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@tool @tool_behat
Feature: List the system steps definitions
In order to create new tests
As a tests writer
I need to list and filter the system steps definitions
Given I am on homepage
And I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Acceptance testing" in site administration
Scenario: Accessing the list
Then I should see "Step definitions"
And I should not see "There aren't steps definitions matching this filter"
And I should not see "the following \"ELEMENT_STRING\" exist:"
And "entities1" "select" should exist
And the "entities1" select box should contain "users"
And the "entities1" select box should contain "mod_assign > submissions"
Scenario: Filtering by type
Given I set the field "Type" to "Then. Checkings to ensure the outcomes are the expected ones"
When I press "Filter"
Then I should see "Checks, that page contains specified text."
And I should not see "Opens Moodle homepage."
Scenario: Filtering by keyword
Given I set the field "Contains" to "homepage"
When I press "Filter"
Then I should see "Opens Moodle homepage."
Scenario: Filtering by the multiple words pattern
Given I set the field "Contains" to "should exist"
When I press "Filter"
Then I should not see "There aren't steps definitions matching this filter"
And I should see "Checks the provided element and selector type exists in the current page."
And I should see "Checks that an element and selector type exists in another element and selector type on the current page."
Scenario: Get required fields
Given I set the field "entities1" to "users"
And I should see "| username |"
When I set the field "entities1" to "mod_quiz > user overrides"
Then I should not see "| username |"
And I should see "| quiz | user |"