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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* The Mail Pickup Manager.
* @package tool_messageinbound
* @copyright 2014 Andrew Nicols
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace tool_messageinbound;
* Mail Pickup Manager.
* @copyright 2014 Andrew Nicols
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {
* @var string The main mailbox to check.
const MAILBOX = 'INBOX';
* @var string The mailbox to store messages in when they are awaiting confirmation.
const CONFIRMATIONFOLDER = 'tobeconfirmed';
* @var string The flag for seen/read messages.
const MESSAGE_SEEN = '\seen';
* @var string The flag for flagged messages.
const MESSAGE_FLAGGED = '\flagged';
* @var string The flag for deleted messages.
const MESSAGE_DELETED = '\deleted';
* @var \string IMAP folder namespace.
protected $imapnamespace = null;
* @var \rcube_imap_generic A reference to the IMAP client.
protected $client = null;
* @var \core\message\inbound\address_manager A reference to the Inbound Message Address Manager instance.
protected $addressmanager = null;
* @var \stdClass The data for the current message being processed.
protected $currentmessagedata = null;
* Mail Pickup Manager.
public function __construct() {
// Load dependencies.
* Retrieve the connection to the IMAP client.
* @param string $mailbox The mailbox to connect to.
* @return bool Whether a connection was successfully established.
protected function get_imap_client(
string $mailbox = self::MAILBOX,
): bool {
global $CFG;
if (!\core\message\inbound\manager::is_enabled()) {
// E-mail processing not set up.
mtrace("Inbound Message not fully configured - exiting early.");
return false;
mtrace("Connecting to {$CFG->messageinbound_host} as {$CFG->messageinbound_hostuser}...");
$configuration = [
'username' => $CFG->messageinbound_hostuser,
'password' => $CFG->messageinbound_hostpass,
'hostspec' => $CFG->messageinbound_host,
'options' => [
'ssl_mode' => strtolower($CFG->messageinbound_hostssl),
'auth_type' => 'CHECK',
if (strpos($configuration['hostspec'], ':')) {
$hostdata = explode(':', $configuration['hostspec']);
if (count($hostdata) === 2) {
// A hostname in the format hostname:port has been provided.
$configuration['hostspec'] = $hostdata[0];
$configuration['options']['port'] = $hostdata[1];
if (isset($CFG->messageinbound_hostoauth) && $CFG->messageinbound_hostoauth != '') {
// Get the issuer.
$issuer = \core\oauth2\api::get_issuer($CFG->messageinbound_hostoauth);
// Validate the issuer and check if it is enabled or not.
if ($issuer && $issuer->get('enabled')) {
// Get the OAuth Client.
if ($oauthclient = \core\oauth2\api::get_system_oauth_client($issuer)) {
$configuration['password'] = 'Bearer ' . $oauthclient->get_accesstoken()->token;
$configuration['options']['auth_type'] = 'XOAUTH2';
$this->client = new \rcube_imap_generic();
if (!empty($CFG->debugimap)) {
$this->client->setDebug(debug: true);
$success = $this->client->connect(
host: $configuration['hostspec'],
user: $configuration['username'],
password: $configuration['password'],
options: $configuration['options'],
if ($success) {
mtrace("Connection established.");
// Ensure that mailboxes exist.
// Select mailbox.
$this->select_mailbox(mailbox: $mailbox);
return true;
} else {
throw new \moodle_exception('imapconnectfailure', 'tool_messageinbound', '', null, 'Could not connect to IMAP server.');
* Shutdown and close the connection to the IMAP client.
protected function close_connection(): void {
if ($this->client) {
// Close the connection and return to authenticated state.
$isclosed = $this->client->close();
if ($isclosed) {
// Connection was closed unsuccessfully. Send the LOGOUT command and close the socket.
$this->client = null;
* Get the confirmation folder imap name
* @return string
protected function get_confirmation_folder(): string {
if ($this->imapnamespace === null) {
$namespaces = $this->client->getNamespace();
if ($namespaces != $this->client::ERROR_BAD && is_array($namespaces)) {
$nspersonal = reset($namespaces['personal']);
if (is_array($nspersonal) && !empty($nspersonal[0])) {
// Personal namespace is an array, the first part is the name, the second part is the delimiter.
