Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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 * Provides {@link tool_policy\output\acceptances_filter} class.
 * @package     tool_policy
 * @category    output
 * @copyright   2018 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace tool_policy\output;

use tool_policy\api;
use tool_policy\policy_version;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Implements the widget allowing to filter the acceptance records.
 * @copyright 2018 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class acceptances_filter implements \templatable, \renderable {

    /** @var array $filtersapplied The list of selected filter options. */
    protected $filtersapplied;

    /** @var string $searchstring */
    protected $searchstrings;

    /** @var array list of available versions */
    protected $versions = null;

    /** @var array list of available roles for the filter */
    protected $roles;

    /** @var array cached list of all available policies, to retrieve use {@link self::get_avaliable_policies()} */
    protected $policies;

    /** @var int */

    /** @var int */
    const FILTER_POLICYID = 1;

    /** @var int */
    const FILTER_VERSIONID = 2;

    /** @var int */

    /** @var int */
    const FILTER_STATUS = 4;

    /** @var int */
    const FILTER_ROLE = 5;

     * Constructor.
     * @param array $policyid Specified policy id
     * @param array $versionid Specified version id
     * @param array $filtersapplied The list of selected filter option values.
    public function __construct($policyid, $versionid, $filtersapplied) {
        $this->filtersapplied = [];
        $this->roles = get_assignable_roles(\context_system::instance());
        if ($policyid) {
            $this->add_filter(self::FILTER_POLICYID, $policyid);
        if ($versionid) {
            $this->add_filter(self::FILTER_VERSIONID, $versionid);
        foreach ($filtersapplied as $filter) {
            if (preg_match('/^([1-9]\d*):(\d+)$/', $filter, $parts)) {
                // This is a pre-set filter (policy, version, status, etc.).
                $allowmultiple = false;
                switch ((int)$parts[1]) {
                    case self::FILTER_POLICYID:
                    case self::FILTER_VERSIONID:
                    case self::FILTER_CAPABILITY_ACCEPT:
                    case self::FILTER_STATUS:
                        $value = (int)$parts[2];
                    case self::FILTER_ROLE:
                        $value = (int)$parts[2];
                        if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->roles)) {
                            continue 2;
                        $allowmultiple = true;
                        // Unrecognised filter.
                        continue 2;

                $this->add_filter((int)$parts[1], $value, $allowmultiple);
            } else if (trim($filter) !== '') {
                // This is a search string.
                $this->add_filter(self::FILTER_SEARCH_STRING, trim($filter), true);

     * Adds an applied filter
     * @param mixed $key
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param bool $allowmultiple
    protected function add_filter($key, $value, $allowmultiple = false) {
        if ($allowmultiple || empty($this->get_filter_values($key))) {
            $this->filtersapplied[] = [$key, $value];

     * Is there a filter by policy
     * @return null|int null if there is no filter, otherwise the policy id
    public function get_policy_id_filter() {
        return $this->get_filter_value(self::FILTER_POLICYID);

     * Is there a filter by version
     * @return null|int null if there is no filter, otherwise the version id
    public function get_version_id_filter() {
        return $this->get_filter_value(self::FILTER_VERSIONID);

     * Are there filters by search strings
     * @return string[] array of string filters
    public function get_search_strings() {
        return $this->get_filter_values(self::FILTER_SEARCH_STRING);

     * Is there a filter by status (agreed/not agreed).
     * @return null|0|1 null if there is no filter, 0/1 if there is a filter by status
    public function get_status_filter() {
        return $this->get_filter_value(self::FILTER_STATUS);

     * Are there filters by role
     * @return array list of role ids
    public function get_role_filters() {
        return $this->get_filter_values(self::FILTER_ROLE);

     * Is there a filter by capability (can accept/cannot accept).
     * @return null|0|1 null if there is no filter, 0/1 if there is a filter by capability
    public function get_capability_accept_filter() {
        return $this->get_filter_value(self::FILTER_CAPABILITY_ACCEPT);

     * Get all values of the applied filter
     * @param string $filtername
     * @return array
    protected function get_filter_values($filtername) {
        $values = [];
        foreach ($this->filtersapplied as $filter) {
            if ($filter[0] == $filtername) {
                $values[] = $filter[1];
        return $values;

