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@tool @javascript @tool_lp @tool_lp_user_evidence_comp_link
Feature: Manage competencies linked to evidence of prior learning
To link or unlink competency to evidence of prior learning
As learning plan admin
I need to link and unlink competencies from evidence of prior learning
Given the following lp "frameworks" exist:
| shortname | idnumber |
| Test-Framework | ID-FW1 |
And the following lp "competencies" exist:
| shortname | framework |
| Test-Comp1 | ID-FW1 |
| Test-Comp2 | ID-FW1 |
And the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description |
| Test-Plan | admin | Plan description |
And the following lp "plancompetencies" exist:
| plan | competency |
| Test-Plan | Test-Comp1 |
| Test-Plan | Test-Comp2 |
And the following lp "userevidence" exist:
| name | description | user |
| Test-Evidence | Description evidence | admin |
When I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
And I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "Evidence of prior learning"
Scenario: Link competency to evidence of prior learning from page
Given I follow "Evidence of prior learning"
And I should see "List of evidence"
And I should see "Test-Evidence"
And I click on "Test-Evidence" "link"
And I should see "Linked competencies"
And I press "Link competencies"
And "Competency picker" "dialogue" should be visible
And I select "Test-Comp1" of the competency tree
When I click on "Add" "button" in the "Competency picker" "dialogue"
Then "Test-Comp1" "table_row" should exist
Scenario: Link competency to evidence of prior learning from list
Given I follow "Evidence of prior learning"
And I change window size to "large"
And I should see "List of evidence"
And I should see "Test-Evidence"
And I click on "Link" of edit menu in the "Test-Evidence" row
And "Competency picker" "dialogue" should be visible
And I select "Test-Comp2" of the competency tree
When I click on "Add" "button" in the "Competency picker" "dialogue"
Then "Test-Comp2" "table_row" should exist
Scenario: Unlink competency from evidence of prior learning
Given the following lp "userevidencecompetencies" exist:
| userevidence | competency |
| Test-Evidence | Test-Comp1 |
| Test-Evidence | Test-Comp2 |
Given the following lp "usercompetencies" exist:
| user | competency |
| admin | Test-Comp1 |
| admin | Test-Comp2 |
And I follow "Evidence of prior learning"
And I should see "List of evidence"
And I should see "Test-Evidence"
And I click on "Test-Evidence" "link"
And I should see "Linked competencies"
And I should see "Test-Comp1"
And I should see "Test-Comp2"
When I click on "Delete" "link" in the "Test-Comp1" "table_row"
And I wait until the page is ready
Then I should not see "Test-Comp1"
And I should see "Test-Comp2"