$this->imapnamespace = $nspersonal[0] . $nspersonal[1];
} else {
$this->imapnamespace = '';
} else {
$this->imapnamespace = '';
return $this->imapnamespace . self::CONFIRMATIONFOLDER;
* Get the current mailbox name.
* @return string The current mailbox name.
* @throws \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception if the mailbox could not be opened.
protected function get_mailbox(): string {
// Get the current mailbox.
if ($this->client->selected) {
return $this->client->selected;
} else {
throw new \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception('couldnotopenmailbox', 'tool_messageinbound');
* Execute the main Inbound Message pickup task.
* @return bool
public function pickup_messages(): bool {
if (!$this->get_imap_client()) {
return false;
// Restrict results to messages which are unseen, and have not been flagged.
mtrace("Searching for Unseen, Unflagged email in the folder '" . self::MAILBOX . "'");
$result = $this->client->search(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
return_uid: true,
if (empty($result->count())) {
return false;
mtrace("Found " . $result->count() . " messages to parse. Parsing...");
// Retrieve the message id.
$messages = $result->get();
$this->addressmanager = new \core\message\inbound\address_manager();
foreach ($messages as $messageuid) {
$messageuid = is_numeric($messageuid) ? intval($messageuid) : $messageuid;
$this->process_message(messageuid: $messageuid);
// Close the client connection.
return true;
* Process a message received and validated by the Inbound Message processor.
* @param \stdClass $maildata The data retrieved from the database for the current record.
* @return bool Whether the message was successfully processed.
* @throws \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception if the message cannot be found.
public function process_existing_message(
\stdClass $maildata,
): bool {
// Grab the new IMAP client.
if (!$this->get_imap_client(mailbox: $this->get_confirmation_folder())) {
return false;
// When dealing with Inbound Message messages, we mark them as flagged and seen. Restrict the search to those criterion.
mtrace("Searching for a Seen, Flagged message in the folder '" . $this->get_confirmation_folder() . "'");
// Build the search.
$result = $this->client->search(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
criteria: 'SEEN FLAGGED TO "' . $maildata->address . '"',
return_uid: true,
$this->addressmanager = new \core\message\inbound\address_manager();
if (!empty($result->count())) {
$messages = $result->get();
$targetsequence = 0;
mtrace("Found " . $result->count() . " messages to parse. Parsing...");
foreach ($messages as $messageuid) {
$messageuid = is_numeric($messageuid) ? intval($messageuid) : $messageuid;
$results = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$messagedata = reset($results);
// Match the message id.
if (htmlentities($messagedata->get('Message-ID', false)) == $maildata->messageid) {
// Found the message.
$targetsequence = $messageuid;
mtrace("--> Found the message. Passing back to the pickup system.");
// Process the message.
messageuid: $targetsequence,
viewreadmessages: true,
skipsenderverification: true,
// Close the client connection.
return true;
} else {
// Close the client connection.
throw new \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception('oldmessagenotfound', 'tool_messageinbound');
* Tidy up old messages in the confirmation folder.
* @return bool Whether tidying occurred successfully.
public function tidy_old_messages(): bool {
// Grab the new IMAP client.
if (!$this->get_imap_client()) {
return false;
// Switch to the confirmation folder.
$this->select_mailbox(mailbox: $this->get_confirmation_folder());
// Open the mailbox.
mtrace("Searching for messages older than 24 hours in the '" .
$this->get_confirmation_folder() . "' folder.");
// Delete messages older than 24 hours old.
$date = date(
format: 'Y-m-d',
timestamp: time() - DAYSECS
// Retrieve the messages and mark them for removal.
$result = $this->client->search(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
criteria: 'BEFORE "' . $date . '"',
return_uid: true,
if (empty($result->count())) {
return false;
mtrace("Found " . $result->count() . " messages for removal.");
$messages = $result->get();
foreach ($messages as $messageuid) {
$messageuid = is_numeric($messageuid) ? intval($messageuid) : $messageuid;
messageuid: $messageuid,
mtrace("Finished removing messages.");
return true;
* Remove older verification failures.
