Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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    This file is part of Moodle -

    Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
    @template tool_analytics/restorable_models

    Displays the list of missing prediction models that can be restored.

    Classes required for JS:
    * The list should be wrapped within a id="restorablemodelslist" element.

    Data attributes required for JS:
    * [data-widget="toggle"] indicates the clickable element for expanding/collapsing
      the list of indicators used by the given model.
    * [data-select] indicates a clickable element used for selecting multiple checkboxes.
    * [data-component] should be set for checkboxes that select the particular model.

    Context variables required for this template:
    * hasdata: boolean - do we have data to display
    * submiturl: string - URL where the form should be submitted
    * backurl: string - URL where the user should be sent without making any changes
    * sesskey: string
    * components: array - list of components to display
        - name: string - human readable name of the component
        - component: string - frankenstyle name of the component
        - models: array - list of restorable models provided by the component
            + defid: string - model definition identifier
            + targetname: string - human readable name of the target
            + targetclass: string - fully qualified classname of the target
            + indicatorsnum: int - number of indicators
            + indicators: array - list of indicators
                ~ name: string - human readable name of the indicator
                ~ classname: string - fully qualified classname of the indicator

    Example context (json):
        "hasdata": true,
        "submiturl": "",
        "backurl": "",
        "sesskey": "abcdefg123456",
        "components": [
                "name": "Core",
                "component": "core",
                "models": [
                        "defid": "id24680aceg",
                        "targetname": "Courses at risk of not starting",
                        "targetclass": "\\core\\analytics\\target\\no_teaching",
                        "indicatorsnum": 2,
                        "indicators": [
                                "name": "There are no teachers",
                                "classname": "\\core\\analytics\\indicator\\no_teacher"
                                "name": "There are no students",
                                "classname": "\\core\\analytics\\indicator\\no_students"
                        "defid": "id13579bdfi",
                        "targetname": "Students at risk of dropping out",
                        "targetclass": "\\core\\analytics\\target\\course_dropout",
                        "indicatorsnum": 1,
                        "indicators": [
                                "name": "Read actions amount",
                                "classname": "\\core\\analytics\\indicator\\read_actions"
                "name": "Custom analytics plugin",
                "component": "tool_customanalytics",
                "models": [
                        "defid": "id566dsgffg655",
                        "targetname": "Cheater",
                        "targetclass": "\\tool_customanalytics\\analytics\\target\\cheater",
                        "indicatorsnum": 1,
                        "indicators": [
                                "name": "Copy-pasted submissions",
                                "classname": "\\tool_customanalytics\\analytics\\indicator\\copy_paster_submissions"
<div class="box">
    <p>{{#str}} restoredefaultnone, tool_analytics {{/str}}</p>
    <div><a href="{{backurl}}" class="btn btn-secondary">{{#str}} back {{/str}}</a></div>

    <p>{{#str}} restoredefaultinfo, tool_analytics {{/str}}</p>
    <form method="post" action="{{submiturl}}">
        <table id="restorablemodelslist" class="generaltable fullwidth">
                <col width="10%">
                <col width="45%">
                <col width="45%">
                    <th scope="col"><a href="" data-select="*">{{#str}} selectall {{/str}}</a></th>
                    <th scope="col">{{#str}} target, tool_analytics {{/str}}</th>
                    <th scope="col">{{#str}} indicators, tool_analytics {{/str}}</th>
                    <th scope="rowgroup" colspan="3">
                        <span class="component-name">
                            <a href=""
                                    title="{{#str}} componentselect, tool_analytics, {{name}} {{/str}}"
                        <div><small class="component-frankenstyle">{{component}}</small></div>
                        <input data-component="{{component}}" type="checkbox" name="restoreid[]" value="{{defid}}">
                        <span class="target-name">{{targetname}}</span>
                        <div><small class="target-class">{{targetclass}}</small></div>
                        <a data-widget="toggle"
                                title="{{#str}} clicktohideshow {{/str}}"
                            {{#str}} indicatorsnum, tool_analytics, {{indicatorsnum}} {{/str}}
                        <ul class="hidden listunstyled" id="indicators-{{defid}}">
            <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="{{#str}} restoredefaultsubmit, tool_analytics {{/str}}">
            <input class="btn btn-secondary" type="reset" value="{{#str}} componentselectnone, tool_analytics {{/str}}">
            <a href="{{backurl}}" class="btn btn-secondary">{{#str}} back {{/str}}</a>
            <input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="{{sesskey}}">

require(['jquery'], function($) {

    // Toggle the visibility of the indicators list.
    $('#restorablemodelslist').on('click', '[data-widget="toggle"]', function(e) {
        var toggle = $(e.currentTarget);
        var listid = toggle.attr('aria-controls');


        if (toggle.attr('aria-expanded') == 'false') {
            toggle.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
        } else {
            toggle.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');

    // Selecting all / all in component checkboxes.
    $('#restorablemodelslist').on('click', '[data-select]', function(e) {
        var handler = $(e.currentTarget);
        var component = handler.attr('data-select');

        if (component == '*') {
            $('input[data-component]').prop('checked', true);
        } else {
            $('input[data-component="' + component + '"]').prop('checked', true);