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@core @core_admin
Feature: Purge caches
In order to see changes to cached data
As a Moodle administrator
I want manually purge different data and file caches
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Development > Purge caches" in site administration
Scenario: Purge all caches
Given I should not see "All caches were purged"
When I press "Purge all caches"
Then I should see "All caches were purged"
Scenario: Purge selected caches
Given I should not see "Selected caches were purged"
When I set the field "Themes" to "1"
And I click on "Purge selected caches" "button" in the "#fitem_id_purgeselectedcaches" "css_element"
Then I should see "The selected caches were purged"
Scenario: Purge selected caches without selecting any caches
Given I should not see "Select one or more caches to purge"
And I click on "Purge selected caches" "button" in the "#fitem_id_purgeselectedcaches" "css_element"
Then I should not see "The selected caches were purged"
And I should see "Select one or more caches to purge"
Scenario: Redirect back to the original page after following a Purge all caches link
Given I am on site homepage
And I should see "Available courses"
And I should not see "All caches were purged"
When I follow "Purge all caches"
Then I should see "All caches were purged"
And I should see "Available courses"