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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\common;
* Parse content to check CSS validity.
* This class first parses all the CSS in the document and prepares an index of CSS styles to be used by accessibility tests
* to determine color and positioning.
* First, in loadCSS we get all the inline and linked style sheet information and merge it into a large CSS file string.
* Second, in setStyles we use XPath queries to find all the DOM elements which are effected by CSS styles and then
* build up an index in style_index of all the CSS styles keyed by an attriute we attach to all DOM objects to lookup
* the style quickly.
* Most of the second step is to get around the problem where XPath DOMNodeList objects are only marginally referential
* to the original elements and cannot be altered directly.
* @package tool_brickfield
* @copyright 2020 onward: Brickfield Education Labs,
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class brickfield_accessibility_css {
/** @var object The DOMDocument object of the current document */
public $dom;
/** @var string The URI of the current document */
public $uri;
/** @var string The type of request (inherited from the main htmlchecker object) */
public $type;
/** @var array An array of all the CSS elements and attributes */
public $css;
/** @var string Additional CSS information (usually for CMS mode requests) */
public $cssstring;
/** @var bool Whether or not we are running in CMS mode */
public $cmsmode;
/** @var array An array of all the strings which means the current style inherts from above */
public $inheritancestrings = ['inherit', 'currentColor'];
/** @var array An array of all the styles keyed by the new attribute brickfield_accessibility_style_index */
public $styleindex = [];
/** @var int The next index ID to be applied to a node to lookup later in style_index */
public $nextindex = 0;
/** @var array A list of all the elements which support deprecated styles such as 'background' or 'bgcolor' */
public $deprecatedstyleelements = ['body', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th'];
/** @var array */
public array $path = [];
/** @var array To store additional CSS files to load. */
public array $css_files = [];
* Class constructor. We are just building and importing variables here and then loading the CSS
* @param \DOMDocument $dom The DOMDocument object
* @param string $uri The URI of the request
* @param string $type The type of request
* @param array $path
* @param bool $cmsmode Whether we are running in CMS mode
* @param array $cssfiles An array of additional CSS files to load
public function __construct(\DOMDocument &$dom, string $uri, string $type, array $path, bool $cmsmode = false,
array $cssfiles = []) {
$this->dom =& $dom;
$this->type = $type;
$this->uri = $uri;
$this->path = $path;
$this->cmsmode = $cmsmode;
$this->css_files = $cssfiles;
* Loads all the CSS files from the document using LINK elements or @import commands
private function load_css() {
if (count($this->css_files) > 0) {
$css = $this->css_files;
} else {
$css = [];
$headerstyles = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('style');
foreach ($headerstyles as $headerstyle) {
if ($headerstyle->nodeValue) {
$this->cssstring .= $headerstyle->nodeValue;
$stylesheets = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('link');
foreach ($stylesheets as $style) {
if ($style->hasAttribute('rel') &&
(strtolower($style->getAttribute('rel')) == 'stylesheet') &&
($style->getAttribute('media') != 'print')) {
$css[] = $style->getAttribute('href');
foreach ($css as $sheet) {
$this->cssstring = str_replace(':link', '', $this->cssstring);
* Imports files from the CSS file using @import commands
private function load_imported_files() {
$matches = [];
preg_match_all('/@import (.*?);/i', $this->cssstring, $matches);
if (count($matches[1]) == 0) {
return null;
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$this->load_uri(trim(str_replace('url', '', $match), '"\')('));
preg_replace('/@import (.*?);/i', '', $this->cssstring);
* Returns a specificity count to the given selector.
* Higher specificity means it overrides other styles.
* @param string $selector The CSS Selector
* @return int $specifity
public function get_specificity(string $selector): int {
$selector = $this->parse_selector($selector);
if ($selector[0][0] == ' ') {
$selector = $selector[0];
$specificity = 0;
foreach ($selector as $part) {
switch(substr(str_replace('*', '', $part), 0, 1)) {
case '.':
$specificity += 10;
case '#':
$specificity += 100;
case ':':
if (strpos($part, '[id=') != false) {
$specificity += 100;
return $specificity;
* Interface method for tests to call to lookup the style information for a given DOMNode
* @param \stdClass $element A DOMElement/DOMNode object
* @return array An array of style information (can be empty)
public function get_style($element): array {
// To prevent having to parse CSS unless the info is needed,
// we check here if CSS has been set, and if not, run off the parsing now.
if (!is_a($element, 'DOMElement')) {
return [];
$style = $this->get_node_style($element);
if (isset($style['background-color']) || isset($style['color'])) {
$style = $this->walkup_tree_for_inheritance($element, $style);
if ($element->hasAttribute('style')) {
$inlinestyles = explode(';', $element->getAttribute('style'));
foreach ($inlinestyles as $inlinestyle) {
$s = explode(':', $inlinestyle);
if (isset($s[1])) { // Edit: Make sure the style attribute doesn't have a trailing.
