['count'] - $stats['running'] - $stats['due']),
new html_table_cell($nextrun),
$table->data = $data;
return html_writer::table($table);
* This function will render a table with all the adhoc tasks for the class.
* @param string $classname
* @param array $tasks - list of all adhoc tasks.
* @param array|null $params
* @return string HTML to output.
public function adhoc_tasks_class_table(string $classname, array $tasks, ?array $params = []): string {
$adhocurl = '/admin/tool/task/adhoctasks.php';
$adhocrunurl = '/admin/tool/task/run_adhoctasks.php';
$showloglink = \core\task\logmanager::has_log_report();
$failedonly = !empty($params['failedonly']);
$canruntasks = \core\task\manager::is_runnable() && get_config('tool_task', 'enablerunnow');
// Depending on the currently set parameters, set up toggle buttons.
$failedorall = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url(
array_merge($params, ['classname' => $classname, 'failedonly' => !$failedonly])
get_string($failedonly ? 'showall' : 'showfailedonly', 'tool_task')
// Main tasks table.
$table = $this->generate_adhoc_tasks_simple_table($tasks, $canruntasks);
$table->caption = s($classname) . " "
. get_string($failedonly ? 'adhoctasksfailed' : 'adhoctasks', 'tool_task');
$table->head[3] .= " $failedorall"; // Spice up faildelay heading.
if ($showloglink) {
// Insert logs as the second col.
array_splice($table->head, 1, 0, [get_string('logs')]);
array_walk($table->data, function ($row, $idx) use ($classname) {
$loglink = '';
$faildelaycell = $row->cells[3];
if ($faildelaycell->attributes['class'] == 'table-danger') {
// Failed task.
$loglink = $this->output->action_icon(
new pix_icon('e/file-text', get_string('viewlogs', 'tool_task', $classname)
array_splice($row->cells, 1, 0, [new html_table_cell($loglink)]);
return html_writer::table($table)
. html_writer::div(
new moodle_url(
array_merge($params, ['classname' => $classname])
get_string('runclassname', 'tool_task')
. html_writer::div(
new moodle_url(
get_string('showsummary', 'tool_task')
* This function will render a plain adhoc tasks table.
* @param array $tasks - list of adhoc tasks.
* @return string HTML to output.
public function adhoc_tasks_simple_table(array $tasks): string {
$table = $this->generate_adhoc_tasks_simple_table($tasks);
return html_writer::table($table);
* This function will render a plain adhoc tasks table.
* @param array $tasks - list of adhoc tasks.
* @param bool $wantruntasks add 'Run now' link
* @return html_table
private function generate_adhoc_tasks_simple_table(array $tasks, bool $wantruntasks = false): html_table {
$adhocrunurl = '/admin/tool/task/run_adhoctasks.php';
$now = time();
$failedstr = get_string('failed', 'tool_task');
// Main tasks table.
$table = new html_table();
$table->caption = get_string('adhoctasks', 'tool_task');
$table->head = [
get_string('taskid', 'tool_task'),
get_string('nextruntime', 'tool_task'),
get_string('payload', 'tool_task'),
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable';
$table->colclasses = [];
// For each task entry (row) show action buttons/logs link depending on the user permissions.
$data = [];
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
$taskid = $task->get_id();
$started = $task->get_timestarted();
// Task id cell.
$taskidcellcontent = html_writer::span($taskid, 'task-id');
$taskidcell = new html_table_cell($taskidcellcontent);
$taskidcell->header = true;
$taskidcell->id = "task-$taskid";
// Mark cell if task has failed.
$faildelay = $task->get_fail_delay();
$faildelaycell = new html_table_cell($faildelay ? $failedstr : '');
if ($faildelay) {
$faildelaycell->attributes['class'] = 'table-danger';
// Prepares the next run time cell contents.