* @return void
public function tidy_old_verification_failures() {
global $DB;
$DB->delete_records_select('messageinbound_messagelist', 'timecreated < :time', ['time' => time() - DAYSECS]);
* Process a message and pass it through the Inbound Message handling systems.
* @param int $messageuid The message uid to process
* @param bool $viewreadmessages Whether to also look at messages which have been marked as read
* @param bool $skipsenderverification Whether to skip the sender verification stage
public function process_message(
int $messageuid,
bool $viewreadmessages = false,
bool $skipsenderverification = false,
): void {
global $USER;
mtrace("- Parsing message " . $messageuid);
// First flag this message to prevent another running hitting this message while we look at the headers.
messageuid: $messageuid,
flag: self::MESSAGE_FLAGGED,
if ($this->is_bulk_message(messageuid: $messageuid)) {
mtrace("- The message " . $messageuid . " has a bulk header set. This is likely an auto-generated reply - discarding.");
// Record the user that this script is currently being run as. This is important when re-processing existing
// messages, as \core\cron::setup_user is called multiple times.
$originaluser = $USER;
$envelope = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$envelope = array_shift($envelope);
$recipients = $this->get_address_from_envelope(addresslist: $envelope->envelope[5]);
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
if (!\core\message\inbound\address_manager::is_correct_format($recipient)) {
// Message did not contain a subaddress.
mtrace("- Recipient '{$recipient}' did not match Inbound Message headers.");
// Message contained a match.
$senders = $this->get_address_from_envelope(addresslist: $envelope->envelope[2]);
if (count($senders) !== 1) {
mtrace("- Received multiple senders. Only the first sender will be used.");
$sender = array_shift($senders);
mtrace("-- Subject:\t" . $envelope->subject);
mtrace("-- From:\t" . $sender);
mtrace("-- Recipient:\t" . $recipient);
// Check whether this message has already been processed.
if (
!$viewreadmessages &&
messageuid: $messageuid,
flag: self::MESSAGE_SEEN,
) {
// Something else has already seen this message. Skip it now.
mtrace("-- Skipping the message - it has been marked as seen - perhaps by another process.");
// Mark it as read to lock the message.
messageuid: $messageuid,
flag: self::MESSAGE_SEEN,
// Now pass it through the Inbound Message processor.
$status = $this->addressmanager->process_envelope($recipient, $sender);
if (($status & ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_DISABLED_HANDLER) !== $status) {
// The handler is disabled.
mtrace("-- Skipped message - Handler is disabled. Fail code {$status}");
// In order to handle the user error, we need more information about the message being failed.
envelope: $envelope,
messageuid: $messageuid,
$this->inform_user_of_error(get_string('handlerdisabled', 'tool_messageinbound', $this->currentmessagedata));
// Check the validation status early. No point processing garbage messages, but we do need to process it
// for some validation failure types.
if (!$this->passes_key_validation(status: $status)) {
// None of the above validation failures were found. Skip this message.
mtrace("-- Skipped message - it does not appear to relate to a Inbound Message pickup. Fail code {$status}");
// Remove the seen flag from the message as there may be multiple recipients.
messageuid: $messageuid,
flag: self::MESSAGE_SEEN,
// Skip further processing for this recipient.
// Process the message as the user.
$user = $this->addressmanager->get_data()->user;
mtrace("-- Processing the message as user {$user->id} ({$user->username}).");
// Process and retrieve the message data for this message.
// This includes fetching the full content, as well as all headers, and attachments.
if (
envelope: $envelope,
messageuid: $messageuid,
) {
mtrace("--- Message could not be found on the server. Is another process removing messages?");
// When processing validation replies, we need to skip the sender verification phase as this has been
// manually completed.
if (!$skipsenderverification && $status !== 0) {
// Check the validation status for failure types which require confirmation.
