AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@tool @tool_messageinbound
Feature: Incoming mail configuration
In order to receive email from external
As a Moodle administrator
I need to set mail configuration
Given I log in as "admin"
Scenario: Incoming mail server settings without OAuth 2 service setup yet
Given I navigate to "Server > Email > Incoming mail configuration" in site administration
And "OAuth 2 service" "select" should not exist
Scenario: Incoming mail server settings with OAuth 2 service setup
Given I navigate to "Server > OAuth 2 services" in site administration
And I press "Google"
And I should see "Create new service: Google"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Name | Testing service |
| Client ID | thisistheclientid |
| Client secret | supersecret |
And I press "Save changes"
When I navigate to "Server > Email > Incoming mail configuration" in site administration
Then "OAuth 2 service" "select" should exist
And I should see "Testing service" in the "OAuth 2 service" "select"
Scenario: Check character limitations of mailbox name
When I navigate to "Server > Email > Incoming mail configuration" in site administration
And I set the field "Mailbox name" to "frogfrogfrogfrog"
Then I should see "Maximum of 15 characters"
And the "disabled" attribute of "form#adminsettings button[type='submit']" "css_element" should contain "true"
And I set the field "Mailbox name" to "frogfrogfrogfro"
And I should not see "Maximum of 15 characters"
And the "disabled" attribute of "form#adminsettings button[type='submit']" "css_element" should not be set