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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Definition of classes used by language customization admin tool
* @package tool
* @subpackage customlang
* @copyright 2010 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Provides various utilities to be used by the plugin
* All the public methods here are static ones, this class can not be instantiated
class tool_customlang_utils {
* Rough number of strings that are being processed during a full checkout.
* This is used to estimate the progress of the checkout.
/** @var array cache of {@link self::list_components()} results */
private static $components = null;
* This class can not be instantiated
private function __construct() {
* Returns a list of all components installed on the server
* @return array (string)legacyname => (string)frankenstylename
public static function list_components() {
if (self::$components === null) {
$list['moodle'] = 'core';
$coresubsystems = core_component::get_core_subsystems();
ksort($coresubsystems); // Should be but just in case.
foreach ($coresubsystems as $name => $location) {
$list[$name] = 'core_' . $name;
$plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types();
foreach ($plugintypes as $type => $location) {
$pluginlist = core_component::get_plugin_list($type);
foreach ($pluginlist as $name => $ununsed) {
if ($type == 'mod') {
// Plugin names are now automatically validated.
$list[$name] = $type . '_' . $name;
} else {
$list[$type . '_' . $name] = $type . '_' . $name;
self::$components = $list;
return self::$components;
* Updates the translator database with the strings from files
* This should be executed each time before going to the translation page
* @param string $lang language code to checkout
* @param progress_bar $progressbar optionally, the given progress bar can be updated
public static function checkout($lang, progress_bar $progressbar = null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// For behat executions we are going to load only a few components in the
// language customisation structures. Using the whole "en" langpack is
// too much slow (leads to Selenium 30s timeouts, especially on slow
// environments) and we don't really need the whole thing for tests. So,
// apart from escaping from the timeouts, we are also saving some good minutes
// in tests. See MDL-70014 and linked issues for more info.
$behatneeded = ['core', 'core_langconfig', 'tool_customlang'];
// make sure that all components are registered
$current = $DB->get_records('tool_customlang_components', null, 'name', 'name,version,id');
foreach (self::list_components() as $component) {
// Filter out unwanted components when running behat.
if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING') && !in_array($component, $behatneeded)) {
if (empty($current[$component])) {
$record = new stdclass();
$record->name = $component;
if (!$version = get_component_version($component)) {
$record->version = null;
} else {
$record->version = $version;
$DB->insert_record('tool_customlang_components', $record);
} else if ($version = get_component_version($component)) {
if (is_null($current[$component]->version) or ($version > $current[$component]->version)) {
$DB->set_field('tool_customlang_components', 'version', $version, array('id' => $current[$component]->id));
// initialize the progress counter - stores the number of processed strings
$done = 0;
$strinprogress = get_string('checkoutinprogress', 'tool_customlang');
// reload components and fetch their strings
$stringman = get_string_manager();
$components = $DB->get_records('tool_customlang_components');
foreach ($components as $component) {
$sql = "SELECT stringid, id, lang, componentid, original, master, local, timemodified, timecustomized, outdated, modified
FROM {tool_customlang} s
WHERE lang = ? AND componentid = ?
ORDER BY stringid";
$current = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($lang, $component->id));
$english = $stringman->load_component_strings($component->name, 'en', true, true);
if ($lang == 'en') {
$master =& $english;
} else {
$master = $stringman->load_component_strings($component->name, $lang, true, true);
$local = $stringman->load_component_strings($component->name, $lang, true, false);
foreach ($english as $stringid => $stringoriginal) {
$stringmaster = isset($master[$stringid]) ? $master[$stringid] : null;
$stringlocal = isset($local[$stringid]) ? $local[$stringid] : null;
$now = time();
if (!is_null($progressbar)) {
$donepercent = floor(min($done, self::ROUGH_NUMBER_OF_STRINGS) / self::ROUGH_NUMBER_OF_STRINGS * 100);
$progressbar->update_full($donepercent, $strinprogress);
if (isset($current[$stringid])) {
$needsupdate = false;
$currentoriginal = $current[$stringid]->original;
$currentmaster = $current[$stringid]->master;
$currentlocal = $current[$stringid]->local;
if ($currentoriginal !== $stringoriginal or $currentmaster !== $stringmaster) {
$needsupdate = true;
$current[$stringid]->original = $stringoriginal;
$current[$stringid]->master = $stringmaster;
$current[$stringid]->timemodified = $now;
$current[$stringid]->outdated = 1;
if ($stringmaster !== $stringlocal) {
$needsupdate = true;
$current[$stringid]->local = $stringlocal;
$current[$stringid]->timecustomized = $now;
} else if (isset($currentlocal) && $stringlocal !== $currentlocal) {
// If local string has been removed, we need to remove also the old local value from DB.
