AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace tool_mfa\output;
use core\context\system;
use tool_mfa\local\factor\object_factor;
use tool_mfa\local\form\login_form;
use \html_writer;
use tool_mfa\plugininfo\factor;
* MFA renderer.
* @package tool_mfa
* @author Mikhail Golenkov <>
* @copyright Catalyst IT
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class renderer extends \plugin_renderer_base {
* Returns the state of the factor as a badge.
* @param string $state
* @return string
public function get_state_badge(string $state): string {
switch ($state) {
case factor::STATE_PASS:
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('state:pass', 'tool_mfa'), ['class' => 'badge bg-success text-white']);
case factor::STATE_FAIL:
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('state:fail', 'tool_mfa'), ['class' => 'badge bg-danger text-white']);
case factor::STATE_NEUTRAL:
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('state:neutral', 'tool_mfa'),
['class' => 'badge bg-warning text-dark']);
case factor::STATE_UNKNOWN:
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('state:unknown', 'tool_mfa'),
['class' => 'badge bg-secondary text-dark']);
case factor::STATE_LOCKED:
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('state:locked', 'tool_mfa'), ['class' => 'badge bg-danger text-white']);
return html_writer::tag('span', get_string('pending', 'tool_mfa'), ['class' => 'badge bg-secondary text-dark']);
* Returns a list of factors which a user can add.
* @return string
public function available_factors(): string {
global $USER;
$factors = factor::get_enabled_factors();
$data = [];
foreach ($factors as $factor) {
// Allow all factors with setup and button.
// Make an exception for email factor as this is currently set up by admins only and required on this list.
if ((!$factor->has_setup() || !$factor->show_setup_buttons()) && !$factor instanceof \factor_email\factor) {
$userfactors = $factor->get_active_user_factors($USER);
$active = !empty($userfactors) ?? false;
$button = null;
$icon = $factor->get_icon();
$params = [
'action' => 'setup',
'factor' => $factor->name,
if (!$active) {
// Not active yet and requires set up.
$info = $factor->get_info();
if ($factor->show_setup_buttons()) {
$params['action'] = 'setup';
$button = new \single_button(
url: new \moodle_url('action.php', $params),
label: $factor->get_setup_string(),
method: 'post',
type: \single_button::BUTTON_PRIMARY,
attributes: [
'aria-label' => get_string('setupfactor', 'factor_' . $factor->name),
$button = $button->export_for_template($this->output);
} else {
// Active and can be managed.
$factorid = reset($userfactors)->id;
$info = $factor->get_manage_info($factorid);
if ($factor->show_setup_buttons()) {
$params['action'] = 'manage';
$button = new \single_button(
url: new \moodle_url('action.php', $params),
label: $factor->get_manage_string(),
method: 'post',
type: \single_button::BUTTON_PRIMARY,
attributes: [
'aria-label' => get_string('managefactor', 'factor_' . $factor->name),
$button = $button->export_for_template($this->output);
// Prepare data for template.
$data['factors'][] = [
'active' => $active,
'label' => $factor->get_display_name(),
'name' => $factor->name,
'info' => $info,
'icon' => $icon,
'button' => $button,
return $this->render_from_template('tool_mfa/mfa_selector', $data);
* Returns the html section for factor setup
* @param object $factor object of the factor class
* @return string
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.4
* @todo Final deprecation in Moodle 4.8 MDL-80995
public function setup_factor(object $factor): string {
debugging('The method setup_factor() has been deprecated. The HTML derived from this method is no longer needed.
Similar HTML is now achieved as part of available_factors().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$html = '';
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'card']);
$html .= html_writer::tag('h4', $factor->get_display_name(), ['class' => 'card-header']);
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'card-body']);
$html .= $factor->get_info();
$setupparams = ['action' => 'setup', 'factor' => $factor->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()];
$setupurl = new \moodle_url('action.php', $setupparams);
$html .= $this->output->single_button($setupurl, $factor->get_setup_string());
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$html .= '<br>';
return $html;
* Show a table displaying a users active factors.