// The validation result is tested in a bitwise operation.
mtrace("-- Message did not meet validation but is possibly recoverable. Fail code {$status}");
// This is a recoverable error, but requires user input.
if (
messageuid: $messageuid,
recipient: $recipient,
) {
mtrace("--- Original message retained on mail server and confirmation message sent to user.");
} else {
mtrace("--- Invalid Recipient Handler - unable to save. Informing the user of the failure.");
$this->inform_user_of_error(get_string('invalidrecipientfinal', 'tool_messageinbound', $this->currentmessagedata));
// Returning to normal cron user.
mtrace("-- Returning to the original user.");
// Add the content and attachment data.
mtrace("-- Validation completed. Fetching rest of message content.");
$this->process_message_data_body(messageuid: $messageuid);
// The message processor throws exceptions upon failure. These must be caught and notifications sent to
// the user here.
try {
$result = $this->send_to_handler();
} catch (\core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception $e) {
// We know about these kinds of errors and they should result in the user being notified of the
// failure. Send the user a notification here.
// Returning to normal cron user.
mtrace("-- Returning to the original user.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// An unknown error occurred. The user is not informed, but the administrator is.
mtrace("-- Message processing failed. An unexpected exception was thrown. Details follow.");
// Returning to normal cron user.
mtrace("-- Returning to the original user.");
if ($result) {
// Handle message cleanup. Messages are deleted once fully processed.
mtrace("-- Marking the message for removal.");
messageuid: $messageuid,
} else {
mtrace("-- The Inbound Message processor did not return a success status. Skipping message removal.");
// Returning to normal cron user.
mtrace("-- Returning to the original user.");
mtrace("-- Finished processing " . $messageuid);
// Skip the outer loop too. The message has already been processed and it could be possible for there to
// be two recipients in the envelope which match somehow.
* Process a message to retrieve it's header data without body.
* @param \rcube_message_header $envelope The Envelope of the message
* @param int $messageuid The message Uid to process
* @return \stdClass|null The current value of the messagedata
private function process_message_data(
\rcube_message_header $envelope,
int $messageuid,
): ?\stdClass {
// Retrieve the message with necessary information.
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$messagedata = reset($messages);
if (!$messagedata) {
// Message was not found! Somehow it has been removed or is no longer returned.
return null;
// The message ID should always be in the first part.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->messageid = htmlentities($messagedata->get('Message-ID', false));
$data->subject = $messagedata->get('SUBJECT', false);
$data->timestamp = strtotime($messagedata->get('DATE', false));
$data->envelope = $envelope;
$data->data = $this->addressmanager->get_data();
$this->currentmessagedata = $data;
return $this->currentmessagedata;
* Process a message again to add body and attachment data.
* @param int $messageuid The message Uid
* @return \stdClass|null The current value of the messagedata
private function process_message_data_body(
int $messageuid,
): ?\stdClass {
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$messagedata = reset($messages);
$structure = $messagedata->bodystructure;
// Store the data for this message.
$contentplain = '';
$contenthtml = '';
$attachments = [
'inline' => [],
'attachment' => [],
$parameters = [];
foreach ($structure as $partno => $part) {
if (!is_array($part)) {
$section = $partno + 1;
// Subpart recursion.
if (is_array($part[0])) {
foreach ($part as $subpartno => $subpart) {
if (!is_array($subpart)) {
$subsection = $subpartno + 1;
messageuid: $messageuid,
partstructure: $subpart,
section: $section . '.' . $subsection,
contentplain: $contentplain,
contenthtml: $contenthtml,
attachments: $attachments,
parameters: $parameters,
} else {
messageuid: $messageuid,
partstructure: $part,
section: $section,
contentplain: $contentplain,
contenthtml: $contenthtml,
attachments: $attachments,
parameters: $parameters,
// The message ID should always be in the first part.
$this->currentmessagedata->plain = $contentplain;
$this->currentmessagedata->html = $contenthtml;
$this->currentmessagedata->attachments = $attachments;
return $this->currentmessagedata;
* Process message data body part.
* @param int $messageuid Message uid to process.
* @param array $partstructure Body part structure.
* @param string $section Section number.
* @param string $contentplain Plain text content.
* @param string $contenthtml HTML content.
* @param array $attachments Attachments.
