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* This class filters the rows of a table like the one on the define or
* override roles pages. It adds a search box just above the table, and if
* content is typed into that box, it hides any rows in the table where the
* capability name does not contain that text.
* Role namespace
M.core_role = {};
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {string} tableid
* @param {int} contextid
M.core_role.init_cap_table_filter = function(Y, tableid, contextid) {
var CapTableFilter = function(tableid) {
this.tableid = tableid;
this.context = contextid;
CapTableFilter.prototype = {
tableid : null, // ID of the cap table
context : null, // Context ID associated with what ever we are looking at
delayhandle : -1,
searchdelay : 100, // milliseconds
table : null,
div : null,
input : null,
label : null,
button : null,
* Initialises the CapTableFilter object.
* This is called initializer so that a move to convert this to a proper
* YUI module will be easier.
initializer : function() {
// Get any existing filter value
var filtervalue = this.getFilterCookieValue();
// Find the form controls.
this.table ='#'+this.tableid);
// Create a div to hold the search UI.
this.div = Y.Node.create('<div class="capabilitysearchui d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center"></div>').setStyles({
width : this.table.get('offsetWidth'),
marginLeft : 'auto',
marginRight : 'auto'
// Create the capability search input.
this.input = Y.Node.create('<input class="form-control mx-1" type="text"' +
' id="'+this.table.get('id')+'capabilitysearch" value="'+Y.Escape.html(filtervalue)+'" />');
// Create a label for the search input.
this.label = Y.Node.create('<label for="' + this.input.get('id') + '">' +
M.util.get_string('filter', 'moodle') + ' </label>');
// Create a clear button to clear the input.
this.button = Y.Node.create('<input type="button" class="btn btn-primary"' +
' value="'+M.util.get_string('clear', 'moodle')+'" />').set('disabled', filtervalue=='');
// Tie it all together
// Insert it into the div
this.table.ancestor().insert(this.div, this.table);
// Wire the events so it actually does something
this.input.on('keyup', this.change, this);
this.button.on('click', this.clear, this);
if (filtervalue != '') {
* Sets a cookie that describes the filter value.
* The cookie stores the context, and the time it was created and upon
* retrieval is checked to ensure that the cookie is for the correct
* context and is no more than an hour old.
setFilterCookieValue : function(value) {
var cookie = {
fltcontext : this.context,
flttime : new Date().getTime(),
fltvalue : value
Y.Cookie.setSubs("captblflt", cookie);
* Gets the existing filter value if there is one.
* The cookie stores the context, and the time it was created and upon
* retrieval is checked to ensure that the cookie is for the correct
* context and is no more than an hour old.
getFilterCookieValue : function() {
var cookie = Y.Cookie.getSubs('captblflt');
if (cookie!=null && cookie.fltcontext && cookie.fltcontext == this.context && parseInt(cookie.flttime) > new Date().getTime()-(60*60*1000)) {
return cookie.fltvalue;
return '';
* Clears the filter value.
clear : function() {
this.input.set('value', '');
if (this.delayhandle != -1) {
this.delayhandle = -1;
* Event callback for when the filter value changes
change : function() {
var self = this;
var handle = setTimeout(function(){self.filter();}, this.searchdelay);
if (this.delayhandle != -1) {
this.delayhandle = handle;
* Marks a row as visible or hidden
setVisible : function(row, visible) {
if (visible) {
} else {
* Filters the capability table
filter : function() {
var filtertext = this.input.get('value').toLowerCase(),
lastheading = null;
this.button.set('disabled', (filtertext == ''));
if (row.hasClass('rolecapheading')) {
this.setVisible(row, false);
lastheading = row;
if (row.hasClass('rolecap')) {
var capname ='.cap-name').get('text') + '|' +'.cap-desc a').get('text').toLowerCase();
if (capname.indexOf(filtertext) >= 0) {
this.setVisible(row, true);
if (lastheading) {
this.setVisible(lastheading, true);
lastheading = null;
} else {
this.setVisible(row, false);
}, this);
new CapTableFilter(tableid);
M.core_role.init_add_assign_page = function(Y) {
var add ='#add');
var addselect = M.core_user.get_user_selector('addselect');
add.set('disabled', addselect.is_selection_empty());
addselect.on('user_selector:selectionchanged', function(isempty) {
add.set('disabled', isempty);
var remove ='#remove');
var removeselect = M.core_user.get_user_selector('removeselect');
remove.set('disabled', removeselect.is_selection_empty());
removeselect.on('user_selector:selectionchanged', function(isempty) {
remove.set('disabled', isempty);