* @param string|null $filterfactor The factor name to filter on.
* @return string $html
* @throws \coding_exception
public function active_factors(string $filterfactor = null): string {
global $USER, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/iplookup/lib.php');
$html = '';
$headers = get_strings([
], 'tool_mfa');
$table = new \html_table();
$table->id = 'active_factors';
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable table table-bordered';
$table->head = [
$table->colclasses = [
$table->data = [];
$factors = factor::get_enabled_factors();
$hasmorethanone = factor::user_has_more_than_one_active_factors();
foreach ($factors as $factor) {
// Filter results to match the specified factor.
if (!empty($filterfactor) && $factor->name !== $filterfactor) {
$userfactors = $factor->get_active_user_factors($USER);
if (!$factor->has_setup()) {
foreach ($userfactors as $userfactor) {
// Revoke option.
if ($factor->has_revoke() && $hasmorethanone) {
$content = $headers->remove;
$attributes = [
'data-action' => 'revoke',
'data-factor' => $factor->name,
'data-factorid' => $userfactor->id,
'data-factorname' => $factor->get_display_name(),
'data-devicename' => $userfactor->label,
'aria-label' => get_string('revokefactor', 'tool_mfa'),
'class' => 'btn btn-primary mfa-action-button',
$revokebutton = \html_writer::tag('button', $content, $attributes);
} else {
$revokebutton = get_string('statusna');
// Replace option.
if ($factor->has_replace()) {
$content = $headers->replace;
$attributes = [
'data-action' => 'replace',
'data-factor' => $factor->name,
'data-factorid' => $userfactor->id,
'data-factorname' => $factor->get_display_name(),
'data-devicename' => $userfactor->label,
'aria-label' => get_string('replacefactor', 'tool_mfa'),
'class' => 'btn btn-primary mfa-action-button',
$replacebutton = \html_writer::tag('button', $content, $attributes);
} else {
$replacebutton = get_string('statusna');
$timecreated = $userfactor->timecreated == '-' ? '-'
: userdate($userfactor->timecreated, get_string('strftimedatetime'));
$lastverified = $userfactor->lastverified;
if ($lastverified == 0) {
$lastverified = '-';
} else if ($lastverified != '-') {
$lastverified = userdate($userfactor->lastverified, get_string('strftimedatetime'));
$lastverified .= '<br>';
$lastverified .= get_string('ago', 'core_message', format_time(time() - $userfactor->lastverified));
$row = new \html_table_row([
$table->data[] = $row;
// If table has no data, don't output.
if (count($table->data) == 0) {
return '';
$html .= \html_writer::table($table);
$html .= '<br>';
return $html;
* Generates notification text for display when user cannot login.
* @return string $notification
public function not_enough_factors(): string {
global $CFG, $SITE;
$notification = \html_writer::tag('h4', get_string('error:notenoughfactors', 'tool_mfa'));
$notification .= \html_writer::tag('p', get_string('error:reauth', 'tool_mfa'));
// Support link.
$supportemail = $CFG->supportemail;
if (!empty($supportemail)) {
$subject = get_string('email:subject', 'tool_mfa',
format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => system::instance()]));
$maillink = \html_writer::link("mailto:$supportemail?Subject=$subject", $supportemail);
$notification .= get_string('error:support', 'tool_mfa');
$notification .= \html_writer::tag('p', $maillink);
// Support page link.
$supportpage = $CFG->supportpage;
if (!empty($supportpage)) {
$linktext = \html_writer::link($supportpage, $supportpage);
$notification .= $linktext;
$return = $this->output->notification($notification, 'notifyerror', false);
// Logout button.
$url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/mfa/auth.php', ['logout' => 1]);
$btn = new \single_button($url, get_string('logout'), 'post', \single_button::BUTTON_PRIMARY);
$return .= $this->render($btn);
$return .= $this->get_support_link();
return $return;
* Displays a table of all factors in use currently.
