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@tool @tool_admin_presets @javascript
Feature: Admin preset deletion
Background: Create a preset to delete
Given I log in as "admin"
And the following "tool_admin_presets > preset" exist:
| name |
| Custom preset |
And I navigate to "Site admin presets" in site administration
Scenario: Core preset settings can't be deleted
Given I should see "Starter"
And I should see "Full"
And I should see "Custom preset"
When I open the action menu in "Custom preset" "table_row"
And I should see "Delete"
And I press the escape key
And I open the action menu in "Full" "table_row"
Then I should not see "Delete"
And I press the escape key
And I open the action menu in "Starter" "table_row"
And I should not see "Delete"
Scenario: Custom preset settings can be deleted
Given I should see "Custom preset"
And I open the action menu in "Custom preset" "table_row"
When I choose "Delete" in the open action menu
And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the site admin preset Custom preset?"
And I should not see "This preset has been previously applied"
And I click on "Cancel" "button"
And I should see "Presets allow you to easily switch between different site admin configurations."
And "Custom preset" "table_row" should exist
And I open the action menu in "Custom preset" "table_row"
And I choose "Delete" in the open action menu
And I should not see "This preset has been previously applied"
And I click on "Delete" "button"
And I should see "Presets allow you to easily switch between different site admin configurations."
Then "Custom preset" "table_row" should not exist
Scenario: Delete preset that has been applied
Given I open the action menu in "Custom preset" "table_row"
And I choose "Review settings and apply" in the open action menu
And I click on "Apply" "button"
And I navigate to "Site admin presets" in site administration
When I open the action menu in "Custom preset" "table_row"
And I choose "Delete" in the open action menu
And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the site admin preset Custom preset?"
Then I should see "This preset has been previously applied"
And I click on "Delete" "button"
And I should see "Presets allow you to easily switch between different site admin configurations"
And "Custom preset" "table_row" should not exist