     * Get one value of the applied filter
     * @param string $filtername
     * @param string $default
     * @return mixed
    protected function get_filter_value($filtername, $default = null) {
        if ($values = $this->get_filter_values($filtername)) {
            $value = reset($values);
            return $value;
        return $default;

     * Returns all policies that have versions with possible acceptances (excl. drafts and guest-only versions)
     * @return array|null
    public function get_avaliable_policies() {
        if ($this->policies === null) {
            $this->policies = [];
            foreach (\tool_policy\api::list_policies() as $policy) {
                // Make a list of all versions that are not draft and are not guest-only.
                $policy->versions = [];
                if ($policy->currentversion && $policy->currentversion->audience != policy_version::AUDIENCE_GUESTS) {
                    $policy->versions[$policy->currentversion->id] = $policy->currentversion;
                } else {
                    $policy->currentversion = null;
                foreach ($policy->archivedversions as $version) {
                    if ($version->audience != policy_version::AUDIENCE_GUESTS) {
                        $policy->versions[$version->id] = $version;
                if ($policy->versions) {
                    $this->policies[$policy->id] = $policy;
        return $this->policies;

     * List of policies that match current filters
     * @return array of versions to display indexed by versionid
    public function get_versions() {
        if ($this->versions === null) {
            $policyid = $this->get_policy_id_filter();
            $versionid = $this->get_version_id_filter();
            $this->versions = [];
            foreach ($this->get_avaliable_policies() as $policy) {
                if ($policyid && $policy->id != $policyid) {
                if ($versionid) {
                    if (array_key_exists($versionid, $policy->versions)) {
                        $this->versions[$versionid] = $policy->versions[$versionid];
                        break; // No need to keep searching.
                } else if ($policy->currentversion) {
                    $this->versions[$policy->currentversion->id] = $policy->currentversion;
        return $this->versions;

     * Validates if policyid and versionid are valid (if specified)
    public function validate_ids() {
        $policyid = $this->get_policy_id_filter();
        $versionid = $this->get_version_id_filter();
        if ($policyid || $versionid) {
            $found = array_filter($this->get_avaliable_policies(), function($policy) use ($policyid, $versionid) {
                return (!$policyid || $policy->id == $policyid) &&
                    (!$versionid || array_key_exists($versionid, $policy->versions));
            if (!$found) {
                // Throw exception that policy/version is not found.
                throw new \moodle_exception('errorpolicyversionnotfound', 'tool_policy');

     * If policyid or versionid is specified return one single policy that needs to be shown
     * If neither policyid nor versionid is specified this method returns null.
     * When versionid is specified this method will always return an object (this is validated in {@link self::validate_ids()}
     * When only policyid is specified this method either returns the current version of the policy or null if there is
     * no current version (for example, it is an old policy).
     * @return mixed|null
    public function get_single_version() {
        if ($this->get_version_id_filter() || $this->get_policy_id_filter()) {
            $versions = $this->get_versions();
            return reset($versions);
        return null;

     * Returns URL of the acceptances page with all current filters applied
     * @return \moodle_url
    public function get_url() {
        $urlparams = [];
        if ($policyid = $this->get_policy_id_filter()) {
            $urlparams['policyid'] = $policyid;
        if ($versionid = $this->get_version_id_filter()) {
            $urlparams['versionid'] = $versionid;
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($this->filtersapplied as $filter) {
            if ($filter[0] != self::FILTER_POLICYID && $filter[0] != self::FILTER_VERSIONID) {
                if ($filter[0] == self::FILTER_SEARCH_STRING) {
                    $urlparams['unified-filters['.($i++).']'] = $filter[1];
                } else {
                    $urlparams['unified-filters['.($i++).']'] = join(':', $filter);
        return new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/acceptances.php', $urlparams);

     * Creates an option name for the smart select for the version
     * @param \stdClass $version
     * @return string
    protected function get_version_option_for_filter($version) {
        if ($version->status == policy_version::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
            $a = (object)[
                'name' => format_string($version->revision),
                'status' => get_string('status'.policy_version::STATUS_ACTIVE, 'tool_policy'),
            return get_string('filterrevisionstatus', 'tool_policy', $a);
        } else {
            return get_string('filterrevision', 'tool_policy', $version->revision);