* @param int $lookback the period to view.
* @return string the HTML for the table
public function factors_in_use_table(int $lookback): string {
global $DB;
$factors = factor::get_factors();
// Setup 2 arrays, one with internal names, one pretty.
$columns = [''];
$displaynames = $columns;
$colclasses = ['center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'];
// Force the first 4 columns to custom data.
$displaynames[] = get_string('totalusers', 'tool_mfa');
$displaynames[] = get_string('usersauthedinperiod', 'tool_mfa');
$displaynames[] = get_string('nonauthusers', 'tool_mfa');
$displaynames[] = get_string('nologinusers', 'tool_mfa');
foreach ($factors as $factor) {
$columns[] = $factor->name;
$displaynames[] = get_string('pluginname', 'factor_'.$factor->name);
$colclasses[] = 'right';
// Add total column to the end.
$displaynames[] = get_string('total');
$colclasses[] = 'center';
$table = new \html_table();
$table->head = $displaynames;
$table->align = $colclasses;
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable table table-bordered w-auto';
$table->attributes['style'] = 'width: auto; min-width: 50%; margin-bottom: 0;';
// Manually handle Total users and MFA users.
$alluserssql = "SELECT auth,
FROM {user}
WHERE deleted = 0
AND suspended = 0
GROUP BY auth";
$allusersinfo = $DB->get_records_sql($alluserssql, []);
$noncompletesql = "SELECT u.auth, COUNT(
FROM {user} u
LEFT JOIN {tool_mfa_auth} mfaa ON = mfaa.userid
WHERE u.lastlogin >= ?
AND (mfaa.lastverified < ?
OR mfaa.lastverified IS NULL)
GROUP BY u.auth";
$noncompleteinfo = $DB->get_records_sql($noncompletesql, [$lookback, $lookback]);
$nologinsql = "SELECT auth, COUNT(id)
FROM {user}
WHERE deleted = 0
AND suspended = 0
AND lastlogin < ?
GROUP BY auth";
$nologininfo = $DB->get_records_sql($nologinsql, [$lookback]);
$mfauserssql = "SELECT auth,
FROM {tool_mfa} tm
JOIN {user} u ON = tm.userid
WHERE tm.lastverified >= ?
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u.suspended = 0
GROUP BY u.auth";
$mfausersinfo = $DB->get_records_sql($mfauserssql, [$lookback]);
$factorsusedsql = "SELECT CONCAT(u.auth, '_', tm.factor) as id,
FROM {tool_mfa} tm
JOIN {user} u ON = tm.userid
WHERE tm.lastverified >= ?
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u.suspended = 0
AND (tm.revoked = 0 OR (tm.revoked = 1 AND tm.timemodified > ?))
GROUP BY CONCAT(u.auth, '_', tm.factor)";
$factorsusedinfo = $DB->get_records_sql($factorsusedsql, [$lookback, $lookback]);
// Auth rows.
$authtypes = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
foreach ($authtypes as $authtype) {
$row = [];
$row[] = \html_writer::tag('b', $authtype);
// Setup the overall totals columns.
$row[] = $allusersinfo[$authtype]->count ?? '-';
$row[] = $mfausersinfo[$authtype]->count ?? '-';
$row[] = $noncompleteinfo[$authtype]->count ?? '-';
$row[] = $nologininfo[$authtype]->count ?? '-';
// Create a running counter for the total.
$authtotal = 0;
// Now for each factor add the count from the factor query, and increment the running total.
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if (!empty($column)) {
// Get the information from the data key.
$key = $authtype . '_' . $column;
$count = $factorsusedinfo[$key]->count ?? 0;
$authtotal += $count;
$row[] = $count ? format_float($count, 0) : '-';
// Append the total of all factors to final column.
$row[] = $authtotal ? format_float($authtotal, 0) : '-';
$table->data[] = $row;
// Total row.