* @param array $parameters Parameters.
private function process_message_data_body_part(
int $messageuid,
array $partstructure,
string $section,
string &$contentplain,
string &$contenthtml,
array &$attachments,
array &$parameters,
): void {
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
'BODY[' . $section . ']',
if ($messages) {
$messagedata = reset($messages);
// Parse encoding.
$encoding = array_search(
needle: strtoupper($partstructure[5]),
haystack: utils::get_body_encoding(),
// Parse subtype.
$subtype = strtoupper($partstructure[1]);
// Section part may be encoded, even plain text messages, so check everything.
if ($encoding == utils::ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE) {
$data = quoted_printable_decode($messagedata->bodypart[$section]);
} else if ($encoding == utils::ENCBASE64) {
$data = base64_decode($messagedata->bodypart[$section]);
} else {
$data = $messagedata->bodypart[$section];
// Parse parameters.
$parameters = $this->process_message_body_structure_parameters(
attributes: $partstructure[2],
parameters: $parameters,
// Parse content id.
$contentid = '';
if (!empty($partstructure[3])) {
$contentid = htmlentities($partstructure[3]);
// Parse description.
$description = '';
if (!empty($partstructure[4])) {
$description = $partstructure[4];
// Parse size of contents in bytes.
$bytes = intval($partstructure[6]);
// PLAIN text.
if ($subtype == 'PLAIN') {
$contentplain = $this->process_message_part_body(
bodycontent: $data,
charset: $parameters['CHARSET'],
// HTML.
if ($subtype == 'HTML') {
$contenthtml = $this->process_message_part_body(
bodycontent: $data,
charset: $parameters['CHARSET'],
if (isset($parameters['NAME']) || isset($parameters['FILENAME'])) {
$filename = $parameters['NAME'] ?? $parameters['FILENAME'];
if (
$attachment = $this->process_message_part_attachment(
filename: $filename,
filecontent: $data,
contentid: $contentid,
filesize: $bytes,
description: $description,
) {
// Parse disposition.
$disposition = null;
if (is_array($partstructure[8])) {
$disposition = strtolower($partstructure[8][0]);
$disposition = $disposition == 'inline' ? 'inline' : 'attachment';
$attachments[$disposition][] = $attachment;
* Process message data body parameters.
* @param array $attributes List of attributes.
* @param array $parameters List of parameters.
* @return array
private function process_message_body_structure_parameters(
array $attributes,
array $parameters,
): array {
if (empty($attributes)) {
return [];
$attribute = null;
foreach ($attributes as $value) {
if (empty($attribute)) {
$attribute = [
'attribute' => $value,
'value' => null,
} else {
$attribute['value'] = $value;
$parameters[] = (object) $attribute;
$attribute = null;
$params = [];
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
if (isset($parameter->attribute)) {
$params[$parameter->attribute] = $parameter->value;
return $params;
* Process the message body content.
* @param string $bodycontent The message body.
* @param string $charset The charset of the message body.
* @return string Processed content.
private function process_message_part_body(
string $bodycontent,
string $charset,
): string {
// This is a content section for the main body.
// Convert the text from the current encoding to UTF8.
$content = \core_text::convert($bodycontent, $charset);
// Fix any invalid UTF8 characters.
// Note: XSS cleaning is not the responsibility of this code. It occurs immediately before display when
// format_text is called.
$content = clean_param($content, PARAM_RAW);
return $content;
* Process a message again to add body and attachment data.
* @param string $filename The filename of the attachment.
* @param string $filecontent The content of the attachment.
* @param string $contentid The content id of the attachment.
* @param int $filesize The size of the attachment.
* @param string $description The description of the attachment.
* @return \stdClass
private function process_message_part_attachment(
string $filename,
string $filecontent,
string $contentid,
int $filesize,
string $description = '',
): \stdClass {
global $CFG;
// If a filename is present, assume that this part is an attachment.
$attachment = new \stdClass();
$attachment->filename = $filename;
$attachment->content = $filecontent;
$attachment->description = $description;
$attachment->contentid = $contentid;
$attachment->filesize = $filesize;
if (!empty($CFG->antiviruses)) {
// Virus scanning is removed and will be brought back by MDL-50434.
return $attachment;
* Check whether the key provided is valid.
