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@tool @tool_generator @_file_upload
Feature: Create testing scenarios using generators
In order to execute manual tests
As a developer
I need to use a feature file to execute generators into the current instance
Scenario: Create a testing scenario with a course enrolled users and activities
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
And I should see "Scenario: Create course content"
Then I am on the "C1" "Course" page
And I should see "Activity sample 1" in the "Section 1" "section"
And I should see "Activity sample 2" in the "Section 1" "section"
And I navigate to course participants
And I should see "Teacher Test1"
And I should see "Student Test1"
And I should see "Student Test2"
And I should see "Student Test3"
And I should see "Student Test4"
And I should see "Student Test5"
Scenario: Prevent creating a testing scenario with no steps to execute
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario_wrongempty.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
Then I should see "There are no steps to execute in the file."
Scenario: Prevent creating a testing scenario with only background steps to execute
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario_wrongonlybackground.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
Then I should see "There are no steps to execute in the file."
Scenario: Prevent creating a testing scenario with a wrong file format
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario_wrongformat.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
Then I should see "Error parsing feature file"
Scenario: Prevent creating a testing scenario with non generator steps
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario_wrongstep.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
Then I should see "The file format is not valid or contains invalid steps"
Scenario: Prevent creating a testing scenario from a scenario outline
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Create testing scenarios" in site administration
When I upload "admin/tool/generator/tests/fixtures/testscenario/scenario_wrongoutline.feature" file to "Feature file" filemanager
And I press "Import"
Then I should see "Scenario outlines are not supported"
Then I should see "There are no steps to execute in the file"