$totals = [0 => html_writer::tag('b', get_string('total'))];
for ($colcounter = 1; $colcounter < count($row); $colcounter++) {
$column = array_column($table->data, $colcounter);
// Transform string to int forcibly, remove -.
$column = array_map(function ($element) {
return $element === '-' ? 0 : (int) $element;
}, $column);
$columnsum = array_sum($column);
$colvalue = $columnsum === 0 ? '-' : $columnsum;
$totals[$colcounter] = $colvalue;
$table->data[] = $totals;
// Wrap in a div to cleanly scroll.
return \html_writer::div(\html_writer::table($table), '', ['style' => 'overflow:auto;']);
* Displays a table of all factors in use currently.
* @return string the HTML for the table
public function factors_locked_table(): string {
global $DB;
$factors = factor::get_factors();
$table = new \html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable table table-bordered w-auto';
$table->attributes['style'] = 'width: auto; min-width: 50%';
$table->head = [
'factor' => get_string('factor', 'tool_mfa'),
'active' => get_string('active'),
'locked' => get_string('state:locked', 'tool_mfa'),
'actions' => get_string('actions'),
$table->align = [
$table->data = [];
$locklevel = (int) get_config('tool_mfa', 'lockout');
foreach ($factors as $factor) {
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))
FROM {tool_mfa}
WHERE factor = ?
AND lockcounter >= ?
AND revoked = 0";
$lockedusers = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, [$factor->name, $locklevel]);
$enabled = $factor->is_enabled() ? \html_writer::tag('b', get_string('yes')) : get_string('no');
$actions = \html_writer::link( new \moodle_url($this->page->url,
['reset' => $factor->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()]), get_string('performbulk', 'tool_mfa'));
$lockedusers = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url($this->page->url, ['view' => $factor->name]), $lockedusers);
$table->data[] = [
return \html_writer::table($table);
* Displays a table of all users with a locked instance of the given factor.
* @param object_factor $factor the factor class
* @return string the HTML for the table
public function factor_locked_users_table(object_factor $factor): string {
global $DB;
$table = new \html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable table table-bordered w-auto';
$table->attributes['style'] = 'width: auto; min-width: 50%';
$table->head = [
'userid' => get_string('userid', 'grades'),
'fullname' => get_string('fullname'),
'factorip' => get_string('ipatcreation', 'tool_mfa'),
'lastip' => get_string('lastip'),
'modified' => get_string('modified'),
'actions' => get_string('actions'),
$table->align = [
$table->data = [];
$locklevel = (int) get_config('tool_mfa', 'lockout');
$sql = "SELECT as mfaid, u.*, mfa.createdfromip, mfa.timemodified
FROM {tool_mfa} mfa
JOIN {user} u ON mfa.userid =
WHERE factor = ?
AND lockcounter >= ?
AND revoked = 0";
$records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$factor->name, $locklevel]);
foreach ($records as $record) {
// Construct profile link.
$proflink = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/user/profile.php',
['id' => $record->id]), fullname($record));
// IP link.
$creatediplink = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/iplookup/index.php',
['ip' => $record->createdfromip]), $record->createdfromip);
$lastiplink = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/iplookup/index.php',
['ip' => $record->lastip]), $record->lastip);
// Deep link to logs.
$logicon = $this->pix_icon('i/report', get_string('userlogs', 'tool_mfa'));
$actions = \html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/report/log/index.php', [
'id' => 1, // Site.
'user' => $record->id,
]), $logicon);
$action = new \confirm_action(get_string('resetfactorconfirm', 'tool_mfa', fullname($record)));
$actions .= $this->action_link(
new \moodle_url($this->page->url, ['reset' => $factor->name, 'id' => $record->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()]),
$this->pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('resetconfirm', 'tool_mfa')),
$table->data[] = [
userdate($record->timemodified, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig')),
return \html_writer::table($table);
* Returns a rendered support link.