* @param int $status The status to validate.
* @return bool
private function passes_key_validation(
int $status,
): bool {
// The validation result is tested in a bitwise operation.
if ((
$status & ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_SUCCESS
& ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_UNKNOWN_DATAKEY
& ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_EXPIRED_DATAKEY
& ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_INVALID_HASH
& ~ \core\message\inbound\address_manager::VALIDATION_ADDRESS_MISMATCH) !== 0) {
// One of the above bits was found in the status - fail the validation.
return false;
return true;
* Add the specified flag to the message.
* @param int $messageuid Message uid to process
* @param string $flag The flag to add
private function add_flag_to_message(
int $messageuid,
string $flag,
): void {
// Add flag to the message.
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
messages: $messageuid,
flag: strtoupper(substr($flag, 1)),
* Remove the specified flag from the message.
* @param int $messageuid Message uid to process
* @param string $flag The flag to remove
private function remove_flag_from_message(
int $messageuid,
string $flag,
): void {
// Remove the flag from the message.
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
messages: $messageuid,
flag: strtoupper(substr($flag, 1)),
* Check whether the message has the specified flag
* @param int $messageuid Message uid to check.
* @param string $flag The flag to check.
* @return bool True if the message has the flag, false otherwise.
private function message_has_flag(
int $messageuid,
string $flag,
): bool {
// Grab the message data with flags.
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$messagedata = reset($messages);
$flags = $messagedata->flags;
return array_key_exists(
key: strtoupper(substr($flag, 1)),
array: $flags,
* Ensure that all mailboxes exist.
private function ensure_mailboxes_exist(): void {
$requiredmailboxes = [
$existingmailboxes = $this->client->listMailboxes(
ref: '',
mailbox: '*',
foreach ($requiredmailboxes as $mailbox) {
if (in_array($mailbox, $existingmailboxes)) {
// This mailbox was found.
mtrace("Unable to find the '{$mailbox}' mailbox - creating it.");
mailbox: $mailbox,
* Attempt to determine whether this message is a bulk message (e.g. automated reply).
* @param int $messageuid The message uid to check
* @return boolean
private function is_bulk_message(
int $messageuid,
): bool {
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
'BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (Precedence X-Autoreply X-Autorespond Auto-Submitted)]',
$headerinfo = reset($messages);
// Assume that this message is not bulk to begin with.
$isbulk = false;
// An auto-reply may itself include the Bulk Precedence.
$precedence = $headerinfo->get('Precedence', false);
$isbulk = $isbulk || strtolower($precedence ?? '') == 'bulk';
// If the X-Autoreply header is set, and not 'no', then this is an automatic reply.
$autoreply = $headerinfo->get('X-Autoreply', false);
$isbulk = $isbulk || ($autoreply && $autoreply != 'no');
// If the X-Autorespond header is set, and not 'no', then this is an automatic response.
$autorespond = $headerinfo->get('X-Autorespond', false);
$isbulk = $isbulk || ($autorespond && $autorespond != 'no');
// If the Auto-Submitted header is set, and not 'no', then this is a non-human response.
$autosubmitted = $headerinfo->get('Auto-Submitted', false);
$isbulk = $isbulk || ($autosubmitted && $autosubmitted != 'no');
return $isbulk;
* Send the message to the appropriate handler.
* @return bool
* @throws \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception if anything goes wrong.
private function send_to_handler() {
try {
mtrace("--> Passing to Inbound Message handler {$this->addressmanager->get_handler()->classname}");
if ($result = $this->addressmanager->handle_message($this->currentmessagedata)) {
$this->inform_user_of_success($this->currentmessagedata, $result);
// Request that this message be marked for deletion.
return true;
} catch (\core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception $e) {
mtrace("-> The Inbound Message handler threw an exception. Unable to process this message. The user has been informed.");
mtrace("--> " . $e->getMessage());
// Throw the exception again, with additional data.
