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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core_adminpresets;
use moodle_exception;
use stdClass;
* Tests for the manager class.
* @package core_adminpresets
* @category test
* @copyright 2021 Sara Arjona (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @coversDefaultClass \core_adminpresets\manager
class manager_test extends \advanced_testcase {
* Include required libraries.
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void {
global $CFG;
* Test the behaviour of protected get_site_settings method.
* @covers ::get_site_settings
* @covers ::get_settings
public function test_manager_get_site_settings(): void {
global $DB;
// Login as admin, to access all the settings.
$manager = new manager();
$result = $manager->get_site_settings();
// Check fullname is set into the none category.
$this->assertEquals('PHPUnit test site', $result['none']['fullname']->get_value());
// Check some of the config setting is present (they should be stored in the "none" category).
$this->assertEquals(1, $result['none']['enablecompletion']->get_value());
// Check some of the plugin config settings is present.
$this->assertEquals(0, $result['folder']['maxsizetodownload']->get_value());
// Set some of these values.
$sitecourse = new stdClass();
$sitecourse->id = 1;
$sitecourse->fullname = 'New site fullname';
$DB->update_record('course', $sitecourse);
set_config('enablecompletion', 0);
set_config('maxsizetodownload', 101, 'folder');
// Check the new values are returned properly.
$result = $manager->get_site_settings();
// Site fullname.
$this->assertEquals($sitecourse->fullname, $result['none']['fullname']->get_value());
// Config setting.
$this->assertEquals(0, $result['none']['enablecompletion']->get_value());
// Plugin config settting.
$this->assertEquals(101, $result['folder']['maxsizetodownload']->get_value());
* Test the behaviour of protected get_setting method.
* @covers ::get_setting
* @covers ::get_settings_class
public function test_manager_get_setting(): void {
// Login as admin, to access all the settings.
$adminroot = admin_get_root();
// Check the adminpresets_xxxxx class is created properly when it exists.
$settingpage = $adminroot->locate('optionalsubsystems');
$settingdata = $settingpage->settings->enablebadges;
$manager = new manager();
$result = $manager->get_setting($settingdata, '');
$this->assertInstanceOf('\core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_admin_setting_configcheckbox', $result);
$this->assertNotEquals('core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_setting', get_class($result));
// Check the mapped class is returned when no specific class exists and it exists in the mappings array.
$settingpage = $adminroot->locate('h5psettings');
$settingdata = $settingpage->settings->h5plibraryhandler;;
$result = $manager->get_setting($settingdata, '');
$this->assertInstanceOf('\core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_admin_setting_configselect', $result);
// Check the mapped class is returned when no specific class exists and it exists in the mappings array.
$settingpage = $adminroot->locate('modsettingquiz');
$settingdata = $settingpage->settings->quizbrowsersecurity;;
$result = $manager->get_setting($settingdata, '');
$this->assertInstanceOf(\mod_quiz\adminpresets\adminpresets_browser_security_setting::class, $result);
$this->assertNotEquals(\core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_setting::class, get_class($result));
// Check the adminpresets_setting class is returned when no specific class exists.
$settingpage = $adminroot->locate('managecustomfields');
$settingdata = $settingpage->settings->customfieldsui;;
$result = $manager->get_setting($settingdata, '');
$this->assertInstanceOf('\core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_setting', $result);
$this->assertEquals('core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_setting', get_class($result));
* Test the behaviour of apply_preset() method when the given presetid doesn't exist.
* @covers ::apply_preset
public function test_apply_preset_unexisting_preset(): void {
// Create some presets.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset();
// Unexisting preset identifier.
$unexistingid = $presetid * 2;
$manager = new manager();
* Test the behaviour of apply_preset() method.
* @covers ::apply_preset
public function test_apply_preset(): void {
global $DB;
// Create a preset.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset();
$currentpresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets');
$currentitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it');
$currentadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a');
$currentplugins = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_plug');
$currentapppresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_app');
$currentappitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_app_it');
$currentappadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_app_it_a');
$currentappplugins = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_app_plug');
// Set the config values (to confirm they change after applying the preset).
set_config('enablebadges', 1);
set_config('allowemojipicker', 1);
set_config('mediawidth', '640', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers', '5', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers_adv', '1', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('enablecompletion', 1);
set_config('usecomments', 0);
// Call the apply_preset method.