$needsupdate = true;
$current[$stringid]->local = null;
$current[$stringid]->timecustomized = $now;
if ($needsupdate) {
$DB->update_record('tool_customlang', $current[$stringid]);
} else {
$record = new stdclass();
$record->lang = $lang;
$record->componentid = $component->id;
$record->stringid = $stringid;
$record->original = $stringoriginal;
$record->master = $stringmaster;
$record->timemodified = $now;
$record->outdated = 0;
if ($stringmaster !== $stringlocal) {
$record->local = $stringlocal;
$record->timecustomized = $now;
} else {
$record->local = null;
$record->timecustomized = null;
$DB->insert_record('tool_customlang', $record);
if (!is_null($progressbar)) {
$progressbar->update_full(100, get_string('checkoutdone', 'tool_customlang'));
* Exports the translator database into disk files
* @param mixed $lang language code
public static function checkin($lang) {
global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
if ($lang !== clean_param($lang, PARAM_LANG)) {
return false;
list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(self::list_components());
// Get all customized strings from updated valid components.
$sql = "SELECT s.*, AS component
FROM {tool_customlang} s
JOIN {tool_customlang_components} c ON s.componentid =
WHERE s.lang = ?
AND (s.local IS NOT NULL OR s.modified = 1)
AND $insql
ORDER BY componentid, stringid";
array_unshift($inparams, $lang);
$strings = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $inparams);
$files = array();
foreach ($strings as $string) {
if (!is_null($string->local)) {
$files[$string->component][$string->stringid] = $string->local;
foreach ($files as $component => $strings) {
self::dump_strings($lang, $component, $strings);
$DB->set_field_select('tool_customlang', 'modified', 0, 'lang = ?', array($lang));
$sm = get_string_manager();
* Returns full path to the directory where local packs are dumped into
* @param string $lang language code
* @return string full path
public static function get_localpack_location($lang) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->langlocalroot.'/'.$lang.'_local';
* Writes strings into a local language pack file
* @param string $component the name of the component
* @param array $strings
* @return void
protected static function dump_strings($lang, $component, $strings) {
global $CFG;
if ($lang !== clean_param($lang, PARAM_LANG)) {
throw new moodle_exception('Unable to dump local strings for non-installed language pack .'.s($lang));
if ($component !== clean_param($component, PARAM_COMPONENT)) {
throw new coding_exception('Incorrect component name');
if (!$filename = self::get_component_filename($component)) {
throw new moodle_exception('Unable to find the filename for the component '.s($component));
if ($filename !== clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE)) {
throw new coding_exception('Incorrect file name '.s($filename));
list($package, $subpackage) = core_component::normalize_component($component);
$packageinfo = " * @package $package";
if (!is_null($subpackage)) {
$packageinfo .= "\n * @subpackage $subpackage";
$filepath = self::get_localpack_location($lang);
$filepath = $filepath.'/'.$filename;
if (!is_dir(dirname($filepath))) {
if (!$f = fopen($filepath, 'w')) {
throw new moodle_exception('Unable to write '.s($filepath));
fwrite($f, <<<EOF
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Local language pack from $CFG->wwwroot
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
foreach ($strings as $stringid => $text) {
if ($stringid !== clean_param($stringid, PARAM_STRINGID)) {
debugging('Invalid string identifier '.s($stringid));
fwrite($f, '$string[\'' . $stringid . '\'] = ');
fwrite($f, var_export($text, true));
fwrite($f, ";\n");
@chmod($filepath, $CFG->filepermissions);
* Returns the name of the file where the component's local strings should be exported into
* @param string $component normalized name of the component, eg 'core' or 'mod_workshop'
* @return string|boolean filename eg 'moodle.php' or 'workshop.php', false if not found
protected static function get_component_filename($component) {
$return = false;
foreach (self::list_components() as $legacy => $normalized) {
if ($component === $normalized) {
$return = $legacy.'.php';
return $return;
* Returns the number of modified strings checked out in the translator
* @param string $lang language code
* @return int
public static function get_count_of_modified($lang) {