* If the MFA guidance page is enabled, this is returned.
* Otherwise, the site support link is returned.
* If neither support link is configured, an empty string is returned.
* @return string
public function get_support_link(): string {
// Try the guidance page link first.
if (get_config('tool_mfa', 'guidance')) {
return $this->render_from_template('tool_mfa/guide_link', []);
} else {
return $this->output->supportemail([], true);
* Renders an mform element from a template
* In certain situations, includes a script element which adds autosubmission behaviour.
* @param mixed $element element
* @param bool $required if input is required field
* @param bool $advanced if input is an advanced field
* @param string|null $error error message to display
* @param bool $ingroup True if this element is rendered as part of a group
* @return mixed string|bool
public function mform_element(mixed $element, bool $required,
bool $advanced, string|null $error, bool $ingroup): string|bool {
$script = null;
if ($element instanceof \tool_mfa\local\form\verification_field) {
if ($this->page->pagelayout === 'secure') {
$script = $element->secure_js();
$result = parent::mform_element($element, $required, $advanced, $error, $ingroup);
if (!empty($script) && $result !== false) {
$result .= $script;
return $result;
* Renders the verification form.
* @param object_factor $factor The factor to render the form for.
* @param login_form $form The login form object.
* @return string
* @throws \coding_exception
* @throws \dml_exception
* @throws \moodle_exception
public function verification_form(object_factor $factor, login_form $form): string {
$allloginfactors = factor::get_all_user_login_factors();
$additionalfactors = [];
$disabledfactors = [];
$displaycount = 0;
$disablefactor = false;
foreach ($allloginfactors as $loginfactor) {
if ($loginfactor->name != $factor->name) {
$additionalfactor = [
'name' => $loginfactor->name,
'icon' => $loginfactor->get_icon(),
'loginoption' => get_string('loginoption', 'factor_' . $loginfactor->name),
// We mark the factor as disabled if it is locked.
// We store the disabled factors in a separate array so that they can be displayed at the bottom of the template.
if ($loginfactor->get_state() == factor::STATE_LOCKED) {
$additionalfactor['loginoption'] = get_string('locked', 'tool_mfa', $additionalfactor['loginoption']);
$additionalfactor['disable'] = true;
$disabledfactors[] = $additionalfactor;
} else {
$additionalfactors[] = $additionalfactor;
// We merge the additional factors placing the disabled ones last.
$alladitionalfactors = array_merge($additionalfactors, $disabledfactors);
$hasadditionalfactors = $displaycount > 0;
$authurl = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/mfa/auth.php');
// Set the form to better display vertically.
// Check if we need to display a remaining attempts message.
$remattempts = $factor->get_remaining_attempts();
$verificationerror = $form->get_element_error('verificationcode');
if ($remattempts < get_config('tool_mfa', 'lockout') && !empty($verificationerror)) {
// Update the validation error for the code form field to include the remaining attempts.
$remattemptsstr = get_string('lockoutnotification', 'tool_mfa', $factor->get_remaining_attempts());
$updatederror = $verificationerror . ' ' . $remattemptsstr;
$form->set_element_error('verificationcode', $updatederror);
// If all attempts for this factor have been used, disable the form.
// This forces the user to choose another factor or cancel their login.
if ($remattempts <= 0) {
$disablefactor = true;
// Handle the trust factor if present.
if ($form->element_exists('factor_token_trust')) {
$context = [
'logintitle' => get_string('logintitle', 'factor_'.$factor->name),
'logindesc' => $factor->get_login_desc(),
'factoricon' => $factor->get_icon(),
'form' => $form->render(),
'hasadditionalfactors' => $hasadditionalfactors,
'additionalfactors' => $alladitionalfactors,
'authurl' => $authurl->out(),
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
'supportlink' => $this->get_support_link(),
'disablefactor' => $disablefactor
return $this->render_from_template('tool_mfa/verification_form', $context);