$manager = new manager();
// Check the preset applied has been added to database.
$this->assertCount($currentapppresets + 1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app'));
// Applied items: enablebadges@none, mediawitdh@mod_lesson and maxanswers@@mod_lesson.
$this->assertCount($currentappitems + 3, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it'));
// Applied advanced items: maxanswers_adv@mod_lesson.
$this->assertCount($currentappadvitems + 1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it_a'));
// Applied plugins: enrol_guest and mod_glossary.
$this->assertCount($currentappplugins + 2, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_plug'));
// Check no new preset has been created.
$this->assertCount($currentpresets, $DB->get_records('adminpresets'));
$this->assertCount($currentitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it'));
$this->assertCount($currentadvitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it_a'));
$this->assertCount($currentplugins, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_plug'));
// Check the setting values have changed accordingly with the ones defined in the preset.
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('core', 'enablebadges'));
$this->assertEquals(900, get_config('mod_lesson', 'mediawidth'));
$this->assertEquals(2, get_config('mod_lesson', 'maxanswers'));
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('mod_lesson', 'maxanswers_adv'));
// These settings will never change.
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'allowemojipicker'));
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'enablecompletion'));
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('core', 'usecomments'));
// Check the plugins visibility have changed accordingly with the ones defined in the preset.
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\enrol::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('guest', $enabledplugins);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('manual', $enabledplugins);
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\mod::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('glossary', $enabledplugins);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('assign', $enabledplugins);
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\qtype::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('truefalse', $enabledplugins);
// Check the presetid has been also stored in the lastpresetapplied config setting.
$this->assertEquals($presetid, get_config('adminpresets', 'lastpresetapplied'));
// Call apply_preset as a simulation, so it shouldn't be applied and lastpresetapplied should still be $presetid.
$presetid2 = $generator->create_preset();
$manager->apply_preset($presetid2, true);
$this->assertEquals($presetid, get_config('adminpresets', 'lastpresetapplied'));
* Test the behaviour of export_preset() method.
* @covers ::export_preset
* @dataProvider export_preset_provider
* @param bool $includesensible Whether the sensible settings should be exported too or not.
* @param string $presetname Preset name.
public function test_export_preset(bool $includesensible = false, string $presetname = 'Export 1'): void {
global $DB;
// Get current presets and items.
$currentpresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets');
$currentadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a');
// Initialise some settings (to compare their values have been exported as expected).
set_config('recaptchapublickey', 'abcde');
set_config('enablebadges', '0');
set_config('mediawidth', '900', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers', '2', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers_adv', '0', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('defaultfeedback', '0', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('defaultfeedback_adv', '1', 'mod_lesson');
// Prepare the data to export preset.
$data = [
'name' => $presetname,
'comments' => ['text' => 'This is a presets for testing export'],
'author' => 'Super-Girl',
'includesensiblesettings' => $includesensible,
// Call the method to be tested.
$manager = new manager();
list($presetid, $settingsfound, $pluginsfound) = $manager->export_preset((object) $data);
// Check the preset record has been created.
$presets = $DB->get_records('adminpresets');
$this->assertCount($currentpresets + 1, $presets);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($presetid, $presets);
$preset = $presets[$presetid];
$this->assertEquals($presetname, $preset->name);
$this->assertEquals(manager::NONCORE_PRESET, $preset->iscore);
// Check the preset includes settings and plugins.
// Check the items, advanced attributes and plugins have been created.
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid]));
$this->assertGreaterThan($currentadvitems, $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a'));
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $DB->count_records('adminpresets_plug', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid]));
// Check settings have been created with the expected values.