$style[trim($s[0])] = trim(strtolower($s[1]));
if ($element->tagName === 'strong') {
$style['font-weight'] = 'bold';
if ($element->tagName === 'em') {
$style['font-style'] = 'italic';
if (!is_array($style)) {
return [];
return $style;
* Adds a selector to the CSS index
* @param string $key The CSS selector
* @param string $codestr The CSS Style code string
* @return null
private function add_selector(string $key, string $codestr) {
if (strpos($key, '@import') !== false) {
return null;
$key = strtolower($key);
$codestr = strtolower($codestr);
if (!isset($this->css[$key])) {
$this->css[$key] = array();
$codes = explode(';', $codestr);
if (count($codes) > 0) {
foreach ($codes as $code) {
$code = trim($code);
$explode = explode(':', $code, 2);
if (count($explode) > 1) {
list($codekey, $codevalue) = $explode;
if (strlen($codekey) > 0) {
$this->css[$key][trim($codekey)] = trim($codevalue);
* Returns the style from the CSS index for a given element by first
* looking into its tag bucket then iterating over every item for an
* element that matches
* @param \stdClass $element
* @return array An array of all the style elements that _directly_ apply to that element (ignoring inheritance)
private function get_node_style($element): array {
$style = [];
if ($element->hasAttribute('brickfield_accessibility_style_index')) {
$style = $this->styleindex[$element->getAttribute('brickfield_accessibility_style_index')];
// To support the deprecated 'bgcolor' attribute.
if ($element->hasAttribute('bgcolor') && in_array($element->tagName, $this->deprecatedstyleelements)) {
$style['background-color'] = $element->getAttribute('bgcolor');
if ($element->hasAttribute('style')) {
$inlinestyles = explode(';', $element->getAttribute('style'));
foreach ($inlinestyles as $inlinestyle) {
$s = explode(':', $inlinestyle);
if (isset($s[1])) { // Edit: Make sure the style attribute doesn't have a trailing.
$style[trim($s[0])] = trim(strtolower($s[1]));
return $style;
* A helper function to walk up the DOM tree to the end to build an array of styles.
* @param \stdClass $element The DOMNode object to walk up from
* @param array $style The current style built for the node
* @return array The array of the DOM element, altered if it was overruled through css inheritance
private function walkup_tree_for_inheritance($element, array $style): array {
while (property_exists($element->parentNode, 'tagName')) {
$parentstyle = $this->get_node_style($element->parentNode);
if (is_array($parentstyle)) {
foreach ($parentstyle as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($style[$k])) {
$style[$k] = $v;
if ((!isset($style['background-color'])) || strtolower($style['background-color']) == strtolower("#FFFFFF")) {
if ($k == 'background-color') {
$style['background-color'] = $v;
if ((!isset($style['color'])) || strtolower($style['color']) == strtolower("#000000")) {
if ($k == 'color') {
$style['color'] = $v;
$element = $element->parentNode;
return $style;
* Loads a CSS file from a URI
* @param string $rel The URI of the CSS file
private function load_uri(string $rel) {
if ($this->type == 'file') {
$uri = substr($this->uri, 0, strrpos($this->uri, '/')) .'/'.$rel;
} else {
$bfao = new \tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\brickfield_accessibility();
$uri = $bfao->get_absolute_path($this->uri, $rel);
$this->cssstring .= @file_get_contents($uri);
* Formats the CSS to be ready to import into an array of styles
* @return bool Whether there were elements imported or not
private function format_css(): bool {
// Remove comments.
$str = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*)?\*\//Usi", "", $this->cssstring);
// Parse this csscode.