$nextrun = get_string('started', 'tool_task');
if (!$started) {
$nextruntime = $task->get_next_run_time();
$due = $nextruntime < $now;
if ($task->get_attempts_available() > 0) {
$nextrun = $due ? userdate($nextruntime) : get_string('asap', 'tool_task');
} else {
$nextrun = get_string('never', 'admin');
if ($wantruntasks && ($faildelay || $due)) {
$nextrun .= ' '.html_writer::div(
new moodle_url(
['id' => $taskid]
get_string('runnow', 'tool_task')
$data[] = new html_table_row([
new html_table_cell($nextrun),
new html_table_cell($task->get_custom_data_as_string()),
$table->data = $data;
return $table;
* Displays a notification on ad hoc task run request.
* @return string HTML notification block for task initiated message
public function adhoc_task_run(): string {
return $this->output->notification(get_string('adhoctaskrun', 'tool_task'), 'info');
* This function will render one beautiful table with all the scheduled tasks.
* @param \core\task\scheduled_task[] $tasks - list of all scheduled tasks.
* @param string $lastchanged (optional) the last task edited. Gets highlighted in teh table.
* @return string HTML to output.
public function scheduled_tasks_table($tasks, $lastchanged = '') {
global $CFG;
$showloglink = \core\task\logmanager::has_log_report();
$table = new html_table();
$table->caption = get_string('scheduledtasks', 'tool_task');
$table->head = [
get_string('component', 'tool_task'),
get_string('lastruntime', 'tool_task'),
get_string('nextruntime', 'tool_task'),
get_string('taskscheduleminute', 'tool_task'),
get_string('taskschedulehour', 'tool_task'),
get_string('taskscheduleday', 'tool_task'),
get_string('taskscheduledayofweek', 'tool_task'),
get_string('taskschedulemonth', 'tool_task'),
get_string('faildelay', 'tool_task'),
get_string('default', 'tool_task'),
$table->attributes['class'] = 'admintable generaltable';
$table->colclasses = [];
if (!$showloglink) {
// Hide the log links.
$table->colclasses['3'] = 'hidden';
$data = [];
$yes = get_string('yes');
$no = get_string('no');
$canruntasks = \core\task\manager::is_runnable() && get_config('tool_task', 'enablerunnow');
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
$classname = get_class($task);
$defaulttask = \core\task\manager::get_default_scheduled_task($classname, false);
$customised = $task->is_customised() ? $no : $yes;
if (empty($CFG->preventscheduledtaskchanges) && !$task->is_overridden()) {
$configureurl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php',
['action' => 'edit', 'task' => $classname]);
$editlink = $this->output->action_icon($configureurl, new pix_icon('t/edit',
get_string('edittaskschedule', 'tool_task', $task->get_name())));
} else {
$editlink = $this->render(new pix_icon('t/locked',
get_string('scheduledtaskchangesdisabled', 'tool_task')));
$loglink = '';
if ($showloglink) {
$loglink = $this->output->action_icon(
new pix_icon('e/file-text', get_string('viewlogs', 'tool_task', $task->get_name())
$namecellcontent = $task->get_name() . "\n" .
html_writer::span('\\' . $classname, 'task-class text-ltr');
if ($task->is_overridden()) {
// Let the user know the scheduled task is defined in config.
$namecellcontent .= "\n" . html_writer::div(get_string('configoverride', 'admin'), 'alert-info');
$namecell = new html_table_cell($namecellcontent);
$namecell->header = true;
$namecell->id = scheduled_task::get_html_id($classname);
$runnow = '';
$canrunthistask = $canruntasks && $task->can_run();
if ($canrunthistask) {
$runnow = html_writer::div(html_writer::link(
new moodle_url('/admin/tool/task/schedule_task.php',
['task' => $classname]),
get_string('runnow', 'tool_task')), 'task-runnow');
$faildelaycell = new html_table_cell($task->get_fail_delay());
if ($task->get_fail_delay()) {
$faildelaycell->text .= html_writer::div(
new moodle_url('/admin/tool/task/clear_fail_delay.php',
['task' => $classname]),
$faildelaycell->attributes['class'] = 'table-danger';
$row = new html_table_row([
new html_table_cell($this->component_name($task->get_component())),
new html_table_cell($editlink),
new html_table_cell($loglink),
new html_table_cell($this->last_run_time($task) . $runnow),
new html_table_cell($this->next_run_time($task)),
$this->time_cell($task->get_minute(), $defaulttask->get_minute()),
$this->time_cell($task->get_hour(), $defaulttask->get_hour()),
$this->time_cell($task->get_day(), $defaulttask->get_day()),
$this->time_cell($task->get_day_of_week(), $defaulttask->get_day_of_week()),
$this->time_cell($task->get_month(), $defaulttask->get_month()),
new html_table_cell($customised)]);
$classes = [];
if (!$task->is_enabled()) {
$classes[] = 'disabled';
if (get_class($task) == $lastchanged) {
$classes[] = 'table-primary';
$row->attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $classes);
$data[] = $row;
$table->data = $data;
if ($lastchanged) {
// IE does not support this, and the ancient version of Firefox we use for Behat
// has the method, but then errors on 'centre'. So, just try to scroll, and if it fails, don't care.
