Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * Rule manager class.
 * @package    tool_monitor
 * @copyright  2014 onwards Simey Lameze <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace tool_monitor;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Rule manager class.
 * @package    tool_monitor
 * @copyright  2014 onwards Simey Lameze <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class rule_manager {

     * Create a new rule.
     * @param \stdClass $ruledata data to insert as new rule entry.
     * @return rule An instance of rule class.
    public static function add_rule($ruledata) {
        global $DB;

        $now = time();
        $ruledata->timecreated = $now;
        $ruledata->timemodified = $now;

        $ruledata->id = $DB->insert_record('tool_monitor_rules', $ruledata);

        // Trigger a rule created event.
        if ($ruledata->id) {
            if (!empty($ruledata->courseid)) {
                $courseid = $ruledata->courseid;
                $context = \context_course::instance($ruledata->courseid);
            } else {
                $courseid = 0;
                $context = \context_system::instance();

            $params = array(
                'objectid' => $ruledata->id,
                'courseid' => $courseid,
                'context' => $context
            $event = \tool_monitor\event\rule_created::create($params);

        return new rule($ruledata);

     * Clean data submitted by mform.
     * @param \stdClass $mformdata data to insert as new rule entry.
     * @return \stdClass Cleaned rule data.
    public static function clean_ruledata_form($mformdata) {
        global $USER;

        $rule = new \stdClass();
        if (!empty($mformdata->ruleid)) {
            $rule->id = $mformdata->ruleid;
        $rule->userid = empty($mformdata->userid) ? $USER->id : $mformdata->userid;
        $rule->courseid = $mformdata->courseid;
        $rule->name = $mformdata->name;
        $rule->plugin = $mformdata->plugin;
        $rule->eventname = $mformdata->eventname;
        $rule->description = $mformdata->description['text'];
        $rule->descriptionformat = $mformdata->description['format'];
        $rule->frequency = $mformdata->frequency;
        $rule->timewindow = $mformdata->minutes * MINSECS;
        $rule->template = $mformdata->template['text'];
        $rule->templateformat = $mformdata->template['format'];

        return $rule;

     * Delete a rule and associated subscriptions, by rule id.
     * @param int $ruleid id of rule to be deleted.
     * @param \context|null $coursecontext the context of the course - this is passed when we
     *      can not get the context via \context_course as the course has been deleted.
     * @return bool
    public static function delete_rule($ruleid, $coursecontext = null) {
        global $DB;

        subscription_manager::remove_all_subscriptions_for_rule($ruleid, $coursecontext);

        // Retrieve the rule from the DB before we delete it, so we have a record when we trigger a rule deleted event.
        $rule = $DB->get_record('tool_monitor_rules', array('id' => $ruleid));

        $success = $DB->delete_records('tool_monitor_rules', array('id' => $ruleid));

        // If successful trigger a rule deleted event.
        if ($success) {
            // It is possible that we are deleting rules associated with a deleted course, so we should be
            // passing the context as the second parameter.
            if (!is_null($coursecontext)) {
                $context = $coursecontext;
                $courseid = $rule->courseid;
            } else if (!empty($rule->courseid) && ($context = \context_course::instance($rule->courseid,
                    IGNORE_MISSING))) {
                $courseid = $rule->courseid;
            } else {
                $courseid = 0;
                $context = \context_system::instance();

            $params = array(
                'objectid' => $rule->id,
                'courseid' => $courseid,
                'context' => $context
            $event = \tool_monitor\event\rule_deleted::create($params);
            $event->add_record_snapshot('tool_monitor_rules', $rule);

        return $success;

     * Get an instance of rule class.
     * @param \stdClass|int $ruleorid A rule object from database or rule id.
     * @return rule object with rule id.
    public static function get_rule($ruleorid) {
        global $DB;
        if (!is_object($ruleorid)) {
            $rule = $DB->get_record('tool_monitor_rules', array('id' => $ruleorid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        } else {
            $rule = $ruleorid;

        return new rule($rule);

     * Update rule data.
     * @throws \coding_exception if $record->ruleid is invalid.
     * @param object $ruledata rule data to be updated.
     * @return bool
    public static function update_rule($ruledata) {
        global $DB;
        if (!self::get_rule($ruledata->id)) {
            throw new \coding_exception('Invalid rule ID.');
        $ruledata->timemodified = time();

        $success = $DB->update_record('tool_monitor_rules', $ruledata);

        // If successful trigger a rule updated event.
        if ($success) {
            // If we do not have the course id we need to retrieve it.
            if (!isset($ruledata->courseid)) {
                $courseid = $DB->get_field('tool_monitor_rules', 'courseid', array('id' => $ruledata->id), MUST_EXIST);
            } else {
                $courseid = $ruledata->courseid;

            if (!empty($courseid)) {
                $context = \context_course::instance($courseid);
            } else {
                $context = \context_system::instance();

            $params = array(
                'objectid' => $ruledata->id,
                'courseid' => $courseid,
                'context' => $context
            $event = \tool_monitor\event\rule_updated::create($params);

        return $success;

     * Get rules by course id.
     * @param int $courseid course id of the rule.
     * @param int $limitfrom Limit from which to fetch rules.
     * @param int $limitto  Limit to which rules need to be fetched.
     * @param bool $includesite Determines whether we return site wide rules or not.
     * @return array List of rules for the given course id, if specified will also include site rules.
    public static function get_rules_by_courseid($courseid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 0, $includesite = true) {
        global $DB;

        $select = 'courseid = ?';
        $params = array();
        $params[] = $courseid;
        if ($includesite) {
            $select .= ' OR courseid = ?';
            $params[] = 0;
        $orderby = 'courseid DESC, name ASC';

        return self::get_instances($DB->get_records_select('tool_monitor_rules', $select, $params, $orderby,
                '*', $limitfrom, $limitto));

     * Get rule count by course id.
     * @param int $courseid course id of the rule.
     * @return int count of rules present in system visible in the given course id.
    public static function count_rules_by_courseid($courseid) {
        global $DB;
        $select = "courseid = ? OR courseid = ?";
        return $DB->count_records_select('tool_monitor_rules', $select, array(0, $courseid));

     * Get rules by plugin name.
     * @param string $plugin plugin name of the rule.
     * @return array List of rules for the given plugin name.
    public static function get_rules_by_plugin($plugin) {
        global $DB;
        return self::get_instances($DB->get_records('tool_monitor_rules', array('plugin' => $plugin)));

     * Get rules by event name.
     * @param string $eventname event name of the rule.
     * @return array List of rules for the given event.
    public static function get_rules_by_event($eventname) {
        global $DB;
        return self::get_instances($DB->get_records('tool_monitor_rules', array('eventname' => $eventname)));

     * Helper method to convert db records to instances.
     * @param array $arr of rules.
     * @return array of rules as instances.
    protected static function get_instances($arr) {
        $result = array();
        foreach ($arr as $key => $sub) {
            $result[$key] = new rule($sub);
        return $result;