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'none', 'name' => 'enablebadges'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
$this->assertEquals('0', $setting->value);
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'mod_lesson', 'name' => 'mediawidth'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
$this->assertEquals('900', $setting->value);
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'mod_lesson', 'name' => 'maxanswers'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
$this->assertEquals('2', $setting->value);
$params = ['itemid' => $setting->id, 'name' => 'maxanswers_adv'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it_a', $params);
$this->assertEquals('0', $setting->value);
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'mod_lesson', 'name' => 'defaultfeedback'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
$this->assertEquals('0', $setting->value);
$params = ['itemid' => $setting->id, 'name' => 'defaultfeedback_adv'];
$setting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it_a', $params);
$this->assertEquals('1', $setting->value);
// Check plugins have been created with the expected values.
$manager = \core_plugin_manager::instance();
$plugintype = 'enrol';
$plugins = $manager->get_present_plugins($plugintype);
$enabledplugins = $manager->get_enabled_plugins($plugintype);
foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $unused) {
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => $plugintype, 'name' => $pluginname];
$plugin = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_plug', $params);
$enabled = (!empty($enabledplugins) && array_key_exists($pluginname, $enabledplugins));
$this->assertEquals($enabled, (bool) $plugin->enabled);
// Check whether sensible settings have been exported or not.
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'none', 'name' => 'recaptchapublickey'];
$recaptchasetting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
$params = ['adminpresetid' => $presetid, 'plugin' => 'none', 'name' => 'cronremotepassword'];
$cronsetting = $DB->get_record('adminpresets_it', $params);
if ($includesensible) {
$this->assertEquals('abcde', $recaptchasetting->value);
} else {
* Data provider for test_export_preset().
* @return array
public function export_preset_provider(): array {
return [
'Export settings and plugins, excluding sensible' => [
'includesensible' => false,
'Export settings and plugins, including sensible' => [
'includesensible' => true,
'Export settings and plugins, with Starter name (it should not be marked as core)' => [
'includesensible' => false,
'presetname' => 'Starter',
'Export settings and plugins, with Full name (it should not be marked as core)' => [
'includesensible' => false,
'presetname' => 'Full',
* Test the behaviour of download_preset() method, when the given presetid doesn't exist.
* @covers ::download_preset
public function test_download_unexisting_preset(): void {
// Create some presets.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset();
// Unexisting preset identifier.
$unexistingid = $presetid * 2;
$manager = new manager();
* Test the behaviour of import_preset() method.
* @dataProvider import_preset_provider
* @covers ::import_preset
* @param string $filecontents File content to import.
* @param bool $expectedpreset Whether the preset should be created or not.
* @param bool $expectedsettings Whether settings will be created or not.
* @param bool $expectedplugins Whether plugins will be created or not.
* @param bool $expecteddebugging Whether debugging message will be thrown or not.
* @param string|null $expectedexception Expected exception class (if that's the case).
* @param string|null $expectedpresetname Expected preset name.
public function test_import_preset(string $filecontents, bool $expectedpreset, bool $expectedsettings = false,
bool $expectedplugins = false, bool $expecteddebugging = false, string $expectedexception = null,
string $expectedpresetname = 'Imported preset'): void {
global $DB;
$currentpresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets');
$currentitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it');
$currentadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a');
// Call the method to be tested.
$manager = new manager();
try {
list($xml, $preset, $settingsfound, $pluginsfound) = $manager->import_preset($filecontents);
} catch (\exception $e) {
if ($expectedexception) {
$this->assertInstanceOf($expectedexception, $e);
} finally {
if ($expecteddebugging) {
if ($expectedpreset) {
// Check the preset record has been created.
$presets = $DB->get_records('adminpresets');
$this->assertCount($currentpresets + 1, $presets);
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$this->assertArrayHasKey($preset->id, $presets);
$preset = $presets[$preset->id];
$this->assertEquals($expectedpresetname, $preset->name);
$this->assertEquals('http://demo.moodle', $preset->site);
$this->assertEquals('Ada Lovelace', $preset->author);
$this->assertEquals(manager::NONCORE_PRESET, $preset->iscore);
if ($expectedsettings) {
// Check the items have been created.
$items = $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it', ['adminpresetid' => $preset->id]);
$this->assertCount(4, $items);
$presetitems = [
'none' => [
'enablebadges' => 0,
'enableportfolios' => 1,
'allowemojipicker' => 1,
'mod_lesson' => [
'mediawidth' => 900,
'maxanswers' => 2,
foreach ($items as $item) {
$this->assertArrayHasKey($item->name, $presetitems[$item->plugin]);
$this->assertEquals($presetitems[$item->plugin][$item->name], $item->value);
// Check the advanced attributes have been created.