$error = new \stdClass();
$error->subject = $this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject;
$error->message = $e->getMessage();
throw new \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception('messageprocessingfailed', 'tool_messageinbound', $error);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
mtrace("-> The Inbound Message handler threw an exception. Unable to process this message. User informed.");
mtrace("--> " . $e->getMessage());
// An unknown error occurred. Still inform the user but, this time do not include the specific
// message information.
$error = new \stdClass();
$error->subject = $this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject;
throw new \core\message\inbound\processing_failed_exception('messageprocessingfailedunknown',
'tool_messageinbound', $error);
// Something went wrong and the message was not handled well in the Inbound Message handler.
mtrace("-> The Inbound Message handler reported an error. The message may not have been processed.");
// It is the responsiblity of the handler to throw an appropriate exception if the message was not processed.
// Do not inform the user at this point.
return false;
* Handle failure of sender verification.
* This will send a notification to the user identified in the Inbound Message address informing them that a message has been
* stored. The message includes a verification link and reply-to address which is handled by the
* invalid_recipient_handler.
* @param int $messageuid The message uid to process.
* @param string $recipient The message recipient
* @return bool
private function handle_verification_failure(
int $messageuid,
string $recipient,
): bool {
global $DB, $USER;
$messageid = $this->get_message_sequence_from_uid($messageuid);
if ($messageid == $this->currentmessagedata->messageid) {
mtrace("---> Warning: Unable to determine the Message-ID of the message.");
return false;
// Move the message into a new mailbox.
messages: $messageuid,
from: $this->get_mailbox(),
to: $this->get_confirmation_folder(),
// Store the data from the failed message in the associated table.
$record = new \stdClass();
$record->messageid = $messageuid;
$record->userid = $USER->id;
$record->address = $recipient;
$record->timecreated = time();
$record->id = $DB->insert_record('messageinbound_messagelist', $record);
// Setup the Inbound Message generator for the invalid recipient handler.
$addressmanager = new \core\message\inbound\address_manager();
$eventdata = new \core\message\message();
$eventdata->component = 'tool_messageinbound';
$eventdata->name = 'invalidrecipienthandler';
$userfrom = clone $USER;
$userfrom->customheaders = array();
// Adding the In-Reply-To header ensures that it is seen as a reply.
$userfrom->customheaders[] = 'In-Reply-To: ' . $messageuid;
// The message will be sent from the intended user.
$eventdata->courseid = SITEID;
$eventdata->userfrom = \core_user::get_noreply_user();
$eventdata->userto = $USER;
$eventdata->subject = $this->get_reply_subject($this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject);
$eventdata->fullmessage = get_string('invalidrecipientdescription', 'tool_messageinbound', $this->currentmessagedata);
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = get_string('invalidrecipientdescriptionhtml', 'tool_messageinbound', $this->currentmessagedata);
$eventdata->smallmessage = $eventdata->fullmessage;
$eventdata->notification = 1;
$eventdata->replyto = $addressmanager->generate($USER->id);
mtrace("--> Sending a message to the user to report an verification failure.");
if (!message_send($eventdata)) {
mtrace("---> Warning: Message could not be sent.");
return false;
return true;
* Inform the identified sender of a processing error.
* @param string $error The error message
private function inform_user_of_error($error) {
global $USER;
// The message will be sent from the intended user.
$userfrom = clone $USER;
$userfrom->customheaders = array();
if ($messageid = $this->currentmessagedata->messageid) {
// Adding the In-Reply-To header ensures that it is seen as a reply and threading is maintained.
$userfrom->customheaders[] = 'In-Reply-To: ' . $messageid;
$messagedata = new \stdClass();
$messagedata->subject = $this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject;
$messagedata->error = $error;
$eventdata = new \core\message\message();
$eventdata->courseid = SITEID;
$eventdata->component = 'tool_messageinbound';
$eventdata->name = 'messageprocessingerror';
$eventdata->userfrom = $userfrom;
$eventdata->userto = $USER;
$eventdata->subject = self::get_reply_subject($this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject);
$eventdata->fullmessage = get_string('messageprocessingerror', 'tool_messageinbound', $messagedata);
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = get_string('messageprocessingerrorhtml', 'tool_messageinbound', $messagedata);
$eventdata->smallmessage = $eventdata->fullmessage;
$eventdata->notification = 1;
if (message_send($eventdata)) {
mtrace("---> Notification sent to {$USER->email}.");
} else {
mtrace("---> Unable to send notification.");
* Inform the identified sender that message processing was successful.