global $DB;
return $DB->count_records('tool_customlang', array('lang'=>$lang, 'modified'=>1));
* Saves filter data into a persistant storage such as user session
* @see self::load_filter()
* @param stdclass $data filter values
* @param stdclass $persistant storage object
public static function save_filter(stdclass $data, stdclass $persistant) {
if (!isset($persistant->tool_customlang_filter)) {
$persistant->tool_customlang_filter = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($key !== 'submit') {
$persistant->tool_customlang_filter[$key] = serialize($value);
* Loads the previously saved filter settings from a persistent storage
* @see self::save_filter()
* @param stdclass $persistant storage object
* @return stdclass filter data
public static function load_filter(stdclass $persistant) {
$data = new stdclass();
if (isset($persistant->tool_customlang_filter)) {
foreach ($persistant->tool_customlang_filter as $key => $value) {
$data->{$key} = unserialize($value);
return $data;
* Represents the action menu of the tool
class tool_customlang_menu implements renderable {
/** @var menu items */
protected $items = array();
public function __construct(array $items = array()) {
global $CFG;
foreach ($items as $itemkey => $item) {
$this->add_item($itemkey, $item['title'], $item['url'], empty($item['method']) ? 'post' : $item['method']);
* Returns the menu items
* @return array (string)key => (object)[->(string)title ->(moodle_url)url ->(string)method]
public function get_items() {
return $this->items;
* Adds item into the menu
* @param string $key item identifier
* @param string $title localized action title
* @param moodle_url $url action handler
* @param string $method form method
public function add_item($key, $title, moodle_url $url, $method) {
if (isset($this->items[$key])) {
throw new coding_exception('Menu item already exists');
if (empty($title) or empty($key)) {
throw new coding_exception('Empty title or item key not allowed');
$item = new stdclass();
$item->title = $title;
$item->url = $url;
$item->method = $method;
$this->items[$key] = $item;
* Represents the translation tool
class tool_customlang_translator implements renderable {
/** @var int number of rows per page */
const PERPAGE = 100;
/** @var int total number of the rows int the table */
public $numofrows = 0;
/** @var moodle_url */
public $handler;
/** @var string language code */
public $lang;
/** @var int page to display, starting with page 0 */
public $currentpage = 0;
/** @var array of stdclass strings to display */
public $strings = array();
/** @var stdclass */
protected $filter;
public function __construct(moodle_url $handler, $lang, $filter, $currentpage = 0) {
global $DB;
$this->handler = $handler;
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->filter = $filter;
$this->currentpage = $currentpage;
if (empty($filter) or empty($filter->component)) {
// nothing to do
$this->currentpage = 1;
list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($filter->component, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$csql = "SELECT COUNT(*)";
$fsql = "SELECT s.*, AS component";
$sql = " FROM {tool_customlang_components} c
JOIN {tool_customlang} s ON s.componentid =
WHERE s.lang = :lang
AND $insql";
$params = array_merge(array('lang' => $lang), $inparams);
if (!empty($filter->customized)) {
$sql .= " AND s.local IS NOT NULL";
if (!empty($filter->modified)) {
$sql .= " AND s.modified = 1";
if (!empty($filter->stringid)) {
$sql .= " AND s.stringid = :stringid";
$params['stringid'] = $filter->stringid;
if (!empty($filter->substring)) {
$sql .= " AND (".$DB->sql_like('s.original', ':substringoriginal', false)." OR
".$DB->sql_like('s.master', ':substringmaster', false)." OR
".$DB->sql_like('s.local', ':substringlocal', false).")";
$params['substringoriginal'] = '%'.$filter->substring.'%';
$params['substringmaster'] = '%'.$filter->substring.'%';
$params['substringlocal'] = '%'.$filter->substring.'%';
if (!empty($filter->helps)) {
$sql .= " AND ".$DB->sql_like('s.stringid', ':help', false); //ILIKE
$params['help'] = '%\_help';
} else {
$sql .= " AND ".$DB->sql_like('s.stringid', ':link', false, true, true); //NOT ILIKE
$params['link'] = '%\_link';
$osql = " ORDER BY, s.stringid";
$this->numofrows = $DB->count_records_sql($csql.$sql, $params);
$this->strings = $DB->get_records_sql($fsql.$sql.$osql, $params, ($this->currentpage) * self::PERPAGE, self::PERPAGE);