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* Test plan generator.
* @package tool_generator
* @copyright 2013 David Monllaó
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Generates the files required by JMeter.
* @package tool_generator
* @copyright 2013 David Monllaó
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class tool_generator_testplan_backend extends tool_generator_backend {
* @var The URL to the repository of the external project.
protected static $repourl = '';
* @var Number of users depending on the selected size.
protected static $users = array(1, 30, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000);
* @var Number of loops depending on the selected size.
protected static $loops = array(5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7);
* @var Rampup period depending on the selected size.
protected static $rampups = array(1, 6, 40, 100, 500, 800);
* Gets a list of size choices supported by this backend.
* @return array List of size (int) => text description for display
public static function get_size_choices() {
$options = array();
for ($size = self::MIN_SIZE; $size <= self::MAX_SIZE; $size++) {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->users = self::$users[$size];
$a->loops = self::$loops[$size];
$a->rampup = self::$rampups[$size];
$options[$size] = get_string('testplansize_' . $size, 'tool_generator', $a);
return $options;
* Getter for moodle-performance-comparison project URL.
* @return string
public static function get_repourl() {
return self::$repourl;
* Creates the test plan file.
* @param int $courseid The target course id
* @param int $size The test plan size
* @return stored_file
public static function create_testplan_file($courseid, $size) {
$jmxcontents = self::generate_test_plan($courseid, $size);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$filerecord = self::get_file_record('testplan', 'jmx');
return $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $jmxcontents);
* Creates the users data file.
* @param int $courseid The target course id
* @param bool $updateuserspassword Updates the course users password to $CFG->tool_generator_users_password
* @param int|null $size of the test plan. Used to limit the number of users exported
* to match the threads in the plan. For BC, defaults to null that means all enrolled users.
* @return stored_file
public static function create_users_file($courseid, $updateuserspassword, ?int $size = null) {
$csvcontents = self::generate_users_file($courseid, $updateuserspassword, $size);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$filerecord = self::get_file_record('users', 'csv');
return $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $csvcontents);
* Generates the test plan according to the target course contents.
* @param int $targetcourseid The target course id
* @param int $size The test plan size
* @return string The test plan as a string
protected static function generate_test_plan($targetcourseid, $size) {
global $CFG;
// Getting the template.
$template = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../testplan.template.jmx');
// Getting the course modules data.
$coursedata = self::get_course_test_data($targetcourseid);
// Host and path to the site.
$urlcomponents = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot);
if (empty($urlcomponents['path'])) {
$urlcomponents['path'] = '';
$replacements = array(
get_string('shortsize_' . $size, 'tool_generator'),
$placeholders = array(
// Fill the template with the target course values.
return str_replace($placeholders, $replacements, $template);
* Generates the user's credentials file with all the course's users
* @param int $targetcourseid
* @param bool $updateuserspassword Updates the course users password to $CFG->tool_generator_users_password
* @param int|null $size of the test plan. Used to limit the number of users exported
* to match the threads in the plan. For BC, defaults to null that means all enrolled users.
* @return string The users csv file contents.
protected static function generate_users_file($targetcourseid, $updateuserspassword, ?int $size = null) {
global $CFG;
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($targetcourseid);
// If requested, get the number of users (threads) to use in the plan. We only need those in the exported file.
$planusers = self::$users[$size] ?? 0;
$users = get_enrolled_users($coursecontext, '', 0, ', u.username, u.auth', 'u.username ASC', 0, $planusers);
if (!$users) {
throw new \moodle_exception('coursewithoutusers', 'tool_generator');
$lines = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
// Updating password to the one set in config.php.
if ($updateuserspassword) {
$userauth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
if (!$userauth->user_update_password($user, $CFG->tool_generator_users_password)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('errorpasswordupdate', 'auth');
// Here we already checked that $CFG->tool_generator_users_password is not null.
$lines[] = $user->username . ',' . $CFG->tool_generator_users_password;
return implode(PHP_EOL, $lines);
* Returns a tool_generator file record
* @param string $filearea testplan or users
* @param string $filetype The file extension jmx or csv
* @return stdClass The file record to use when creating tool_generator files
protected static function get_file_record($filearea, $filetype) {
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$filerecord = new stdClass();
$filerecord->contextid = $systemcontext->id;
$filerecord->component = 'tool_generator';
$filerecord->filearea = $filearea;
$filerecord->itemid = 0;
$filerecord->filepath = '/';
// Random generated number to avoid concurrent execution problems.
$filerecord->filename = $filearea . '_' . date('YmdHi', time()) . '_' . rand(1000, 9999) . '.' . $filetype;
return $filerecord;
* Gets the data required to fill the test plan template with the database contents.
* @param int $targetcourseid The target course id
* @return stdClass The ids required by the test plan
protected static function get_course_test_data($targetcourseid) {
global $DB, $USER;
$data = new stdClass();
// Getting course contents info as the current user (will be an admin).
$course = new stdClass();
$course->id = $targetcourseid;
$courseinfo = new course_modinfo($course, $USER->id);
// Getting the first page module instance.
if (!$pages = $courseinfo->get_instances_of('page')) {
throw new \moodle_exception('error_nopageinstances', 'tool_generator');
$data->pageid = reset($pages)->id;
// Getting the first forum module instance and it's first discussion and reply as well.
if (!$forums = $courseinfo->get_instances_of('forum')) {
throw new \moodle_exception('error_noforuminstances', 'tool_generator');
$forum = reset($forums);
// Getting the first discussion (and reply).
if (!$discussions = forum_get_discussions($forum, 'd.timemodified ASC', false, -1, 1)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('error_noforumdiscussions', 'tool_generator');
$discussion = reset($discussions);
$data->forumid = $forum->id;
$data->forumdiscussionid = $discussion->discussion;
$data->forumreplyid = $discussion->id;
// According to the current test plan.
return $data;
* Checks if the selected target course is ok.
* @param int|string $course
* @param int $size
* @return array Errors array or false if everything is ok
public static function has_selected_course_any_problem($course, $size) {
global $DB;
$errors = array();
if (!is_numeric($course)) {
if (!$course = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname' => $course))) {
$errors['courseid'] = get_string('error_nonexistingcourse', 'tool_generator');
return $errors;
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course, IGNORE_MISSING);
if (!$coursecontext) {
$errors['courseid'] = get_string('error_nonexistingcourse', 'tool_generator');
return $errors;
if (!$users = get_enrolled_users($coursecontext, '', 0, '')) {
$errors['courseid'] = get_string('coursewithoutusers', 'tool_generator');
// Checks that the selected course has enough users.
$coursesizes = tool_generator_course_backend::get_users_per_size();
if (count($users) < self::$users[$size]) {
$errors['size'] = get_string('notenoughusers', 'tool_generator');
if (empty($errors)) {
return false;
return $errors;