AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@core @core_admin
Feature: MoodleNet outbound configuration
In order to send activity/resource to MoodleNet
As a Moodle administrator
I need to set outbound configuration
Given I log in as "admin"
Scenario: Share to MoodleNet experimental flag
Given I navigate to "Development > Experimental" in site administration
Then "Enable sharing to MoodleNet" "field" should exist
And the field "Enable sharing to MoodleNet" matches value "0"
Scenario: Outbound configuration without experimental flag enable yet
Given I navigate to "MoodleNet" in site administration
Then I should not see "MoodleNet outbound settings"
Scenario: Outbound configuration without OAuth 2 service setup yet
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| enablesharingtomoodlenet | 1 |
When I navigate to "MoodleNet" in site administration
Then I should see "MoodleNet outbound settings"
And I click on "MoodleNet outbound settings" "link"
And the field "OAuth 2 service" matches value "None"
And I should see "Select a MoodleNet OAuth 2 service to enable sharing to that MoodleNet site. If the service doesn't exist yet, you will need to create it."
And I click on "create" "link"
And I should see "OAuth 2 services"
Scenario: Outbound configuration with OAuth 2 service setup
Given a MoodleNet mock server is configured
And the following config values are set as admin:
| enablesharingtomoodlenet | 1 |
And I navigate to "Server > OAuth 2 services" in site administration
And I press "Custom"
And I should see "Create new service: Custom"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Name | Testing custom service |
| Client ID | thisistheclientid |
| Client secret | supersecret |
And I press "Save changes"
When I navigate to "MoodleNet > MoodleNet outbound settings" in site administration
Then the field "OAuth 2 service" matches value "None"
And I navigate to "Server > OAuth 2 services" in site administration
And I press "MoodleNet"
And I should see "Create new service: MoodleNet"
And I change the MoodleNet field "Service base URL" to mock server
And I press "Save changes"
And I navigate to "MoodleNet > MoodleNet outbound settings" in site administration
And the "OAuth 2 service" "field" should be enabled
And I should see "MoodleNet" in the "OAuth 2 service" "select"
And I should not see "Testing custom service" in the "OAuth 2 service" "select"