Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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{"version":3,"file":"acceptances_filter.min.js","sources":["../src/acceptances_filter.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * Unified filter page JS module for the course participants page.\n *\n * @module     tool_policy/acceptances_filter\n * @copyright  2017 Jun Pataleta\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\ndefine(['jquery', 'core/form-autocomplete', 'core/str', 'core/notification'],\n    function($, Autocomplete, Str, Notification) {\n\n        /**\n         * Selectors.\n         *\n         * @access private\n         * @type {{UNIFIED_FILTERS: string}}\n         */\n        var SELECTORS = {\n            UNIFIED_FILTERS: '#unified-filters'\n        };\n\n        /**\n         * Init function.\n         *\n         * @method init\n         * @private\n         */\n        var init = function() {\n            var stringkeys = [{\n                key: 'filterplaceholder',\n                component: 'tool_policy'\n            }, {\n                key: 'nofiltersapplied',\n                component: 'tool_policy'\n            }];\n\n            M.util.js_pending('acceptances_filter_datasource');\n            Str.get_strings(stringkeys).done(function(langstrings) {\n                var placeholder = langstrings[0];\n                var noSelectionString = langstrings[1];\n                Autocomplete.enhance(SELECTORS.UNIFIED_FILTERS, true, 'tool_policy/acceptances_filter_datasource', placeholder,\n                    false, true, noSelectionString, true)\n                    .then(function() {\n                        M.util.js_complete('acceptances_filter_datasource');\n\n                        return;\n                    })\n                    .fail(Notification.exception);\n            }).fail(Notification.exception);\n\n            var last = $(SELECTORS.UNIFIED_FILTERS).val();\n            $(SELECTORS.UNIFIED_FILTERS).on('change', function() {\n                var current = $(this).val();\n                var listoffilters = [];\n                var textfilters = [];\n                var updatedselectedfilters = false;\n\n                $.each(current, function(index, catoption) {\n                    var catandoption = catoption.split(':', 2);\n                    if (catandoption.length !== 2) {\n                        textfilters.push(catoption);\n                        return true; // Text search filter.\n                    }\n\n                    var category = catandoption[0];\n                    var option = catandoption[1];\n\n                    // The last option (eg. 'Teacher') out of a category (eg. 'Role') in this loop is the one that was last\n                    // selected, so we want to use that if there are multiple options from the same category. Eg. The user\n                    // may have chosen to filter by the 'Student' role, then wanted to filter by the 'Teacher' role - the\n                    // last option in the category to be selected (in this case 'Teacher') will come last, so will overwrite\n                    // 'Student' (after this if). We want to let the JS know that the filters have been updated.\n                    if (typeof listoffilters[category] !== 'undefined') {\n                        updatedselectedfilters = true;\n                    }\n\n                    listoffilters[category] = option;\n                    return true;\n                });\n\n                // Check if we have something to remove from the list of filters.\n                if (updatedselectedfilters) {\n                    // Go through and put the list into something we can use to update the list of filters.\n                    var updatefilters = [];\n                    for (var category in listoffilters) {\n                        updatefilters.push(category + \":\" + listoffilters[category]);\n                    }\n                    updatefilters = updatefilters.concat(textfilters);\n                    $(this).val(updatefilters);\n                }\n\n                // Prevent form from submitting unnecessarily, eg. on blur when no filter is selected.\n                if (last.join(',') != current.join(',')) {\n                    this.form.submit();\n                }\n            });\n        };\n\n        /**\n         * Return the unified user filter form.\n         *\n         * @method getForm\n         * @return {DOMElement}\n         */\n        var getForm = function() {\n            return $(SELECTORS.UNIFIED_FILTERS).closest('form');\n        };\n\n        return /** @alias module:core/form-autocomplete */ {\n            /**\n             * Initialise the unified user filter.\n             *\n             * @method init\n             */\n            init: function() {\n                init();\n            },\n\n            /**\n             * Return the unified user filter form.\n             *\n             * @method getForm\n             * @return {DOMElement}\n             */\n            getForm: function() {\n                return getForm();\n            }\n        };\n    });\n"],"names":["define","$","Autocomplete","Str","Notification","SELECTORS","init","M","util","js_pending","get_strings","key","component","done","langstrings","placeholder","noSelectionString","enhance","then","js_complete","fail","exception","last","val","on","current","this","listoffilters","textfilters","updatedselectedfilters","each","index","catoption","catandoption","split","length","push","category","option","updatefilters","concat","join","form","submit","getForm","closest"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAsBAA,wCAAO,CAAC,SAAU,yBAA0B,WAAY,sBACpD,SAASC,EAAGC,aAAcC,IAAKC,kBAQvBC,0BACiB,yBA0F8B,CAM/CC,KAAM,YAvFC,WASPC,EAAEC,KAAKC,WAAW,iCAClBN,IAAIO,YATa,CAAC,CACdC,IAAK,oBACLC,UAAW,eACZ,CACCD,IAAK,mBACLC,UAAW,iBAIaC,MAAK,SAASC,iBAClCC,YAAcD,YAAY,GAC1BE,kBAAoBF,YAAY,GACpCZ,aAAae,QAAQZ,2BAA2B,EAAM,4CAA6CU,aAC/F,GAAO,EAAMC,mBAAmB,GAC/BE,MAAK,WACFX,EAAEC,KAAKW,YAAY,oCAItBC,KAAKhB,aAAaiB,cACxBD,KAAKhB,aAAaiB,eAEjBC,KAAOrB,EAAEI,2BAA2BkB,MACxCtB,EAAEI,2BAA2BmB,GAAG,UAAU,eAClCC,QAAUxB,EAAEyB,MAAMH,MAClBI,cAAgB,GAChBC,YAAc,GACdC,wBAAyB,KAE7B5B,EAAE6B,KAAKL,SAAS,SAASM,MAAOC,eACxBC,aAAeD,UAAUE,MAAM,IAAK,MACZ,IAAxBD,aAAaE,cACbP,YAAYQ,KAAKJ,YACV,MAGPK,SAAWJ,aAAa,GACxBK,OAASL,aAAa,eAOa,IAA5BN,cAAcU,YACrBR,wBAAyB,GAG7BF,cAAcU,UAAYC,QACnB,KAIPT,uBAAwB,KAEpBU,cAAgB,OACf,IAAIF,YAAYV,cACjBY,cAAcH,KAAKC,SAAW,IAAMV,cAAcU,WAEtDE,cAAgBA,cAAcC,OAAOZ,aACrC3B,EAAEyB,MAAMH,IAAIgB,eAIZjB,KAAKmB,KAAK,MAAQhB,QAAQgB,KAAK,WAC1BC,KAAKC,YAsBdrC,IASJsC,QAAS,kBAnBF3C,EAAEI,2BAA2BwC,QAAQ"}