     * Build list of filters available for this page
     * @return array [$availablefilters, $selectedoptions]
    protected function build_available_filters() {
        $selectedoptions = [];
        $availablefilters = [];

        $versionid = $this->get_version_id_filter();
        $policyid = $versionid ? $this->get_single_version()->policyid : $this->get_policy_id_filter();

        // Policies.
        $policies = $this->get_avaliable_policies();
        if ($policyid) {
            // If policy is selected, display only the current policy in the selector.
            $selectedoptions[] = $key = self::FILTER_POLICYID . ':' . $policyid;
            $version = $versionid ? $policies[$policyid]->versions[$versionid] : reset($policies[$policyid]->versions);
            $availablefilters[$key] = get_string('filterpolicy', 'tool_policy', $version->name);
        } else {
            // If no policy/version is selected display the list of all policies.
            foreach ($policies as $policy) {
                $firstversion = reset($policy->versions);
                $key = self::FILTER_POLICYID . ':' . $policy->id;
                $availablefilters[$key] = get_string('filterpolicy', 'tool_policy', $firstversion->name);

        // Versions.
        if ($versionid) {
            $singleversion = $this->get_single_version();
            $selectedoptions[] = $key = self::FILTER_VERSIONID . ':' . $singleversion->id;
            $availablefilters[$key] = $this->get_version_option_for_filter($singleversion);
        } else if ($policyid) {
            foreach ($policies[$policyid]->versions as $version) {
                $key = self::FILTER_VERSIONID . ':' . $version->id;
                $availablefilters[$key] = $this->get_version_option_for_filter($version);

        // Permissions.
        $permissions = [
            self::FILTER_CAPABILITY_ACCEPT . ':1' => get_string('filtercapabilityyes', 'tool_policy'),
            self::FILTER_CAPABILITY_ACCEPT . ':0' => get_string('filtercapabilityno', 'tool_policy'),
        if (($currentpermission = $this->get_capability_accept_filter()) !== null) {
            $selectedoptions[] = $key = self::FILTER_CAPABILITY_ACCEPT . ':' . $currentpermission;
            $permissions = array_intersect_key($permissions, [$key => true]);
        $availablefilters += $permissions;

        // Status.
        $statuses = [
            self::FILTER_STATUS.':2' => get_string('filterstatusdeclined', 'tool_policy'),
            self::FILTER_STATUS.':1' => get_string('filterstatusyes', 'tool_policy'),
            self::FILTER_STATUS.':0' => get_string('filterstatuspending', 'tool_policy'),
        if (($currentstatus = $this->get_status_filter()) !== null) {
            $selectedoptions[] = $key = self::FILTER_STATUS . ':' . $currentstatus;
            $statuses = array_intersect_key($statuses, [$key => true]);
        $availablefilters += $statuses;

        // Roles.
        $currentroles = $this->get_role_filters();
        foreach ($this->roles as $roleid => $rolename) {
            $key = self::FILTER_ROLE . ':' . $roleid;
            $availablefilters[$key] = get_string('filterrole', 'tool_policy', $rolename);
            if (in_array($roleid, $currentroles)) {
                $selectedoptions[] = $key;

        // Search string.
        foreach ($this->get_search_strings() as $str) {
            $selectedoptions[] = $str;
            $availablefilters[$str] = $str;

        return [$availablefilters, $selectedoptions];

     * Function to export the renderer data in a format that is suitable for a mustache template.
     * @param renderer_base $output Used to do a final render of any components that need to be rendered for export.
     * @return \stdClass|array
    public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output) {
        $data = new \stdClass();
        $data->action = (new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/acceptances.php'))->out(false);

        $data->filteroptions = [];
        $originalfilteroptions = [];
        list($avilablefilters, $selectedoptions) = $this->build_available_filters();
        foreach ($avilablefilters as $value => $label) {
            $selected = in_array($value, $selectedoptions);
            $filteroption = (object)[
                'value' => $value,
                'label' => $label
            $originalfilteroptions[] = $filteroption;
            $filteroption->selected = $selected;
            $data->filteroptions[] = $filteroption;
        $data->originaloptionsjson = json_encode($originalfilteroptions);
        return $data;