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@tool @javascript @tool_lp @tool_lp_plan_workflow
Feature: Manage plan workflow
As a user
In order to change the status of plan
I need to be able to change the status of a plan
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| user1 | User | 1 | |
| user2 | User | 2 | |
| manager1 | Manager | 1 | |
And the following "roles" exist:
| shortname | name | archetype |
| usermanageowndraftplan | User manage own draft plan role | user |
| usermanageownplan | User manage own plan role | user |
| manageplan | Manager all plans role | manager |
And the following "role capabilities" exist:
| role | moodle/competency:planmanageowndraft | moodle/competency:planmanageown |
| usermanageowndraftplan | allow | |
| usermanageownplan | allow | allow |
| manageplan | allow | allow |
And the following "role capability" exists:
| role | manageplan |
| moodle/competency:planmanage | allow |
| moodle/competency:planview | allow |
| moodle/competency:planreview | allow |
| moodle/competency:planrequestreview | allow |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| user1 | usermanageowndraftplan | System | |
| user2 | usermanageownplan | System | |
| manager1 | manageplan | System | |
And the following lp "frameworks" exist:
| shortname | idnumber |
| Test-Framework | ID-FW1 |
And the following lp "competencies" exist:
| shortname | framework |
| Test-Comp1 | ID-FW1 |
| Test-Comp2 | ID-FW1 |
And the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description |
| Test-Plan1 | user1 | Description of plan for user 1 |
| Test-Plan2 | user2 | Description of plan for user 2 |
And the following lp "plancompetencies" exist:
| plan | competency |
| Test-Plan1 | Test-Comp1 |
| Test-Plan1 | Test-Comp2 |
| Test-Plan2 | Test-Comp1 |
| Test-Plan2 | Test-Comp2 |
And the following "blocks" exist:
| blockname | contextlevel | reference | pagetypepattern | defaultregion |
| lp | System | 1 | my-index | content |
Scenario: User can manages his own plan draft
Given I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
When I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "List of learning plans"
And I should see "Test-Plan1"
And I should not see "Test-Plan2"
And I click on "Request review" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan1" row
And I should see "Waiting for review"
And I click on "Cancel review" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan1" row
And I should see "Draft"
And I log out
Scenario: User can manages his own plan
Given I log in as "user2"
And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
When I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "List of learning plans"
And I should see "Test-Plan2"
And I should not see "Test-Plan1"
And I click on "Request review" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I should see "Waiting for review"
And I click on "Start review" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I should see "In review"
And I click on "Finish review" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I should see "Draft"
And I click on "Make active" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I should see "Active"
And I click on "Complete this learning plan" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I click on "Complete this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I should see "Complete"
And I click on "Reopen this learning plan" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan2" row
And I click on "Reopen this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I should see "Active"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager can see learning plan with status waiting for review
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status |
| Test-Plan3 | user2 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | waiting for review |
| Test-Plan4 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | draft |
When I log in as "manager1"
Then I should see "Test-Plan3"
And I should not see "Test-Plan4"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager can start review of learning plan with status waiting for review
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | waiting for review |
And I log in as "manager1"
And I follow "Test-Plan3"
And I should see "User 1"
And I should see "Test-Plan3"
When I follow "Start review"
Then I should see "In review"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager can reject a learning plan with status in review
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status | reviewer |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | in review | manager1 |
And I log in as "manager1"
And I follow "Test-Plan3"
And I should see "User 1"
And I should see "Test-Plan3"
And I should see "In review"
When I follow "Finish review"
Then I should see "Draft"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager can accept a learning plan with status in review
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status | reviewer |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | in review | manager1 |
And I log in as "manager1"
And I follow "Test-Plan3"
And I should see "User 1"
And I should see "Test-Plan3"
And I should see "In review"
When I follow "Make active"
Then I should see "Active"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager send back to draft an active learning plan
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status | reviewer |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | active | manager1 |
| Test-Plan4 | user1 | Description of plan 4 for user 1 | active | manager1 |
And I am on the "user1" "user > profile" page logged in as "manager1"
And I follow "Learning plans"
And I should see "List of learning plans"
When I click on "Send back to draft" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan3" row
And I follow "Test-Plan4"
And I follow "Send back to draft"
And I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "Draft"
And I should not see "Active"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager change an active learning plan to completed
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status | reviewer |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | active | manager1 |
| Test-Plan4 | user1 | Description of plan 4 for user 1 | active | manager1 |
And I am on the "user1" "user > profile" page logged in as "manager1"
And I follow "Learning plans"
And I should see "List of learning plans"
When I click on "Complete this learning plan" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan3" row
And I click on "Complete this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I follow "Test-Plan4"
And I follow "Complete this learning plan"
And I click on "Complete this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "Complete"
And I should not see "Active"
And I log out
Scenario: Manager reopen a complete learning plan
Given the following lp "plans" exist:
| name | user | description | status | reviewer |
| Test-Plan3 | user1 | Description of plan 3 for user 1 | complete | manager1 |
| Test-Plan4 | user1 | Description of plan 4 for user 1 | complete | manager1 |
And I am on the "user1" "user > profile" page logged in as "manager1"
And I follow "Learning plans"
And I should see "List of learning plans"
When I click on "Reopen this learning plan" of edit menu in the "Test-Plan3" row
And I click on "Reopen this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I follow "Test-Plan4"
And I follow "Reopen this learning plan"
And I click on "Reopen this learning plan" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I follow "Learning plans"
Then I should see "Active"
And I should not see "Complete"
And I log out