$parts = explode("}", $str);
if (count($parts) > 0) {
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (strpos($part, '{') !== false) {
list($keystr, $codestr) = explode("{", $part);
$keys = explode(", ", trim($keystr));
if (count($keys) > 0) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (strlen($key) > 0) {
$key = str_replace("\n", "", $key);
$key = str_replace("\\", "", $key);
$this->add_selector($key, trim($codestr));
return (count($this->css) > 0);
* Converts a CSS selector to an Xpath query
* @param string $selector The selector to convert
* @return string An Xpath query string
private function get_xpath(string $selector): string {
$query = $this->parse_selector($selector);
$xpath = '//';
foreach ($query[0] as $k => $q) {
if ($q == ' ' && $k) {
$xpath .= '//';
} else if ($q == '>' && $k) {
$xpath .= '/';
} else if (substr($q, 0, 1) == '#') {
$xpath .= '[ @id = "' . str_replace('#', '', $q) . '" ]';
} else if (substr($q, 0, 1) == '.') {
$xpath .= '[ @class = "' . str_replace('.', '', $q) . '" ]';
} else if (substr($q, 0, 1) == '[') {
$xpath .= str_replace('[id', '[ @ id', $q);
} else {
$xpath .= trim($q);
return str_replace('//[', '//*[', str_replace('//[ @', '//*[ @', $xpath));
* Checks that a string is really a regular character
* @param string $char The character
* @return bool Whether the string is a character
private function is_char(string $char): bool {
return extension_loaded('mbstring') ? mb_eregi('\w', $char) : preg_match('@\w@', $char);
* Parses a CSS selector into an array of rules.
* @param string $query The CSS Selector query
* @return array An array of the CSS Selector parsed into rule segments
private function parse_selector(string $query): array {
// Clean spaces.
$query = trim(preg_replace('@\s+@', ' ', preg_replace('@\s*(>|\\+|~)\s*@', '\\1', $query)));
$queries = [[]];
if (!$query) {
return $queries;
$return =& $queries[0];
$specialchars = ['>', ' '];
$specialcharsmapping = [];
$strlen = mb_strlen($query);
$classchars = ['.', '-'];
$pseudochars = ['-'];
$tagchars = ['*', '|', '-'];
// Split multibyte string
$newquery = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
$newquery[] = mb_substr($query, $i, 1);
$query = $newquery;
// It works, but i dont like it...
$i = 0;
while ($i < $strlen) {
$c = $query[$i];
$tmp = '';
// TAG.
if ($this->is_char($c) || in_array($c, $tagchars)) {
while (isset($query[$i]) && ($this->is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $tagchars))) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$return[] = $tmp;
// IDs.
} else if ( $c == '#') {
while (isset($query[$i]) && ($this->is_char($query[$i]) || $query[$i] == '-')) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$return[] = '#'.$tmp;
} else if (in_array($c, $specialchars)) {
$return[] = $c;
} else if ( isset($specialcharsmapping[$c])) {
$return[] = $specialcharsmapping[$c];
} else if ( $c == ',') {
$queries[] = [];
$return =& $queries[count($queries) - 1];
while (isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == ' ') {
} else if ($c == '.') {
while (isset($query[$i]) && ($this->is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $classchars))) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$return[] = $tmp;
// General Sibling Selector.
} else if ($c == '~') {
$spaceallowed = true;
$tmp .= $query[$i++];
while (isset($query[$i])
&& ($this->is_char($query[$i])
|| in_array($query[$i], $classchars)
|| $query[$i] == '*'
|| ($query[$i] == ' ' && $spaceallowed)
)) {
if ($query[$i] != ' ') {
$spaceallowed = false;
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$return[] = $tmp;
// Adjacent sibling selectors.
} else if ($c == '+') {
$spaceallowed = true;
$tmp .= $query[$i++];
while (isset($query[$i])
&& ($this->is_char($query[$i])
|| in_array($query[$i], $classchars)
|| $query[$i] == '*'
|| ($spaceallowed && $query[$i] == ' ')
)) {
if ($query[$i] != ' ') {
$spaceallowed = false;
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$return[] = $tmp;
} else if ($c == '[') {
$stack = 1;
$tmp .= $c;
while (isset($query[++$i])) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
if ( $query[$i] == '[') {
} else if ( $query[$i] == ']') {
if (!$stack) {
$return[] = $tmp;
} else if ($c == ':') {
$stack = 1;
$tmp .= $query[$i++];
while (isset($query[$i]) && ($this->is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $pseudochars))) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
// With arguments?
if (isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == '(') {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
$stack = 1;
while (isset($query[++$i])) {
$tmp .= $query[$i];
if ( $query[$i] == '(') {
} else if ( $query[$i] == ')') {
if (!$stack) {
$return[] = $tmp;
} else {
$return[] = $tmp;
} else {
foreach ($queries as $k => $q) {
if (isset($q[0])) {
if (isset($q[0][0]) && $q[0][0] == ':') {
array_unshift($queries[$k], '*');
if ($q[0] != '>') {
array_unshift($queries[$k], ' ');
return $queries;