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* Data privacy plugin library
* @package tool_dataprivacy
* @copyright 2018 onwards Jun Pataleta
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
use core_user\output\myprofile\tree;
use tool_dataprivacy\form\exportfilter_form;
* Add nodes to myprofile page.
* @param tree $tree Tree object
* @param stdClass $user User object
* @param bool $iscurrentuser
* @param stdClass $course Course object
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
* @throws moodle_exception
function tool_dataprivacy_myprofile_navigation(tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course) {
global $PAGE, $USER;
// Get the Privacy and policies category.
if (!array_key_exists('privacyandpolicies', $tree->__get('categories'))) {
// Create the category.
$categoryname = get_string('privacyandpolicies', 'admin');
$category = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('privacyandpolicies', $categoryname, 'contact');
} else {
// Get the existing category.
$category = $tree->__get('categories')['privacyandpolicies'];
// Contact data protection officer link.
if (\tool_dataprivacy\api::can_contact_dpo() && $iscurrentuser) {
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('tool_dataprivacy');
$content = $renderer->render_contact_dpo_link();
$node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('privacyandpolicies', 'contactdpo', null, null, null, $content);
// Require our Javascript module to handle contact DPO interaction.
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_dataprivacy/contactdpo', 'init');
$url = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/dataprivacy/mydatarequests.php');
$node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('privacyandpolicies', 'datarequests',
get_string('datarequests', 'tool_dataprivacy'), null, $url);
// Check if the user has an ongoing data export request.
$hasexportrequest = \tool_dataprivacy\api::has_ongoing_request($user->id, \tool_dataprivacy\api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT);
// Show data export link only if the user doesn't have an ongoing data export request and has permission
// to download own data.
if (!$hasexportrequest && \tool_dataprivacy\api::can_create_data_download_request_for_self()) {
$exportparams = ['type' => \tool_dataprivacy\api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT];
$exporturl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/dataprivacy/createdatarequest.php', $exportparams);
$exportnode = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('privacyandpolicies', 'requestdataexport',
get_string('requesttypeexport', 'tool_dataprivacy'), null, $exporturl);
// Check if the user has an ongoing data deletion request.
$hasdeleterequest = \tool_dataprivacy\api::has_ongoing_request($user->id, \tool_dataprivacy\api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_DELETE);
// Show data deletion link only if the user doesn't have an ongoing data deletion request and has permission
// to create data deletion request.
if (!$hasdeleterequest && \tool_dataprivacy\api::can_create_data_deletion_request_for_self()) {
$deleteparams = ['type' => \tool_dataprivacy\api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_DELETE];
$deleteurl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/dataprivacy/createdatarequest.php', $deleteparams);
$deletenode = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('privacyandpolicies', 'requestdatadeletion',
get_string('deletemyaccount', 'tool_dataprivacy'), null, $deleteurl);
// A returned 0 means that the setting was set and disabled, false means that there is no value for the provided setting.
$showsummary = get_config('tool_dataprivacy', 'showdataretentionsummary');
if ($showsummary === false) {
// This means that no value is stored in db. We use the default value in this case.
$showsummary = true;
if ($showsummary && $iscurrentuser) {
$summaryurl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/dataprivacy/summary.php');
$summarynode = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('privacyandpolicies', 'retentionsummary',
get_string('dataretentionsummary', 'tool_dataprivacy'), null, $summaryurl);
// Add the Privacy category to the tree if it's not empty and it doesn't exist.
$nodes = $category->nodes;
if (!empty($nodes)) {
if (!array_key_exists('privacyandpolicies', $tree->__get('categories'))) {
return true;
return false;
* Fragment to add a new purpose.
* @param array $args The fragment arguments.
* @return string The rendered mform fragment.
function tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addpurpose_form($args) {
$formdata = [];
if (!empty($args['jsonformdata'])) {
$serialiseddata = json_decode($args['jsonformdata']);
parse_str($serialiseddata, $formdata);
$persistent = new \tool_dataprivacy\purpose();
$mform = new \tool_dataprivacy\form\purpose(null, ['persistent' => $persistent],
'post', '', null, true, $formdata);
if (!empty($args['jsonformdata'])) {
// Show errors if data was received.
return $mform->render();
* Fragment to add a new category.
* @param array $args The fragment arguments.
* @return string The rendered mform fragment.
function tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addcategory_form($args) {
$formdata = [];
if (!empty($args['jsonformdata'])) {
$serialiseddata = json_decode($args['jsonformdata']);
parse_str($serialiseddata, $formdata);
$persistent = new \tool_dataprivacy\category();
$mform = new \tool_dataprivacy\form\category(null, ['persistent' => $persistent],
'post', '', null, true, $formdata);
if (!empty($args['jsonformdata'])) {
// Show errors if data was received.
return $mform->render();
* Fragment to edit a context purpose and category.
* @param array $args The fragment arguments.
* @return string The rendered mform fragment.
function tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_context_form($args) {
global $PAGE;
$contextid = $args[0];
$context = \context_helper::instance_by_id($contextid);
$customdata = \tool_dataprivacy\form\context_instance::get_context_instance_customdata($context);
if (!empty($customdata['purposeretentionperiods'])) {
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_dataprivacy/effective_retention_period', 'init',
$mform = new \tool_dataprivacy\form\context_instance(null, $customdata);
return $mform->render();
* Fragment to edit a contextlevel purpose and category.
* @param array $args The fragment arguments.
* @return string The rendered mform fragment.
function tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_contextlevel_form($args) {
global $PAGE;
$contextlevel = $args[0];
$customdata = \tool_dataprivacy\form\contextlevel::get_contextlevel_customdata($contextlevel);
if (!empty($customdata['purposeretentionperiods'])) {
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_dataprivacy/effective_retention_period', 'init',
$mform = new \tool_dataprivacy\form\contextlevel(null, $customdata);
return $mform->render();
* Serves any files associated with the data privacy settings.
* @param stdClass $course Course object
* @param stdClass $cm Course module object
* @param context $context Context
* @param string $filearea File area for data privacy
* @param array $args Arguments
* @param bool $forcedownload If we are forcing the download
* @param array $options More options
* @return bool Returns false if we don't find a file.
function tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options = array()) {
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
// Make sure the user is logged in.
require_login(null, false);
// Get the data request ID. This should be the first element of the $args array.
$itemid = $args[0];
// Fetch the data request object. An invalid ID will throw an exception.
$datarequest = new \tool_dataprivacy\data_request($itemid);
// Check if user is allowed to download it.
if (!\tool_dataprivacy\api::can_download_data_request_for_user($context->instanceid, $datarequest->get('requestedby'))) {
return false;
// Make the file unavailable if it has expired.
if (\tool_dataprivacy\data_request::is_expired($datarequest)) {
// All good. Serve the exported data.
$fs = get_file_storage();
$relativepath = implode('/', $args);
$fullpath = "/$context->id/tool_dataprivacy/$filearea/$relativepath";
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, $forcedownload, $options);
} else {
* Fragment to add a select course.
* @param array $args The fragment arguments.
* @return string The rendered mform fragment.
function tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_selectcourses_form(array $args): string {
$args = (object)$args;
$context = context_system::instance();
require_capability('tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests', $context);
if (!empty($args->jsonformdata)) {
$serialiseddata = json_decode($args->jsonformdata);
$mform = new exportfilter_form(null, ['requestid' => $serialiseddata->requestid]);
return $mform->render();