'try{document.querySelector("tr.table-primary").scrollIntoView({block: "center"});}catch(e){}');
return html_writer::table($table);
* Nicely display the name of a component, with its disabled status and internal name.
* @param string $component component name, e.g. 'core' or 'mod_forum'.
* @return string HTML.
public function component_name(string $component): string {
list($type) = core_component::normalize_component($component);
if ($type === 'core') {
return get_string('corecomponent', 'tool_task');
$plugininfo = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugin_info($component);
if (!$plugininfo) {
return $component;
$componentname = $plugininfo->displayname;
if ($plugininfo->is_enabled() === false) {
$componentname .= ' ' . html_writer::span(
get_string('disabled', 'tool_task'), 'badge bg-secondary text-dark');
$componentname .= "\n" . html_writer::span($plugininfo->component, 'task-class text-ltr');
return $componentname;
* Standard display of a tasks last run time.
* @param scheduled_task $task
* @return string HTML.
public function last_run_time(scheduled_task $task): string {
if ($task->get_last_run_time()) {
return userdate($task->get_last_run_time());
} else {
return get_string('never');
* Standard display of a tasks next run time.
* @param scheduled_task $task
* @return string HTML.
public function next_run_time(scheduled_task $task): string {
$nextrun = $task->get_next_run_time();
if (!$task->is_component_enabled() && !$task->get_run_if_component_disabled()) {
$nextrun = get_string('plugindisabled', 'tool_task');
} else if ($task->get_disabled()) {
$nextrun = get_string('taskdisabled', 'tool_task');
} else if ($nextrun > time()) {
$nextrun = userdate($nextrun);
} else {
$nextrun = get_string('asap', 'tool_task');
return $nextrun;
* Get a table cell to show one time, comparing it to the default.
* @param string $current the current setting.
* @param string $default the default setting from the db/tasks.php file.
* @return html_table_cell for use in the table.
protected function time_cell(string $current, string $default): html_table_cell {
$cell = new html_table_cell($current);
// Cron-style values must always be LTR.
$cell->attributes['class'] = 'text-ltr';
// If the current value is default, that is all we want to do.
if ($default === '*') {
if ($current === '*') {
return $cell;
} else if ($default === 'R' ) {
if (is_numeric($current)) {
return $cell;
} else {
if ($default === $current) {
return $cell;
// Otherwise, highlight and show the default.
$cell->attributes['class'] .= ' table-warning';
$cell->text .= ' ' . html_writer::span(
get_string('defaultx', 'tool_task', $default), 'task-class');
return $cell;
* Displays a warning on the page if cron is disabled.
* @return string HTML code for information about cron being disabled
* @throws moodle_exception
public function cron_disabled(): string {
return $this->output->notification(get_string('crondisabled', 'tool_task'), 'warning');
* Renders a link back to the scheduled tasks page (used from the 'run now' screen).
* @param string $taskclassname if specified, the list of tasks will scroll to show this task.
* @return string HTML code
public function link_back($taskclassname = '') {
$url = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php');
if ($taskclassname) {
$url->param('lastchanged', $taskclassname);
return $this->render_from_template('tool_task/link_back', ['url' => $url]);