$advitems = $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it_a');
$this->assertCount($currentadvitems + 1, $advitems);
$advitemfound = false;
foreach ($advitems as $advitem) {
if ($advitem->name == 'maxanswers_adv') {
$advitemfound = true;
if ($expectedplugins) {
// Check the plugins have been created.
$plugins = $DB->get_records('adminpresets_plug', ['adminpresetid' => $preset->id]);
$this->assertCount(6, $plugins);
$presetplugins = [
'atto' => [
'html' => 1,
'block' => [
'html' => 0,
'activity_modules' => 1,
'mod' => [
'chat' => 0,
'data' => 0,
'lesson' => 1,
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$this->assertArrayHasKey($plugin->name, $presetplugins[$plugin->plugin]);
$this->assertEquals($presetplugins[$plugin->plugin][$plugin->name], $plugin->enabled);
} else {
// Check the preset nor the items are not created.
$this->assertCount($currentpresets, $DB->get_records('adminpresets'));
$this->assertCount($currentitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it'));
$this->assertCount($currentadvitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it_a'));
* Data provider for test_import_preset().
* @return array
public function import_preset_provider(): array {
return [
'Import settings from an empty file' => [
'filecontents' => '',
'expectedpreset' => false,
'Import settings and plugins from a valid XML file' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/import_settings_plugins.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => true,
'expectedsettings' => true,
'expectedplugins' => true,
'Import only settings from a valid XML file' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/import_settings.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => true,
'expectedsettings' => true,
'expectedplugins' => false,
'Import settings and plugins from a valid XML file with Starter name, which will be marked as non-core' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/import_starter_name.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => true,
'expectedsettings' => true,
'expectedplugins' => true,
'expecteddebugging' => false,
'expectedexception' => null,
'expectedpresetname' => 'Starter',
'Import settings from an invalid XML file' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/invalid_xml_file.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => false,
'expectedsettings' => false,
'expectedplugins' => false,
'expecteddebugging' => false,
'expectedexception' => \Exception::class,
'Import unexisting settings category' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/unexisting_category.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => false,
'expectedsettings' => false,
'expectedplugins' => false,
'Import unexisting setting' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/unexisting_setting.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => false,
'expectedsettings' => false,
'expectedplugins' => false,
'expecteddebugging' => true,
'Import valid settings with one unexisting setting too' => [
'filecontents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/import_settings_with_unexisting_setting.xml'),
'expectedpreset' => true,
'expectedsettings' => false,
'expectedplugins' => false,
'expecteddebugging' => true,
* Test the behaviour of delete_preset() method when the preset id doesn't exist.
* @covers ::delete_preset
public function test_delete_preset_unexisting_preset(): void {
// Create some presets.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset(['name' => 'Preset 1']);
// Unexisting preset identifier.
$unexistingid = $presetid * 2;
$manager = new manager();
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Error deleting from database');
* Test trying to delete the core/pre-defined presets
* @covers ::delete_preset
public function test_delete_preset_core(): void {
global $DB;
$starterpreset = $DB->get_record('adminpresets', ['iscore' => manager::STARTER_PRESET]);
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Error deleting from database');
(new manager())->delete_preset($starterpreset->id);
* Test the behaviour of delete_preset() method.
* @covers ::delete_preset
public function test_delete_preset(): void {
global $DB;
// Create some presets.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid1 = $generator->create_preset(['name' => 'Preset 1', 'applypreset' => true]);
$presetid2 = $generator->create_preset(['name' => 'Preset 2']);
$currentpresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets');
$currentitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it');
$currentadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a');
$currentplugins = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_plug');
// Only preset1 has been applied.
$this->assertCount(1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app'));
// Only the preset1 settings that have changed: enablebadges, mediawidth and maxanswers.
$this->assertCount(3, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it'));
// Only the preset1 advanced settings that have changed: maxanswers_adv.