* @param \stdClass $messagedata The data for the current message being processed.
* @param mixed $handlerresult The result returned by the handler.
* @return bool
private function inform_user_of_success(\stdClass $messagedata, $handlerresult) {
global $USER;
// Check whether the handler has a success notification.
$handler = $this->addressmanager->get_handler();
$message = $handler->get_success_message($messagedata, $handlerresult);
if (!$message) {
mtrace("---> Handler has not defined a success notification e-mail.");
return false;
// Wrap the message in the notification wrapper.
$messageparams = new \stdClass();
$messageparams->html = $message->html;
$messageparams->plain = $message->plain;
$messagepreferencesurl = new \moodle_url("/message/notificationpreferences.php", array('id' => $USER->id));
$messageparams->messagepreferencesurl = $messagepreferencesurl->out();
$htmlmessage = get_string('messageprocessingsuccesshtml', 'tool_messageinbound', $messageparams);
$plainmessage = get_string('messageprocessingsuccess', 'tool_messageinbound', $messageparams);
// The message will be sent from the intended user.
$userfrom = clone $USER;
$userfrom->customheaders = array();
if ($messageid = $this->currentmessagedata->messageid) {
// Adding the In-Reply-To header ensures that it is seen as a reply and threading is maintained.
$userfrom->customheaders[] = 'In-Reply-To: ' . $messageid;
$messagedata = new \stdClass();
$messagedata->subject = $this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject;
$eventdata = new \core\message\message();
$eventdata->courseid = SITEID;
$eventdata->component = 'tool_messageinbound';
$eventdata->name = 'messageprocessingsuccess';
$eventdata->userfrom = $userfrom;
$eventdata->userto = $USER;
$eventdata->subject = self::get_reply_subject($this->currentmessagedata->envelope->subject);
$eventdata->fullmessage = $plainmessage;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $htmlmessage;
$eventdata->smallmessage = $eventdata->fullmessage;
$eventdata->notification = 1;
if (message_send($eventdata)) {
mtrace("---> Success notification sent to {$USER->email}.");
} else {
mtrace("---> Unable to send success notification.");
return true;
* Return a formatted subject line for replies.
* @param string $subject The subject string
* @return string The formatted reply subject
private function get_reply_subject($subject) {
$prefix = get_string('replysubjectprefix', 'tool_messageinbound');
if (!(substr($subject, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix)) {
$subject = $prefix . ' ' . $subject;
return $subject;
* Parse the address from the envelope.
* @param array $addresslist List of email addresses to parse.
* @return array|null List of parsed email addresses.
protected function get_address_from_envelope(array $addresslist): array|null {
if (empty($addresslist)) {
return null;
$parsedaddressentry = [];
foreach ($addresslist as $addressentry) {
$parsedaddressentry[] = "{$addressentry[2]}@{$addressentry[3]}";
return $parsedaddressentry;
* Get the message sequence number from the message uid.
* @param int $messageuid The message uid to process.
* @return int The message sequence number.
protected function get_message_sequence_from_uid(
int $messageuid,
): int {
$messages = $this->client->fetch(
mailbox: $this->get_mailbox(),
message_set: $messageuid,
is_uid: true,
query_items: [
$messagedata = reset($messages);
return $messagedata->sequence;
* Switch mailbox.
* @param string $mailbox The mailbox to switch to.
protected function select_mailbox(
string $mailbox,
): void {
$this->client->select(mailbox: $mailbox);
* We use Roundcube Framework to receive the emails.
* This method will load the required dependencies.
protected function load_dependencies(): void {
global $CFG;
$dependencies = [
array_map(fn($file) => require_once("$CFG->dirroot/$CFG->admin/tool/messageinbound/roundcube/{$file}"), $dependencies);