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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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namespace tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\reporters;
use tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\brickfield_accessibility;
use tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\brickfield_accessibility_reporter;
* Returns the entire document marked-up to highlight problems.
* @package tool_brickfield
* @copyright 2020 onward: Brickfield Education Labs,
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class report_demo extends brickfield_accessibility_reporter {
* @var array An array of the classnames to be associated with items
public $classnames = [
brickfield_accessibility::BA_TEST_SEVERE => 'testlevel_severe',
brickfield_accessibility::BA_TEST_MODERATE => 'testlevel_moderate',
brickfield_accessibility::BA_TEST_SUGGESTION => 'testlevel_suggestion',
* The get_report method - we iterate through every test item and
* add additional attributes to build the report UI.
* @return string A fully-formed HTML document.
public function get_report(): string {
$problems = $this->guideline->get_report();
if (is_array($problems)) {
foreach ($problems as $testname => $test) {
if (!isset($this->options->display_level) ||
($this->options->display_level >= $test['severity'] && is_array($test))) {
foreach ($test as $problem) {
if (is_object($problem) && property_exists($problem, 'element') && is_object($problem->element)) {
$existing = $problem->element->getAttribute('style');
$existing .'; border: 2px solid red;');
if (isset($this->options->image_url)) {
$image = $this->dom->createElement('img');
$image = $problem->element->parentNode->insertBefore($image, $problem->element);
$image->setAttribute('alt', $testname);
if ($problem->message) {
$image->setAttribute('title', $problem->message);
$image->setAttribute('src', $this->options->image_url[$test['severity']]);
return $this->complete_urls($this->dom->saveHTML(), implode('/', $this->path));
* Finds the final postion of a needle in the haystack.
* @param mixed $haystack
* @param mixed $needle
* @param mixed $occurance
* @param int $pos
* @return false|int
public function strnpos($haystack, $needle, $occurance, int $pos = 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $occurance; $i++) {
$pos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos) + 1;
return $pos - 1;
* A helper function for completeURLs. Parses a URL into an the scheme, host, and path
* @param string $url The URL to parse
* @return array An array that includes the scheme, host, and path of the URL
public function parse_url(string $url): array {
$pattern = "/^(?:(http[s]?):\/\/(?:(.*):(.*)@)?([^\/]+))?((?:[\/])?(?:[^\.]*?)?(?:[\/])?)?(?:([^\/^\.]+)\." .
preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);
$uriparts["scheme"] = $matches[1];
$uriparts["host"] = $matches[4];
$uriparts["path"] = $matches[5];
return $uriparts;
* Turns all relative links to absolute links so that the page can be rendered correctly.
* @param string $html A complete HTML document
* @param string $url The absolute URL to the document
* @return string A HTML document with all the relative links converted to absolute links
public function complete_urls(string $html, string $url) {
$uriparts = $this->parse_url($url);
$path = trim($uriparts["path"], "/");
$hosturl = trim($uriparts["host"], "/");
$host = $uriparts["scheme"]."://".$hosturl."/".$path."/";
$hostnopath = $uriparts["scheme"]."://".$hosturl."/";
// Proxifies local META redirects.
$html = preg_replace('@<META HTTP-EQUIV(.*)URL=/@',
"<META HTTP-EQUIV\$1URL=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?url=".$hostnopath, $html);
// Make sure the host doesn't end in '//'.
$host = rtrim($host, '/')."/";
// Replace '//' with 'http://'.
$pattern = "#(?<=\"|'|=)\/\/#"; // The '|=' is experimental as it's probably not necessary.
$html = preg_replace($pattern, "http://", $html);
// Fully qualifies '"/'.
$html = preg_replace("#\"\/#", "\"".$host, $html);
// Fully qualifies "'/".
$html = preg_replace("#\'\/#", "\'".$host, $html);
// Matches [src|href|background|action]="/ because in the following pattern the '/' shouldn't stay.
$html = preg_replace("#(src|href|background|action)(=\"|='|=(?!'|\"))\/#i", "\$1\$2".$hostnopath, $html);
$html = preg_replace("#(href|src|background|action)(=\"|=(?!'|\")|=')(?!http|ftp|https|\"|'|javascript:|mailto:)#i",
"\$1\$2".$host, $html);
// Points all form actions back to the proxy.
$html = preg_replace('/<form.+?action=\s*(["\']?)([^>\s"\']+)\\1[^>]*>/i',
"<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"original_url\" value=\"$2\">", $html);
// Matches '/[any assortment of chars or nums]/../'.
$html = preg_replace("#\/(\w*?)\/\.\.\/(.*?)>#ims", "/\$2>", $html);
// Matches '/./'.
$html = preg_replace("#\/\.\/(.*?)>#ims", "/\$1>", $html);
// Handles CSS2 imports.
if (strpos($html, "import url(\"http") == false && (strpos($html, "import \"http") == false)
&& strpos($html, "import url(\"www") == false && (strpos($html, "import \"www") == false)) {
$pattern = "#import .(.*?).;#ims";
$mainurl = substr($host, 0, $this->strnpos($host, "/", 3));
$replace = "import '".$mainurl."\$1';";
$html = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $html);
return $html;