$this->assertCount(1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it_a'));
// Only the preset1 plugins that have changed: enrol_guest and mod_glossary.
$this->assertCount(2, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_plug'));
// Call the method to be tested.
$manager = new manager();
// Check the preset data has been removed.
$presets = $DB->get_records('adminpresets');
$this->assertCount($currentpresets - 1, $presets);
$preset = reset($presets);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($presetid2, $presets);
// Check preset items.
$this->assertCount($currentitems - 4, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid1]));
// Check preset advanced items.
$this->assertCount($currentadvitems - 1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it_a'));
// Check preset plugins.
$this->assertCount($currentplugins - 3, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_plug'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_plug', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid1]));
// Check preset applied tables are empty now.
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it_a'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_plug'));
* Test the behaviour of revert_preset() method when the preset applied id doesn't exist.
* @covers ::revert_preset
public function test_revert_preset_unexisting_presetapp(): void {
global $DB;
// Create a preset and apply it.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset(['applypreset' => true]);
$presetappid = $DB->get_field('adminpresets_app', 'id', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid]);
// Unexisting applied preset identifier.
$unexistingid = $presetappid * 2;
$manager = new manager();
* Test the behaviour of revert_preset() method.
* @covers ::revert_preset
public function test_revert_preset(): void {
global $DB;
// Set the config values (to confirm they change after applying the preset).
set_config('enablebadges', 1);
set_config('allowemojipicker', 1);
set_config('mediawidth', '640', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers', '5', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('maxanswers_adv', '1', 'mod_lesson');
set_config('enablecompletion', 1);
set_config('usecomments', 0);
// Create a preset and apply it.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$presetid = $generator->create_preset(['applypreset' => true]);
$presetappid = $DB->get_field('adminpresets_app', 'id', ['adminpresetid' => $presetid]);
$currentpresets = $DB->count_records('adminpresets');
$currentitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it');
$currentadvitems = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_it_a');
$currentplugins = $DB->count_records('adminpresets_plug');
$this->assertCount(1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app'));
$this->assertCount(3, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it'));
$this->assertCount(1, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it_a'));
$this->assertCount(2, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_plug'));
// Check the setttings have changed accordingly after applying the preset.
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('core', 'enablebadges'));
$this->assertEquals(900, get_config('mod_lesson', 'mediawidth'));
$this->assertEquals(2, get_config('mod_lesson', 'maxanswers'));
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'allowemojipicker'));
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'enablecompletion'));
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('core', 'usecomments'));
// Check the plugins visibility have changed accordingly with the ones defined in the preset.
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\enrol::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('guest', $enabledplugins);
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\mod::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('glossary', $enabledplugins);
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\qtype::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('truefalse', $enabledplugins);
// Call the method to be tested.
$manager = new manager();
list($presetapp, $rollback, $failures) = $manager->revert_preset($presetappid);
// Check the preset applied has been reverted (so the records in _appXX tables have been removed).
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_it_a'));
$this->assertCount(0, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_app_plug'));
// Check the preset data hasn't changed.
$this->assertCount($currentpresets, $DB->get_records('adminpresets'));
$this->assertCount($currentitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it'));
$this->assertCount($currentadvitems, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_it_a'));
$this->assertCount($currentplugins, $DB->get_records('adminpresets_plug'));
// Check the setting values have been reverted accordingly.
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'enablebadges'));
$this->assertEquals(640, get_config('mod_lesson', 'mediawidth'));
$this->assertEquals(5, get_config('mod_lesson', 'maxanswers'));
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('mod_lesson', 'maxanswers_adv'));
// These settings won't change, regardless if they are posted to the form.
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'allowemojipicker'));
$this->assertEquals(1, get_config('core', 'enablecompletion'));
$this->assertEquals(0, get_config('core', 'usecomments'));
// Check the plugins visibility have been reverted accordingly.
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\enrol::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('guest', $enabledplugins);
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\mod::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('glossary', $enabledplugins);
// This plugin won't change (because it had the same value than before the preset was applied).
$enabledplugins = \core\plugininfo\qtype::get_enabled_plugins();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('truefalse', $enabledplugins);